On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by taalismn »

You have to regard superhero groups masquerading as supervillains in the same way as you would regard undercover cops. It's easier to sneak lone operatives into criminal groups than whole groups for any length of time. Typically, undercover cops get an 'in' by being either already part of the criminal life and turning state's evidence, or being introduced by turned assets already on the inside. And the larger the group, the more questions are going to be asked about members, past misdeeds, and past jobs, using information not nosed about in public. A bad guy can pass as a cop or a hero if he doesn't attract much attention(after all, bad news seems to be reported more often than GOOD news, and a cop not garnering much positive press may simply be overlooked as 'doing his daily duty', rather than avoiding doing anything to blow his cover). If the superheroes claim credit for something the underworld KNOWS some other established crook did, they'll blow their cover, or at least attract the wrong sort of attention. And the more staged crimes done to give the superheroes 'street cred' as villains, the greater the chance of a leak over the long term. There's also a greater chance of long-term scandal if the heroes do nothing when a REAL crime is performed around them and word gets out later(you may remember the scandal when several undercover cops joined a motorcycle gang and did nothing when they harassed a family in an SUV, resulting in one rider being crippled, and the driver beaten to a pulp).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by gaby »

You have a point.
I hope to see the other members.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The story of War Knight begins in the 15th century when Damon Christiansen, an English Lord and Knight, is accused of
dabbling in the occult and murdering over a dozen individuals. At his trial the loved one of those he murdered in the
surrounding area and his accomplices testified against him. Lord Blackburn was condemned to death. He was taken to
the court yard of the Tower of London. Blackburn made the request that instead of dying from an executioner’s axe that
his own sword be used instead. His request was granted. Afterward, his sword was given to his son Arthur. A few days
later, Arthur used the sword to kill the witch that instructed his father in the dark arts. A week later, Arthur was
slaughtering peasants claiming the failed to provide honest testimony to support his father’s innocents. In a mighty dual,
Arthur fought Sir Francis Pole to the death, just before his death, he asked that his father’s sword be taken somewhere
for safe keeping. Pole took the sword. Days later Pole came to the castle with sword, claiming he was her to pass
judgment on the king. He was killed by a dozen archers.

Nobody knows what became of the sword over the next 400 years. In 1846 the sword came into the hands of Cesar
Crowley who use it to stop several armed gunmen attempting to rob a train. A few days later, he unleashed a murder
spree against twenty-five people claiming they were all law breakers. He wrote a letter to the governor demanding a
pardon and appointment as Chief Justice for the state of Colorado. The letter also threatened that more law breakers,
including the Governor himself, would be killed if the demands were not met. Lawmen were dispatch to find Crowely,
but those who did, he killed. Finally legendary gun fighter Colorado Smith and his Indian friend Screaming Feather
enlisted to join in the search. In a matter of days, they found the outlaw’ camp and in a brief gunfight shot and killed
Crowely. Screaming Feather said he felt there was something evil about the sword and that a good man like Colorado
should not touch it. Colorado has his good friend and professional gambler Dusty Jones takes the sword to art collector
in Victory City. For over a century the sword remained on display at a museum until stage magician turned criminal
Jester Jape and his henchmen took it along with several other artifacts. When Jester had it appraised by a history
professor Chris Blackburn who was looking to make some extra money to pay his gambling debts. Chris took his time
researching the history of the sword and the other items, to the annoyance of Jester Jape. Believing he was stalling the
villain arrived at Blackburn’s house and threatening his wife and daughter. Terrified the professor drew the sword and
demanded the leave his house. Jape laughed and shot Blackburn’s wife. At that moment, the power of the sword infused
into him turning him into a mystic knight of justice. Blackburn slew his attackers, beheading Jape with a single blow.

Blackburn decided to use the sword to defend the innocent from the hands of brutal killers. Days later Blackburn
abandoned his daughter in the car while he raced down the road to apprehend two men committing auto theft. It was
long before social services got involved and took his daughter away. Blackburn refused to give up his fight against the
forces of evil. He was contacted by Captain Valiant he read about his ordeal. He told him if he joined the Supreme
Champions he would get to fulfill his calling. Blackburn was honored to be chosen and vowed to do his best to protect
the innocent and serve as an instrument of justice. It wasn’t long before the curse of Dark Rule began to corrupt
Blackburn’s higher calling. Instead of serving justice to criminals, he was brutally killing them and torturing their
accomplices into confessing their involvement before he killed them. All of which fit nicely into the con-scheme of
Supreme Champions. Dennis Black is perfectly fine with Blackburn trying to be a super hero, torturing and killing
everyone he sees committing a crime or he believes committed one. All he has to do is point his attack dog in the right
direction, and he does all the work. Of all the criminals in the world, the only ones Blackburn doesn’t see are his
companions. Black has already convinced him that many super heroes (accept for the Watchguard) are guilty for
allowing criminals to continue their criminal behavior. As such, War Knight is inclined to attack them on sight, claiming
they are a threat to humankind for allowing criminals to go free. Perhaps the one shinning light of Blackburn is he
misses his daughter and occasionally takes the opportunity to call her. Should Blackburn recognize the truth about his
companions, it likely he would turn on them, but just as likely he’d have to recognize that he is a co-conspirator in their
criminal involvement. Whether or not the sword will allow him to comprehend such a contradiction in his mind remains
to be seen.

Real Name: Chris Blackburn
Occupation: Former History Professor, now a Knight-Errant, member of the Supreme Champions.
Alignment: Scrupulous with a Diabolic view of punishing the guilty.
Power Category: Corrupt Weapon of Order
Experience Level: 3rd level
Hit Points: 62 S.D.C.: 139
Appearance: Chris is dressed in a black padded defensive jacket with a snug fit buttoned jacket underneath, a
black silk shirt, simple black pants, a black cross belt, black gauntlets, and long, heavy cape. He wears a black helmet
with white metallic looking wings. Dark Rule is held in a sheath hanging at his side, suspended by a line going over his
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 11, M.A. 8, P.S. 15 (superhuman), P.P. 21, P.E. 22, Spd. 25, P.B.14
Age: 38, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot and 5 inches (1.95 m), Weight: 192 lbs (86.4 kg)
Insanity: The Curse of Dark Rule: Whomever wields Dark Rule becomes inflicted with a extreme Righteous
Indignation view of the world. Any crime committed in his presence must be dealt with severe punishment (cutting off
the hands of thieves, cutting off the tongues of liars, male adulterers-you get the picture). He is vicious when it comes
to wanting a confession (Spanish Inquisition interrogations). The breaking of a cardinal law is punishable by death (no
Corrupt Weapon of Order: Dark Rule (see below).
Minor Super Abilities: Energy Expulsion: Divine Fury (special) and Increased Durability.
Powers of Corrupt Weapon of Order: Mystic Shield, Superhuman Strength, Crusader’s Armor, Turns weapon
and the wielder invisible (Invisibility: Superior), and Words of Truth.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 4 (2 initial +2 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, + damage, +2 to roll with punch/fall,
and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: Takes 1/2 damage from fire/cold, +3 to save vs. Horror Factor, +24% to save vs. coma/death,
+4 to save vs. poison, and +7 to save vs. magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, and All
Educational Background: Master’s Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 81%, and Pilot Automobile 69%.
Technical Program: History 97%/77%, Research 80%, Appraise Antiques 70%, and Mythology 70%.
Science Program: Computer Operation 94%, Mathematics: Advance 95%, Chemistry 90%, Anthropology 80%,
Archeology 80%/60%, and Political Science 80%.
Investigation Program: Photography 75% and Writing 65%.
2nd Investigation Program: Law (general) 75%, Intelligence 69%, I.D Undercover Agents 67%, and Streetwise
Secondary Skills: W.P. Sword (+3 to strike/+2 to parry), Fencing (+1D6 to sword damage), Athletics (general),
Running, Outdoormanship, Wilderness Survival 45%, Land Navigation 48%, Horsemanship 52%/32%, Performance 40%,
Public Speaking 45%, Wardrobe & Grooming 54%, and Cook 40%.
Money: He has little use for money.
Weapons: He carries two daggers (1D6) on his person. Dark Rule is his only weapon and would never consider
using anything else.
Armor: The dual layers of padded jacket and jacket provide him basic protection. A.R. 9. S.D.C. 20
Equipment & Vehicles: He takes advantage of technology when it suits him otherwise he relies on his own judgment and intuition.
Black Law, a permanent Phantom Mount. He is impervious to normal weapons and non-magical energy
attacks. He is vulnerable to magic and psionic attacks. Hit Points/S.D.C. 6D6+20. P.S. 26. SPD 88 (60 mph/96 km). He
runs 4 inches (10.6 cm) above the ground. He can leap 20 feet (6 m) high and 60 feet (18.3 m) long. While riding Black
Law, he likewise is impervious to normal weapons and non-magical attacks, but he will take double damage from
magical energy attacks/magic weapons and is -4 to save vs. magic and psionics (no other bonuses applicable).


Dark Rule is a bastard sword that functions as a Corrupt Weapon of Order. The weapon can only be wielded by
someone of Principled or Scrupulous Alignment. However, the moment the person becomes bound to it (uses it battle).
The sword slowly begins to change their personality, making the unsympathetic and vindictive toward those of selfish
and evil alignments. The guilty must be punished by righteous justice (medieval torture and punishment). Death is the
swiftest form of retribution. Before long the compulsion to punish the wicked turns the champion of order into the near
equivalent of a minion of hell, as he seeks out anyone who has committed an act of disloyalty and disobedience,
targeting everybody particularly those of good alignment. This is the point of the curse, to turn a champion of good into
an agent of chaos. The only way to break the curse is to turn Dark Rule against its wielder, meaning the sword has to
be used against its owner (cause Hit Points or S.D.C. damage). This will effectively neutralize the curse, but only as
long as the person does take up the weapon again.

Alignment: Aberrant
Powers Bestowed to the Wielder by the Corrupt Weapon of Order: The wielder of the weapon gets the following.

*Add 1D6x10 S.D.C.
*The character takes ½ damage from fire and cold.
*The character receives a +3 bonus to save vs. all magic and Horror Factor.
*The wielder can see the invisible.
*Create a medieval costume (see Appearance).
*Energy Expulsion: Divine Energy (special): The sword allows the wielder to unleash a bolt of white energy that
feeds of the character’s righteous anger/vengeances. All good and selfish aligned opponents take more damage than
those of an evil alignment. This is linked to the corruption of the weapon.
Range: 700 feet (213 m) maximum
Damage: 3D8, and an additional +1D8 per level of experience to mortal beings of good or selfish alignment. 2D6,
and additional +1D6 per level of experience to supernatural beings of good alignment. +1D6 per level of experience to
supernatural and mortal beings of evil alignments.
Duration: Instant
Attacks per Melee: Each energy blast counts as one melee attack, twin simultaneous blasts at the same target
(i.e. both hands points and fire at the same target) does double damage and counts as one attack. A simultaneous
attack firing at two different opponents counts as one melee attac, but is considered shooting wild.
Bonuses: +3 to strike if an aimed shot, +1 to strike if shooting wild; neither bonus is applicable to divided
*Increase Durability.
*Curse of Corruption--The moment the good alignment person uses the sword in battle, he must make a saving
throw vs. mind control (15) or the corruption begins. Each additional month the sword is used in battle, the owner
receives an accumulative -1 penalty (maximum -5). Once the save is failed, the corruption begins to strip away the
sanity of its owner, turning them into a killer of good people, an instrument of evil.

Special Powers of Dark Rule: The following abilities can be called upon by the character linked to the weapon.
Weapon Damage: 5D6 points of damage.
Weapon Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry.
Powers Held by Corrupt Weapon of Order: Mystic Shield (200 S.D.C., +3 to parry ), Superhuman Strength,
Crusader’s Armor (A.R. 16 and 220 S.D.C.), Turns weapon and the wielder invisible (Invisibility: Superior), and Words of
Truth (10 times per 24 hours).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The alien known as High Water is a Salvelinus from the high gravity aquatic planet Salva in the Liloqua Quadrant of the
Milky Way Galaxy. He came to Earth on a mission of exploration, to study primitive aquatic planets. Unfortunately his space
craft was detected over Russian airspace. A squad of fighter jets was sent to intercept him. Not knowing they were hostile,
Gazk attempted to communicate with them. They fired missiles at his ship. Heavily damage the ship crash landed in the
middle of Siberia. As Gazk tried to flee, he was setup upon by the Russian equivalent to U.S.A.’s Project Tyche/Project
Secure. Gazk was taken back to their headquarters as a prisoner. Despite their best effort, the scientist could not decipher
anything about his space craft. After two months of intense interrogation, Gaszk agreed to teach them the secrets of his
space craft but he needed to build himself a special suit in order to breathe on Earth. They agree to let him. It doesn’t take
Gazk long to build the suit. Later when on board his ship he agrees to let the water out of ship, but the moment he does this
it causes the ship’s nuclear fission reactor to become unstable resulting in a massive explosion that destroys the facility
killing over a hundred of Russian military personal and scientists/doctors. Gazk however survived thanks to a force field
generator he built. He escapes Russia by making his way to the Arctic Circle. With amazing speed, he swims to Alaska
where he encounters King Crab fishermen. One in particular has a passion for UFO, and agrees to introduce him to friends
belonging to the civilian group of alien watchers Reach Up. But one of the deckhands in dire financial need instead makes a
call to another group of alien watchers who have connections with Project Secure. Just before Gazk is handed off to the
people of Reach Up, government agents and Lock Down Alpha arrive to intervene. Gazk spends two years in the Alien
Acclimation Program. Despite the good will and the dozens of aliens he becomes acquainted with Gazk wants to go home or
at least return to space. He finds himself having to use his intellect to decipher alien technology to help the U.S.
government locate and collect more aliens and/or alien technology, some of which could be use to repair several
“spacecraft,” but not one not even the other aliens are interested in leaving Earth. This only makes Gazk increasingly bitter.
Finally the biggest insult comes when the decision to build a massive orbital space station (Freedom Station) in a joint effort
with Canada and several other members of the United Nations. Gazk is not among those selected to head the project.
Instead he is delegated to more decipher alien tech. Enraged Gazk begins to build a new environmental suit, this one unique
designed for him alone, one that would give him the power to use the planet’s limitless natural resource against it. During a
mission involving Lock Down Team Beta, he unreveals his Hydro Battle Suit and quickly defeats the team and escapes.
Project Secure goes on the hunt, but Gazk sends a message, leave him be or he will reveal what sort of classified alien
technology is in the hands of the US government. For the time being, Project Secure is leaving Gazk alone, but many in the
agency are not happy about it and want the fish man dealt with, Caliber and the rest of Lock Down Beta definitely want
another crack at him. Gazk made his way into Victory City on a trail looking for alien tech that he might be able to use to
start building himself a spacecraft to at least get him to the gravity well within Jupiter’s orbit. But he is met by the alien
Fiend and Virago of the Watchguard. They persuade him to stay with them for a while. It’s not long before once again he
finds himself associating with “humans” and “alien loving humans” who want to the make the world a better place. The
thought just sickens him. Gazk begins to steal technology from the Watchguard when he gets a chance too. When an
opportunity rises to leave the Watchguard and join forces with Dennis Black, Gazk goes for it. When Captain Valiant reveals
the truth of his plans, one of the potential recruits, Dynamo Man is appalled at the idea. Gazk uses his power suit to
kill him. Gazk could simply careless about humankind. His grown to hate humans with a raging passion. He not only
supports Captain Valiant plan, he has temporarily abandoned his own dream to leave Earth in order to make enough
humans suffer and pay for his imprisonment. Gazk people have a lifespan on 70 years. He's already spent six of them
trapped on Earth. He desperately wants to get back to his home world before ages catches up to him. However, his hatred
for humanity must be satisfied first, and when it is satisfied, he will do whatever is necessary to get away from this
wretched planet and return to the stars, even if he has to destroy ever single human to achieve his goal.

Real Name: Gazk Rakodox
Occupation: Former Explorer of the Salvelinus Space Program, Former Project Secure employee, Now member of
Supreme Champions
Alignment: Aberrant (formerly Scrupulous buts his hatred of humans has remove all traces of benevolence from his
Power Category: Alien (Salvelinus)/Hardware-Analytical Genius with Super Invention
Experience Level: 10th
Hit Points: 52 S.D.C.: 84
P.P.E.: 3
Appearance: He is a short, powerfully built fish-humanoid with blue scales decorated with yellow spots on his back.
His fins are located at the base of his head, forearms, and calves. He is always seen wearing some kind of special suit in
order to keep him alive.
Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 28, M.A. 9. P.S. 24, P.P. 13, P.E. 16, Spd. 21 (147 mph/236 km) swimming), P.B. 10
Age: 32, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot, 6 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 170 lbs (76.5 kg)
Vulnerability: High Water cannot survive out of water for more than 20 minutes, and even if he is on land, his
breathing is labored (Reduce Spd by 1/3, -2 on initiative, -1 to attack per melee, -2 to dodge, and -6 to save vs. gas
attacks. He must have a breathing apparatus to function in an atmosphere or remain constantly in water. His power suit
provides him the ability to live indefinitely out of water.
Originating Alien Environment: High Gravity in an Aquatic Environment.
Natural Abilities: Breathe underwater indefinitely, Dept tolerance 1.5 miles (2.4 km) underwater. Sharp vision and
keen sense of smell. Underwater: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, and +2 to parry and dodge.
Super Invention: Battle Suit. A.R.: 13, S.D.C.: 440. Repairable only by the Elite. 4th in power.
Major Super Powers: Control Elemental Force: Water and Water Generation & Manipulation (Special): See Below.
Combat Training: Hand to Hand: Basic
Number of Attacks: 6 (2 initial +4 from Hand to Hand Combat)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +11 to damage, +5 to roll with punch/fall,
+4 pull with punch, and +1 disarm.
Saving Throws: +7 to save vs. psionics, +11 to save vs. insanity, +4% to save vs. coma/death, and +1 to save vs.
magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (cost two attacks), Snap Kick 1D6, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6,
Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action), Paired Weapons, and Critical strike on an
unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: +5% to all skills
Special Training: Analyze and Operate Devices 105% (95% for alien tech), Build/Modify Armor 105%, and ECM
(Electronic Countermeasures) 95%.
Educational Bonuses: Special with some familiarity with Earth
Common Skills: Swimming 95%, Read-Write/Speak Native Tongue 98%/98%, Read-Write/Speak FAR’s Pilian Tongue
98%, Pilot: Boat: Motor, Race, and Hydrofoil Type 98%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and Read-Write/Speak English, Chinese,
Hindi, and Spanish 95%.
Special Skills & Training: Electrical Engineer 98%, Mechanical Engineer 98%, Weapons Engineer 90%, Robot/Bioware
Mechanics 98%, Robot Electronics 95%, Alien Technology (submersibles) 85%, Radio: Basic 98%, Sensory Equipment 98%,
Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Computer Programming 90%, Computer Repair 95%,
Astrophysics 98%, Oceanography 98%, Anthropology: Aliens (aquatics) 85%, Biology 98%, Paramedic 98%, Intelligence
87%, Research 98%, Mathematics: Advance 98%, and Computer Hacking 95%.
Project Secure Training: Military Etiquette 98%, Detect Ambush 95%, Climbing 98%/95%, Depressurization Training,
Pilot: Jet Pack 97%, Pilot: Robot and Power Armor 91%, Zero Gravity Combat; Elite, Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Energy Rifle
(+5 to aim/+2 to burst), W.P. Energy Pistol (+5 to aim/+2 to burst), and W.P. Knife (+4 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), SCUBA 98%, Bodybuilding & Weightlifting, Prowl 80%, Pilot Hover Cycle 98%,
Pilot Hover Car 98%, Lore: Aliens (humans) 85%, Salvage 90%, W.P. Handgun (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), Jury-Rig 55%,
Astronomy & Navigation 45%, Law (general) 50%, Pilot: Automobile 71%, History (Earth) 75% /55%, and Performance
Money: He came to earth with 3400 galactic credits (worthless here) and $21,000 in precious metals and gems. He
made about $3200 a week as an employee of Project Secure. Most of this money he used to continually modify and build
himself new and improved technology until he finally built his Hydro Battle Armor.
Spear-gun Pistol: Range: 60 feet (18 m). Damage: 2D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot. He typically carries a dozen.
2 Vibro-Knives, Damage: 2D6+1
Armor: Beside his Battle Suit, he has a Full Environmental Armor with Stealth Coating (+10% to prowl) and
Cold/Heat Insulation (reduce damage of both by one-half). A.R. 15, S.D.C. 175. This is the one he wears when not engaging
in combat.
Equipment: He has access to Watch Guard technology and equipment. He is always picking up salvage materials.

WATER GENERATION AND MANIPULATION. His power suit gives him the ability to create and manipulate water. His
control over water only exists in its liquid form (not water vapor/steam or ice).

Sense Water
Range: 1400 foot (426 m) radius
Duration: Continual

He can sense the presence and general location of water, whether a natural source (pond, river, underground spring, etc) or
a man-made storage or means of water conveyance (swimming pool, underground pipes, toilet, drinking fountain, etc). He
can also sense if the water is clean, pure and drinkable, dirty but drinkable, polluted and unsafe to drink, fresh or salty, and
whether it has dangerous parasites or disease.

Water Walk
Range: Self
Duration: Continual (during combat requires the use of one attack/action per melee round)

He can stand, crawl, summersault, and walk across water or any liquid substance (except corrosive, i.e. acids) as if walking
on solid ground. While walking on water his speed is reduce by one-half. This power prevents him from sinking unless he
chooses to do so. If the character so choose, he could stand on top of wave and ride it like a surfboard.

Create Water
Range: Up to 120 feet (36.5 m)
Area of Effect: 2 to 60 foot (.6 to 18.2 m) radius to
Duration: One melee for under 100 gallons (378 L), three melees for all 300 gallons (1135 L).

He can gather all the moisture in the air and cause it to rain in a sudden concentrated downpour. Of course how much water
he can gather depends upon the humidity levels of the air. Targeting a moving object requires a strike roll. Objects can
dodge out of the way if the radius is small enough and they are aware of the attack. No matter how much water he dumps,
it doesn’t cause any damage.

Summon Water
Range: 200 foot (60 m) radius or line of sight
Duration: 12 minutes
Saving Throw: To avoid being sprayed, dodge is -2.

He can cause anything containing water or water-like substance (coffee, milk, broth, soda, juice, etc, but not acid,
petroleum products, or other chemicals & liquid elements or thick solutions that are semi-solid like mud, paint, paste, stew)
to eject water in a sudden burst. This means he can cause a soda can to explode (as if shaken up), cause a faucet or fire
hydrant to release a burst of water. The spray hits everyone in a four foot (1.2 m) diameter. It causes no damage but does
startle, distract, confuse, and frighten those unsuspecting. Likewise open containers, glasses, bowels, etc can have their
contents of up to one gallon can be manipulated and hurled up to a distance of 20 feet (6 m). If the water is boiling, hurled
into one’s face causes 2D4 damage, loss of initiative, loss of all attacks for 1D6 melee rounds and temporarily blindness
(-10 to strike, parry, and dodge).. If there is an abundant natural source nearby (200 foot radius), he can cause up to 400
gallons (over a ton of water) to flow toward him. The water will cover and soak a 20 foot (6.1 m) diameter around him. If
in a room or vehicle that is not water/airtight, it starts to fill up. This has the potential to drown victims that cannot escape
from a confined space. Note: Summon the water from a sealed container does not destroy the container, but breaks the
seal enough to allow water to escape

Water Bolt
Range: 40 feet (12.1 m). Double underwater.
Damage: 3D6
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Dodge or parry, -2 underwater

A bolt of water can be created and/or summoned from a nearby source of water and fires it at an opponent with enough
force to blast a hole through a solid wall. Those vulnerable to water take double damage.

Water Slam
Range: 60 feet (18.2 m)
Area of Effect: A single target or a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius
Damage: 10D6 or 1D6x10
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Dodge only
Bonus: +2 to strike

A tower of water can be created and/or summoned from a nearby source of water that can be projected or slammed down
on a specific target. The water is a powerful force, nearly equal to a massive tidal wave. Up to 700 gallons (2649 L) can be
created and/or controlled, which is over 2 tons of water! Victims struck by this massive wave are also temporarily blinded,
lose one attack and are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge. Those vulnerable to water take double damage.

Water Fist
Range: Touch or 4 foot (1.2 m).
Duration: One melee round, each punch counts as one melee attack.
Damage: 2D6 + P.S. damage bonus (if any)
Saving Throw: Dodge or parry, -2 underwater.

A whirling vortex of water is summoned from a source or simply created around his fist. This ball of water can be used to
slam into an opponent. Those vulnerable to water take double damage.

Water Levitation
Range: Self or 130 feet ((39 m) away.
Area of Effect: 6 foot (1.8 m) radius
Duration: 6 minutes (24 melees) or until cancel.
Height of Water: 40 feet (12.1 m)
Weight Limitation: 1000 lbs (450 kg).
Saving Throw: Dodge, but all dodges are -10 because the opponent is typically unaware of this attack.

A pillar of water is made to rise up out of a body of water or can be created (if moisture levels permit). If water is not
readily available, water can flow from a source as far away as 400 feet (121 m) over land and then channeled into a water
spout. The force is so strong everything within the weight limit is pushed upwards. Victims are -5 to strike, parry, and
dodge on top of the water column. The only damage sustained is from falling (1D6 per 10 feet/3 m of height).

Water Control
Range: Throw/Hurl Water 60 feet (18.2 m) away; double underwater. Flow Water: 400 feet (121
m) away.
Duration: 6 minutes
Limitations: Can only move water and watery liquid (see above) that flows from a natural source or a man made source
(fire hose, faucet, fountain, etc). This does not affect water that contained or not moving.
Saving Throw: Dodge with a -2 penalty.

If water is moving on its own or coming from a free flowing source, he alter the flow (changes it direction), making it go up
the side of a building and walls, across the floor, up steep vertical inclines, and in specific patterns, making shapes, and
even write words. Water can be made to stop at a specific point or area specified and maintained, causing the water to flow
around, or back up (and possibly fill the area). Water can be made to stop flowing out of a source or he can have it directed
at a specific target or into a container. Water can be drawn from any source as long as it’s moving (even if the tap is turned
off). The power is not strong enough to change or redirected an ocean current, but it could be used to reduce the intensity
of water turbulence and reduce the size and speed of waves by half. While this power is not powerful enough to part a large
river or sea, it could be used to dam up a creek, stream, a lake or pond, even a reservoir. However, the concentration
required to maintain this amount of water causes a severe strain on the character, limiting him to holding the water back
for a mere 6 melee rounds.

Water Wall
Range: 140 feet (42.6 m) away
Duration: 32 melees (8 minutes)

Water can be summoned from a nearby source or generated (if sufficient moisture/humidity levels are available) to form
into a wall of water suspended in the air. The wall can slow and deflect bullets and laser attacks (-6 to strike). Fire attacks
that pass through the water wall are diffused and reduced to one-third their strength (damage). Looking through the water
obscures vision making it extremely difficult to distinguish figures or discern movement clearly. Anyone trying to pass
through the water is temporarily blinded for one attack/action that melee suffering a -6 to strike, parry, and dodge. Note:
The wall covers a 48 foot long by 48 foot high by 4 foot thick (14.6x14.6x1.2 m). Instead of forming a wall, the water can
be made to take the shape of a dome.

Water Adaptation
Range: Self or anyone holding his hand
Duration: 40 minutes

Any living being holding his hand is not only able to breathe underwater but can endure triple their normal depth tolerance
without any protective gear. This can only be maintained as long as he remains conscious and continues to hold onto their
hand. Note: If he wasn't an aquatic being, this power would be more beneficial to himself.

Additional Powers and Abilities:
He cannot suffocate (drown) in water (even if he wasn’t an aquatic being).
He is impervious to water-related diseases (due to micro-organisms and chemicals in water people drink).
He takes half damage from normal cold and does not suffer from hypothermia (takes full damage from cold/ice attacks.
He heals twice as fast when fully submersed in water or at least ½ of his body stays wet for at least 1D4 hours.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Sorry for taking so long guys. Trying to work on two (eeh three) other Palladium projects at the same time. The
three other members of Supreme Champions will be appearing soon.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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I can wait,your doing a Great job Reagren wright.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The man who calls himself Space Saber is an alien from a high gravity planet within the TMC charter. On
his world, Boxing and MMA fighting is consider the two national sports (equal to the popularity of soccer and
hockey on Earth). Jyuhst proved himself to be the #1 contender for the Planet Champion Title. Unfortunately, the
manager of the champion contact members within a organize crime racket to put a hit on Jyuhst. On his way to
his matach, Jytuhst was assaulted by a dozen men, beaten down, put on a space craft and sent off his home
world. When he came to, he discovered the spacecraft was being drawn toward a red giant star. But just in time,
TMC operatives came to his rescue. Forever grateful, Jytuhst vowed to repay their service by joining the
organization to ensure what happen to him never happens to anyone else. Jytuhst worked his way through the
ranks reaching the rank of Master Sergeant. Jytuhst joined the Vice Division, specializing investigating blood
sport/gladiatorial games. Four years later, Jytuhst came to Earth’s solar system to track down a fugitive
gladiator named Sabugo. In order to track the alien down, Jytuhst operated as a super hero crime fighter in
Century Station under the supervision of Alpha Prime. For the months that he operated in CS, Jytuhst became
frustrated with the manner in which the Centurions operated, and super villains and criminal organizations
operated without fear of prosecution. After a known crime lord allegedly ordered the execution of a young MMA
fighter, Jytuhst stormed his house, taking out his security, and crippling the crime lord. Alpha Prime was
infuriated at him and ordered him to leave Earth. Jytuhst said not without taking his prisoner. That is when
Jytuhst reported that Sabugo was an employee of Project Secure having completed the Alien Acclimation
Program. Infuriated Jytuhst stormed out of Centurion HQ vowing one day to get even. Three months later a new
superhero began operating in Victory City named Space Saber. Unlike other heroes, he took out villains and
criminal with vicious intensity, leaving them for ambulances to pick up, and that was those who survived his
encounters. It didn’t take long before he attracted the tension of Captain Valiant. After working together for
several nights (most of them spent in some rough neighborhoods) they formed a friendship, vowing to each
other to take out as much criminal trash as possible, including the useless super heroes who do nothing but
contribute to criminal behavior. In order to defeat evil, it must be beaten down until it can’t stand again. Space
Saber vows to rid the world of the Centurions, especially Alpha Prime. Presently he is planning to take out
Sabugo the moment the opportunity presents itself.

Real Name: Jytuhst Elax
Occupation: Former TMC operative (Master Sergeant), now alleged super hero crime fighter.
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Alien (Physical Training-Focus on Agility and Speed)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 58 S.D.C.: 212
P.P.E.: 7
Appearance: He is a superior athletic male with light orange hair and red eyes. His costume resembles
something worn by a futuristic ninja.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 11, M.A. 8, P.S. 30 (extraordinary), P.P. 25, P.E. 24, Spd.87 (61 mph/98 km), P.B. 18
Age: 27, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.55 m), Weight: 275 lbs (123 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Ambidextrous, Orange Hair, and Red Eyes.
Originating Alien Environment: High Gravity
Combat Training: Aggressive and Deadly Combat
Special Combat Abilities: Power Punch x2 any hand combat damage (counts as two attacks), Power Kick
x2 any foot attack damage (counts as two attacks), and Force of Will.
Attacks per Melee: 8 (4 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +7 to strike, +11 to parry, +6 to dodge, +15 to damage, +8 to roll
with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +2 disarm.
Saving Throws: +28% to save vs. coma/death and +5 to save vs. magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick 3D6,
Crescent Kick 2D4+2, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep (cannot
be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to dodge), Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative
and 1 attack/action), Body Block/Tackle 1D4 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Pin 18-20, Crush 2D4+2,
Paired Weapons (all), Arm Hold, Neck Hold, Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20, and Knockout on an
unmodified roll of 20.
Educational Background: Special Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Language 90%/93%, Mathematics: Basic 87%, and Pilot:
Hover Car 85%.
Special Physical Program: Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 95%, Walk Rope 85%, Climb Rope 98%,
Back Flip 95%), Gymnastics (Bars and Rings 98%), Athletics (General), Swimming 80%, Body Building &
Weightlifting, and Climbing 95%.
Espionage Program: Escape Artist 75%, Tracking (people) 65%, Prowl 75%, and Detect Ambush
TMC Officer Program: Crime Scene Investigation 75%, Law (general) 75%, Find Contraband 60%,
Interrogation 70%, Intelligence 66%, Streetwise 54%, Pilot: Jet Pack 76%, Pilot: Small Military Spacecraft 90%,
Zero Gravity Combat: Elite, W.P. Energy Pistol (+3 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Energy Rifle (+3 to aim/+1 to
Secondary Skills: Dance 55%, Land Navigation 56%, Pick Pocket 50%, Wilderness Survival 55%,
Fencing (+1D6 to damage), W.P. Sword (+4 to strike/+3 to parry), W.P. Blunt (+3 to strike/parry), Pilot:
Motorcycle 84%, Pilot: Automobile 75%, Pilot: Airplane 70%, Language: English 74%, and Literacy: English 70%.
Money: He came to earth with 3800 galactic credits (worthless here) and $18,000 in precious metals and
gems. He makes about $1300 a week from Zane Enterprises.
Weapons: He has access to the conventional weapons used by Supreme Champions and Watchguard.
However it is his energy sword.
Energy Sword, Damage: 4D6+3.
TMC Stun Club, Damage: 2D4 + P.S. damage or 1D6 and make a saving throw vs. non lethal poison (16-
use P.E. bonus only). Failure means the victim is stunned is -10 to strike, parry, and dodge and -60% on skill
performance for 2D4 melee rounds. Also reduce the victim’s number of melee attacks/actions to two, and reduce
speed by 80%. If the victim makes the save against the stun attack reduce penalties by half and speed and
melee actions are not reduced, Rate of Fire: Each stun blast count as one melee attack, Payload: Two stun
charges per hour, recharges within an hour.
TMC Ion Pistol, Range: 400 feet (122 m), Damage: 5D6, Rate of Fire: Single shot, Payload: 10 charges E-
Armor: Environmental body suit (skin tight) with Kinetic Suit beneath and Stealth Coating (+10% to
prowl). No prowl or movement penalties. A.R. 17, S.D.C. 200. Reduce all kinetic, and physical attacks by half
damage regardless if by-pass the armor rating. This also includes falls, explosives, sonic blasts, and force bolts.
Equipment & Vehicles: Space Saber has access to some of the technology and equipment used by the
Watchguard, but it pales in comparison to TMC technology. He owns 3 automatic re-sizing handcuffs (considered
heavy duty handcuffs [200 SDC] with electronic locks(-10% to pick using locksmith not pick locks or escape
artist). He also has in his possession a TMC field communicator (wristband), Range: 10 miles (16 km) for video,
60 miles (96 km) audio.
Micro-Jet Boot, Speed 65 mph (104 km), Hover 3 to 500 feet (0.9 to 153 m) above the ground (+3 to
dodge), Range: 200 miles (320 km).
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The man who calls himself Seeker Epsilon is not even human. He is actually Nightlord Avatar. The Night
Lord Satuzael is a loyal supporter of King Moloch, ruling the Nightlands equivalent of Europe in an alternate Earth
dimension in which instead of Nightbane, superbeings fought valiantly to defend their world when the Nightlords
invaded. Ultimately the heroes were overwhelmed, but by that time the intense fighting had devastated the
planet. Meanwhile in the Earth dimension of Heroes Unlimited, the man known as Jordan Holt once owned three
financial companies which allowed him to accumulate a bounty of wealth as an investment advisor responsible
for multi-million dollar pension funds. Unfortunately he engaged in unethical business practices. Instead of facing
the consequences of his action, Holt paid a super villain named Mirror Fraud, an Electrical Genius who developed
Mirror Mastery technology. Using a mirror he would teleport Jordan to a safe location thus ensuring he could
avoid prosecution yet still allow him the enjoyment of his wealth and power. Unknowingly, the mirror opened a
dimensional portal to the alternate Earth in which that Jordan Holt had been replaced by a Nightlord Avatar.
When HU Jordan stepped through the portal, the avatar decided to step through likewise (curious to know who
had created this portal). The moment he did he killed Mirror Fraud. Before choosing to return to the other
dimension, he decided to explore this one. It take him long to realize this world had never been seen by the
Nightlords, yet like his was full of super beings. If he returned and informed Satuzael of this discovery, what had
happened to the other Earth would likely repeat itself. So instead of return, the avatar decided to stay. When the
police finally arrived to take Jordon Holt away, the avatar allowed himself to be prosecuted and be sentences to
four years in prison and agreed to pay back the money he owed. After being released from prison, he used the
time to thoroughly study humanity and educate himself on the human experience of this modern world. He sold
a majority of personal belongs and paid $1.5 million in restitutions. The money he had left, he moved to Victory
City to start a new life for himself. Using his new understanding of stock markets, he acquired enough capital to
allow him to function as a member of high society without truly earning a living, not to mention he can simply
transmute matter into how much money or valuables he needs (and with his forgery skill he’s pretty good at it).
While this was the life he set up for himself as Jordon Holt, he started on a crusade to infiltrate the world of the
so called “super heroes”, in an effort to learn how the Nightlord failed to defeat them back in the other world.
Taking on the name Seeker Epsilon, he began his career as a champion of justice. Within a month he became
bored as it seemed far too easy to capture and defeat normal criminals, yet he did enjoy the entangling with
super villains and leaders of organize crime. Still it wasn’t providing him the information he so wanted, that is
when he witness an encounter with Captain Valiant breaking the neck of a petty crock. He confronted the
champion and quick melee initiated between the two of them. To his surprise, he realized that Dennis Black was
not a true hero, but a villain in disguise. A con-artist just like himself only one beautifully glorified. He
surrendered to the captain and asked if he could be allowed to join him in his endeavors. Not sure what to make
of the man at first, Dennis agreed. Yet within a short while, he was pleased to have the mysterious mage at his
side for the power he brought to the table was awe inspiring. Seeker continues his role as the former white
collar criminal Jordon Holt who is seemingly trying to restore his good name by helping out the community of
Victory City, and then reverting to his super hero persona Seeker Epsilon, the wizard superhero helping the
Supreme Champions defend Victory City as well as freedom, justice, and the right of happiness for all
humankind. But it’s the moment when the Champions show their true color, killing super heroes, good people
dedicating their lives to helping others, or eradicating weak criminals and super beings that bring a smile to his
face. He loves this dimension and has no intension of ever going back. The ring ensured Satuzael or no other
Night Lord (or minion) will ever find him. He is especially brutal toward super heroes/villains while in the alias,
torturing them in order to satisfy his energy needs. If he wanted to he could easily kill Captain Valiant and
assume control over the champions, but why break a thing of beauty. The man (although a human) is brilliant in
his undertaking. Seeker Epsilon is more than willing to work with the team and work in the shadows as they plan
the destruction of Century Station. He wants to see just how far they can go to turn this world into a replica of
the other earth without a Nightlord influence. In addition, the more super heroes/villains they destroys the
weaker the world becomes if the day ever comes he decides to inform his true self and the Nightlords of this
soon to be defenseless planet. But right now, he has too much fun as a super hero/villain to care.

Real Name: Satuzael
Alias: Jordon Holt
Occupation: Alleged Super Hero, Con Artist, and Would be World Conqueror
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Supernatural Being
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 56 S.D.C.: 400
P.P.E.: 420. Note: He regains 10 P.P.E. every hour.
Appearance: He is a black man of medium height, heavily muscled, large nose, with a shaved head. As
Seeker he wears a hooded black cowl with a gray costume with the epsilon symbol on the front.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 17, M.A. 21, P.S. 32 (supernatural), P.P. 20, P.E. 26, Spd. 30, P.B. 15
Age: He appears to be 36, he’s actually 110 (maybe immortal), Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot
and 1 inch (1.86 m), Weight: 195 lbs (85.5 kg).
Vulnerabilities: He takes double damage from all attacks made by supernatural creatures/being (including Mega Heroes/Villains).
Natural Abilities: Bio-regenerate 2D6 S.D.C./hit points per melee round. He takes only half damage from
all non-magical weapons and attacks (both physical and energy attacks). See the invisible and through any
masking camouflage or illusionary powers, sense ley lines and nexus points 6 miles (9.6 km), see in total
darkness 2000 feet (/610 m), radiate a supernatural aura at will (HF 14). Note: He passes as normal human
radiating a normal aura, unless he chooses to stop masking it.
Life Force Vampirism: Must absorb at least 20 P.P.E./Hit Points a day. This process takes one minute/4
melees and he can absorb up to 50 Hit Points/P.P.E. at a time. Note: He prefers his food to be flavored by pain
and terror. His favorite form of feeding consists of torturing victims to death. He usually throws a victim into a
“Saw Torture” device, feeding on the helpless victim. He cannot feed in combat. He regains 1 P.P.E point per Hit
Point from normal humans. He receives all the P.P.E. within a super being (including those with magic). If
Seeker does not receive his minimum 20 P.P.E. per day, the 20 gets subtracted from his energy base until it can
be restored. When his P.P.E. base is reduced to zero, he loses 1 P.E. point per day; if P.E. is reduced to zero, he
will crumble into dust.
Matter and Energy Control: Seeker possesses the ability to control matter/energy and manipulate
dimensional energies by reshaping, transforming, dispersing and releasing them at will. Each use of this power
counts as two melee attacks/action, requires line of sight to be used (with a maximum range of one mile/1.6
km). Note: His power over matter has no affect on living beings. He can also use rituals, willing participants,
unwilling sacrifices, mass slaughter, ley lines and ley line nexus to produce additional P.P.E. to be harnessed and
used to reshape or destroy matter.
Reshape Matter: Seeker can mold inanimate matter (metals, stones, and any mineral or synthetic
substance) at will as if it were soft clay. The shape can be anything Seeker desires; i.e., he can twist a gun into
a pretzel, but the matter’s structure remains the same — the pretzel will still be made of metal). Cost: One
P.P.E. per 5 pounds (2.3 kg) of matter.
Melt Matter: Seeker causes solid matter to assume a liquid state. In the case of most metals and solid
minerals, this means the matter will become incredibly hot! Any matter will suddenly heat to its “melting point.”
Anybody holding a metal object thus melted will take 3D6 damage (2D4x10 if body armor or a vehicle is melted
on top of the character).Cost: One P.P.E. per pound (0.45 kg) of matter.
Transform Matter: Seeker can change lead into gold, plastic into iron, etc., and vice versa! He can
transform guns into pudding, and wine into nitroglycerin. Cost: 20 P.P.E. per pound (0.45 kg) of matter
transformed. The transformation is permanent, unless he spends energy to change it back. Living beings and
organic matter cannot be affected.
Matter-Energy Meld: Seeker can “attach” matter and energy to his body to give himself powerful body
armor. Each 10 P.P.E. spent in this manner will add 20 S.D.C. to Seeker’s body (usually in the form of metallic
armor, rocky growths, and so on). Seeker can also surround himself in an aura of fire, crackling electricity, or
other forms of energy (including sound, cold, darkness, etc). These energy auras provide 10 S.D.C. worth of
protection for every 10 P.P.E. spent. Furthermore, the energy will burn anyone who touches or comes within 10
feet (3.0 m) of him. Damage is equal to 1D6 for every 10 S.D.C. spent. The Matter-Energy Meld lasts one hour;
at the end of it, Seeker can spend more P.P.E. to renew it. This power can also be used to make himself
invulnerable to all forms of energy attack, except magic, at a P.P.E. cost of 10 points per every 10 minutes. Or
the power can use energy (fire, electricity, lasers, etc.) to make himself more physically powerful and giant
sized by converting the energy into mass. Every 10 points of energy/S.D.C. damage actually gives Seeker one
additional S.D.C. point, one pound of mass, and six inches (0.15 m) in height. Thus, enduring a total of 100
points of damage from energy blasts or fire, etc., increases his S.D.C. by 10 points, mass by 100 pounds (45
kg), and height by three feet (0.9 m). 1000 S.D.C. points of damage would be 10x that amount. However,
Seeker must expend 5 P.P.E. points for every10 points of energy funneled into his system, so 1000 S.D.C.
energy damage will cost him 200 P.P.E. points.
Disperse Energy: Seeker can disperse energy harmlessly around his body. Fire, lasers/light, electricity,
and radiation can be rendered useless. Seeker’s power is so great he could possibly withstand a nuclear
explosion! Cost: Every 10 P.P.E. points expended will harmlessly disperse up to 100 S.D.C. points of
energy/S.D.C. damage. 1000 points can dispel 10,000 S.D.C. points of energy damage. This effect lasts for one
minute after the power is activated. Note: His power has no affect on magical and psionic energies.
Release Energy: Seeker can unleash large amounts of pure energy in the form of fire/plasma, electricity,
or light/laser blasts. These energy blasts inflict 1D6 points per every 2 P.P.E. spent. Cost: 2 P.P.E. per die of
damage (i.e., a blast doing 4D6x10 S.D.C. would cost 80 P.P.E.). These energy blasts are +3 to strike. Seeker
can also create walls of fire, circles of fire, electrical fields, electro-magnetic fields, etc. Cost: 10 P.P.E. per 20
foot (6 m) radius (those who try to pass through the energy wall or field suffer 6D6 damage). Likewise, he can
create the equivalent of the following spells at a cost of four P.P.E. each, at 10th level power! Globe of daylight,
blinding flash, ignite fire, fuel flame, fire bolt, fire fist, firestorm, extinguish fire, circle of flame, and energy
Manipulate Dimensional Energies: Seeker can also control dimensional energies, such as what is needed
to open and close Rifts, open dimensional portals, teleport, and so on. Seeker has the equivalent of the spells,
Close Rifts, Wink Out, Teleport: Lesser, Dimensional Pocket, Time Hole, Dimensional Portal, Teleport, Teleport:
Superior, Fly, Dimensional Portal, Mystic Portal, Float in the Air, and Time Slip. Cost: Same as each respective
Telekinesis: Same as the spell but the range, duration, and weight is x10.
Sense Dimensional Disturbances: Seeker’s mind is attuned to mystical energies, and can sense the
presence/appearance, opening and closing of Rifts, dimensional portals/doorways, teleportation spells,
dimensional anomalies, and similar magical/ supernatural effects, at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: Six (2 Initial +3 from hand to hand +1 from boxing)
Combat Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +6 to strike, +9 to parry, +9 to dodge, +17 to damage, +9 to roll with
punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, and +5 to Perception.
Saving Throws: +1 to save vs. psionics & insanity, +6 to save vs. poison & disease, +12 to save vs.
magic, +10 to save vs. Horror Factor, and +22% to save vs. coma/death.
Combat Skills: Restrained Punch 2D6, Full Strength Punch 5D6, Backhand 6D6, Power Punch 1D6x10
(counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 6D6, Knee 5D6, Karate Kick 1D6x10, Roundhouse Kick 2D4x10, Axe Kick
1D6x10, Snap Kick 5D6, Leap Kick 2D6x10, Snap Kick 5D6, Wheel Kick 1D6x10, Tripping/Leg Hook (cannot be
paired, must dodge or knockdown), Backward Sweep (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown, -2 to
dodge), Jump Kick 4D4x10, Power Kick (any kick x2 counts as two attacks), all Holds, Knockout/stun on a
natural 20, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
Other Bonuses: +6% to all skills and 65% trust/intimidate
Educational Background: Special Program
Common Skills: Lore: Demon & Monster 93%, Lore: Geomancy 88%, Lore: Magic 88%/78%/83%,
Archeology 98%86%, Chemistry 98%, Holistic Medicine 96%/86%, Mathematics: Basic 98%, and
Read/Write/Speak all languages at 98%.
Technical Program: Anthropology 86%, Law (General) 96%, History (general) 98%/88%, and
Research 96%.
Physical Program: Boxing, Athletics (general), Kick Boxing, and Climbing 96%/86%.
Criminal Program: Streetwise 70%, Pick Locks 86%, Find Contraband 76%, I.D. Undercover Agents
98%, and Prowl 81%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 86%, Intelligence 82%, Wilderness
Survival 86%, Impersonation 90%/76%, and Forgery 76%.
Secondary Skills: Business & Finance 71%, Seduction 44%, Play Musical Instrument (Piano) 71%,
Astronomy & Navigation 76%, Gemology 61%, Mathematics: Advance 82%, Appraise Antiques 66%, Palming
56%, Performance 61%, and Concealment 50%.
Money: He has a quarter million in ready cash and over two million in assets. Most of his money
Weapons: None, his powers give him all the protection he could ever need. He tends to rely more on his
physical attributes and combat skill, using his power only when necessary.
Armor: His costume is the equivalent of a Cloak of Armor. Using his knowledge of the occult and
supernatural abilities allows him to restore or make a new one at any time of his choosing. A.R. 14, S.D.C. 200.
Vehicles and Equipment: Seeker owns a fleet of cars, a private jet and a lavish mansion.
The Ring of Lies, This is a greater artifact of power that Seeker brought with him. The ring generates a
Null Aura- negating all magic and psionic probes that would otherwise reveal information about Seeker, thus
making him impervious or invisible to see aura, sense magic, sense evil, sense/detect psionics, detect magic
and even presence sense. On the negative side, it also negates psychic diagnosis, detect poison, object read and
being located or communicated with viamagic pigeon, ley line transmission and telepathy. The null aura is
constantly in effect as long as the ring is touching his flesh. Likewise the ring appears to be an ordinary object
despite its magic aura and properties.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
Location: LaPorte, In USA

Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


The girl named Tanya Noble is the daughter of World Figuring Skating Champion Ashlee Noble and the super villain Ice
Giant. Shortly after coming to the U.S. the super villain fell in love with America's sweetheart in women’s figure skating.
Despite his advance, she wanted nothing to do with him (just another obsessed fan) and her people tried to put a restraining
order against him. Infuriated by her rejection, doing a performance at Ultrpolis, the super villain grew to his immense size
and stole her right out of the arena. A number of champions tried to defeat the ice giant, but he was simply too big and
powerful. At one point, he reduced his height and jumped into the drain with his prize. He eventually took her to his lair in
an abandoned warehouse. There he attempted to charm the skater with all that he could provide for her. Tanya did her best
to placate the super villain, even giving him what he ultimately wanted from her. But despite his affections, she simply
wanted nothing from the super villain. When GIGMA and U.S. S.C.R.E.T finally tracked him down, she fled from the
warehouse trying to reach her. In a rage, the ice giant encased her ice. Suddenly realizing what he had done, he flew into a
rage, grabbed his own head and encased it in ice. The super villain collapsed on a building, impaling himself on several
sharp projections. He died instantly. Eventually Ashlee was thawed out and allowed to return to her normal life. That is until
two months later she realized she was pregnant. Ashlee vowed that something good would come out of this tragedy and
several months later her daughter Tanya was born. Yet within a few weeks, it became clear she had inherited her father’s
gift for generating cold and ice. The only way Tonya could hold her daughter was while wearing gloves and a warm coat.
Feeding her almost caused frostbite and whatever she drank eventually turned to ice, which for a baby was extremely
difficult to eat with no teeth. Yet Tonya pressed on, trying her best to raise her daughter. Finally, when Tonya was 15
months old, she agreed to give her daughter over to scientists employed at Fisher Cryogenics. Tanya spent months in
isolations as research scientist tried their best to figure out how she function or if there was a way to turn off her powers.
As the years past, Tanya saw less and less of her mother who married a renown actor and started a new life of her own,
and seemingly forgot about her little ice princess. When Tanya was 15 years old, she was informed she would continue her
high school education working at Project Secure where would be assisting the AAP with a Klikita alien (frozen world) named
Vost Hyrf. With his assistance, the Alien Hardware Genius built several Environmental Containment Suit for her giving her
the freedom to walk among normal people without freezing them, or for that matter revealing any of her super abilities,
unless she choose to do so. Vost was given the code name Techno Frost and while Tanya received the name Arctic Girl. For
a while the duo worked with U.S. S.C.R.E.T. super being taskforce called SUPREME. It was here that Tanya first laid eyes on
the adorable Dennis Black. Although she was a minor the two quickly formed a relationship, must to the displeasure of Vost.
During her time with SUPREME Tonya demonstrated just how coldhearted she could be, freezing her victims until they
practically shattered like glass. Vost was becoming worried that she was becoming mentally unstable; furthermore he put
most of the blame of Black. Within a few years, the funding for SUPREME was cut back, and Techno Frost and Arctic Girl
were told to return to Project Secure. Dennis Black meanwhile was reassigned to Century Station. Tanya was given the
chance to attend school, she wanted to go to Copernicus University, but Vost made sure she attended Victory City
University. Half way through her first semester, Tanya learned that her mother would be coming to the university. Anxious
to see her, she waited all day for the opportunity, but instead she received a phone call that her mother had other plans.
Sadden she made her way to the hotel to see what had delayed her mother. Looking in the window, she saw her mother
attending an ice skating party with her 16 year old normal daughter, who like her was being coached for the Olympics.
Seeing her mother and half sister having so much fun with their friends and family caused the fragile sanity that held Tanya
mind together to snap. Hours later, when her mom and half sister return to the hotel, Tanya was there waiting for them.
Ashlee Noble tried to explain herself, but Tanya would have none of it. She encased her half sister in a block of ice. Her
mother called out, “You’re a monster just like your father, that insane Snow Man.” Tanya grabbed her mother by the head
and frozen her solid but not before filled the entire room with ice and snow. Later that night Tanya went on a rampage,
killing people throughout the city. The next day it was reported over a 16 people in Victory City froze to death. Though she
did her best to restrain herself, Tanya fought she liked freezing people, especially those with so much warm feelings in their
heart. Shortly after completing her freshman year, Tanya learned her beloved Dennis Black had come to Victory City under
the name of Captain Valiant. The two of them immediately hooked back up. Dennis was pleased with her newfound
psychotic disposition, in fact he encouraged her to act upon her compulsions. As Dennis laid out his plan, she was right
there behind him, eager to please. When Vost made a surprise visit to see him, Tanya pretended to be happy. Later that
evening, as he was getting into his car, Seeker Epsilon melted the car on top of him. Tanya sat beside the melted hunk of
metal listening to Vost scream until he died from exposure. The next day she vowed revenge against the criminal who did
this to her old friend. Her new friends the Supreme Champions found the man (a minor villain named Burn Master). Tanya
used the full wrath of her powers of the poor innocent man, freezing him solid. Tanya and Dennis remains a hot (cold) item.
She will kill any woman who even looks in his direction. She has already given stern warnings to Watchguard members
Gale and Virago. She will never let another woman join their team. The sooner they can implement their plan to kill
Centurion members the happier she will be. She would really love to freeze Watchguard members Psyche and Paladin, she
blamed Paladin for all the bad things that happen to her beloved, and the sooner she is allowed to kill him, the happier she
will be. Tanya has also recently learned that her father Ice Giant had another child with Swedish figuring skating champion
Disa Johannsen, the mother of super villain Glaciator. Tanya is hoping to met with her half brother and perhaps convince
him to join their cause.

Real Name: Tanya Noble
Occupation: Alleged Super Hero Champion
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Hyper Powered Experiment
Experience Level: 5th level
Hit Points: 40 S.D.C.: 78+175 with ice form. Armor Rating: A.R.14 in ice form.
P.P.E.: 20
Appearance: She is an attractive young woman who participates in moderate exercise. She has white hair and brown
eyes. She has no choice but to wear her blue orange containment suit.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 13, M.A. 17, P.S. 15 (extraordinary in ice form), P.P. 12, P.E. 18, Spd. 21/44 mph (71 km)
skating speed/260 mph (418.6 km) in flight, P.B. 18
Age: 21, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 7 inches (1.70 m), Weight: 136 lbs (61.2 kg)/272 lbs
(122 km) in ice form.
Insanity: Tanya is a full blown sociopath, she has a complete lack of conscience or guilt feelings and a complete
disregard for others. She enjoying watching things suffer and die from hypothermia. She will kill anyone woman who even
looks at Dennis (has to be physically restrained at times). There is almost always a silly grin on her face. If things are not
covered in ice, she has little use for them. Everything she eats must be frozen (it’s the only way she drinks liquids).
Side Effect: Power Backlash (Every time she uses one of his powers, she experiences a power surge or whiplash
effect that causes 6 points of cold damage to anybody within a 13 foot (3.9 m) radius of her; 12 points of damage if they
are touching her at the time) and Hyper Powered (she cannot minimize or moderate her super abilities, therefore they are
always released at maximum power doing full damage, full duration, and 30% greater ranger. All other stats and functions
of her abilities are unchanged).
Vulnerability: Freezelove is unable to regulate her super abilities. She is forever set to reduce the air temperature
around her (130 feet/39.6 m radius) to -100 degrees F (-73.3 degrees C). Only her environmental containment suit is able
to keep her powers in check (and it still cannot stop the power backlash). She must always wear the suit (there is a special
zipper in the suit to allow her to use the restroom) or risk turning everything around her into ice and cold. Freezelove can
still generate cold/absorb heat while wearing the suit, but the suit gives her the option of choice. Without the suit there
would be no stopping her heat absorption, everything would be frozen solid.
Major Super Abilities: Sub-Zero and Alter Physical Structure: Ice. Note: Her APS: Ice form started out with a base of
50 S.D.C. that has increased by 25 each level of experience.
Minor Super Ability: Flight: Energy
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 Initial +3 from Hand to Hand) +1 in flight.
Combat Training: Basic
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike/ +2 in flight, +2 to parry/+3 in flight, +2 to dodge (+3 on ice)/+4 to
dodge while in flight under 80 mph (128 km)/+6 to dodge in flight over 90 mph (144 km), +4 to damage for every 20 mph
(32 km) of flight speed, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, +2 to maintain balance, and +1 to disarm.
Saving Throws: Impervious to ice and cold, +6% to save vs. coma/death, and +2 to save vs. magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick
2D4+3, and all Holds.
Other Bonuses: 50% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: One Year in College
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 90%/93% and Pilot: Automobile 75%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 97%, Dance 70%, Singing 70%, and Cook 70%.
Physical Program: Athletics (General), Professional Figure Skating 98%, and Aerobic Athletics (Sense of
Balance 55%).
Secondary: Radio: Basic 75%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Photography 60%, Streetwise 40%, Seduction 41%,
Astronomy and Navigation 65%, Housekeeping 60%, Law (General) 60%, Snow Skiing 55%, and Pilot: Snowmobile 72%.
Money: When she is not stealing whatever she can get her hands on, she is rewarded an allowance by Captain
Valiant of the $1000 she would normally earn as a employee of Zane Enterprises.
Weapons: She relies mainly on his super abilities.
Cold Bolts, Range: 715 feet (217 m), Damage: 20 points + produce a thin, coating of ice and instant numbness
(-2 to initiative, -1 to strike, parry, dodge, and-2 to roll with punch for 4 melee rounds), Bonus: +1 to aim/+2 in flight.
Freeze the Living, 30 points of damage, Duration: 5 melee rounds,
Create and Hurl Ice Shards, Range: 195 feet (59 m), Damage: 12 per single, 36 for all three, Bonus: +2 to
strike. Can only use power in ice form.
Equipment & Vehicles: Freezelove has limited access to some of the technology and equipment used by the
Watchguard. But if it’s not made of ice or cold, she has little use for technology.
Freezelove’s Environmental Containment Suit, The suit can withstand and help control her awesome heat
absorption. The suit is impervious to heat and cold (Freezelove still takes damage from fire/heat). The suit is considered
body armor (not power armor or an exoskeleton), A.R. 13 and 300 S.D.C.

Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Feb 12, 2015 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Whew done for now guys. Back to other projects. Back in a few.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Are there stats for Ice Giant, or are you going to do them, too?
Also, you have a typo. It should read "the super villain fell in love with America sweetheart", not "the super villain feel in love with America sweetheart". I did not read the whole thing, so that is the only one I noticed.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Stone Gargoyle wrote:Are there stats for Ice Giant, or are you going to do them, too?
Also, you have a typo. It should read "the super villain fell in love with America sweetheart", not "the super villain feel in love with America sweetheart". I did not read the whole thing, so that is the only one I noticed.

:( Yeah there were some other editing errors as well. Thanks for the notice. Just fixed them. No stats for Ice Giant (he's
dead), and if there were they be the same as Glaciator.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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That is One Group of Bad you known what,I hope,they do not win.
Maybe a unknown team of Heroes can step in when the bad guys make ther move?
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Hmm I'm curious to see what Rifter #69 HU Adventure Ideas are going to be?
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Are there stats for Ice Giant, or are you going to do them, too?
Also, you have a typo. It should read "the super villain fell in love with America sweetheart", not "the super villain feel in love with America sweetheart". I did not read the whole thing, so that is the only one I noticed.

:( Yeah there were some other editing errors as well. Thanks for the notice. Just fixed them. No stats for Ice Giant (he's
dead), and if there were they be the same as Glaciator.

Ice Giant does not need to be the same as "Glaciator".

Ice Giant

APS: Ice
Energy Expulsion Cold
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Severus Snape »

NMI wrote:
Reagren Wright wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:Are there stats for Ice Giant, or are you going to do them, too?
Also, you have a typo. It should read "the super villain fell in love with America sweetheart", not "the super villain feel in love with America sweetheart". I did not read the whole thing, so that is the only one I noticed.

:( Yeah there were some other editing errors as well. Thanks for the notice. Just fixed them. No stats for Ice Giant (he's
dead), and if there were they be the same as Glaciator.

Ice Giant does not need to be the same as "Glaciator".

Ice Giant

APS: Ice
Energy Expulsion Cold

Doesn't APS Ice already come with a built-in EE Cold? I'm not near my books, but I could swear it does...
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by NMI »

Severus Snape wrote:
NMI wrote:
Ice Giant

APS: Ice
Energy Expulsion Cold

Doesn't APS Ice already come with a built-in EE Cold? I'm not near my books, but I could swear it does...

I think it comes packed with "Ice Shards"
  1. Create Snow/Ice
  2. Create/Hurl Snowballs
  3. Create/Hurl Ice Balls
  4. Create/Hurl Ice Shards
  5. Ice Wall/Shield
  6. Encase in ice
  7. Generate Ice
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I'm back. I just go the info I needed about some illustrated NPC characters who are demanding some stats
and to be flesh out in grand detail. You can find these guys in the back of Powers Unlimited 3 (page 105). They were
illustrated and created by Palladium's coolest artist (and I'm not just saying that because he illustrated Bizantium's cover and
made the Iceborne look really awesome) Chuck Walton. So give a few and the team knows as The Myths will be here
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Reagren Wright wrote:I'm back. I just go the info I needed about some illustrated NPC characters who are demanding some stats
and to be flesh out in grand detail. You can find these guys in the back of Powers Unlimited 3 (page 105). They were
illustrated and created by Palladium's coolest artist (and I'm not just saying that because he illustrated Bizantium's cover and
made the Iceborne look really awesome) Chuck Walton. So give a few and the team knows as The Myths will be here

Ironically, I had written these guys out - at least stats/powers/etc... no background awhile ago. I dont have them anymore, but might have some notes. It will be interesting to compare.
And if you go to Chuck's Deviant Art page and look up his comments on this photo, he gives some of them powers and has names for them. For example, the guy with the sword-like arms, his name is "Tengu" and is a former Triad Assassin turned hero with APS: Glass iirc.
"Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority or government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious, that every one of us put on this world has been put there for a reason and has something to offer."
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Yeah he gave me their names and the basic of their powers. But I had to do some "tweeking" of my own design (of course with his permission :) )


The Myths are the name of a four person group of Legionnaires who operate in California or pretty much
wherever they feel they are needed. They are called the myths because their namesakes come from
mythology, a favorite subject matter of the team’s founder and her original partner/fiancé. While the
Myths are perceived as faceless vigilantes that the police and local authorities are reluctant to work with,
namely for their reputation to be excessively brutal toward criminal and a unwillingness to work closely
with authorities. Despite one of their members have previous contact with U.K. S.C.R.E.T., he doesn’t
receive any favoritism from U.S. S.C.R.E.T. If anything G.I.G.M.A., is maintaining heavy surveillance on
the group, and The Jury is finding it rather difficult to determine if they even qualify as heroes. Still the
Myths want to help people and return the world to a time when deeds were not examined under a
microscope and political correctness meant the bad guy still went to even though he suffered a couple
bruises and lacerations. Right now the Myths are hoping to expand their operations by finding and
training new teammates (new Myth Chapters) to follow in their footsteps, if not in California perhaps in
Ultropolis or Century Station where they can always need more heroic costume champions.

The Myths Organization Statistics

A. Outfits: None (0 points)
B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies (10 Points)
C. Weapons: Ammunition (2 Points)
D. Bionics & Robotics: None (0 Points)
E. Vehicles: None (0 Points)
F. Communications: Secured Services (10 Points)
G. Offices: None (0 Points)
H. Military Power: Security Guards at Waylon’s mansion (2 Points).
I. Super Powered Operatives: None (0 Points)
J. Sponsorship: Agency Sponsored (50 Points)
K. Special Budget: None (0 Points) unless Waylon helps out ($50,000-15 Points)
L. Administrative Control: Loose Laws in some place (5 points), but mostly zero (0 Points).
M Internal Security: Lax (5 Points) at Waylon’s mansion.
N External Infiltration: Zero (0 Points)
O Research and Information: Good Connection (10 Points)
P Agency Credentials: Faceless (5 points)
Q. Employees Salary: Pittance (2 Points)
Total Agency Points: 116 Points
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Even as a child Cassandra always knew the outcome of something before it was going to happen.
Her psychic senses were finely tuned by the age of nine, she saw future events before they took place or
she know where thing were even if someone took the time to carefully hide them. It wasn’t long before
her parents took her to the Rademaker School for the Mentally Exceptional in Freedom, New Mexico.
Here Cassandra took numerous tests and demonstrated her true potential, but she was not alone. The
school had two-three dozen psychic children and adolescents. Those in charge of the school were
members of a high classified government program called the Psychic Activity Watch or Watchers run by
The Sector. While Cassandra demonstrated remarkable precognitive and locating abilities, her other
avenues of mental discipline were relatively week. So after two years at the school, they decided to turn
her loose back to her parents. Yet the experience was more than enough to teach Cassandra how to
master her abilities and provided her the training to utilize her abilities in variety of scenarios. In high
school, Cassandra blossomed into a beautiful woman, in which she received attention from a variety of
males. Yet with just a quick scan of their surface thoughts as well as a look into their future, Cassandra
knew well enough whom to talk with or ignore.
After graduating from college, she enrolled in Standford University to earn a teaching degree in
secondary education. While attending the university, she met a handsome history major named Greg
Douglas. In class he was shy, timid, yet very insightful about his knowledge of Greek and Roman
mythology and history. After attending several classes with him, Cassandra started having psychic
dreams of them working together as some sort of heroic duo. Tactically she approach Greg on the
subject matter after class, and with a little coaxing got him to reveal that since he was 16 he embarked
on a campaign to become a superhero, armed with a bow and arrow (Ancient Weapon Master).
Cassandra revealed to him her psychic powers to which Greg responded, “Wow just like the Oracle of
Delphi.” Greg went on to explain the fact and mythology of the legendary Greek seer and her connection
with the Greek god Apollo whom he based his super hero persona on. It wasn’t long before long
Cassandra don a costume and joined Greg in her super hero crusade thus fulfilling the prophetic dream
she had.
Throughout their college years and even after becoming high school teachers working in the same
school Delphi and Apollo continued their crime-fighting becoming a problematic thorn in the side of
organized crime and drug dealers. Yet the majority of criminals they harassed were petty crooks, yet
they did start to attract the attention of a powerful Mexican Mafia and its street gang the L.A. Knives. The
powerful drug warlord Jerold Marzan had grown tired of the duo undermining his operations. So he
planned to set a trap for them. At the same time, Greg proposed to Cassandra even though she had
known about it for several weeks. Arriving at a warehouse together they prepared to deal with what they
thought was another small time drug dealer instead they got a heavily armed street gang. Unbeknownst
to anyone, the massive fire fight attracted the attention of Allan William, a former Super Soldier for the
United States Air Force. Even with his assistance, and her prophetic powers, Cassandra never saw the
sniper take aim at Greg. He was killed instantly when the bullet pierced his skull. Devastated beyond
belief, Cassandra blamed herself for not seeing the future to save her lover. Luckily Allan was there over
the next few weeks to provide comfort for him. Cassandra wanted to retire from crime fighting but Allan
convinced her she owed it to Greg to care out the mission they started together. She agreed, but insisted
they needed more members. Thus the Myths were born.
While Cassandra has the experience (and is the team’s founder), she relies on the knowledge and
specialized training of her teammates to make decisions for her that will best help the team. Yet
ultimately she decides whether or not the team will undertake any mission after she has had 24 hours to
“psychically examine and predict” the outcome. If it appears someone will be injured or innocent civilians
will be harmed, she will outright refuse the mission. She will not risk the lives or well being of her
teammates. Her over protectiveness can become cumbersome for her teammates since she insist on so
much preplanning and psychically anticipating the outcome of ever mission that when things go awry she
starts to panic, having become too dependent on foreseeing the outcome instead ensuring victory by any
means necessary. Relying so heavily on her powers may seem detrimental, but as far as Cassandra is
concerned entirely necessarily if she and the others want to continue their mission of making the world a
safe place.

Real Name: Cassandra Roman
Occupation: High School History Teacher and Leader of The Myths
Alignment: Principled
Power Category: Mutant (Latent Psionic)
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 42 S.D.C.: 40
P.P.E.: 22
I.S.P.: 140
Appearance: Cassandra is beautiful and elegant looking. She has wide blue eyes, short, wavy,
luxurious black hair that is worn in an exotic style. She has a wide-hipped figure and is bosomy. Her
beautiful, revealing costume is blue and white.
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 24, M.A. 16, P.S. 11, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, Spd. 29, P.B. 20
Age: 28, Sex: Female, Height: 5 foot and 8 inch (1.72 m), Weight: 133 lbs (59.85 kg)
Unusual Characteristics: Angelic, beautiful face.
Healing Psionics: Detect Psionics and Mask I.S.P. & Psionics.
Physical Psionics: Mind Block and Deaden Senses.
Sensitive Psionics: Telepathy, Empathy, Sixth Sense, Object Read, See Aura, Clairvoyance,
Precognition, and Sense Evil.
Super Psionics: Empathic Transmission and Psychic Omni-Sight.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge, +2 to damage,
+3 to roll with punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Saving Throws: She needs a 12 or better to save vs. psionics, +7 to save vs. psionics,
+5 to save vs. insanity, +2 to save vs. possession and mind control (+9 if psionic).
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee
2D4, Karate Kick 2D4, Round House 3D6, Axe Kick 2D8, Leap Kick 3D8 (counts as two attacks), All Holds,
and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 40% trust/intimidate and 50% to charm/impress.
Educational Background: B.A. degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 94%/95% and Pilot: Automobile 81%.
Domestic Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Housekeeping 90%, Wardrobe & Grooming 98%, and
Sewing 95%.
Investigation Program: Computer Operation 98%, Research 95%, Photography 90%, and Writing
2nd Investigation Program: Intelligence 70%, Interrogation 75%, Streetwise 68%, and Undercover
Ops 82%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand Basic, Athletics (general), Prowl 80%, and Kick Boxing.
Secondary Skills: Cook 80%, Dance 75%, First Aid 80%, Swimming 85%, Seduction 41%, Law
(general) 70%, Performance 60%, Public Speaking 85%, Sing 60%, Climbing 60%/ 50%, Language:
Spanish 56%, and Literacy: Spanish 50%.
Money: As a high school teacher she makes around $45,000 a year.
Weapons: None, she has to rely on her super abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: She drives a 2007 Chevy Impala SS
Antigravity Ring, Speed 100 mph (160 km), Maximum Weight Allowance 500 lbs (225 kg,
Altitude/hover: Unlimited, can even break the bonds of gravity and fly in outer space, Bonuses: +3 to
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Allan William went up in his first air plane with his father Captain Jay Williams of the U.S. Air Force
when he was five years old. From that moment on, all he ever wanted to be was a pilot. His mother
however was adamant about him joining the military. So after high school he to college in Ultropolis
University. However, after two semesters, unbeknownst to his family, he enlisted in the United States
Air Force. After graduating from basic training, he was deployed overseas. He spent the next several
years mastering just about anything to do with aircraft mechanics as well as volunteering for Pararescue
duty training. While a member of a Rescue Squadron, he participated in various assignments, earning the
reputation as a natural born leader. He left the Rescue Squadron to join a Top Secret Special Tactics
Squadron. Yet before he become a member he had to agree to undergo experimental training and
conditioning. Always up for the challenge he agreed. Of the 113 applicants, Allan and eleven others were
selected to undergo an experimental process to turn ordinary men into superior flying machines. Though
the use of cybernetic implants and exposure to classified chemicals and thesium radiation, these men
became super soldiers known as 12 Fighting Eagles Allan selected the codename Griffon. The group
became part of a joint task force with U.K. S.C.R.E.T. to several classified locations in support of
numerous anti-terrorist operations and combat search & rescue missions. On his last mission, the 12
Fighting Eagles and elements of U.K. S.C.R.E.T. participated in an operation which required the capture of
a high level target and preventing the proliferation of chemical weapons from the evil Dr. Foulspawn.
When their units arrived, U.K. S.C.R.E.T.’s transport plane drew enemy fire and was shot down. Williams
and one other of the FE went to check on survivors, the other ten FE assaulted enemy fortified positions,
killing thirty combatants and capturing 10 enemy troops thus ensuring the safety of the rescue effort.
Williams choose to stay behind and help with the rescue effort while those able bodies of U.K. S.C.R.E.T.
and the remaining FE continued with the mission objected. Just as the units arrived at base, they were
fired upon by rocket propelled grenades and heavy caliber weapons. Within these grenades was a deadly
nerve gas (made by Dr. Foulspawn). All at once, those exposed suffered instant neurological damage.
Williams with his nearly invulnerability and immunity to toxins managed to get all of FE out of the area,
but alas even his immunity to poison couldn’t resist nerve gas that affected the physiological conditions
within his body to cause death by asphyxiation. When he awoke several days later, he learned the other
members of the FE were dead as where 2/3 of the U.K. S.C.R.E.T. unit, biggest casualty the agency had
ever endured. Nevertheless for his bravery he earned the Air Force Cross and several foreign
decorations. Yet the Post Traumatic Stress of watching his unit and friends die was too much for Williams
to bear. The U.S. Air Force and those overseeing the FE project allowed him to leave (honorable
discharge), yet he is unaware that he remains under surveillance by members of the FE project looking
to see if it’s possible to replicate his super powered existence (so far they’ve spent the last several years
attempting to recreate the original experiment and so far it has failed to produce not only anyone with
his powers but any super soldiers at all).
William spent several weeks at a Veterans Hospital trying to deal with his PTSD. While there he met
another vet Dennis Clarke who lost an arm and leg. They two became friends as they each help the other
with his issues. Six months later, Williams was working part time at the hospital counseling and helping
out in any way he could. Then one day he learned Dennis’ store had been robbed by thugs looking for
weapons. Angered he went in search of these hoodlums. Locating their secret hideout (a warehouse) he
was about to confront them when two costume individuals started attacking the hoodlums, a man and a
woman, both seem to be displaying super powers. Without warning the male get’s shot in the head by a
sniper. Williams quickly deals with the thug. When he goes over to the two costume heroes, the woman
was cradling her dead partner. Both Williams and the girl left before local authorities arrived. The women
revealed herself to be Cassandra Roman (aka Delphi) and her partner was her fiancé Greg Douglas (aka
Apollo). They had formed a heroic duo in the hopes of bringing justice and hopefulness to a cynical world.
Williams said he like the idea and told about his own origin and that perhaps by working together they
might be able to deal with their loses and make the world a better place. Cassandra agreed, but insisted
they needed some help. Thus the super team “The Myths” was born.
Williams continues to spend quality time at the hospital looking after vets and continues to see a
psychiatrist (Roberta Morgan) to deal with his PTSD. As the only one with military experience, he is the
team strategist and because of his invulnerability the one who is always looking out for his teammates.
When it comes to look for new recruits to add to their Myth Chapter, he can be excessively hard on
individuals. He doesn’t like inexperienced amateurs who know next to nothing about working as unit.
“There is no I in team” is a favorite saying of his. Because he is forever haunted by the death of the FE,
he tends to “over plan” their mission strategies, but he doesn’t like taking chances with his friends. If he
were to learn that those who created him are spying on him, he would be quite upset indeed. G.I.G.M.A.
is also keeping tabs on him, only their a lot better at keeping their distance and avoid being detected.

Real Name: Allan William
Occupation: Former U.S Air Force Pilot, now member of the Myths.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Super Soldier
Experience Level: 4th
Hit Points: 132 S.D.C.: 242
P.P.E.: 13
Appearance: He has narrow green eyes and thick, straight, brown hair. He is tall and has an over-
muscled build. His skin is ruddy. He has large hands. His uniform displays a griffon on the front. The
cowl he wears gives him a cat like appearance.
Attributes: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, M.A. 12, P.S. 30, P.P. 20, P.E. 18, Spd. 21/480 mph (772.8 km) in
flight, P.B. 14
Age: 28, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 189 (85.05 kg)
Super Soldier Enhancements: Bionic Weapon-Retractable Claws, Hypnotic Mental Condition,
Immune System Enhancement, and Mind & Body Attuned.
Major Super Abilities: Energy Wings and Invulnerability
Combat Training: Martial Arts
Attacks per Melee: 6/7 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand +1 from enhancements) +1 in flight
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative/+5 in flight, +5 to strike/+7 in flight, +7 to parry, +7 to
dodge/+9 to dodge when flying under 90 mph (144 km), +13 in flight over 90 mph (144 km), +15 to
damage/+2 to damage for every 60 mph (96 km) of speed, +4 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch,
and disarm.
Saving Throws: +26% to save vs. coma/death, +12 to save vs. horror factor, +5 to save vs. mind
control, +4 to save vs. illusions, +2 to save vs. psionics/+5 to save vs. Bio-Manipulation attacks with
half damage, duration, effect and penalty if he fails to save, immune to possession, +11 to save vs.
disease, +8 to save vs. poison/toxins (even if he fails they can only do one-fourth normal damage,
duration, effect and penalty), and +2 to save vs. magic.
Combat Skills: Karate Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Back hand 1D6,
Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Roundhouse Kick 3D6, Crescent Kick 2D4+2 Wheel Kick
D6, Tripping/Leghook (cannot be paired, must dodge or knockdown), all Holds, and Wing Attack.
Educational Background: Military (Basic)
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Tongue 88%/92%, Mathematics: Basic 84%, and Pilot:
Automobile 72%.
Military (Basic) Program: Running, Climbing 70%/60%, Forced March, Military Etiquette 65%,
Radio: Basic 80%, W.P. Rifle (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), and W.P. Grenade (+2 to strike).
Military (Advance) Program: Combat Aircraft: Aircraft Mechanics 76%, Navigation 70%, Aircraft:
Jet Fighters 72%, Pilot: Jet Packs 68%, Parachuting 70%, Sensory Equipment 60%, and Weapon Systems
Wilderness Program: Wilderness Survival 55%, Land Navigation 57%, Track & Trap Animals
45%/55%, Hunting, and Skin & Prepare Animal Hides 55%.
Espionage Program: Hand to Hand: Martial Arts, Detect Ambush 55%, Intelligence 53%, Tracking
(people) 55%, and Detect Concealment 50%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Body Build & Weightlifting, Computer Operation 72%, Pilot:
Airplane 66%, Prowl 45%, Law (general) 45%, W.P. Handguns (+2 to aim/+1 to burst), W.P. Knife (+2
to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to throw), Public Speaking 40%, and Performance 35%
Money: He has $5600 in savings and $1200 in his checking account. The money he earns working
part time in a veteran’s hospital helping fellow soldiers is just enough to take of his basic needs.
Weapons: Although military trained, he relies on his super abilities and super soldier weapons.
Retractable Vibro Claw Blades, Damage: 3D6+3 per hand, Bonus: +1 to strike/parry.
Energy Wings as Weapons, Range: Touch; half the wingspan, Damage: 5D6, Bonuses: Half his
combat bonuses.
Energy Blast, Range: 500 feet (152 m), Damage: 4D6 from a single blast or 8D6 (1D4x10+4) from
two simultaneous blasts (both hands) at same target (-1 to strike for second blast). -2 to strike at two
different targets, Attacks per Melee: Equal to his attacks, Bonuses: +2 to strike/+4 in flight.
Equipment & Vehicles: He owns a 2011 Ford Ranger Sport (V6, 4x4, bedliner, tow package).
If he needs gear or equipment to complete a mission, he has a friend/confidant who is the owner of an
Army/Navy Surplus Store (Dennis Clarke) who also ex-military (5th level Ordinary Soldier) who lost an
arm and leg overseas.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


All his life Waylon Norton was fascinated by strange phenomena and almost mystical powers science
revealed. As he child he was fascinated by the studies of quantum mechanics/physics. He spend hours
studying and research various subjects matters, convince he might be able to understand a level of
science and knowledge beyond the limit of human understanding. In high school and college, he
performed countless experiments that demonstrated his knowledge to bend the laws of physics. He called
his field of expertise “super science”. It wasn’t long before his experiments into particle manipulation
that he came under the attention of foreign governments and the scrutiny of powerful mega-corporations.
Among the people who sought after him was the Century Station mega-corp Future Strategic Networks.
It’s CEO and Chairmen of the Board Vincent Romulus invited Waylon to investigate the possibility of
manipulating quantum physics to stimulate the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics on a
macroscopic scale generating a probabilistic duality of life and death, i.e., a status of having equal
probability of being dead and alive at the same time in the same universe. Fascinated with the idea,
Waylon insisted it would take huge sums of cash and some of the most advance scientific tools on the
planet, some of which only existed in theory. Waylon introduce him to his daughter Violet (a 3rd level
Analytical Genius). Right away Waylon found his perfect love. The two spent hours attempting to
transcend metaphysical laws and boundaries. Yet the more time they spent together the less time they
spend experimenting. This soon drew the wrath of her father demanding some kind of results. Two years
later, Violet unveiled the Reality Displacer, a device she and Waylon were convinced could be used to
place other objects or beings within the dualistic state of life/death or existence/oblivion. However,
Waylon was convinced there was a high percentage of quantum uncertainty that might lead to
unpredictable effect. To which Waylon respond “You mean like this?” and he removed a pistol and shot
Waylon. Hours earlier Violet confessed she was pregnant. Vincent instructed Violet to use Waylon as their
first experiment. She places his body in the Realty Displacer and activated the machine. Waylon’s body
became a mathematical probability in which he only half existed. He was a being of energy, free of
biological needs to eat, sleep or breathe. Whenever he came into contact with system of energy, those
systems became disrupted. Electronic devices short circuited and the minds of living being were likewise
disrupted. For several hours he went on a destructive warpath through Century Station until at least he
was captured and immobilized by the Centurions thanks in part to Iron Lotus who struck him with a
concentrated blast of Chi to put him back in harmonic balance within the universe. Nevertheless, the
process forever changed him, making necessary for him to live on energy for nourishment and the power
to manipulate and generated multiple types of energy fields. As for Vincent Romulus, her was arrested,
and it was soon learned his wife was in a cryogenic tank having been stabbed in the chest. Vincent
wanted the technology in order to bring his beloved back to him. Unable to deal with the multiple
tragedies, Violet disappeared.
As for Waylon he continued working at Future Strategic Networks as one of its chief scientists. He
continued to push the boundary of science, only know he himself possessed amazing super abilities.
During one of his lectures at Standford University, he witnessed a group of super individuals attempt to
subdue an out of control robot releasing from the engineering department. After assisting these
individuals who called themselves the Myths, Vector who had always pondered the idea of using his
powers to help others as the Centurions did, was even more fascinated with Delphi ability to foresee the
future, to which was a reality yet to exist yet viewed within her mind. Waylon simply had to study this
phenomenon so he asked to join the group in order to study and observe Delphi in action. True enough he
enjoys helping the group and working toward the cause (Delphi and Griffion) believe in, yet in truth he
archive his experience and those around him as well as their adversaries in a journal in which he intends
to publish. He is always finding job to submit to Delphi not because he truly cares about helping others,
but just to observe Delphi predict the outcome and to test the probably of its fulfillment as she predicted.
He is likewise intrigued with the array of abilities, mutations, species, and possibilities of all the different
villains (as well as heroes they have encountered). His friends would never believe on a few occasions
instead depositing the villain into the hands of the authorities, he has taken the person back to his lab in
order to perform “a few experiments” before handing them over. He is very anal retentive about keeping
the group together not because he truly believes in their cause but he doesn’t want to stop with this
grand experiment.

Real Name: Waylon Norton
Occupation: Physician and Scientist
Alignment: Unprincipled
Power Category: Ordinary Human/Experiment
Experience Level: 9th level Ordinary Man, 4th level Experiment.
Hit Points: 55 S.D.C.: 60
P.P.E.: 6
Appearance: Waylon is a good looking adult man. His black hair is starting to turn gray and he has
brown eyes. When he is in his lab he dressed in a lab coat. As Vector he wears a colorful space looking
costume that with a golden helmet.
Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 15, M.A. 18, P.S. 10, P.P. 9, P.E. 10, Spd. 10/240 mph (386 km) in flight,
P.B. 12
Age: 37, Sex: Male, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg)
Side Effect: He needs energy for nourishment. He takes only one-fourth damage from electricity,
heat/fire, and light/lasers blasts. All other energy attacks inflict half damage.
Major Super Abilities: Create Force Field (1000 S.D.C.) and Energy Conversion.
Special Power Combo: He can convert his force fields after he has generated them into another
form of energy such as fire/heat, laser/light, electricity/lightning, particle beam, radiation, microwaves,
ion beams, plasma (including heat absorbing plasma-for a cold energy attack), etc. He cannot convert
the force fields into Shadow powers, sound/sonic attacks, magic or psychic attacks. If he converts a
force bolt into a different form of energy, it requires two attacks/actions instead of one. The damage still
remains the same. Coverting Force Field S.D.C. into another form of energy results in the loss of Force
Field S.D.C., yet he regains Force Field S.D.C. at a rate of 10 per melee round (40 a minute-instead of
the regular 3 per minute) if he coverts energy he normal feeds on is used against him into Force Field
Minor Super Ability: Flight: Energy.
Combat Training: Basic (4th level). He was a non-combatant for most of his ordinary life.
Attacks per Melee: 5/6 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand) +1 in flight
Combat Bonuses: +1 to strike in flight, +2 to parry/+3 in flight, +3 to dodge/+5 to dodge when
hovering or flying under 80 mph (128 km)/+7 to dodge when flying over 80 mph (128 km), +4 to
damage for every 20 mph (32 km) of flight speed, +3 to roll with punch/fall, +2 to pull punch
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee
1D6, and Snap Kick 1D6.
Other Bonuses: +5% to all skills and 50% trust/intimidate.
Educational Background: Master’s Degree
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/98%, Pilot: Automobile 98%, and Pilot: Avtran
Business Program: Mathematics: Basic 98%, Business & Finance 98%, Computer Operation 98%,
Law (general) 98%, and Research 98%.
Science Program: Mathematics: Advance 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, Astronomy &
Navigation 98%, and Astrophysics 98%.
Medical Doctor Program: Biology 98%, Chemistry 98%, Pathology 98%, and Medical Doctor
98%/98%. Note: He is not a legal, practicing doctor.
Language Program: Read-Write/Speak Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and German 98%.
Learned Law Enforcement Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Crime Scene Investigation 65%, and
Surveillance 60%. Note: He gave up a skill to gain proficiency in aiming his force bolts.
Secondary Skills: Wardrobe & Grooming 98%, Public Speaking 98%, Seduction 52%, Play
Piano 95%, Pilot: Airplane 98%, Swimming 98%, Cardship 70%, Pilot: Race Car 87%, Sports:
Tennis 80%, Sports: Golf 65%, Performance 35%, and Concealment 29%.
Money: He is a wealthy tycoon worth $350 million dollars. Most of his money is heavily invested in
stock and other companies. The money he uses to engage in his experiments is his petty cash he spends
on the side.
Weapons: None, he relies on his super powers.
Bolts of Force (or other energy type), Range: 80 feet (24.3 m0, Damage: 2D6 or 4D6
simultaneous, Attacks per Melee: One (two if convert into different energy), Bonuses: +4 to aim/+2 to
wild (-4 to parry and dodge force bolts only).
Equipment & Vehicles: He has a full blown medical and research lab in the basement (and sub-
basement) of his mansion (which also serves as the Myths HQ). The lab has over 35 million dollars of
equipment in it, just about enough for him to carry on various human experiments if she so chooses. He
owns an Avtran Hovercar.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


When the alien called Tengu arrive on planet Earth his ship crashed landed in the South China Sea just off the coast of
Hong Kong. The alien came ashore and took refuge with a group of individual who acted the American equivalent to Reach
Up (See Aliens Unlimited Revised or Century Station). Taking him in to avoid Chinese Authorities, the alien remained
secluded. One day while watching television, a classic Kung Fu cult film came on, “The Five Deadly Venoms”. Immediately
the alien felt a strong connection with the events in the movie, not knowing the people were actors. He though he was
witnessing some kind of live broadcast. Nevertheless the event of the movie inspired him to ensure those who were given
special knowledge or possesses special abilities, did so for good and not for greed and that the innocent were always
treated fairly. When Tengu walk among normal people in crowds, everyone thought he was some kind of Manga/Anime
character. When he happened to cross paths with members of the Chinese Triads, he was quickly set upon. Yet it didn’t take
long to realize the error of their ways for Tengu was a bio-metallic being able to naturally adapt to the combat style of any
opponent he came into contact with. Observing the movie Five Deadly Venoms inspired him to produce their similar combat
styles from the movie. Likewise, he mimic those of his opponents, it didn’t take long for him to dispatch these criminals.
Fearing for their alien friend safety, the alien watch group took him to the docks and slipped him on board a freighter
headed for the United States. A friend gave him a small compact disc player and a case full of classic Kung Fu movies (from
Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and the United States to keep him entertained.
When the ship eventually landed in the port of Los Angeles, Tengu had more than familiarized himself with Earth
culture. While exploring the region, he just happened to witnesses a confrontation between the hero team called The Myths
and the powerful street gang the L.A. Knives. All at once, everything he witnessed in those movies inspired him to act. He
joined the battle, using his arms like deadly blades, slicing and maiming the gang members. When it was all done, the
Myths had no choice but to leave the area before local authorities arrived. The L.A. Knives were finished. Cassandra,
Waylon, and Allan took their time to get to understand this mysterious alien, but despite his brutality, he was very much
someone who fit into the mold of their super group. Tengu spends most of his time at Waylon’s mansion. On several
occasions he has been sought after by Project Secure as well as alien agents of the Dark Tribunal, who recognized him from
his native world (same solar system). They would very much like to bring him into their fold. Tengu remains a loyal friend
to the Myths, but the moment he turns into a whirling dervish he pays little heed to whom he is slicing and cutting, which
can put off new recruits who are more into taking criminal off to jail rather than send them to intensive care missing a limb
or two.

Real Name: His real name is unpronounceable.
Occupation: Explorer
Alignment: Unprincipled (with a slight vicious streak)
Power Category: Alien (Mutant)
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 53 S.D.C.: 300 Armor Rating: A.R.: 15
P.P.E.: 15
Appearance: His body is entirely silvery metallic accept for around his face which is black (around where his eyes
would be). His face has no visible facial features, it looks more like a some sort of mask. He typical wears sweat pants and
a leather jacket. He appears to be a male athlete who engages in extensive exercise.
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 22, M.A. 15, P.S. 23, P.P. 21, P.E. 27, Spd. 17, P B. 5.
Age: Unknown, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot and 10 inches (1.77 m), Weight: 190 lbs (85.5 kg).
Originating Alien Environment: Normal Earth
Unusual Characteristic: No Facial Features, perfect 20/20 vision, see infrared/ultraviolet (600 feet/183 m),
exceptional sense of smell & hearing.
Natural Abilities: His APS Mercury Form is his natural form.
Major Super Abilities: Alter Physical Structure: Mercury and Natural Combat
Combat Training: Natural Combat
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 initial +5 from Natural Hand to Hand). See Natural Combat ability.
Combat Bonuses: +4 to initiative, +5 to strike, +7 to parry, +8 to dodge, +3 to automatic dodge, +8 to damage, +5
to roll with punch/fall, +7 to pull punch, +3 to disarm or entangle. Note: He will acquire all the combat bonuses of anyone if
they are greater than a 6th level Expert, negating those for his opponents.
Saving Throws: Explosions only do 10% of their normal damage, more than 50 points blow s him apart but he can
reform in 1D6 melee rounds, +24% to save vs. coma/death, +6 to save vs. horror factor, +4 to save vs. psionics, +6 to
save vs. mind control, +2 to save vs. possession, +5 to save vs. insanity, and +6 to save vs. poison/magic.
Combat Skills: Bladed Arms 2D6, Punch 1D6+2, Power Punch 2D6+10 (count as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6,
Knee 1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, Headbutt 1D6, Jump Kick 6D6, Body Flip/Throw 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and
1 attack/action), Leap Attack, Exceptional Balance 84%, Backflip 84%, All Holds, Paired Weapons, Knockout/stun on an
unmodified roll of 19-20, and Critical strike on an unmodified 18-20. Note: He will acquire the combat skill equal to the
level of someone greater than his own.
Educational Background: General Studies with Some Familiarity with Earth.
Common Skills: Read/Write FAR Philian and Thimerian Code 85%, Mathematics: Basic 90%, and Read-Write-English,
Chinese, and Japanese 90%.
Special Program: Anthropology: Alien (humanoid) 60%, Xeno-Biology 70%, Xeno-Botany 65%, Pilot: Hovercycle
90%, Pilot: Motorcycle 93%, and Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft: Small 86%, Sign Language: 80%, Sensory Equipment 70%, and
Performance 65%.
Secondary Skills: Athletics (general), Running, Prowl 65%/70% at night, Climbing 98%/98%, Physical Labor,
Astronomy & Navigation 70%, Wilderness Survival 75%, Land Navigation 69%, Law (general) 75%, Housekeeping 85%,
W.P. Sword (+2 to strike & parry), Outdoormanship, Computer Operation 80%, First Aid 60%, and Palming 35%. Note: He
can pick up any weapon melee or range and utilize it with a +2 to strike/parry/throw/aim.
Money: He has little use for the stuff. He did however have on his person 28,000 galactic credits (worthless here on
Earth). He relies on the genocity of others.
Weapons: None, he relies on his natural abilities.
Equipment & Vehicles: He gave his anti-gravity ring to Delphi.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Thanks again Chuck for giving me some HU fun with these guys. Love the art as always. Back in a few guys :D .
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Hey the Century Station submission made it into the Rifter, includes some bad guys, normal human NPCS, and optional source
material for your HU games.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

Reagren Wright wrote:Hey the Century Station submission made it into the Rifter, includes some bad guys, normal human NPCS, and optional source
material for your HU games.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great,your wokr is One of the Best.

Will you make more characters from just the images from the 3 Power Unlimited,s Books?
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Curious enough some have already been done :wink: . However, since I know Chuck I asked his
permission and if he had stats for the Myths. He gave me what he had and I rolled with it.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Any chance thers any thing in Alien Unlimited and AU:Galaxy Guide that can be usefull?
Maybe come up with the Governments,Culture and Millairies for the race in them?
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I've been summoned back, and looking at the last post its been almost a month. Between my next submission and getting
ready for the Open House, something I've been cooking in my head should make it on the board real soon.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Sorry about being late guys, lots of things happening, some good and some bad. So a couple of new aliens will soon be appearing. Here is the first.


Located in the Liloqua quadrant of the galaxy in FAR space is the planet Syri. An earth like world with slightly
higher than normal magic levels (increase ley line and magic aspects by 1.25) thanks to the super ley line passing
through its solar system. Magic however is unheard of, but every humanoid on the planet possess natural psychic
abilities (developed at birth). Such is the power of their psychic abilities, Syriens only communicate with one
another telepathically and empathically. With the power to read the minds of each other, it has made the Syriens a
peaceful race who seeking a diplomatic coexistence with everyone. They established a large galactic trading center
on their home world where nearly everything is for sell. Those who attempt to circumvent galactic law, also
recognize the commanding authority has the power to simply read their mind to know if they are lying or simply
touch items and reveal if it was stolen. This ensure “fair trade” is maintain and the overwhelming standard in all
negotiations. Crime is relatively unheard of (at least between Syriens), and if it does occur, the criminals are
easily captured or arrested prior to committing the criminal act (thanks to precognition or clairvoyance).
In addition to being incredible powerful psychics, Syriens are exceptionally beautiful and elegant looking. They
dress in only the finest clothes, as if they are untouched by dirt and grime. Being uncleanly is unheard of in their
culture. They possess “True Space Age” technology, but generally as a species they are not interested in visiting
other worlds and prefer to be among their own people. The Syrien are members of the FAR, but which to remain
neutral and out the affairs of other worlds. There are of course individual exceptions like the super villainess
Imperialia who has come to Earth to “marry” her way into a position of power and eventually take over the world.

Alignment: 90% Principled, 5% Scrupulous, 3% Aberrant, and 2% comprises the other alignments.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+3, M.E. 5D6+3, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, Spd. 3D6, P.B. 5D6 (with 15 being the minimum).
Hit Points: P.E., plus the standard +1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 20
P.P.E.: 3D6
I.S.P.: M.E. attribute x2 + 3D6x10. +12 I.S.P per level of experience
Height: 6 foot (1.82 m) is average for both males and females.
Weight: 100 lbs (45 kg) + 5D6 for women and 1D6x10 for males.
Average Life Span: 150 years
Race: Humanoid
Super Abilities: Understand (and speak) all Languages, their telepathic abilities help them to understand and
speak virtually all languages with astonishing proficiency; equal to a universal language skills of 70% +1 per level
of experience (77%), +3 to save vs. mind control and mind probes, +5 to save vs. possession, +5 to save vs.
horror factor (+1 to at levels 6 and 12), and psionics (see below).
Natural Psionics: Telepathy (10x normal range and double duration) Cost: 0 I.S.P.
Empathy (3x normal range and double duration) Cost: 0 I.S.P.
See Aura
Object Read
Mental Illusion
Mind Block Auto Defense
Group Mind Block
Group Trance
Sixth Sense
Clairvoyance (+15% for friend or love one)
Presence Sense
Advance Trance State
Sensory Link
Mimic Skills (Sensitive)
Two abilities of choice from Sensitive Category and two from Healing)
Two lesser psionic abilities from any of the three categories or one from the Super Psionics category at
levels 3, 6, 10, and 14.
Special Weapons: Mini-lasers, laser pistols, and stun guns (all versions). Syri doesn’t have a military per
say, but does have a strong security force that patrols the trading center and monitors visitors/tourists.
Special Vehicles: Hover Vehicles
Special Armor: Would never consider wearing armor, Syriens try to avoid getting into physical combat,
preferring to rely on their natural psychics abilities and anticipating/foreseeing criminal behavior or crisis in
Familiarity of Earth: None, Earth and all planets incapable of trading on Syri is a world of little or no importance.
Rifts® Note: They are S.D.C. being in a MDC setting, but their psychic powers would do M.D.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Elezeth was born on the planet Syri where all the beautiful humanoid inhabitants are natural psionics. In fact,
mind-to-mind speech is preferred over vocal. Syriens possess superior telepathic and empathic abilities. Because
the thoughts and emotions of each Syrien can be known to anyone, the Syriens have evolved into peaceful race
who seek only a diplomatic coexistence with everyone else. They remain neutral in regards to everything, however
they allow anyone the use of their huge market area where everything and anything can be bought and sold. This
true for all accept for Elezeth. At an early age, she sought to take advantage of those she thought less of. Being
difficult to do with natural telepaths, Elezeth decided if she ever wanted to get what she wanted in life, she’d have
to leave Syri. Refusing to comply with her parents’ wishes, she took passage on a freighter and left for the stars.
While traveling on the ship, one of the laborers tried to take advantage of her, instead she used her psychic powers
to defend herself managing to “bend the man’s will” to the point he walked into the engine room and sabotages the
spacecraft’s engines. Taking an escape pod, she was in time rescued by the Klikita captain. After a short romance,
the two of them decided to marry. A month later, he was dead and she took his fortunes, and sought a new life for
herself. Eventually Elezeth managed to find a means to arrive on Earth. Humans being weak minded, it didn’t take
her long before her seductions and mental abilities allowed her to dominate weak human men to pretty much do
whatever she wanted. Her confidence grew to the point she saw herself actually ruling the planet, but first she
would have to become the wife of a world leader. Setting her eyes on Presidential candidate Kenneth Blackwell,
Elezeth has charmed her way into his life, much to the chagrin of Kenneth’s son Brandon (who is famed super hero
Mega Storm). Though they haven’t made it official yet, it’s only a matter of time before they announce their
engagement. While various individuals are starting the vetting process of Elizabeth Stump (looking into her
background), Elezeth is either hiring the right people to ensure her alias remains “secure” or she is handling such
potential trouble makers personally. Nothing shall stop her from ascending the upper echelons of political power so
she may one day rule the world.

Real Name: Elezeth
Alias: Elizabeth Stump
Occupation: Fugitive and Potential World Dominator
Alignment: Aberrant
Power Category: Psychic (Alien-Syriena)
Experience Level: 7th
Hit Points: 44 S.D.C.: 32
P.P.E.: 14
Appearance: Like all Syrien, Elezeth is angelically beautiful. She is tall, slender, built like a top female
fashion model. She has neck-length, curly, fine blond hair worn in a complex style. Her skin is a nice medium tan.
She has drowning blue eyes. Most of her clothes consist of gold colored dresses and long-sleeved blouses that are
unbuttoned to mid-chest.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 22, M.A. 15, P.S. 12, P.P. 9, P.E. 14, Spd. 14, P.B. 21
Age: 27, Sex: Female, Height: 6 foot and 1 inches (1.85 m), Weight: 123 lbs (55.5 35kg)
Originating Alien Environment: Normal Earth Environment with higher than normal magic levels.
Special Syriena Abilities: Understand (and speak) all Languages: Elezeth’s telepathic abilities help her to
understand and speak virtually all languages with astonishing proficiency; equal to a universal language skills of
Natural Psionics: Telepathy (10x normal range and double duration) Cost: 0 I.S.P.
Empathy (3x normal range and double duration) Cost: 0 I.S.P.
See Aura
Object Read
Mental Illusion
Mind Block Auto Defense
Group Mind Block
Group Trance
Sixth Sense
Clairvoyance (+15% for friend or love one)
Presence Sense
Advance Trance State
Sensory Link
Sensitive Psionics: Astral Projection and Mimic Skills
Healing Psionics: Detect Psionics and Healing Touch
Super Psionics: Hypnotic Suggestion and Insert Memory
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 3 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to damage, +6 to roll with
punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +1 disarm
Saving Throws: She needs a 10 or higher to save vs. psionic attack, +4 to save vs. psionics, +5 to save vs.
insanity, +5 to save vs. possession, +7 to save vs. mind control and mind probes, and +6 to save vs. Horror
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee 1D6, Power Blow 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Karate
Kick 2D4+2, Snap Kick 1D6+2, All Holds, and Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 19-20.
Other Bonuses: 55% charm/impress.
Educational Background: Special with Some Familiarity with Earth
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak Native Tongue 98%/98%, Read/Write/Speak FAR Pilian 97%,
Mathematics: Basic 98%, Pilot: Horsemanship 75%/55%, Read-Write/Speak English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian
Special Training: Find Contraband 74%, Forgery 65%, Detect Concealment 80%, Intelligence 75%, Seduction
72%, Pilot: Civilian Spacecraft (Small) 98%, Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Energy Pistol (+4 to aim/+2 to burst), I.D
Undercover Agent 88%, Streetwise 58%, Pick Pocket 80%, Palming 65%, Detect Ambush 70%, Interrogation 70%,
Undercover Ops 77%, Pilot: Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation 80%, Pilot: Hovercar 98%, Acrobatics (Sense of
Balance 95%, Walk Rope 81%, Climbing 45%, Climb Rope 94% and Backflip 95%), Gymnastics (Bars & Rings
81%), and Aerobic Athletics.
Secondary: Lore: Alien (humanoid) 65%, Prowl 70%, Performance 67%, Public Speaking 65%, Wardrobe &
Grooming 78%, Radio: Basic 85%, History (Earth) 88%/68%, First Aid 80%, Swimming 85%, Pilot: Automobile
75%, Law (general) 60%, Gambling (Standard) 40%, and Research 50%.
Money: She has 40,000 galactic credits hidden away in her home (useless on Earth). She has managed to
acquire 2.5 million US dollars just on her seductions alone (men just giving her money). In addition, each time she
let herself be married, she has acquired half of her husband’s earnings. With her eyes set on Kenneth Blackwell as
her next husband, she believes its only a matter of time before she becomes the First Lady.
Laser Pulse Pistol, Range: 1000 feet (305 m), Damage: 2D6 for single shot, 6D6 for triple pulse, Rate of
Fire: Single shot or three beam pulse, Payload: 24 shot E-clip.
Equipment & Vehicles: She utilizes whatever she needs to complete her task at hand. The most valuable
equipment she possesses is her ability to get others to do whatever she wants of them.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Great,Hope thers more.
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Reagren Wright
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Another alien race coming soon.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Located in the Ilta Quadrant just outside TMC Charter is a binary star system with three planets in orbit around a pair
of stars. One yellow star is similar to the Earth’s sun in size, but only 84% as bright. The second red star is diminutive,
measuring only one-third the size of Earth’s sun and less than 1 percent as bright. The second planet is called Reintar. It’s
about the same size as the planet Neptune in Earth’s solar system. Reintar is a high gravity planet covered with mountains
and alpine forests. The Reinterians are a Star Age society ruled by a military dictatorship in which The Rurard (the Military
Intelligence Agency) has been in charge for the last three hundred years. Before then, they were lead by the Royal Family
of Klass, a monarchy that ruled the planet for as long as anyone could remember. For two centuries, the Reinterians traded
with their neighbors the Cayons on the planet Caybos. An arranged marriage was made between the Reinterian Prince
Vairpal and the daughter of Cayon President Tasoo. On the eve of their wedding day, Vairpal learned Rera concealed a
terrible secret. She was a partial cyborg having suffered from a genetic birth defect. Unable to look past her “inferior”
parts, he killed her then blamed his actions on President Tasoo failing to inform him of his daughter deformity. Insulted and
enraged President Tasoo launched a nuclear missile attack on Reintar in which they likewise responded. The war between
the two planets continued for five years. King Pruhn attempted to negotiate a peace treaty with Prisdent Tasoo, to which
Prince Vairpal regarded as an act of treason and had his father murdered on a live televised broadcast and declared himself
King of Reintar. King Vairpal then decided to launch a final strike against Cayon using experimental Gravity Mass Drivers to
bombard the planet from space using asteroids. The resulting destruction destroyed entire cities, killed hundreds of
thousands, and destroyed the Cayon infrastructure over most of the planet’s surface. The planet became almost entirely
uninhabitable by throwing up massive amounts of particulate matter into the upper atmosphere, radically altering Caybos’
climate and weather patterns. When Vairpal returned, he thought he would be declared a hero for life. Instead, the military
command was so outraged and disgusted by his gross actions Admiral Prymum (Leader of the Rurard) called for the arrest
of the entire royal family and everyone involved in the creation of the mass drivers. He also declared that King Vairpal was
a mass murderer and an enemy of the state. He ordered the military spacecraft accompanying the returning monarch to
open fire on his ship and destroy it. Within a few days, the entire Royal Family was executed and the Rurard under Prymum
took command over the planet Reintar. Massive relief efforts were made to help the Cayons, even after a year from the
bombardment the planet was still suffering from a partial nuclear winter effect that lowered the surface temperature both
during the day and at night. Twenty years later, Reinterain military scientists developed atmosphere purifiers to clear most
of the dust particles, but nothing could be done to replace the 15 million inhabitants killed because of the bombardment and
the radical climate change. Nevertheless, the Reinterians would not stop in their efforts to repair the damage done because
of the war effort.
Today the Reinterians do not devote themselves to war but peace through a strong military capability and the
readiness to use it aggressively to defend and promote its national interest. The Rurard guide the political and economic life
over everyone on Reintar. The Reinterian military is emphasized over all other aspects of state and society. So far, the
Reinterain standard of living hasn’t decreased in order to maintain the necessary standards to maintain its inflated military,
but it is beginning to shows signs of stress as the wasteful nature of so much military spending has started to stagnate
technological progress in non-military areas. The Reinterains are respected throughout the quadrant, but they want little to
do with other worlds outside their own solar system. They do not belong to any planetary federations or trade alliances.
That being said, Reinterains are prized soldiers, mercenaries, and bounty hunters who are quick to help fight enemy forces
and rogue empires. Although the Rurard does not encourage other Reinterains to involve themselves in the affairs of others,
individual adventuring Reinterains have become noble heroes that have answered the call to fight injustice and tyranny
throughout the galaxy.

Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are good or selfish.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6+1, P.S. 5D6+2, P.P. 3D6+1, P.E. 3D6+1, P.B. 5D6 (19 minimum), Spd.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute x2 plus 1D6+1 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 6D6x10. Additional S.D.C. can be gained by selecting physical skills.
P.P.E.: 1D6
Appearance: Look like ordinary Earthlings. Duo to their natural resistance to damage and nearly indestructible bones
they are much taller than other beings on high gravity world.
Age: 100 years, Height: 6 foot (1.82 m), Weight: 200 plus 3D6x10 lbs (90-171 kg).
O.C.C.s: Any. Every Reinterain is required to spend 2D4 years in mandatory military service (between the ages of
12-20 years old). Every Reinterain knows the following skills at base skill level: Military Etiquette, Climbing, Laser
Communications, Depressurization Training, Personal Anti-Gravity Transportation, Command Structure Etiquette, Zero
Gravity Combat: Basic, Hand to Hand: Basic, W.P. Energy Rifle, and W.P. Handgun. Those who choose a military education
or career receive an extra +5% to all military, espionage, and piloting skills.
Natural Abilities: In addition to those naturally received as a native to a high gravity planet, all Reinterains are of
Super Ability power category.
Minor Super Abilities: Increased Durability, Indestructible Bones, Physical Perfection, and Impervious to
Gravity/Weight Manipulation (special). Reinterains are impervious to all other gravity and weight manipulating powers or
effects, as if they possessed such powers (which they don’t). They are however effected by the natural gravitational pull of
planets, moons, stars, etc., including zero gravity in space.
Attacks per Melee: All Reinterains receive Hand to Hand: Basic. Additional hand-to-hand combat styles can be
acquired from additional levels of education and/or training.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1 to parry, +1 to dodge, +1 to pull punch, and +2 to roll with punch/impact.
These are in addition to possible bonuses from other attributes, skills, and Hand-to-Hand bonuses.
Saving Throws: +15% to save vs. coma/death and +2 to save vs. horror factor (the latter is because of the rigorous
military training everyone receives).
Combat Skills: Punches and kicks (even head butts) inflict 1D6 extra points of damage.
Language: Read-Write/Speak Reintar Language and Thimerian Code at 98%
Weapons: Reinterian weapons and space technology is nearly as advanced as the Atorians and slightly better than
most of the other races in the galaxy (and equal to the Kittani or Naruni from Rifts® Earth). All conventional firearms use
armor piercing ammunition (adds 1D6 damage to the normal round and is +2 to penetrate armor. Typical energy weapons
will inflict 1D6 more damage than average and both conventional and energy weapons have a 25% greater range and
payload per clip. Reinterians have access to all types of weapons and vehicles accept for Atorian.
Preferred Armor: Because of their natural durability, Reinterains typically wear plain clothes armor/uniforms (A.R.
14, S.D.C. 50), however because every Reinterain at one point in their life served in the military they typical own 1D4 suits
of heavy or full body armor (most likely hard armor, A.R. 15 to 17 with an S.D.C. of 150 to 300).
Special Equipment & Vehicles: They use a variety of hover vehicles and anti-gravity devices. All vehicles, including
spaceships have +10% additional S.D.C. and all weapons (including missiles) inflict one extra dice of damage (an ion beam
that does 2D4x10 damage does 3D4x10 damage. All anti-gravity technology is +10% faster with a 20% greater
Familiarity with Earth: Reinterians have no familiarity or interests in the planet Earth. However, wandering
adventurers and freelance operatives might have a different outlook.
Phase World® Setting: Reinterains remain S.D.C. beings in a Mega-Damage setting with their technology able to do
S.D.C. or M.D.C. depending upon the view of the G.M. Most will be mercenaries, adventurers, bounty hunters, and heroes.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

I had noticed that you gave permission for these to be posted to the Black Vault Wiki. Does that still stand? If so, I think I can start copying them over once I am done entering the feats.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Sure it does. I've been wanting to create my own web page to put all my Palladium stuff on, but dollars bills not already
committed to something else and a lack of free time I have kept me from doing it. So go right ahead. If a future conflict
comes into play I will always warn you and NMI ahead of time.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Stone Gargoyle »

So would that extend to the creatures you have created for the Monstrous Creations thread as well? If there are also additional materials you would like posted there, PM me with the thread titles where the materials were posted.
"SG, you are a limitless fountain of Butt-Saving Advice. You Rock, Stone and Concrete." ~ TrumbachD
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Someone has made a special request for me to put Iron Mike here on the board.
Usually I don't make stats for dead NPCS. But since this was a special request and I
think it would be interesting to see who this infamous villain was.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Michael Wood was born in Century Station. His father was a bus driver and his mom an exotic dancer. When Mike was ten
years old, he started to hang around the Brass Death Association, a notorious Color Punk gang who signature was beating
someone to death with brass knuckles. Within a few years, the gang got into a violent feud with the Thorn Brotherhood. One
day while sitting in the basement of his house with fellow gang members, something was thrown into his parents’ living
room window. It was a pipe bomb. The bomb went off killing both of them. Shaken Michael decided to leave town. He went
to Gulf Coast City where he became a street vendor, selling ice cream on the beach in the summer and hot peanuts in the
winter. At the age of 18, he took a job working at a candy store. The owner of the store was Costello Riberro, a notorious
drug lord noted for creating his own experimental drugs. Costello was in-witness protection trying to avoid being hunted
down by various South American drug cartels. In order to satisfy his “mad scientist” like desires, Costello made his own
sofa drink formula, but laced it with cocaine like substance. Those who drank the soda were immediately addicted and
bought more. He and Michael began to make a great deal of money operating their candy store. One day while in their
secret basement, Michael saw a bowl of chocolate kisses and started eating a few. To his horror, he grew nine feet (2.75
m) tall and his skin/flesh turned to metal. Costello returned and upon seeing the iron giant ran out into the street where he
was struck by a semi-truck and killed. Michael escaped and fled the area. In time, he learned to change his metal form
back to flesh, but he could do nothing to reduce his size. He sought out a former associate of Costello who got him a job as
a mutant bouncer in organized crime premises such as brothels. In his early twenties, he moved back to Century Station
where he became bodyguard and trusted enforcer for Lucas Caetano, the head of a criminal syndicate that dabbled not only
in drugs, but also in the very lucrative weapons smuggling trade. For years, Michael played the part of “a thug” with more
muscle than brain. In truth, he was learning to become a criminal mastermind, watching and learning from one of the best.
At the age of 30 with Century Station a haven of unemployment and corruption, Mike made his move using his army of 200
Brass Death Associates. Lucas, all of his lieutenants, and a dozen other gang members were massacred with Michael
himself squeezing the life out of his mentor. All at once, Michael Wood now aka Iron Mike, the new crime boss in town and
determined to become leader of all organized crime in Century Station.
Within a year, Iron Mike became arguable the #1 criminal mastermind in the city (behind the Minotaur). Every ten
cents of illegally earned dollars in the area got kicked back to him somehow. Such was the anarchy within the city he
openly broadcasted his illegal enterprise, even claimed the entire district of Waingroh as his personal criminal kingdom. He
vowed to destroy any police, government agent, or costumed hero who dared to challenge him. He even made a personal
example out of four super heroes who tried to take him down. With the live broadcast of Mike crushing the popular Century
Station hero Agent Shield, the city government decided Iron Mike had to be stopped regardless of the consequences. On the
night of the raid, Iron Mike was hosting a meeting with other Syndicate leaders and fellow super-powered masterminds in
his urban citadel. Mike was furious that the Minotaur did not attend nor did he even bother to send a liaison. Mike planned
on using the event eradicate his competition then several corrupt cops alerted Mike that his base was going to be raided
within a few hours. Mike informed his guests. While many wanted to flee, Mike convinced the vast majority to stick with
him and fight it out. Their display of strength would teach the city a lesson that they where the true leaders of this city.
When the police and several individual super heroes arrived, a small army of combat robots, a cadre of evil superhumans,
300 Brass Death Associates, a100 additional street punks and hired guns were waiting for them. For several hours, both
ides dug in. When the crime Syndicate leaders tried to evacuate, Mike struck at them and their bodyguards. Battered and
wounded, the crazed iron giant then took the fight to the police. He ran at the police barricade his arms over head. He ran
into a hailstorm of armor piercing bullets, explosive rounds, grenades, and anti-tanks weapons. Just a step away from the
barricade Iron Mike collapsed in a bloody heap, yet his still had breath to say, “Got something for you all to remember me
by, enjoy.” At that moment, the nuclear bomb in the subbasement of his fortress detonated. Mike had one of his “hardware
associates” attach a dead man’s switch to the bomb and slaved it to a heart monitor he wore. His death triggered the
explosion. Ten city blocks were instantly flattened, every civilian, superhero, police officer, and criminal in the area not
already dead was killed instantly. Thankfully, the bomb was an ultra-clean model, and radioactive debris was minimal, but
it left a large crater where the fortress once stood. In the end, the surviving criminal elements sparked a wave of rioting
and looting that plunged hall the city into terror and chaos for three days until the National Guard moved in. A week later
after the “Bloody Monday riots” finally quelled, the Minotaur became the city’s master of crime. To this day, many wonder if
he knew what was going to happen.

Real Name: Michael Bart Wood
Occupation: Criminal Mastermind
Alignment: Diabolic
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 9th
Hit Points: 95 S.D.C.: 395/800 in metal form
Natural Armor Rating: A.R.: 12/17 in metal form.
P.P.E.: 31
Appearance: Mike is a humongous man built like a giant center lineman. He has white eyes, gray hair, and tan skin.
He has small ears and a large mouth.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 10, M.A. 15, P.S. 58/84 superhuman in either form, P.P. 10, P.E. 27, Spd. 29/12 in metal
form, P.B. 11
Age: 32, Sex: Male, Height: 16 feet (4.87 m), Weight: 1080 lbs (486 kg)/4192 lbs (1886) in metal form.
Insanity: Although it cannot be known for certain, Mike was just beginning to show signs of being slightly delusional
and paranoid at the time of his death. It might have something to do with diminishing oxygen levels in his blood because of
his size and the stress of his heart having to pump blood to his brain.
Unnatural Characteristics: Stocky
Major Super Ability: Alter Physical Structure: Metal
Minor Super Abilities: Giant and Extraordinary P.E.
Combat Training: Expert
Attacks per Melee: 6 (2 initial + 4 from Hand to Hand)
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +43 to damage/+69 in metal form, +5 to
roll with punch/fall, +4 to pull punch, and +2 to disarm.
Saving Throws: +24% to save vs. coma/death and +6 to save vs. magic & poison.
Combat Skills: Punch 2D4, Power Punch 4D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 2D6, Knee 2D6, Karate Kick
3D6, Snap Kick 2D6, Roundhouse Kick 4D6, Body Block/Tackle 3D6 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Body Flip/Throw
2D6 plus P.S. damage bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action) Pin 18-20, Crush 3D6, All Holds, Paired Weapons, and
Critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18-20.
In metal form, 2D6+2, Power Punch 4D6+4, Elbow/Forearm 3D6, Knee 3D6, Karate Kick 4D6, Snap Kick 3D6,
Roundhouse Kick 5D6, Body Block/Tackle 4D6 (parry or dodge to avoid knockdown), Body Flip/Throw 3D6 plus P.S. damage
bonus (lose initiative and 1 attack/action) Pin 18-20, and Crush 4D6. Everything else is the same.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 98%/97% and Mathematics: Basic 98%.
Physical Program: Wrestling, Athletics (general), and Hand to Hand: Expert
Criminal Program: Streetwise 71%, Find Contraband 77%, I.D. Undercover Agents 98%, and Gambling (Standard)
Learned Skills: Intelligence 68% and Undercover Ops 80%.
Secondary Skills: Sports: Football 85%, Public Speaking 75%, Business & Finance 80%, Barter 68%, Appraise
Antiques 75%, History 98%/81%, Law (general) 85%, Research 75%, Performance 65%, Land Navigation 52%, Philosophy
55%, Wilderness Survival 40%, and Outdoormanship.
Money: At the time of his death, Iron Mike’s personal fortune was around $1.3 billion dollars. As for the
Weapons: He relied on his mutant powers.
Equipment & Vehicles: His size made it very difficult for Mike to use any technology or vehicles. For the most part,
he let his Brass Death Associates enjoy the fruits of his criminal empire. He owned a five million dollar group of
condominiums in Battenburg Heights in Century Station, a million dollar house in Gulf Coast City, a corporate jet, a 25
million dollar megayacht he kept docked at Napier Bay in Century Station, a fleet of sports cars, and 64,000 acre (260 sq
km) ranch in the country of Malvador (home of the Usurpur/Emperor Danilek).
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Have you read up that type of Dragon??? They aren't meant to be giant beastly dragons like the great horned...there master shape shifters....
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Ninjas and super spies is in need much of an update then any book and all it all into 1 book all the firm's and conversions per diem for Rifts and non Rifts environment
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Another alien race will be coming soon.
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

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Between TGE Properties and FAR Space lies the tiny planet Mog which orbits around a white dwarf star. The surface of
the planet is dead, with no atmosphere or water of any sorts. Yet life does exist but deep underground. The Mogurs are
short, husky humanoids with powerful muscles, broad shoulders, and a weather appearance. They have evolved to live
entirely underground, living exclusively on a diet of alien mushroom and fungus. Most of the day Mogurs tend to their crops
and dig elaborate tunnels as well as sustaining their underground architecture. They are peaceful, friendly race, who like to
remain busy doing something involving labor. Because of their astounding strength and stamina, Mogurs can spend hours
working around the clock without complaints. As such, the Mogurs have found themselves employed by the thousands for
TGE Properties as miners and laborers. Because they enjoy the work, the Mogurs gave exclusive right to the company to
mine their planet which is a geologist dream of mineral wealth. Such is the extent of the rights they provided TGE, there is
a growing concern by the FAR that the Mogurs might not even own their planet anymore and may have possibly signed
away their entire race into a life indentured servitude. No one is allowed to see the contract and TGE has strict guidelines
preventing such things, and the Mogurs don’t seem to care. Nevertheless, they are not robots and if treated unfairly they do
complain, but just long enough to ensure their point is made before going back to work. Without question, the TGE has
taken advantage of the Mogur work ethic and gullibility to turn them into a profitable “slave work force” that doesn’t
complain or make a fuss. Despite the seemingly brutal conditions Mogurs are forced to work, they seem to enjoy working
as slaves. With few exceptions, Mogurs will feel insulted if attempts are made to pay them, given them pensions, or reward
their services with anything except a complement and appreciation. In outrage for their inhuman treatment, several FAR
diplomats have attempted to negotiate with TGE to liberate them from their contract agreement. So far, the Mogurs have
showed zero interest even though it’s for their own welfare.

Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are principled or scrupulous
Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 30+3D6 (supernatural), P.P. 2D6, P.E. 5D6 (16 minimum), P.B. 2D6,
Spd. 2D6.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute plus 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 4D6x10+30. Additional S.D.C. can be gained by selecting physical skills.
P.P.E.: 1D6
Appearance: A short, husky people with powerful muscles, broad shoulders, ruddy complexions, weathered looks,
long, black mangy hair and an aged look to their face. No facial hair.
Age: 200 years, Height: 3 to 3 ½ feet (.91 to 1.06 m, Weight: 200 plus 2D6x10 lbs (99-144 kg).
O.C.C.s: Avoid careers which involve higher learning and education, they typically seek out to be Combat Specialist,
Professional Athlete or Mercenary. Such individuals are the rare exceptions as Mogurs prefer to be simple laborers and
miners. Note: All Mogurs enjoy a +5% to skills involving General Repair, Gardening, Recycle, Masonry, Carpentry, Dowsing,
Rope Works, Sculpting, Detect Concealment, Mathematics: Basic, and Land Navigation.
Underground Tunneling (Special): Mogurs can dig and build solid, strong tunnels (no fear of a cave-in) with amazing
speed and dexterity. They can also excavate ruins and the sites of cave-ins with the same prowess. In addition, the
character can usually tell if an existing tunnel or chamber is a natural formation or whether it was dug by a subterrain race.
Mogurs can even tell if it's new, old, or ancient. Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience.
Underground Architecture: Mogurs are excellent underground architects able to build small and large rooms, ornate
archways, staircases, great chambers with cathedral ceilings, as well as a labyrinth of tunnels, passageways, mazes and
underground traps (most common are pit and cave-in type traps). Likewise, the character can recognize the styles of
subterrain construction. The Mogur who is travelling slowly and cautiously, looking for underground traps can locate them,
and avoid or deactivate them. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience; detection and deactivation of traps is
done at half his normal architecture skill level.
Underground Sense of Direction: The character has an innate ability to tell direction when underground, even in total
darkness (not applicable on the surface). Thus, the Mogur can tell whether he is travelling up, down or level, the
approximate angle of decline or ascent, approximately how far below the surface he is, and the approximate direction
(north, south, east, west). Base Skill: 40% +5% per level of experience. This skill also enables him to judge the
approximate location to surface structures (natural and artificial), but only if the character is familiar with the area. The
character will also recognize traits and aspects of the underground tunnel or construct that serve as landmarks for him.
Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience; -25% if in an unfamiliar area.
All Mogurs who choose these skills whether as scholastic or secondary skills receive a +15% bonus: Gemology,
Mining, Excavation, Salvage, Spelunking, and Wilderness Survival.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet (183 m). Can see in total darkness. Poor day vision 40 feet (12.1 m), but they
are not sensitive to daylight or bright light like most aliens from Twilight worlds. Excellent hearing, dig in soft earth at a
speed of 15 feet (4.5 m) per minute (reduce speed by half for rock). Can hold breath for 20 minutes, and toxic fumes and
gases have no or little effect on Mogurs (half damage, duration, and effect). In addition to those naturally received as a
native to a Twilight planet, all Mogurs are of Super Ability power category.
Major Super Abilities: Supernatural P.S. and Invulnerability.
Attacks per Melee: Depends if the Mogur selects a hand-to-hand combat styles. Additional attacks can be acquired
from additional levels of education and/or training.
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative and +4 to pull punch. These are in addition to possible bonuses from other
attributes, skills, and Hand-to-Hand bonuses.
Saving Throws: +4 to save vs. poison, toxins, drugs, and Horror Factor.
Combat Skills: Mogurs can leap a distance equal to his P.S. x4 feet (1.2 m). Leaps can be made horizontally or
vertically from a standing start.
Language: Read-Write/Speak Mogur Language and FAA's Pilian Tongue at 98%
Weapons: Mogurs poor day vision makes them terrible shooters with range weapons, so they prefer melee type
weapons. Most Mogurs wouldn’t think of picking up a weapon, namely because they are a peaceful lot, but those who do
choose anything that will cause significant damage and won’t break because of their supernatural strength.
Preferred Armor: None, Mogurs are nearly impervious to conventional injury. And they are not very modest, so if
their clothes get destroyed, they think nothing of continuing the battle completely nude.
Special Equipment & Vehicles: Mogurs are terrible pilots. Even if they select a pilot skill they still suffer a -15%
penalty regardless of training and education. Any attempt to perform a Vehicle Combat Tactics, Maneuvers & Techniques
they suffer DOUBLE the penalty. They are notorious for falling off hover platforms and refuse to get on horses, motorcycles,
and hover bikes.
Familiarity with Earth: Mogurs have no familiarity or interests in the planet Earth. However, wandering adventurers
and freelance operatives might have a different outlook.
Phase World® Setting: Mogurs are MDC. beings in a Mega-Damage setting with 700 M.D.C. and regenerate 1D6x10
M.D.C. every minute (4 melee rounds). They possess Supernatural P.S. and inflict mega damage with a punch, kick, or any
other hand-to-hand combat attack.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Time for another alien race. I'm also going to do some editing on some past alien
races I did on this post. I showed them to a guy named Kevin and he really trashed
them. Need to do some fixing for my own peace of mind.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »


Between TMC Charters and Titrana Quadrnt lies the giant gas planet Jusmora (30% bigger than the
planet Jupiter). One of its twenty moons is Aquarus, which is about the same size as planet Earth. The
moon is made of silicate rock and has a water-ice crust, as hard as granite that is 8-12 miles (12.8-3.65 m)
thick. Beneath this ice is a warm salt-water ocean about 60 miles deep (96 km). This makes the moon an
Aquatic/Twilight world. Life thrives in the under-ice ocean in an alien ecosystem as large and diverse as the
ecosystem on Earth’s surface. The ultimate life form would be the Aquarians, human looking with smooth
blue skin, no body hair, and jet black eyes. Aquarians are a Megalopolis Age society with advanced
computers, robotics, and weapons. Having mastered chemical experiments and genetic engineering 300
years ago, and subjected their infants and children to mandatory augmentation have enabled the Aquarians
to turn themselves into a super being race. Aquarians are regarded as friends to all aquatic life, even
against the giant octopus, squids, sharks, and eels.

Twenty years ago, the Aquarians successfully punctured through the crust to explore the planet
surface. With temperature averaging -260 degrees F (-160 degrees C) at the equator, there is nothing on
the moon surface nevertheless scientists and explorers are eager to see what lies on the surface. Presently
they lack space travel capabilities, but upon seeing their giant planet and the glowing object confirmed to
be a star, they are eager to develop technology that will allow them to explore the solar system. First
contract between Aquarians and half a dozen space-fearing races has occurred in the last twenty years,
with none of them offering any technology or trade, but they’ve been willing to transport ambassador
throughout the galaxy.

Unfortunately, there is a small, but growing movement of radicals demanding all efforts to explore
beyond the ice or else the “light” will cause certain disaster. Light is seen as an ever-growing danger and
those who support exposure to light must be convinced of its danger or they will have to be killed in order
to protect the Aquarian way of life. Likewise anyone coming from the light (aliens) is considered a threat
and no matter what anyone else thinks, the Protectors of the Dark.

Alignment: Any, but the vast majority are anarchist or aberrant
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+4, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6+6, Spd. 2D6,
Swimming speed is Spd x8).
Hit Points: P.E. attribute plus 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 30+3D6. Additional S.D.C. can be gained by selecting physical skills.
P.P.E.: 1D6
Appearance: Human looking, blue skin, webbed hands and feet, no body hair, and sharp teeth.
Age: 100 years, Height: 6½ feet (1.82 m), Weight: 200 lbs (90 kg).
O.C.C.s: Any, but instead of Spacecraft Pilot or Engineer, its Submersible Pilot or Engineer.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 feet (183 m). Can see in total darkness. Natural Swimming Ability
100%. Breathe underwater indefinitely. Depth tolerance unlimited. Speak underwater.
Vulnerability: Aquarians cannot breath in an atmosphere for more than 20 minutes an even then
their breathing is labored (reduce sped by 1/3, -2 on initiative, -1 attack per melee, -2 to dodge or roll with
punch and -6 to save vs. gas attacks, including smoke and dust). Blinded by an light greater than 840
lumens (60 watts), must wear protective photo-sensitive visors or goggles to see in daylight or blinding
flashes (-8 to strike, parry, and dodge).
Minor Super Abilities: Beastmaster, Animal Brother, Ultra-Hearing, and Impervious to Pressure
(suffers only half penalties from high/heavy gravity) and Oceanic Depths. All Super Abilities are natural
abilities native to all Aquarians.
Attacks per Melee: Depends if the Aquarian selects a hand-to-hand combat styles. Additional attacks
can be acquired from additional levels of education and/or training.
Combat Bonuses: +2 to initiative and +3 to dodge underwater. These are in addition to possible
bonuses from other attributes, skills, and Hand-to-Hand bonuses.
Combat Skills: Depends upon hand-to-hand combat.
Language: Read-Write/Speak Aquarian Language
Special Weapons: Sonic Weapons, increased the range and damage of all weapon by 20%.
Preferred Armor: None, although they have the technological capabilities of building power armor.
Special Equipment & Vehicles: Submersibles (equivalent to all hover and space vehicles on page 198-
Familiarity with Earth: Aquarians have no familiarity or interests in the planet Earth. However,
wandering adventurers and freelance operatives might have a different outlook.
Phase World® Setting: Aquarians are S.D.C. beings in a Mega-Damage setting. All of their sonic
weapons do M.D.C damage, but half the M.D.C. damage will penetrate M.D.C vehicles and power (body)
armor, and hit and hurt the person inside, although the damage is converted into S.D.C. This means a Sonic
Blast Pistol would 2D6+2 M.D.C., but half the damage will carry through the armor and inflict S.D.C./Hit
Point damage to the person inside.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

All done with aliens. My next project will be one that will take a while, especially since I'm working on
something else for Fantasy. Time to provide names and identities to the entire cast on the cover of Powers
Unlimited One, including the stretching guy who has two lefts hands. Check it out and look carefully, he has
two left hands. I'm guessing that's an artist error and not a vulnerability of the actual hero/villain, haven't
decided which just yet. Like I said this will take me a while to do. Have patience.
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

Protectors, Freedom Fighters, and Avengers for the Mutant Underground (from the Cover of
Powers Unlimited One)

SILLY SPRING. Note: Stretching guy with S on forehead.

Mel Dodson was a class clown all his life. In high school, he would go out of his way to make the teacher
laugh. Usually it got him sent to ISS but sometimes he did manage to crack the teacher up. One day just
before chemistry class started, he grabbed several beakers of fluid and started mixing them together.
Suddenly there was a puff of smoke and Mel collapsed. He awoke in the hospital with his parents by his
side. A few days later, he discovered he could make any part of his body bigger than normal. It wasn’t
long before he learned to stretch his body into all sort of configurations. With these amazing abilities, he
started entertaining people again, but seeming him stretch his face horrified students and teachers. It
wasn’t long before he was being chased by police for “threatening” people. He had no choice but to go
into hiding. He starts using his powers to disguise himself and takes to a life on the streets before
coming into contact with the Mutant Underground in Ultropolis. After helping him set up a new identity
for himself, the Mutant Underground urged Mel to become a freedom fighter for the organization.
Reluctant at first, but after meeting with Emperor Lightning he agreed to receive additional training in
using his abilities to help fellow mutants and super beings whatever the cost. When not aiding others,
Mel can be found on stage at the Funny Factory and other comedy clubs across the country. Because his
job allows him to travel, Mel goes across the country checking out all the different MU and advising them
whenever possible.

Real Name: Mel Dodson
Alias: Spencer Moore
Occupation: Comedian and Superhero
Alignment: Scrupulous
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 3rd
Hit Points: 26 S.D.C.: 74
P.P.E.: 21
Appearance: He is a witty guy with almond-shaped brown eyes. He has long, fine, straight
charcoal color hair. He is short and has a muscular build. His skin is china-white. He has prominent ears
and long-fingered hands. His costume is white and purple with the letter “S” on his forehead.
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 8, M.A.15, P.S. 14, P.P. 11, P.E. 18, Spd. 16, P.B. 9
Age: 27, Sex: Male, Height: 5 foot 7 inch (1.70 m), Weight: 175 lbs (78.75 kg).
Unusual Characteristics: Long, sensitive fingers and double jointed.
Major Super Ability: Stretching
Minor Super Abilities: Enlarge Body Parts, Multi-Tasking, and Impact Resistance.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5 (2 initial + 2 from Hand to Hand) +1 from powers
Combat Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +11 to roll with
punch/fall, and +2 to pull punch.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm 1D6, Knee
1D6, Karate Kick 2D4, and Paired Weapons.
Saving Throws: Impervious to the first 20 points of physical attacks per melee round, then take
one-fourth damage from all physical attacks for the rest melee round, +6% to save vs. coma/death, and
+2 to save vs. poison & magic.
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 86%/91%, Mathematics: Basic 60%, and Pilot:
Automobile 66%.
Entertainer Program (based in part by John C. Philpott): Disguise 57%, Impersonation 64%
/50%, Performance 62%, Public Speaking 60%, Seduction 46%, T.V./Video 65%, Wardrobe & Grooming
Rogue Program: Prowl 55%, Pick Pocket 60%, Streetwise 47%, and Palming 55%.
Secondary Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic, Cook 50%, Law (general) 50%, Computer Operation
69%, Play Tennis 55%, Land Navigation 48%, Juggling 55%, Housekeeping 50%.
Money: He’s only been at this comedy gig for about three years. He makes around $150-200 a
week doing 3 shows a week.
Equipment & Vehicles: He brings only what will help him fulfill his mission. The less he has to
carry the easier it is for him to use his powers.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:24 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Reagren Wright
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Comment: The greatest part of the writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write: a man will turn over half a library to make one book. - Samuel Johnson, 1775
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Re: On the topic of Revised to 2nd ed conversions.....

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

SHRINKING BUTTERFLY NOte: The moth looking girl.

Desiree Petersen in her freshman year at Ultropolis University took a job helping her
professor Lee Josh Knox in her new special formula designed to reduce the mass of matter yet
retain its durability and density. While working as his assistant the two fell in love and began
a secret affair. Unfortunately, the dean learned about it and hoping to profit himself with the
formula blackmailed Lee Knox into doing whatever he wanted. When Desiree learned what had
happened she decided on her own to try and get even with the man. She rigged up a device
that would spray the dean with the “reduction formula” thus shrinking him to the size of speck
of dust. While mixing the formula up later that night, she was unaware that a butterfly had
somehow gotten into the beaker trying to drink the sweet tasting formula. It body was
shrank down to the molecular level and dispersed into the liquid. Later on, Desiree was trying
to test her triggering mechanism when the device prematurely activated and sprayed her with
the formula. She was not only shrunk down to 6 inches (15 cm) in height but developed a
number of insect like qualities including butterfly like wings and antenna. Still later on she
watched as Lee and another female student came to the lab and started enjoying one another.
This filled her with rage. She accidentally turned herself into a freak of nature to help the
man who was being framed by his “boss” only to have him secretly cheating on her. She
revealed herself to them both and using her strength which had not changed any despite her
small size. She tossed them around like ragged dolls. She accidentally shoved Lee out a
window causing him to fall to his death. The girl escaped. Panicked stricken, Desiree set fire to
the lab, destroying the formula and all of Lee’s notes and disappeared. Cold and hungry, trying
her best to survive being the size of a toy soldier, she found comfort in the apartment of a
man named Cordell Weber, who just happen to be a volunteer for the Mutant Underground. He
not only got Desiree set up in an apartment of her own but introduce her to several other
mutants with issues like herself in an effort to give her a new found hope for herself. Yet
Desiree like many others, became bitter and vengeful over the treatment of mutants and her
own situation in being unable to regain a normal life. Before long she was no better than a
super criminal as she terrorized people she felt jealous toward. One being the Dean whom she
forced into confessing his criminal behavior (he’d been blackmailing other professors for quite
a while). Her exploits soon got her into contact with a Fabriactors Inc Liaison who started
offering her freelance jobs in return for cash and for special equipment.

After a two years of service, she by chanced hooked up with the legendary super villain
Professors Fraction and his super group the Tiny Terrible Terrorist. Being a girl, she was
immediately catching the attention of all the members except Peeble the alien mineraloid. Yet
Professor Fraction made it clear that she was his girl. For a while, she joined the villains for a
number of criminal endeavors when she learned that Cordell was being arrested for aiding and
bedding mutant criminals. Remembering the days of her obligations to the Mutant
Underground, desiree broke off her relationship with the TTT and Professor Fraction and struck
out on her own trying to help fellow mutants as a notorious strong arm protector of mutants
and super beings. Using her abilities, she managed to break Cordell out of jail. Now they are
enjoying a life together, she doing all the anti-super hero work while he does what he can
helping the Underground in his own small way.

Real Name: Desiree Petersen
Occupation: Former college student, freelancer for Fabricators Inc, Super Criminal, now
Mutant Underground Protector
Alignment: Anarchist
Power Category: Mutant
Experience Level: 6th
Hit Points: 48 S.D.C.: 62
P.P.E.: 29
Appearance: She has round gray eyes and long, straight, luxurious, blond hair worn in a
elegant style. She has a lithe figure. She has two pairs of butterfly like wings and tiny antenna
1 inch (2.5 cm) long. Her costume is black and purple.
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 10, M.A. 13, P.S. 14, P.P. 24, P.E. 18, Spd. 38/90 mph (144.9
km) in flight, P.B. 15. Note: She runs 3800 feet (1158 m) in an hour.
Age: 25, Sex: Female, Height: 6 inches (15 cm)/6 foot (1.82 m), Weight:
6 ounces (168 grams)/117 (52.65 kg).
Unnatural Characteristics: Delicate, sensitive hands, with long slender fingers,
Ambidextrous, and Power Lock (Flight: Insect).
Desiree cannot turn off her Flight: Insect ability, as such she is unable to return to her
normal size. Her mass is reduced but her P.S. and S.D.C. remains the same.
Minor Super Abilities: Flight: Insect, Antenna (retractable), Adhesion, Extraordinary P.P.,
and Heightened Sense of Awareness. Note: Shrinks to 6 inches (15 cm) in insect flight mode.
Combat Training: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 7 (2 initial +3 from Hand to Hand +1 from ambidextrous) +1 from
super powers).
Combat Bonuses: +5 to initiative, +6 to strike, +10 to parry, +9 to dodge/+13 in
flight/+17 when flying 40 mph (64 km), +9 automatic dodge, +1 to damage for every 20 mph
(32 km) of flight speed, +6 to roll with punch/fall, +3 to pull punch, and +1 disarm. Note:
Opponents are -6 to hit her with a gun, energy blast, or any range weapon. -3 to strike with
punch or hand held weapon, and -4 to kick or stomp on.
Saving Throws: +2 to save vs. Horror Factor, +6% to save vs. coma/death and +2 to
save vs. poison/magic.
Combat Skills: Punch 1D4, Power Punch 2D4 (counts as two attacks), Elbow/Forearm
1D6, Knee 1D6, Kick Attack 1D8+2, Snap Kick 1D6+2, all Holds, and Critical strike on a roll of
Educational Background: On the Job Training
Common Skills: Read-Write/Speak English 92%/94% , Pilot: Automobile 80%,
Tailing 80%, and Climbing 98%.
Lab Assistant Program (by Sinestus): Chemistry 95%, Mathematics: Basic 98%,
Mathematics: Advance 91%, Computer Operations 93%, Sensory Equipment 75%, Photography
80%, and Zoology 75%.
Physical Program: Hand to Hand: Basic, Acrobatics (Sense of Balance 98%, Walk
Rope 98%, Climb Rope 98%, Back Flip 98%), Aerobic Athletics, and Running.
Secondary Skills: Play Volleyball 85%, Athletics (general), W.P. Handgun (+3 to
aim/+1 to burst), Land Navigation 60%, Radio: Basic 80%, Streetwise 44%, Prowl 70%/79%
flying, Research 60%, Law (general) 60%, Track and Trap Animals 25%/35%, and Wilderness
Survival 35%.
Money: She has $4000 dollars stashed away in a secret hideout. She has an additional
$10,000 emergency fund if she needs too being held in a separate location. Most of the time
she relies on the generosity of those involved in the Mutant Underground.
Weapons: The Monarch Blaster. This is a Fabricator Modified Heavy Ion Blaster
that was reduced in size by the legendary villain Professor Fraction. Range: 33 feet (10 m),
Damage: 1D6 or victims must make a saving throw vs. non-lethal poison (16 or better-using
only P.E. attribute bonus) or have their nervous system effected. Victim is dazed and
disoriented. -5 to strike, parry, and dodge, and reduce attacks and Spd per melee by one-half
for 1D4 melee rounds. Rate of Fire: Single shot only, Feed: 12 round E-Clip.
Armor: Her costume was made by Fabriactor Inc and is made of a specially designed
material that distributes all kinetic impacts and blunt force across the surface. This means all
physical and kinetic attacks (including force blasts, falls, and explosions) inflict only half
damage to her and/or the suit. The suit is also chemically treated with a non-reflective coating
to make her invisible to radar and motion sensors, and it sends confusing signals to thermal
sensors and infrared systems. A.R. 12 and 40 S.D.C.
Equipment & Vehicles: She lives in studio apartment that is paid for with everything
normal size but modified in a way that allows her to utilize it at her small size. With the help
of the Professor Fraction and the Fabricators Inc, she has a shrunken device to recharge her E-
clips for her weapon. Any equipment she uses on her missions has also been already shrunken
with the help of Professor Fraction.
Last edited by Reagren Wright on Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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