Vampires plan for survival

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Vampires plan for survival

Unread post by darthauthor »

Imagine you have been "turned" into a vampire. You have been a vampire for years. You survived all this time. You know your strengths and weaknesses. You need to feed every few days. The vampire Intelligence demands you make more vampires. Every vampire you make needs to feed. Everyone knows about vampires, how to kill you and more importantly how to protect themselves from your feeding on them.

Crosses worn around the next and on every front door.

Cross (or holy symbol) held firmly in one’s hand, can force a you (a vampire) away.

Garlic repeals you. A mirrior reveals your a vampire. Cheap things give you away and keep you out.

1st thoughts

1. I would do everything to conceal I was a vampire.
2. I would make a minion to faithful serve me. At first, I would feed off them but they would not serve two weeks if all I ever did was drink from them. I need another supply to keep up with "At least two pints (about one liter) of blood once every 48 hours."
3. I can't feed on the blood of animals. So I need a supply of people. Blood studies are like, I can only feed on the same person, like once a month. Fifteen (15) people that can rotate feeding off of for blood for me and every vampire I create.
4. Blood supply (humans) need to at least eat if not have a life. So I either have to feed them or arrange for them to have a life so they can feed and take care of themselves when I am not feeding on them.
5. First idea, open a prison or take over one. Feed off the prisoners who are in for life.
6. Second, my 1 faithful minion I would need them to be smart enough to get me into town or people out for me. Take out he homeless, like in the Blade movie. Its like a secret war on the poor homeless. Like the Purge movies.
7. Third, hire myself out as an assassin who secretly disguises his feeding as a professional kill. Made abduct the clients target to feed upon them for as long as I could. The problem is I would need a big city with enough "business." I don't know the business but 15 kills a month seems like too much.
8. I have to keep the blood supply alive or I will run out of people to feed upon and people will notice people disappearing or find their dead bodies and start investigating who killed them.
9. I think some vampires of Mexico have their own kingdom or secretly control one (like the Blade movie). The problem is again, needing like 15 people for every vampire you create for them to feed on without anyone dying. People will need to tend to crops and the herd and such so they can eat themselves. Brainwash these people over generations and you have a well indoctrinated cult who will keep your secrets and protect you during the day and let you feed upon them during the night.
10. The danger is always the vampire hunters. Especially those with magic and psychic powers who can read the hearts and minds of your followers and figure out "where" you sleep during the day.
11. To expand, I'd have to build an army to invade another city or abduct people. That or inflitrate another city to duplicate what I have already done in another city. My whole kingdom depends upon key people and vampires being loyal, competent and able to defeat or outsmart "hunters" and the competition.
Can't have humans or monsters enslaving or killing my blood supply or messing up their food supply. I have to ensure their health care and security. Basically being a "successful" vampire means having to be king or a serial killer.

I suppose their is a middle ground of tight-rope walking if you can psychically heal the bite wounds and mind control peopl and/or erase their memories temporarily they will eventually remember and/or go insane.

Anyone have any better ideas?
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