I cannot believe I'm doing this...

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The Baron of chaos
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I cannot believe I'm doing this...

Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

I thought that between me and SPlcier everythig was over , and instead some episodes of Battlestar Galactica awaken my interest in the game for the moment(please don't ask me what obscure mental process caused such tie in my mind). And i come out thinking. The Splcier setting is avery tragic one. In the end, truly sad. One could ask why people keep on fighting. So what i'm puzzling right now is how entertaiment is in Splicer world for humans. I mean rasing the moral IS damn important in such situation. People should not fall too depressed about their future or they won't fight. But without ah average technology to help, what the average Splicer human do in free time (even middle age peasant once a while got some free time!). I've some ideas but i'm curious to hear you hardcore Splicer players

With honor and respect
A still ex Sèplcier player who don't know if he will start playing again or not.
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Re: I cannot believe I'm doing this...

Unread post by TechnoGothic »

The Baron of chaos wrote:I thought that between me and SPlcier everythig was over , and instead some episodes of Battlestar Galactica awaken my interest in the game for the moment(please don't ask me what obscure mental process caused such tie in my mind). And i come out thinking. The Splcier setting is avery tragic one. In the end, truly sad. One could ask why people keep on fighting. So what i'm puzzling right now is how entertaiment is in Splicer world for humans. I mean rasing the moral IS damn important in such situation. People should not fall too depressed about their future or they won't fight. But without ah average technology to help, what the average Splicer human do in free time (even middle age peasant once a while got some free time!). I've some ideas but i'm curious to hear you hardcore Splicer players

With honor and respect
A still ex Sèplcier player who don't know if he will start playing again or not.

Lets see, i have used...

Sex, free Love, anything goes with the humans.
Drinking at the "bar" and other home made alcohols. I used the name : Boodong Shine ( the pee of a Boodong, best stuff around ;) ) Boodongs i barrowed from farscape, GIANT Critters that was grown long ago, escaped and live free. Big time predator. Blue Whale+ sized :D Two versions, Ocean Boodong and Desert Boodong. Unknown to them all, Boodongs are actually Aliens and after a certain age leave the planet to become Space Predators...
Sports...of all kinds. Wrestling, Boxing, and Gladiator matches. Arena Football, and Blitz Ball (request from a player :erm: :nh: :sleep: ), and a few outside sports.
Community Dances taken from Matrix Reloaded :D Music is more Tribal sounding though.
Card Games, using Wood or Bone cards...
War Mount Races...huge with the population and popular with the PCs...


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The Baron of chaos
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Hmm some of thos i thought too. Lemme add some other stuff.
Theatre : One of the most ancient form of entertaiment. Tecnojakcers are likely to be hired to play the role of evil machine that are going to beat on regular basis by the Splicer hero. Also comedy would be great, expecially those that aim low(I figure out that jokes about machines go for sure success, as wella s plays that make a great house warlord look more heroic than he really is).
Acrobats, Jester, Clowns and street artist in general: As in past they travel form Great House to Great House, or humna settlemens bringing fun and entertaiment in change for food an dshelter and perhaps something else. Librarina scosider them lesser worthless being but Warlords consider them good for the pubblic. Thye also carry on news from other places.
Puppetry: whatever the typology of puppets , muppet like or string puppets, they are the joy of kids, and believe me in a world suhc splcier kids need a reliefe too. Some puppets are actually special bio-suit(instead to wear it the move it like puppet)
Books: paper is NOT metal(bone cards yer stupid or what?) and ther eis no reason people in SPlcier stopped reading or writing, at least those of certain social level. Reading coudl be enterating and you can carry your fav book with you pretty much everywhere, comic book should exist too, but without pins.
Movies(!?) well this si not common and often is the result of some scavenger Technojacker that try to earn in this way a living. Of course is an habit often frowned and cosidered dangerous, but generally the technojakcers is always in control and avoid contact wiht his stuff, as he do for his weapons. And sincerely for some good cartoon or porn movie I'll run the risk 8) :D (T-jackers are also dan lucky they can play videogames , bastards!)
Others idea will be posted
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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

considering what the most basic device for computes is the very simple turning on and off of energy, i honestly don't see why they can't create bio-computers and programs. seriously, instead of wires why not chemical conduits like blood streams that instead of digital binary you would have chemical binary. for a screen all you need is a panel made up of tiny bioluminescent cells like the pixels in your monitor. This would provide videogames, tv in some cases ect. Any ideas?
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Unread post by The Baron of chaos »

Thought about this too , but is not the same thing . Movies would be less problematic, being recorded on non-metallic material you only need a bio-version of a recorder/player to translated the magnetic code in images and sound. Of course the problem is make the gene pool and librarians work for it. hoping they ar enot snobbish about non militar bio-technology(a great lack fo the book, all weapons and armor but no hint about civilian bio-technology!)
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Comment: I love how people are quick to make demands, make spurious claims and then play the victim when you call them on it.
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Unread post by Prince Artemis »

true, but concidering the librians are out for power and the engineers are out to help and educate i can see atleast 1 engineer willing to devote the time and one librian willing to set up an entertainment empire(look how successful today's network execs, now if they had a complete monopoly...)
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