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Examples of the Elven Language

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2022 2:10 pm
by One Hand Clapping
Hello everyone,

I’m trying to find examples of the Elven/Dragonese language that have popped up in the Palladium Fantasy RPG. Anything that has been mentioned in the books or Rifter articles. This could be elven names for places, creatures, spells, gear, elvish phrases or sayings, etc. I’m currently pouring through the books, but it’s a lot of material to cover. If you post something, please provide the book and page number. Thank you in advance.

Re: Examples of the Elven Language

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:01 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
As far as I know there are no examples of the PB Elf language.

What I use if the elf languages in the book 'The Languages of Tolkien's Middle Earth' for when I want to make up elf names and so-forth.

Re: Examples of the Elven Language

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:01 am
by Soldier of Od
One Hand Clapping wrote:Hello everyone,

I’m trying to find examples of the Elven/Dragonese language that have popped up in the Palladium Fantasy RPG. Anything that has been mentioned in the books or Rifter articles. This could be elven names for places, creatures, spells, gear, elvish phrases or sayings, etc. I’m currently pouring through the books, but it’s a lot of material to cover. If you post something, please provide the book and page number. Thank you in advance.

One thing that immediately springs to mind is that "dethial" is Elven for "ocean", as mentioned in the name Fort Dethial in New Crest (Eastern Territory, page 197).

The only other things I guess are elven given names or place names, found throughout the books. Too many for me to look up!

Re: Examples of the Elven Language

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 4:27 am
by The Dark Elf
Use the Elven NPC's as examples (Spread throughout the books) if you can gain some scope from how the name people. Most person names mean something else. Then there's the Elven lord Krill.

Re: Examples of the Elven Language

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:21 am
by Soldier of Od
Thought it might be useful to you to give you this list I made while researching a Rifter article of named Elven places found in the books:

The Kingdom of Raf-Chalon, an elven kingdom located between Wisdom and Peningshir
The Kathana Estates, in the southern part of the Eastern Territory
The town of Shorlea, midway down the Inland Sea coast, sacked by coyles and ogres 870 years ago
Shillandar (or Shillandeor), a late-war elven stronghold, now ruined and part of a tiny human kingdom
The Golden City of Baalgor, obliterated capital of the old Elven Empire
The City of Threen, site of a massacre of elves by dwarves
The Fallen Palace of Therendil, in the Darkest Heart region of the Land of the Damned

There doesn't seem to be much similarity in the style of language used for these places, but many of them were named millennia apart and are located hundreds of miles from each other, so that is perhaps to be expected.

Re: Examples of the Elven Language

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 9:50 pm
by One Hand Clapping
Thanks for the responses, everybody

Soldier of Od wrote:Thought it might be useful to you to give you this list I made while researching a Rifter article of named Elven places found in the books:

The Kingdom of Raf-Chalon, an elven kingdom located between Wisdom and Peningshir
The Kathana Estates, in the southern part of the Eastern Territory
The town of Shorlea, midway down the Inland Sea coast, sacked by coyles and ogres 870 years ago
Shillandar (or Shillandeor), a late-war elven stronghold, now ruined and part of a tiny human kingdom
The Golden City of Baalgor, obliterated capital of the old Elven Empire
The City of Threen, site of a massacre of elves by dwarves
The Fallen Palace of Therendil, in the Darkest Heart region of the Land of the Damned

There doesn't seem to be much similarity in the style of language used for these places, but many of them were named millennia apart and are located hundreds of miles from each other, so that is perhaps to be expected.

Thank you! This is very helpful. I also noticed not much consistency in how the elven language sounds in PFRPG. I’m working on a Rifter article that references a lot of elven/dragonese, so I was trying to discern some kind of common style in the existing words from the books.