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Loup Garou

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:03 pm
by Ankhr
I've been reading on the Loup Garou and it's invulnerability. I've been wondering if they would be vulnerable to Holy Weapons that are monster slayers? Or punches from supernatural beings? A godling in this case. The description was a little confusing to me, and I's just like some clarification. Thanks.

Re: Loup Garou

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:25 pm
by Curbludgeon
Which book are they in? Rifts Canada?
I'm still moving things to a new laptop and ain't up on my game.

Re: Loup Garou

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 9:48 pm
by Ankhr
Yes. They're in Rifts Canada, p. 155. Thanks.

Re: Loup Garou

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:52 am
by Nekira Sudacne
Ankhr wrote:Yes. They're in Rifts Canada, p. 155. Thanks.

It says they are immune to Magical Weapons, which would include Holy Weapons as well as magical attacks.

It seems like only Silver or the Supernatural, barehanded damage of other Supernatural Beings will work on them.

So you can shoot them with a silver bullet or have a dragon eat them. That seems to be it for options without going way out into the weird neiche abilities tucked away in Palladium Lore.

Re: Loup Garou

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 3:17 pm
by Axelmania
Now I'm wondering what would happen if they somehow got Intangibility (like from some HU weapon that imparts it)

AFAIK only energy attacks tend to harm those guys, but Loup Garou are already impervious to that so it'd be like the Intangibility / Energy Absorption exploit.

There's probably some rule on certain physical attacks harming insubstantial foes somewhere in HU but if so I forget where...

I might be thinking of Invulnerability rather because I think there was something about hound weapons and maybe rune weapons hurting them?

Also perhaps Phase Weapons are an option? Vaguely recall something like those might bypass normal invulnerabilities for werecreatuers/vamps unless I'm also misremembering (which is likely)

Also what could be cool (though I don't believe it's canon) is do something like give that punch you can deliver for extra damage via HU's Vibration power the ability to harm those are using Intangibility... and maybe Sonic Attacks since they're also vibrations?

Guess it depeneds on if your Intangibility is conceptually "I'm vibrating really fast" (though stuff like Flash might just be using the pseudo-intangibility option of the Vibration power?) or "I'm transformed into some kind of ghostly thing"