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Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:57 pm
by dpenwood
Arisia 2013 in Boston is the weekend of January 18th. I'm signed up to run a Heroes Unlimited game on the 19th - should be a good one! Everyone gets to be a super villain in this one-shot which I've named "Jailbreak!".

The players are all inmates in Gramercy Island. Due to an extended storm in the area, power has failed in the prison. During the storm, an "insider" (details TBD) helps the players initially escape from him/her cells. From there, they must escape Gramercy Island. That's the short-short version. This one-shot was discussed in a bit more detail in the Heroes Unlimited forum on here.

I started to roll up my own pre-gens, then I realized that the Gramercy Island book has a vast collection of characters just waiting to be used. I chose the Slaughterhouse Seven, an uber-evil team of mega super villains.

I do have a few questions I'd like to run by you folks and see what opinions people have to offer:

1) The Slaughterhouse Seven is a very powerful team. They're levels 10-12 and are Mega superheroes. Is this "too powerful"? For a one-shot, I'm inclined to say "no". Just let the PCs go at it and have fun, but I don't want them to be so powerful that it gets boring.

2) For a final boss fight, I was thinking they could fight Apex, or another Mega super hero from the Century Station or Gramercy Island book. Too cliche?

3) Gramercy Island is tough to get out of, and my hope was to give them a puzzle or two along with the combat. But I'm finding it difficult to see how this one-shot isn't going to turn into anything other than one combat after another. I guess the challenge here, in that case, would be to vary the combat. In my campaigns, I tend to focus more on story and RPing rather than a hack-and-slash approach. But hey, it's a one-shot. Any thoughts?

I'm hoping that I can recruit some new Palladium and, more specifically, Heroes Unlimited players with this game. I have a brand new signed HU book I requested in a Christmas Grab Bag that I will be giving away as a prize at the convention. :-)

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:19 pm
by Grand Paladin
Hey dpenwood!

I was thinking about attending and even running a Rifts or Robotech game at Arisia '13. Is it too late to register as a GM? Can you share the weblink?


Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:30 pm
by dpenwood
Grand Paladin wrote:Hey dpenwood!

I was thinking about attending and even running a Rifts or Robotech game at Arisia '13. Is it too late to register as a GM? Can you share the weblink?


I believe the deadline to register for an Arisia event for 11/25/2012. But maybe that's just the deadline for a guaranteed table. Check out

I'd love to sit in on your game, let me know if your sign-up is successful!

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2012 2:50 am
by Novastar
I'd say if you're using Mega-Heroes/Villains in a (relatively) short Con Game, you're going to have to give them the ability to eat thru damage quickly.
Else it'll turn into a game of "You take another 12pts of damage off his 1023 points of SDC..."
Even the "flying brick" in my Demo game, only has like 270 SDC.

You also need to scale the last encounter, to how many Players you have; having Apex or Alpha fight the full Slaughterhouse Seven is suicide, they're far more likely to back off and call in the rest of the Centurions.

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:15 pm
by Lothar
A friend and I are running Rifts: Siege on Tolkeen on the 18th, 19th and 20th at Arisia 2013. We are running two parallel games with two GMs and two groups of six player characters simultaneously. One group will be playing a Coalition Guerrilla unit and the other will be playing a team of Tolkeen resistance fighters. On the last day the two groups will come together at one table and face off against one another at the Battle for Kings Tower, for possible PVP and a really big, epic climax to three days of Rifts gaming.

I am looking for players, preferably people who have been briefed on the Rifts timeline and setting material but haven't gotten the chance to play in an actual campaign. We need a total of twelve or more to make this successful.

Tentative Pregenerated Characters will include:

Tolkeen Side
1 Human Cyber Knight
1 Human Ley Line Walker
1 Rahu-Man Necromancer
1 Fire Dragon Hatchling
1 Human Mind Melter
1 Wolfen Mystic Knight

Coalition Side
1 Coalition Military Specialist
1 Coalition Juicer
1 Coalition Heavy Combat Cyborg
1 Coalition RPA Elite (SAMAS Pilot)
1 Coalition Psi-Stalker
1 Dog Boy (Rottweiler)

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:57 am
by dpenwood
Awesome! I'm running it at 6:00 PM on Saturday. It's on the schedule as "Jailbreak!".
What time is your game?

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:58 am
by dpenwood
Lothar wrote:A friend and I are running Rifts: Siege on Tolkeen on the 18th, 19th and 20th at Arisia 2013. We are running two parallel games with two GMs and two groups of six player characters simultaneously. One group will be playing a Coalition Guerrilla unit and the other will be playing a team of Tolkeen resistance fighters. On the last day the two groups will come together at one table and face off against one another at the Battle for Kings Tower, for possible PVP and a really big, epic climax to three days of Rifts gaming.

I am looking for players, preferably people who have been briefed on the Rifts timeline and setting material but haven't gotten the chance to play in an actual campaign. We need a total of twelve or more to make this successful.

Tentative Pregenerated Characters will include:

Tolkeen Side
1 Human Cyber Knight
1 Human Ley Line Walker
1 Rahu-Man Necromancer
1 Fire Dragon Hatchling
1 Human Mind Melter
1 Wolfen Mystic Knight

Coalition Side
1 Coalition Military Specialist
1 Coalition Juicer
1 Coalition Heavy Combat Cyborg
1 Coalition RPA Elite (SAMAS Pilot)
1 Coalition Psi-Stalker
1 Dog Boy (Rottweiler)

I think this is a great idea! I hope you get enough players to make it happen! Do you know what your schedule is? I may be interested...

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:33 pm
by dpenwood
MacrossForever wrote:We started recruitment a little late because we did not get fully organized, but We are trying our best to get people together, problem is that we don't know when we are scheduled, but we have been told that the game IS on the schedule...

Hmm... I don't see it on the schedule (, but it's only a Preliminary schedule so far. If/when you get more info, let me know!

Re: Arisia Con - Boston, MA in January 2013 - Heroes Unlimited

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:44 pm
by dpenwood
Lothar wrote:There were too many games running on Friday so we got bumped for that day. We have been rescheduled for Saturday 8 pm - Midnight but will probably play until around 2 am or so in order to fit in all the material we had planned. Sunday times are TBA because I have to work at 5 am Monday morning, we were originally scheduled 8 pm to midnight but are hoping to move to an earlier slot.

Hope to see you guys there!

Damn.... my game runs Saturday from 6:00-11:00 PM. I'm going to be tied up with other things on Sunday too. :-(

Are you local? Are you running (or playing in) a Boston area campaign?