Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

Unread post by AlexM »

Weighing in at 176 pages and it looks great. I don't want to post any spoilers but there are a few cool surprises in this one.

https://palladium-store.com/1001/produc ... ebook.html

Oh yeah,

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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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May the UPS man fly safely and quickly to my door!
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

Unread post by cornholioprime »

AlexM wrote:Weighing in at 176 pages and it looks great. I don't want to post any spoilers but there are a few cool surprises in this one.

https://palladium-store.com/1001/produc ... ebook.html

Oh yeah,

Alex Marciniszyn
The rest of youse folks need to click on the Link that Alex has provided and see all the cool stuff that awaits (overconfident?) Player Characters.

Just the fact that Doc Reid and company have been updated is reason enough alone for me to get this book -I must make haste to yon Games Depot in Tempe!

:ok: :mrgreen: :hug: :heart: :-)
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Now, we need NG1&2 done STAT, then we need the BTS and Splicers books to be done, preferably simultaneously
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Can't wait to get it.....
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Jedrious wrote:Now, we need NG1&2 done STAT, then we need the BTS and Splicers books to be done, preferably simultaneously

I Like how you Think!! ;)

The Vampires sourcebook makes me want to role up a new campaign just to go down there and mix it up, but then its so deadly as well, goodness...
Trust me, NG is full swing and is going to be HOT as in "FIRE in the Hole", to put it mildly.
And SPLICERS has my heart so indeed keep the requests and reminders ablaze!
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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2_Gun_Sally wrote:Very nice!

Now the continuation of our previous Vampire Kingdom campaign can now proceed!

OH, believe me, continuing your Vampiric campaign with this book will be taken to a whole new level of wicked fun and experiences. Hope you have some good toys and or backup :?
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Great,I hope someone give a Review of it.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

Unread post by kaid »

Well mine just arrived however I am at work so not much time to peruse it at the moment. One thing I did check though was to see if the bone werejaguar physical beauty stat showed up on the final release but as expected it is MIA. Got to love the goofy lil editing issues of first printings not like it is a huge deal given they have werejaguar stats of normal ones elsewhere.

Just flipped through it and the art looks excellent as usual and looking forward to getting home so I can crack this puppy open and really read it.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Hehe snuck a sneak peek at the bone jaguar bone weapons that I was curious about pretty interesting. To make one at least a basic one is easy pretty much just 50 ppe. The fun part comes in fact to make it the bone jaguar has to make the kill himself with either a bone weapon or his own hands/claws/teeth and the weapons power directly relates to how much PPE is released on death from the prey.

Low end ones would be very easy to make but the high end ones that do 2d6x10 damage you have to solo kill something that has over 1500 PPE on death note on death ppe is doubled but still that is a hell of a solo kill.

Apparently they can do damage with ranged weapons or other weapons but the final killing blow MUST be done with teeth/claw or bone weapon or other melee weapon.

Fits pretty well for predators like were cats kill something to make a weapon which lets you kill bigger things which make bigger weapons. Also works pretty well for making throwing weapons not a huge deal if you wind up losing them because creating reasonable sized ones is pretty easy for 1d6 up to around 3d6 damage just about any minor supernatural critter would do. For the bigger ones you are talking greater demons/dragons and things of that nature in what is in effect single combat rawwwwrrrr.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Oh forgot to mention bone weapons do hurt vampires as one would expect given the activities of the jaguars.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Crap, I'm the one that forgot to put in the P.B. notice. I was going to have it a few points lower than the standard because they cover themselves in some pretty aggressive piercings (or maybe a few points more if you're into that kind of thing).

Glad you liked the bone weapons. I had a few traps in there as well that I really liked, but I think they got cut from the final book. It's nice to hear they kept the high end weapons so formidable. I wanted it to be almost too tempting to hunt above your skill level. :)
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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This will go nicely with my copy of VKr :D

BTW, just ran a short anti-vampire campaign centered in Arizona........lets just say it was a blast
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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slappy wrote:Crap, I'm the one that forgot to put in the P.B. notice. I was going to have it a few points lower than the standard because they cover themselves in some pretty aggressive piercings (or maybe a few points more if you're into that kind of thing).

Glad you liked the bone weapons. I had a few traps in there as well that I really liked, but I think they got cut from the final book. It's nice to hear they kept the high end weapons so formidable. I wanted it to be almost too tempting to hunt above your skill level. :)

One curiosity that I was never quite sure of as I have seen it listed either way. When you have a super natural critter like a bone jaguar and they are using a melee weapon do they add their super natural strength punch damage to the weapon damage or is the weapon damage stand alone.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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I got about halfway through the book last night as I was distracted watching defiance. I like some of the vampire hunter variants that help add on for existing OCC that want a more anti vampire slant. I was always a fan of paradox shaman but holy carp the vampire hunting paradox shaman are hell on wheels when it comes to smacking the undead.

The necromancer stuff was interesting as well nice way to work one into a game if a player really has an itch but does not want or is not allowed to play an evil alignment.

I did read ahead a bit to read up a bit more on the bone jaguars. Pretty nifty options if one wants to play a were critter. The hunting magic is useful but nothing over strong which is good and gives them a nice ability to self heal if they are getting wounded if they manage to kill something off.

I did not get a chance to read through the human settlement part of the book or the vampire hunter hunter stuff although the art there looks very interesting so looking forward to getting through that tonight.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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kaid wrote:Hehe snuck a sneak peek at the bone jaguar bone weapons that I was curious about pretty interesting. To make one at least a basic one is easy pretty much just 50 ppe. The fun part comes in fact to make it the bone jaguar has to make the kill himself with either a bone weapon or his own hands/claws/teeth and the weapons power directly relates to how much PPE is released on death from the prey.

Low end ones would be very easy to make but the high end ones that do 2d6x10 damage you have to solo kill something that has over 1500 PPE on death note on death ppe is doubled but still that is a hell of a solo kill.

Apparently they can do damage with ranged weapons or other weapons but the final killing blow MUST be done with teeth/claw or bone weapon or other melee weapon.

Fits pretty well for predators like were cats kill something to make a weapon which lets you kill bigger things which make bigger weapons. Also works pretty well for making throwing weapons not a huge deal if you wind up losing them because creating reasonable sized ones is pretty easy for 1d6 up to around 3d6 damage just about any minor supernatural critter would do. For the bigger ones you are talking greater demons/dragons and things of that nature in what is in effect single combat rawwwwrrrr.

Oh... the Bone Jags will indeed be a true predator OCC to enjoy. I can just imagine the bone relic weapon trophies and hunting stories of such apex predators, (especially the seasoned Bone Jaguar Hunters) if they don't tackle too much that is. So glad you dove into them. Chris "Slappy" Kluge did a phenomenal job with them IMHO, and I really am eager to hear the experiences of Players who use them. BTW, I would URGE Slappy to post the traps "if" he doesn't mind and "if" they are going to appear in the Rifter #62 continuation of the vampires material, as I think they were very cool and were edited due to page space restrictions and time. They really help expand the direction and creativity for the Bone Were Jaguars experiences and really make can push a Player to want to go out and hunt something terrifying & challenging.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Even if he doesn't post the traps it is pretty easy to see how you could setup traps using the bone blades without to much problem. Making the 1d5 and 2d6 weapons would be pretty trivial for a bone jag as they could kill that kind of prey without any issues. Make a few spears/daggers and it would be pretty easy to setup some nasty MDC pit traps/spike traps. And if you wind up losing some blades/daggers here and there it is not like its hard for them to make more.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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kaid wrote:Even if he doesn't post the traps it is pretty easy to see how you could setup traps using the bone blades without to much problem. Making the 1d5 and 2d6 weapons would be pretty trivial for a bone jag as they could kill that kind of prey without any issues. Make a few spears/daggers and it would be pretty easy to setup some nasty MDC pit traps/spike traps. And if you wind up losing some blades/daggers here and there it is not like its hard for them to make more.

Good point, but the thing is even the Bone Jaguar traps are metamorphic :eek:
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Ooo that would be pretty nice hope they sneak into a rifter.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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kaid wrote:Ooo that would be pretty nice hope they sneak into a rifter.

I don't think they will :(
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

Unread post by Daniel Stoker »

Just ordered mine from Amazon today and should get it in 2 days. I've been looking forward to this very much and can't wait to get a chance to read it.

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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Picking it up today at The Compleat Strategist on my way to another event in Manhattan. Will post a brief review after reading it.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

Unread post by Premier »

Daniel Stoker wrote:Just ordered mine from Amazon today and should get it in 2 days. I've been looking forward to this very much and can't wait to get a chance to read it.

Daniel Stoker

Sounds awesome Daniel and please let us know what you think of it, its a title that I think many will enjoy and enhance their campaign experiences with.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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This is awesome!!!
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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BookWyrm wrote:Picking it up today at The Compleat Strategist on my way to another event in Manhattan. Will post a brief review after reading it.

BookWyrm, You are awesome and I look forward to your objective reviews and experiences with this material!!! :D
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Premier wrote:Sounds awesome Daniel and please let us know what you think of it, its a title that I think many will enjoy and enhance their campaign experiences with.

Well I've decided I'm already mad that they didn't do anything with were-snakes, but that's because unlike me they're not crazy. :p

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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Well they did cover the were-snakes in a bit more detail than what was done previously but overall the were snakes are more animalistic predators and less social so not sure what more there would be to add with them.
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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kaid wrote:Even if he doesn't post the traps it is pretty easy to see how you could setup traps using the bone blades without to much problem. Making the 1d5 and 2d6 weapons would be pretty trivial for a bone jag as they could kill that kind of prey without any issues. Make a few spears/daggers and it would be pretty easy to setup some nasty MDC pit traps/spike traps. And if you wind up losing some blades/daggers here and there it is not like its hard for them to make more.

Well, I think if you enjoy the Bone Werejaguars enough, then this illustration in color may help you try ne out I hope. BTW, the text contains the “Traps”.

http://chuckwalton.deviantart.com/art/B ... -373604755
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Premier wrote:
kaid wrote:Even if he doesn't post the traps it is pretty easy to see how you could setup traps using the bone blades without to much problem. Making the 1d5 and 2d6 weapons would be pretty trivial for a bone jag as they could kill that kind of prey without any issues. Make a few spears/daggers and it would be pretty easy to setup some nasty MDC pit traps/spike traps. And if you wind up losing some blades/daggers here and there it is not like its hard for them to make more.

Well, I think if you enjoy the Bone Werejaguars enough, then this illustration in color may help you try ne out I hope. BTW, the text contains the “Traps”.

http://chuckwalton.deviantart.com/art/B ... -373604755

:shock: OMG :shock:
That is absolutely awesome
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Re: Rifts Vampires sourcbook has shipped !

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Snake Eyes wrote:
Premier wrote:
kaid wrote:Even if he doesn't post the traps it is pretty easy to see how you could setup traps using the bone blades without to much problem. Making the 1d5 and 2d6 weapons would be pretty trivial for a bone jag as they could kill that kind of prey without any issues. Make a few spears/daggers and it would be pretty easy to setup some nasty MDC pit traps/spike traps. And if you wind up losing some blades/daggers here and there it is not like its hard for them to make more.

Well, I think if you enjoy the Bone Werejaguars enough, then this illustration in color may help you try ne out I hope. BTW, the text contains the “Traps”.

http://chuckwalton.deviantart.com/art/B ... -373604755

:shock: OMG :shock:
That is absolutely awesome

Glad You like. I hope it will be good promo for those seeking to try a Bone Werejag out on the playing field.

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