Ideas for Santa Claus

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Ideas for Santa Claus

Unread post by Robotech_Elder »

I am requesting some feed back for Santa Claus Rifts style.

Not sure if you are allowed stat him out or what not but if you can and give a short bio that be awesome. Im sure all you creative geniuses out there can help me out.


P.S. if this has been addressed before please just reply with the link for that thread.
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Re: Ideas for Santa Claus

Unread post by Killer Cyborg »

Robotech_Elder wrote:I am requesting some feed back for Santa Claus Rifts style.

Not sure if you are allowed stat him out or what not but if you can and give a short bio that be awesome. Im sure all you creative geniuses out there can help me out.


P.S. if this has been addressed before please just reply with the link for that thread.

I planned to write a Christmas adventure for Rifts that dealt with Santa Claus.

1. He would have a magic toy factory hidden in the North Pole.
2. His Elves would be Asgardian Elves.
3. He would craft magical toys (as well as mundane toys)
4. He would NOT be a Techno-Wizard, or any other standard Rifts OCC.
5. Santa Claus has been frozen in the ice for a LONG time, in suspended animation. Someone or something tricked him and trapped him.
6. The PCs have to make their way to the North Pole, free Santa, and deal with the force/entity/whatever that trapped him there.
7. Santa's Elves have split into two factions. One wants to wake Santa up, the other believes that being frozen is part of Santa's plan, and they want to keep him asleep until he wakes up (unfreezes) on his own.
8. The elves are NOT soft, fluffy, or cute.
9. At some point in the adventure, the PCs would each get a special gift from Santa.
10. If the PCs loot Santa's toyshop, or engage in blatantly immoral behavior, then (after waking up) Santa would bestow them with the Curse of Coal. All their most prized possessions would slowly turn into coal. Not just what they own now, but new stuff as they gain it. Only Santa or a God can lift the curse.
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Unread post by Pepsi Jedi »

Lol I like Cyborgs.

Heh "Santa and the Mercs" Could be fun for a holiday game. Especially if Santa wakes up and grabs a Naurani plasma rifle and starts kicking butt to defend his home.
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Unread post by RockJock »

And here I was thinking a Futurama style Robot Santa.

Anybody come up with anything based around the lizard/demon Santa from the Christmas Grab bags?
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL That is pretty cool KC!!!
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Unread post by taalismn »

Thoth, posing as Santa...He just wants to try this whole 'gift giver' schtick as a personal challenge to his intellectual to deliver the appropriate toys and gifts worldwide to everyone who's been appropriately 'nice', and leave the appropriate penalty to those who have been 'naughty'...

Such massive logistical and organizational problems!
But could it be done?
Maybe Thoth got into a (drunken) bet with Hephasteus or some other maker/judgemental god or goddess....
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Unread post by Reelman »

I ran a Santa Claus game several years ago at Origins and U-Con, it was called Operation Evergreen. The Con blurb went:

As winter peaks a powerful mage again gains a following in areas of the Coalition state of Chi-town. An elite team is dispatched to stop him before its too late!

The CS team was dispatched on a S&D mission into the old American state of Indiana. The CS referred to SC as the Crimson Phantom, many people in the burbs of Chi-town were putting up shrines to the Crimson Phantom hoping to win favor with him around the winter solstice and receive gifts.

The team found evidence of SCs lair around the old American city of Santa Claus Indiana. The lair was surrounded by pine trees (growing in an unnatural formation) and shrouded in fog. They also noted flying creatures that resembled wild deer but had techno-wizardry devices attached to their legs. Upon reaching the perimeter of the compound they observed a pine tree of other worldly size in the center of the compound and numerous buildings, that were used as manufacturing plants, housing, and stables. The compound was inhabited by humanoid D-Bees that were small in stature compared to average humans and more of the odd flying deer. Based on the ornaments of the buildings, the D-Bees, the obvious use of magic and the general unease of the dog boys, the commander decided that this was the place and to attack with a frontal assault.

The D-Bees were tougher than expected but did not seem to be trying to kill their attackers just stun or frighten them away. The RCSG scientist on the team managed to capture and interrogate one of the D-Bees as the fight raged on. The D-Bee confirmed that this was the lair of the Crimson Phantom, but referred to him as Santa. He also said that Santa was not a human but rather an Ice Dragon who was befriended by a person he referred to as Saint Nick hundreds of years ago. The D-Bee finally convinced the scientist that the compound was something called a Fade Town and was getting ready to shift. The RCSG scientist convinced the commander to fall back and come up with a new plan. Once the team had exited the compound, it disappeared into thin air. They reported to CS high command that they had eliminated the Crimson Phantom and destroyed his lair. High command was initially skeptical about the report but within 2 weeks all evidence of the Crimson Phantoms influence had disappeared.
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Santa Claus game...

Unread post by DocS »

Our tongue-in cheek Santa game plot was as follows.

The intrepid party, on Christmas Eve, is given a CS military intelligence report saying "Atlantis staged its largest single slave raid on Dec 24th, one year ago, and has not staged a single slave raid since."

The party then goes to Atlantis to find out what is going on. A thrilling infiltration of Atlantis and Splynn finds out that

1) In the year before last, Splynncryth had been using every means at his disposal to research the greatest containment spells ever created. On December 24th of that year, every Psionic was sent to the main Palace, and the research was stopped.

2) during the last year, Splynncryth has used every measure to turn Atlantis into a Utopia

3) The entire Island has been turned into a Christmas Wonderland, complete with the new "Caroling Kydian" O.C.C.

4) The great Palace of Splynn has been turned into a giant chimney.

5) There is a Nativity scene set up in Dragcona. It even has a Manger. This was done under the direct order of Splynncryth.

6) Splyncryth sent a message via courier to the north pole. A copy of the message has been obtained. In Atlantean runes, the message says only one thing, "bicycle".

7) The Sunaj have been totally diverted from their tasks for the last year and have, instead, been researching cookie recipe's.

The plan? Splynncryth did all the planning *two* years ago, but *this* year, Splynny has been a good little Splugorth, saying his prayers, being a nice little polywog, (He even had his alignment shifted to 'principled' and the memories of his plan erased in order to ensure compliance) and come Christmas, he knows who will come... And once caught, Splynncryth will use the fat man for breeding stock for perhaps the greatest slave line ever known. Now there is a Metzla who can unlock Splynncryth's former personality. This Metzla, needless to say, is not getting anything for Christmas this year.

But for one year, Splynncryth is blameless. Splynncryth has been evil for millenia, being good for only one year is no problem at all.

That Chimney is set with the most terrible traps and imprisonments ever devised. And The Party has to go down it and help The Big Man give Splynncryth the bicycle. The party working alongside Santa on the greatest gift delivery in The Megaverse. Just a party, a fat man, a bicycle.

The kicker!? When they make it through, Splynncryth hasn't had the personality shift yet (The chimney was designed to hold the jolly old Elf until the Metzla came on Dec 26th to shift Splynncryth back). So instead of a climactic battle with a splugorth while Santa gets a bike under the big tree, they instead they come across a tentacled one-eyed monstrosity who's been up all night watching Jimmy Stewart movies. Much egg-nog is drank, and lovely Christmas Hawrk Duk is served. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
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Unread post by rat_bastard »

Santa is an evil alien intellegence, all of his splintered essences are mall santas and charity bell ringers etc. He makes pacts with children thru his toys and sucks their higher ppe and the north pole is a ley line super nexus where a race of elves have been kidnaped by the entitie known as santa and forced into slave labor. Jack frost is a pact witch who has a startling amound of cold based spells and abilities.
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Unread post by dark brandon »

The comings of rifts was hard on the jolly old man. He still delivers presents, but now he's a gun-toting bad-XXX. Ruldolph's nose fires long streams of plasma, and all of his other reindeer are covered in special "Glitter-boy" armor made just for flying reindeer. Santa no longer wears his typical hat, but now dawns a bad-XXX bandanda, has a huge scar on his face and his boots are special magical material that allow him to stop anyone who attempts to hinder his holly jolly night. He no longer asks little boys and girls if they've been good. He Demands they tell him.

CS have tried to stop him from delivering toys, until recently. Recently Karl Prosek has had a face-to-face run in with the man who has a belly that shook like a bowl full of jello, and was forced to face the inevitability that is the xmas spirit. Well, in CS town they say, karls heart grew three sizes that day, and he found the strenght of 10 Karls +2. Of course his heart was still black as coal and used his newfound SN strenght to rend little Dbee children limb from limb.

Santa is a human supremisist, and thus is under the protection of CS and vise-versa.
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