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Palladium Fantasy P.C. Racial SDC

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:17 pm
by volt875
Quick question here. When a player plays an elf or dwarf do they still get the 3d6/1d6 sdc for the men at arms or men of magic? Is that roll what the book is referring to when it says for the Elf 10 plus those gained from o.c.c.s? Does that mean the dwarf doesn’t get the roll then because it says 15 plus physical skills?

Re: Palladium Fantasy P.C. Racial SDC

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:26 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Geussing you meant you are asking about the PF2 game.

According to the PF2 core book, Humans SDC is determined by what sort of class they are under the determining SDC step, Elves are Race+Class bonus+skills bonus, and Dwarves are Race+skills bonuses.

Re: Palladium Fantasy P.C. Racial SDC

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:13 pm
by volt875
Oh yes PF2 was what I meant. Sorry about that.

Re: Palladium Fantasy P.C. Racial SDC

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 7:36 am
by Prysus
volt875 wrote:Quick question here. When a player plays an elf or dwarf do they still get the 3d6/1d6 sdc for the men at arms or men of magic? Is that roll what the book is referring to when it says for the Elf 10 plus those gained from o.c.c.s? Does that mean the dwarf doesn’t get the roll then because it says 15 plus physical skills?

Greetings and Salutations. This will be largely a G.M. call. I can see an argument for a few different ways.

1: Last time I recall this discussion, most people felt that all races benefited from the S.D.C. in Step 2 of Character Creation.

2: In my opinion (and I'll stand by my take that it's the intended way), Step 2 is written for humans primarily, and other races (such Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, etc.) don't make that roll (unless their race specifically states it).

If you're curious to more of the reasons why, I'll post a link where I debate (argue?) thr topic and book references are used. NPC were also looked at, and proved inconsistent and could go both ways. In the end, you'll probably have to find what works best or makes the most sense for your game. Keep in mind, like many threads, this one can drag on and not get far while the posts only get longer.


Hope that helps. Farewell and safe journeys for now.