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If Molokoi are allowed to be a Head-Hunter-Partial-Cyborg...

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:22 am
by SirSpamHammer
Despite their Bio-Regeneration powers that would naturally reject Cyborg parts/organs????

Re: If Molokoi are allowed to be a Head-Hunter-Partial-Cybor

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:44 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
SirSpamHammer wrote:Despite their Bio-Regeneration powers that would naturally reject Cyborg parts/organs????

Rules changes. When the Australia book was written, headhunters were not partial conversion cyborgs. They had an option to get bionics, but it was not mandatory and also less than full conversion. Plenty of Headhunters had no enhancements at all.

There were used as sort of a default "Generic Raider/Mercenary" OCC.

That's why it says they don't have access to augmentation technology but says they may get TW augmentations (Seige on Tolkeen had by then introduced some magical bionics for minor supernatural beings with bio-regeneration with the Daemonix).

Now that headhunters are always partial conversion cyborgs the OCC no longer makes sense this race.

So yes, they can be an HeadHunter skill wise, but they cannot get bionics.

Re: If Molokoi are allowed to be a Head-Hunter-Partial-Cybor

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:53 pm
by SirSpamHammer
Thank you and still thinking about that one. I may not go with having a Molokoi as Partial-Conversion-Cyborg just for the ease it.

Re: If Molokoi are allowed to be a Head-Hunter-Partial-Cybor

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:22 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
SirSpamHammer wrote:Thank you and still thinking about that one. I may not go with having a Molokoi as Partial-Conversion-Cyborg just for the ease it.

I think the issue is: In RMB, Headhunter served as the generic Mercenary/Bandit OCC, and the option of Bionics was an add-on that was not automatic to the character.

But with Rifts Ultimate, the actual Mercenary OCC was created, making Headhunters redundant. So they leaned into the optional spice and made being a Partial borg mandatory and upgraded them to the Partial Conversion option.

Easy solution: just give the Molokoi the Mercenary OCC, as it fills the non-bionic role that Headhunter was supposed to. True it doesn't say they can have it, but that's mostly because the OCC didn't exist when the book was Published.