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Today was a different, kinda fun day. July 13, 2020

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:39 pm
by Kevin
Today was a different, kinda fun day. July 13, 2020

Wayne and I shot my video chat for Gen Con Online today. At first, we struggled to get things set up – lighting, glare issues from the books on the shelf, having to drape a backdrop over the shelves, fooling around with lighting, and figuring out the sound – which meant I got started two or three hours later than we intended, but I am told it turned out pretty good.

I’m glad others think it is good. I’m too close to it to judge. It is a talk about world building for games and for adventure campaigns. It is just me on camera, no interviewer. I had assembled a bunch of questions from people, but I had studied them so much this morning that I just kinda incorporated most of them as I talked, rather than read them all off.

I sure hope people enjoy it. I had fun, but then I can talk about world building, writing, and gaming all day long. It runs about an hour and 30 minutes and covers a wide range of topics. I went for a more conversational approach rather than tutorial, but maybe I’ll do that in the future too. I know Palladium fans will like it and I think people not familiar with me or our games will too. One of my goals was to not make world building sound scary. It’s easier than you may think. Start wherever the inspiration takes you and go from there.

It was fun doing something different, and I always enjoy speaking with people and sharing my knowledge and experience. Now that we are setting up a Palladium YouTube channel, I suspect I will be doing a lot more on other subjects. I had talked about doing a podcast for years and years, but maybe YouTube is the way to go. Food for thought.

My main obstacle with doing either is time, or more to the point, the lack of it. I’m always so busy working on books and dealing with business. And let’s face it, I’m a storyteller and world builder. It’s what I love doing and I’m good at it. But I think you will be seeing and hearing more from me in different mediums in the future. Not just me, either, other Palladium creators too.

I had a nice day today on a lot of fronts. The video was fun and ultimately went well, I was able to take care of an order problem for a very nice customer, and I received a pair of nice, used lightboxes from a friend at no cost. Sweet.

I also signed a zillion books this morning because people are loving the current book sale – which ends on DriveThru tomorrow, July 14, after midnight, and a nearly identical sale for physical books ends on the Palladium Website that ends after midnight on July 15. Check them both out tonight or tomorrow because time is running out.

Physical books on sale: ... Items.html

PDFs on sale at DriveThru: ... _id=246835

That’s all for now. Stay well and game on!

Kevin Siembieda
That Publisher Guy

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