Robotech Crossover question

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Right now Vale and Remnant doesn't need hovertankers.. they need Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, Zelgadis Greywords, and Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun. and perhaps a few more of the less regular chars from the same reality..

(i could totally see Amelia and Ruby becoming best friends...)
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

(Down Below...)

Charon: (Still munching on popcorn...) "This is better then the Super Bowl! Well...not as good as the commercials, but still entertaining!"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

UEsG Observer I: "How are they doing?"
Observer 2: "Surprisingly bad....Sarge wanted to make the thing a pet because it's red, and sic it on the Blues, Grif tried to run away because he KNEW Sarge would sic it on him either next or first, Tucker wanted to fight it with his sword, Church and Texas wanted to be clever like that Yoji fellow and blow it up with explosives, Lopez wanted to let it eat all the meatbags, and Doc is busy trying to put together all those elves who STILL got ahold of rocket launchers and backblast-massacred each other. Sheila finally just blasted the damn thing."
Observer 1: "Caboose?"
Observer 2: "Called Giselle 'Fluffy' when she showed up. Tried to hug her."
Observe 1: "Ouch."(another mountain explodes in the background)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

Glynda swiped her wand causing another pack of Grimm flying, only to be replaced with two more packs. The streets of Vale were crawling with them. Panic was spreading throughout the city causing more to show up. This isn't good she thought. Already she was tiring out from the battle. More had shown up. Their roars as loud as cannons, but soon began to drown out by another sound.

Light soon cast behind her, the unmistakable roar of cycle engines came boring down on her. Just as she spun around to see them only to find hulking suits of armor skidding to a stop. They weren't like anything Atlas had. Heavily armed and armored for their their size each bearing a sizable cannon on their shoulders.

"Marines! Lock on and fire!" Boomed the closes one.

Soon each cannon swiveled and trained on the Grimm pack. Rifles also pointed at others. A thunderous light show began as the pack is torn to pieces.

"Up top!" Cried another as his guns pointed up. Two others followed and began to take down swaths of Griffons.

Glynda was awestruck at this show of force. It soon quiet down as the Grimm dissolved into nothing.

"Clear. For now." Their guns soon were at ease. One of them soon approached her. "You alright Mam?"

She quickly recomposed herself. "Yes. Thank you for helping me back there. But may I ask how you and your people are?"

The man soon reached to the back of his helmet undoing the NBC collar. With a short hiss his face was soon visible. He was heavily scared on his left face, as if it had been burned by something. Glynda couldn't help but stare. "Yeah. I know I'm not the pretties person here." He jested.

"I'm Lieutenant Colonial Dwayne Hicks of The United Earths Government. 3rd U.E.E.F Marine Company."

It took Glynda a moment to process. "I'm sorry but who?"

"We're from another world!" Shouted one of the marines.

Hicks was annoyed. "Yes Parker. Thank you for pointing that out." He turned his attention back to Glynda. "As Privet Park said, we come from another world, or dimension in this case. Our government was going to make formal contact with this world but right now that's not happening."

Another thunderous crack caught both them off guard.

"Sir!" cried one of the marines. "Area's going to compromised soon!"

Both Glynda and Hicks looked up to see more Griffons and a Nevermore circling the area. Hicks soon began to bark orders. Putting back his helmet he looked back at Glynda. "15th just cleared an LZ ten blocks from here. We got dropships inbound to evac wounded and civilians. I would strongly suggest you coming with us."

"I am a Huntress. My duty is here fighting the Grimm."

"Good. You can help us at the LZ then. Cause I don't see a reason to hold this point anymore."

Glynda thought for a second. "Fair point. So where are the motorcycles you ca-" She didn't finished her sentence before Hicks switched his VR-57 to cyclone mode. She couldn't make of anything anymore with these strange people.

"You coming?"

Glynda nodded and soon found herself going 80mph on the back of the machine.
Last edited by Chronicler on Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Long shot of Arzenal Island, gulag-archipelago of the Norma, sitting under the sun of a post-storm morning...
POV angles around the island and swings back to look over it...
And the SDF-1 in Stormer Mode standing waist up, carrier-arms out, floating on the water just behind the island.
Cue collective 'oh ####' exclamation from just about everybody in range....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: "... and that is why you should never put a spork in a toaster."
-Over heard conversation in highschool
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

"Damn it this is not good." Alex had only gated 2 minutes ago and already he was pulling evasive maneuvers with the Pelican. Airspace was heavy with Grimm and Atlas gunships. Their airships giving as much covering fire as they can. It still wasn't enough.

Throwing the flight stick he made a hard right bank to avoid a Nevermore. Alex still couldn't get use to how much maneuverable the D77H was compared to his old Horizon Dropship. The UNSC (now under the title UNSC01) had loaned the old birds to the UEEF seeing as they were fazed out with new "fancier" ones. Even with a month of training it's still a bit new to him. He pulled another hard bank left. "This is worst than an Invid swarm!"

"Hey!" His co-pilot cried. She was not amused by that comment. Mylin was an evolved Invid Princess, and one of the rare few that came to humanities side. Let alone join the UEEF. "I don't like that racist crap!" Alex had to grit his teeth. This was surly to go on the debriefing report he thought.

"Kilo 285 to FOB Alpha do you read. On approach to your location, over."

"Kilo 285 this is FOB Beta, Alpha has been overrun. All dropships inbound to Alpha must divert to Beta, over" The situation was worst than he thought. UEEF command could only divert one company to handle the situation on the ground, but everything was already deteriorating. If only they had more time and troops things couldn't get much worst.

Suddenly at the corner of his eye a fireball erupted. One of the airships had been taken out. The other soon followed.

"The Hell was that?!?" Mylin yelled.

The battle-net soon went crazy. "Mayday! Mayday! We are under fire!"

Under fire? "This is Kilo 285 to FOB Beta please repeat that. Who is firing?"

The battle-net cracked a bit before he could hear "It's blue on blue! The Drones turned on us!"

Atlas was attacking now? Alex felt a pit in his stomach. He just had to think it.

"Kilo 285 this is Kilo 273. One of the airships has turned. I'd advise all of us to stay clear and use the swarms to screen."

"Roger Kilo 273." It was time to put the old bird through it's paces. The Pelican took a hard dive to were the forward operations base was. He could already see it lite up with green and blue streaks.


She cut him off. "Already on it!" The Pelicans autocannon roared to life, cutting one of the drone mechs in half.

Alex hit back the throttle and pushed away some of the drones with the exhaust. With a quick flip of a button the back opened. Already Civilians pored in with the help of their crew chief. Kilo 273 and 241 joined in.

He turned back. "We good to go?"

"All packed up tighter than tuna in a can." The chief replied. He chuckled a bit.

"Alright! Hold on to your seats!" The back slammed shut and the ship soon accelerated through the streets before making a climb.

"All dropships in the area be advised we set up a new FOB at the docks." Thank god thought Alex. The operator on the battle-net continued. "Also we have gotten word that an SDF-1 class ship has arrived and is on approach to make a wet landing." Now the odds will be even if not greater. Alex gave a sigh of relief.

But just as the Pelican cleared the buildings it hit mass turbulence. The mountain outside the city erupted. The worst was yet to come.
Last edited by Chronicler on Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

SRoss wrote:Dana: (In Guardian mode, firing at the waves of Grim charging them) "I'm glad they're enjoying themselves in the world of Gate, but we've got a dragon that **** monsters!"

Darkmoon: (Aiming at the dragon) "I'm handling it."

Suddenly Darkmoon is staggered by pain as Adam slashes his back through the battle armour.

Darkmoon: (Jettisoning his now useless armour) "Th that's not possible!" :shock:

Nice! :ok:

glitterboy2098 wrote:Right now Vale and Remnant doesn't need hovertankers.. they need Lina Inverse, Gourry Gabriev, Zelgadis Greywords, and Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun. and perhaps a few more of the less regular chars from the same reality..

(i could totally see Amelia and Ruby becoming best friends...)

Slayers, brings back some nice memories.

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: (Still munching on popcorn...) "This is better then the Super Bowl! Well...not as good as the commercials, but still entertaining!"

:lol: Well, I'm happy! Didn't expect them to win, let alone, get that far. GO BRONCOS!!

taalismn wrote:UEsG Observer I: "How are they doing?"
Observer 2: "Surprisingly bad....Sarge wanted to make the thing a pet because it's red, and sic it on the Blues, Grif tried to run away because he KNEW Sarge would sic it on him either next or first, Tucker wanted to fight it with his sword, Church and Texas wanted to be clever like that Yoji fellow and blow it up with explosives, Lopez wanted to let it eat all the meatbags, and Doc is busy trying to put together all those elves who STILL got ahold of rocket launchers and backblast-massacred each other. Sheila finally just blasted the damn thing."
Observer 1: "Caboose?"
Observer 2: "Called Giselle 'Fluffy' when she showed up. Tried to hug her."
Observe 1: "Ouch."(another mountain explodes in the background)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Loved that last part.

Chronicler wrote:Glynda swiped her wand causing another pack of Grimm flying, only to be replaced with two more packs. The streets of Vale were crawling with them. Panic was spreading throughout the city causing more to show up. This isn't good she thought. Already she was tiring out from the battle. More had shown up. Their roars as loud as cannons, but soon began to down out by another sound.

Light soon cast behind her, the unmistakable roar of cycle engines came boring down on her. Just as she spun around to see them only to find hulking suits of armor skidding to a stop. They weren't like anything Atlas had. Heavily armed and armored for their their size each bearing a sizable cannon on their shoulders.

"Marines! Lock on and fire!" Boomed the closes one.

Soon each cannon swiveled and trained on the Grimm pack. Rifles also pointed at others. A thunderous light show began as the pack is torn to pieces.

"Up top!" Cried another as his guns pointed up. Two others followed and began to take down swaths of Griffons.

Glynda was awestruck at this show of force. It soon quiet down as the Grimm dissolved into nothing.

"Clear. For now." Their guns soon were at ease. One of them soon approached her. "You alright Mam?"

She quickly recomposed herself. "Yes. Thank you for helping me back there. But may I ask how you and your people are?"

The man soon reached to the back of his helmet undoing the NBC collar. With a short hiss his face was soon visible. He was heavily scared on his left face, as if it had been burned by something. Glynda couldn't help but stare. "Yeah. I know I'm not the pretties person here." He jested.

"I'm Lieutenant Colonial Dwayne Hicks of The United Earths Government. 3rd U.E.E.F Marine Company."

It took Glynda a moment to process. "I'm sorry but who?"

"We're from another world!" Shouted one of the marines.

Hicks was annoyed. "Yes Parker. Thank you for pointing that out." He turned his attention back to Glynda. "As Privet Park said, we come from another world, or dimension in this case. Our government was going to make formal contact with this world but right now that's not happening."

Another thunderous crack caught both them off guard.

"Sir!" cried one of the marines. "Area's going to compromised soon!"

Both Glynda and Hicks looked up to see more Griffons and a Nevermore circling the area. Hicks soon began to bark orders. Putting back his helmet he looked back at Glynda. "15th just cleared an LZ ten blocks from here. We got dropships inbound to evac wounded and civilians. I would strongly suggest you coming with us."

"I am a Huntress. My duty is here fighting the Grimm."

"Good. You can help us at the LZ then. Cause I don't see a reason to hold this point anymore."

Glynda thought for a second. "Fair point. So where are the motorcycles you ca-" She didn't finished her sentence before Hicks switched his VR-57 to cyclone mode. She couldn't make of anything anymore with these strange people.

"You coming?"

Glynda nodded and soon found herself going 80mph on the back of the machine.

Love the write up!

taalismn wrote:Long shot of Arzenal Island, gulag-archipelago of the Norma, sitting under the sun of a post-storm morning...
POV angles around the island and swings back to look over it...
And the SDF-1 in Stormer Mode standing waist up, carrier-arms out, floating on the water just behind the island.
Cue collective 'oh ####' exclamation from just about everybody in range....

:lol: :lol:

Chronicler wrote:"Damn it this is not good." Alex had only gated 2 minutes ago and already he was pulling evasive maneuvers with the Pelican. Airspace was heavy with Grimm and Atlas gunships. Their airships giving as much covering fire as they can. It still wasn't enough.

Throwing the flight stick he made a hard right bank to avoid a Nevermore. Alex still couldn't get use to how much maneuverable the D77H was compared to his old Horizon Dropship. The UNSC (now under the title UNSC01) had loaned the old birds to the UEEF seeing as they were fazed out with new "fancier" ones. Even with a month of training it's still a bit new to him. He pulled another hard bank left. "This is worst than an Invid swarm!"

"Hey!" His co-pilot cried. She was not amused by that comment. Mylin was an evolved Invid Princess, and one of the rare few that came to humanities side. Let alone join the UEEF. "I don't like that racist crap!" Alex had to grit his teeth. This was surly to go on the debriefing report he thought.

"Kilo 285 to FOB Alpha do you read. On approach to your location, over."

"Kilo 285 this is FOB Beta, Alpha has been overrun. All dropships inbound to Alpha must divert to Beta, over" The situation was worst than he thought. UEEF command could only divert one company to handle the situation on the ground, but everything was already deteriorating. If only they had more time and troops things couldn't get much worst.

Suddenly at the corner of his eye a fireball erupted. One of the airships had been taken out. The other soon followed.

"The Hell was that?!?" Mylin yelled.

The battle-net soon went crazy. "Mayday! Mayday! We are under fire!"

Under fire? "This is Kilo 285 to FOB Beta please repeat that. Who is firing?"

The battle-net cracked a bit before he could hear "It's blue on blue! The Drones turned on us!"

Atlas was attacking now? Alex felt a pit in his stomach. He just had to think it.

"Kilo 285 this is Kilo 273. One of the airships has turned. I'd advise all of us to stay clear and use the swarms to screen."

"Roger Kilo 273." It was time to put the old bird through it's paces. The Pelican to a hard dive to were the forward operations base was. He could already see it lite up with green and blue streaks.


She cut him off. "Already on it!" The Pelicans autocannon roared to life, cutting through one of the drone mechs in half.

Alex hit back the throttle and pushed away some of the drones with the exhaust. With a quick flip of a button the back opened. Already Civilians pored in with the help of their crew chief. Kilo 273 and 241 joined in.

He turned back. "We good to go?"

"All packed up tighter than tuna in a can." The chief replied. He chuckled a bit.

"Alright! Hold on to your seats!" The back slammed shut and the ship soon accelerated through the streets before making a climb.

"All dropships in the area be advised we set up a new FOB at the docks." Thank god thought Alex. The operator on the battle-net continued. "Also we have gotten word that an SDF-1 class ship has arrived and is on approach to make a wet landing." Now the odds will be even if not greater. Alex gave a sigh of relief.

But just as the Pelican cleared the buildings it hit mass turbulence. The mountain outside the city erupted. The worst was yet to come.

Wow. Very good there! Keep them coming!
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Observer 1: "....did I just see that? I am seriously disbelieving here..."
Observer 2: "Yeah..Van Pelt just took out the dragon's eyes with a blanket slingshot. That thing's fireproof's a real SECURITY blanket."
Observer 1: "Sure it's not really a towel?"
Observer 2: "That's what he TELLS everybody it is."
Observer 1: "Oh heck....Brown just HAMMERED that thing for the count."
Observer 2: "Never EVER threaten the little red-haired girl."
Observer 1: "Never mind that she's a lot better with a rocket launcher than those elves."
Observer 2: "Remind me to show you the video of when they ran into the Mystery Machine gang."
O1: "The new version? Or the old version?"
O2: "Old version. I know it doesn't seem fair, given that we're talking about the Peanuts Gang on Anime Steroids here. Still amusing as hell, though."
01: "Real question is, how they going to deal with Giselle?"
O2: "They got air support already dealing with her...see?"
01: "What the he-?! Is that really a Sopwith Camel?! With UNDERWING HARDPOINTS?!"
02: "Yeah. He'll still crash it, though, but not before doing some SERIOUS damage first. Then those dragons are going to get pecked to death."
O1: "What are you talking about? Oh.....I'm never looking at finches in the same way again...."
02: "Betting's still strong that they're either wrens or titmice."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

taalismn wrote:01: "What the he-?! Is that really a Sopwith Camel?! With UNDERWING HARDPOINTS?!"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

Sorry, bit off topic but just saw RWBY final and I might not continue my little story thread due to major spoilers. Doing this cause I hate people that spoil major plot points and I don't want to be that guy.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Chronicler wrote:Sorry, bit off topic but just saw RWBY final and I might not continue my little story thread due to major spoilers. Doing this cause I hate people that spoil major plot points and I don't want to be that guy.

understandable. given we're nearing the climax of the season's story, and major spoilers will be pretty much unavoidable from this point on, i think we can all agree to let this one lie dormant.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
Author of Rifts:Scandinavia (current project)
* All fantasy should have a solid base in reality.
* Good sense about trivialities is better than nonsense about things that matter.

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:01: "What the he-?! Is that really a Sopwith Camel?! With UNDERWING HARDPOINTS?!"


It was established early in this thread when a anthromorphoid beagle showed up at a Desert Squad outpost and requisitioned a Logan.

But if you want something different, then the 'older Peanuts gang' here could be a delegation/very small splinter faction from Fenspace*, and are either all or a mix of Handwavium-altered bio-mods or AIs, in which case 'Snoopy's' Sopwith Camel os using gravitic propellors and can fly in space. Wioodstock here could be a networked AI cloud of mini-robots.

*And given how Snoopy pops up with reference to the early Apollo program, I'd be very much surprised if there WASN'T some Fenspace Peanuts faction, or at least prominent reference to them in the culture.

For those of you who DON'T know:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Sorry, bit off topic but just saw RWBY final and I might not continue my little story thread due to major spoilers. Doing this cause I hate people that spoil major plot points and I don't want to be that guy.

understandable. given we're nearing the climax of the season's story, and major spoilers will be pretty much unavoidable from this point on, i think we can all agree to let this one lie dormant.

Yeah, having just seen it I can't think of ANYTHING to say that wouldn't be a spoiler... Other then OMG!!!
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

"I am Giselle, Apostle of Hardy!"
"I am Ifurita, Demon-God of Roshtaria."(increasing glow...)

Sayla-Sayla: "Oh come ON! Leave us SOMETHING to do!!!"

Observer 1: "...gonna have to re-do the geographic survey of this place again...."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

(Down Below...)

Charon: "Well, that's gonna suck for those guys..."
They can't see me...Right!?
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

taalismn wrote:"I am Giselle, Apostle of Hardy!"
"I am Ifurita, Demon-God of Roshtaria."(increasing glow...)

Sayla-Sayla: "Oh come ON! Leave us SOMETHING to do!!!"

(Waving) "Hiii! I'm Annie! Could you all stand close together ... That's right, just under the shade of that net." :bandit:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:"I am Giselle, Apostle of Hardy!"
"I am Ifurita, Demon-God of Roshtaria."(increasing glow...)

Sayla-Sayla: "Oh come ON! Leave us SOMETHING to do!!!"

(Waving) "Hiii! I'm Annie! Could you all stand close together ... That's right, just under the shade of that net." :bandit:

Scott: "DAMMIT, LUNK!!!"
Lunk: "What?!"
Scott: (Pointing at Annie and her...catch of the day)
Lunk: :eek:
They can't see me...Right!?
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Alpha 11
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:Observer 1: "....did I just see that? I am seriously disbelieving here..."
Observer 2: "Yeah..Van Pelt just took out the dragon's eyes with a blanket slingshot. That thing's fireproof's a real SECURITY blanket."
Observer 1: "Sure it's not really a towel?"
Observer 2: "That's what he TELLS everybody it is."
Observer 1: "Oh heck....Brown just HAMMERED that thing for the count."
Observer 2: "Never EVER threaten the little red-haired girl."
Observer 1: "Never mind that she's a lot better with a rocket launcher than those elves."
Observer 2: "Remind me to show you the video of when they ran into the Mystery Machine gang."
O1: "The new version? Or the old version?"
O2: "Old version. I know it doesn't seem fair, given that we're talking about the Peanuts Gang on Anime Steroids here. Still amusing as hell, though."
01: "Real question is, how they going to deal with Giselle?"
O2: "They got air support already dealing with her...see?"
01: "What the he-?! Is that really a Sopwith Camel?! With UNDERWING HARDPOINTS?!"
02: "Yeah. He'll still crash it, though, but not before doing some SERIOUS damage first. Then those dragons are going to get pecked to death."
O1: "What are you talking about? Oh.....I'm never looking at finches in the same way again...."
02: "Betting's still strong that they're either wrens or titmice."

:lol: :lol: :shock: Just..., wow. Very nice twist there.

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:01: "What the he-?! Is that really a Sopwith Camel?! With UNDERWING HARDPOINTS?!"


:lol: That would be cool.

Chronicler wrote:Sorry, bit off topic but just saw RWBY final and I might not continue my little story thread due to major spoilers. Doing this cause I hate people that spoil major plot points and I don't want to be that guy.

No problem.

glitterboy2098 wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Sorry, bit off topic but just saw RWBY final and I might not continue my little story thread due to major spoilers. Doing this cause I hate people that spoil major plot points and I don't want to be that guy.

understandable. given we're nearing the climax of the season's story, and major spoilers will be pretty much unavoidable from this point on, i think we can all agree to let this one lie dormant.

For now.

taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:01: "What the he-?! Is that really a Sopwith Camel?! With UNDERWING HARDPOINTS?!"


It was established early in this thread when a anthromorphoid beagle showed up at a Desert Squad outpost and requisitioned a Logan.

But if you want something different, then the 'older Peanuts gang' here could be a delegation/very small splinter faction from Fenspace*, and are either all or a mix of Handwavium-altered bio-mods or AIs, in which case 'Snoopy's' Sopwith Camel os using gravitic propellors and can fly in space. Wioodstock here could be a networked AI cloud of mini-robots.

*And given how Snoopy pops up with reference to the early Apollo program, I'd be very much surprised if there WASN'T some Fenspace Peanuts faction, or at least prominent reference to them in the culture.

For those of you who DON'T know:

:lol: Oh good grief.

SRoss wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:
Chronicler wrote:Sorry, bit off topic but just saw RWBY final and I might not continue my little story thread due to major spoilers. Doing this cause I hate people that spoil major plot points and I don't want to be that guy.

understandable. given we're nearing the climax of the season's story, and major spoilers will be pretty much unavoidable from this point on, i think we can all agree to let this one lie dormant.

Yeah, having just seen it I can't think of ANYTHING to say that wouldn't be a spoiler... Other then OMG!!!

Need to watch it.

taalismn wrote:"I am Giselle, Apostle of Hardy!"
"I am Ifurita, Demon-God of Roshtaria."(increasing glow...)

Sayla-Sayla: "Oh come ON! Leave us SOMETHING to do!!!"

Observer 1: "...gonna have to re-do the geographic survey of this place again...."


Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: "Well, that's gonna suck for those guys..."


SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:"I am Giselle, Apostle of Hardy!"
"I am Ifurita, Demon-God of Roshtaria."(increasing glow...)

Sayla-Sayla: "Oh come ON! Leave us SOMETHING to do!!!"

(Waving) "Hiii! I'm Annie! Could you all stand close together ... That's right, just under the shade of that net." :bandit:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:"I am Giselle, Apostle of Hardy!"
"I am Ifurita, Demon-God of Roshtaria."(increasing glow...)

Sayla-Sayla: "Oh come ON! Leave us SOMETHING to do!!!"

(Waving) "Hiii! I'm Annie! Could you all stand close together ... That's right, just under the shade of that net." :bandit:

Scott: "DAMMIT, LUNK!!!"
Lunk: "What?!"
Scott: (Pointing at Annie and her...catch of the day)
Lunk: :eek:

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Scott: "Annie....let the El-Hazardians go before we have...ANOTHER...diplomatic incident."
Rook: "Rand still gets trembling fits from the last one."
Rand: "Other people get noodle incidents involving implied nudity or general silliness...but us...NO....I gotta deal with PTSD.." :frazz: :frust:
Lancer: "Oh come on, Rand, Doctor Banner sincerely apologized for that."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

taalismn wrote:Scott: "Annie....let the El-Hazardians go before we have...ANOTHER...diplomatic incident."
Rook: "Rand still gets trembling fits from the last one."
Rand: "Other people get noodle incidents involving implied nudity or general silliness...but us...NO....I gotta deal with PTSD.." :frazz: :frust:
Lancer: "Oh come on, Rand, Doctor Banner sincerely apologized for that."

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Yeah...Doctor Strange had seen zombies, possession, various shades of near-death, pseudo-death, and undeath before...he'd never seen somebody's soul stretched out all the way to Newark, however....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:Scott: "Annie....let the El-Hazardians go before we have...ANOTHER...diplomatic incident."
Rook: "Rand still gets trembling fits from the last one."
Rand: "Other people get noodle incidents involving implied nudity or general silliness...but us...NO....I gotta deal with PTSD.." :frazz: :frust:
Lancer: "Oh come on, Rand, Doctor Banner sincerely apologized for that."

:lol: :lol:

SRoss wrote:
taalismn wrote:Scott: "Annie....let the El-Hazardians go before we have...ANOTHER...diplomatic incident."
Rook: "Rand still gets trembling fits from the last one."
Rand: "Other people get noodle incidents involving implied nudity or general silliness...but us...NO....I gotta deal with PTSD.." :frazz: :frust:
Lancer: "Oh come on, Rand, Doctor Banner sincerely apologized for that."


:lol: :lol:

taalismn wrote:Yeah...Doctor Strange had seen zombies, possession, various shades of near-death, pseudo-death, and undeath before...he'd never seen somebody's soul stretched out all the way to Newark, however....

:lol: :lol: And wow, for the season finally of RWBY. :shock:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

"Apparently, Lisa has discovered that Minmei, Sue Graham and some other girls where flirting with Rick again."

"How do you know?"

Points to Lisa in her Barsoomian Princesses outfit, singing while polishing her sword...
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

SRoss wrote:"Apparently, Lisa has discovered that Minmei, Sue Graham and some other girls where flirting with Rick again."

"How do you know?"

Points to Lisa in her Barsoomian Princesses outfit, singing while polishing her sword...

Rick: "Uhmmm...Lisa, are you alright?!"
Liisa: (Swinging her sword around in wide, graceful arcs) "I will be." :twisted:
Rick: :shock: "Rriiiggghhtt..."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:"Apparently, Lisa has discovered that Minmei, Sue Graham and some other girls where flirting with Rick again."

"How do you know?"

Points to Lisa in her Barsoomian Princesses outfit, singing while polishing her sword...

Rick: "Uhmmm...Lisa, are you alright?!"
Liisa: (Swinging her sword around in wide, graceful arcs) "I will be." :twisted:
Rick: :shock: "Rriiiggghhtt..."

UEEF Admiral: "Wait, aren't they M.I.A?"
UEEF Rear Admiral: "M.I.A? I thought we declared them K.I.A at this point?"
UEEF Admiral: "Well I wasn't informed of that. When did we change it?"
UEEF General: "No we still have the M.I.A."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "No. It says on my screen K.I.A."
Secretary: "Crap. Thought I changed that back."
All: :|
Secretary: "You try hitting the right keys when you're pulling an all night."
UEEF Admiral: "Just... change it back before the UEsG has our collective butts. Especially Nova." :nh:
UEEF General: "She's still mad about that last clerical error?"
UEEF Rear Admiral: "Considering she sent one of her top agents to the wrong place. Yes. Yes she is."
UEEF Admiral: "At least he will be out of I.C.U in a week."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "He's been in I.C.U for a YEAR."
Admiral and General: "Oooooooo..." :ugh:
Last edited by Chronicler on Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

(Down Below...)

Charon: "DAYUM!! Note to self...don't anger Lisa Hayes...wait, I'm talking to myself, now?!" :eek:
Last edited by Arnie100 on Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Chronicler wrote:[UEEF Rear Admiral: "Considering she sent one of her top agents to the wrong place. Yes. Yes she is."
UEEF Admiral: "At least he will be out of I.C.U in a week."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "He's been in I.C.U for a YEAR."
Admiral and General: "Oooooooo..." :ugh:

"I don't wanna leave. It's safe here. The drugs are good."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: "... and that is why you should never put a spork in a toaster."
-Over heard conversation in highschool
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:[UEEF Rear Admiral: "Considering she sent one of her top agents to the wrong place. Yes. Yes she is."
UEEF Admiral: "At least he will be out of I.C.U in a week."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "He's been in I.C.U for a YEAR."
Admiral and General: "Oooooooo..." :ugh:

"I don't wanna leave. It's safe here. The drugs are good."

G.M.P Officer: "I'm sorry to say Sir, but he's not fit for duty anymore."
Nova: *pores her fifth shot of vodka* "Not drunk enough for this."
Officer: "Sir-" *She holds up her finger while downing the shot*
Nova: "Still not drunk enough."

Officer one: "So did you give her this weeks report?"
Officer two: "She drunk herself into oblivion, vomited all over the report, and passed out in her chair."
Officer one: *Sigh* "Better call counseling again."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Chronicler wrote:[
G.M.P Officer: "I'm sorry to say Sir, but he's not fit for duty anymore."
Nova: *pores her fifth shot of vodka* "Not drunk enough for this."
Officer: "Sir-" *She holds up her finger while downing the shot*
Nova: "Still not drunk enough."

Officer one: "So did you give her this weeks report?"
Officer two: "She drunk herself into oblivion, vomited all over the report, and passed out in her chair."
Officer one: *Sigh* "Better call counseling again."

"So this is a GOOD week."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:

Darkraven: Could be worse, Nova. Remember that week a couple of years ago after you went through four bottles of the Denebian Brandy? I'm telling you, Dennis did NOT deserve what happened. While he has the legs to pull off the fuku, you did not need to be wearing the Tentacle Monster outfit while saying, "I will slake my immoral lusts upon your pure and virginal body!".
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:

Darkraven: Could be worse, Nova. Remember that week a couple of years ago after you went through four bottles of the Denebian Brandy? I'm telling you, Dennis did NOT deserve what happened. While he has the legs to pull off the fuku, you did not need to be wearing the Tentacle Monster outfit while saying, "I will slake my immoral lusts upon your pure and virginal body!".

:shock: :shock: :shock: (Um, Brain Bleach[sup]tm[/sup] please...)
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

Meanwhile ... In a dark alley ... Kyle looked down in shock at the knife sticking out of his chest ...

Kyle: (Coughing blood) "But ... I never had any interest in her!?!"

Rick: (Pushing the knife deeper) "You remind Sempai of her lost love. That won't do." :twisted:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Chronicler »

wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:

Darkraven: Could be worse, Nova. Remember that week a couple of years ago after you went through four bottles of the Denebian Brandy? I'm telling you, Dennis did NOT deserve what happened. While he has the legs to pull off the fuku, you did not need to be wearing the Tentacle Monster outfit while saying, "I will slake my immoral lusts upon your pure and virginal body!".

Nova: "Uuuuuuhhh... I don't know what you mean?" :oops:

G.M.P Officer: "Bull. Everyone here's seen the video."

Nova: "THERE'S A VIDEO!?!" :x

G.M.P Officer: "And we all know about your internet history."

Nova: !?! :x

G.M.P Officer: "Wow. You actually don't know that everyone here knows each others net history?"

G.M.P Officer two: "It's okay Sir. We unanimously agreed we are all perverts in the office. Hell you should see Jane's."

G.M.P Officer: "Nothing gets by the G.M.P. Not even our own."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Meanwhile ... In the GMP Computer Room...

Nene: "There's just no way to un-see this..." :shock: :nh:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

(Down Below...)

Charon: (Spitting out popcorn...) :shock: "Tentacles?! Eeeeewwwwww..."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: (Spitting out popcorn...) :shock: "Tentacles?! Eeeeewwwwww..."

Whatley: "Charon never returns my calls or my email or texts. We're supposed to meet the Hulk for a double date." :(
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Arnie100 »

Hulk: "CHARON!!! Why you no call Hulk?! Hulk misses you, Whatley and Kyle!!"

(Down Below...)

Charon: :shock: "What the --"


Kyle: "I don't know what he's talking about..." :shock:
Edwards: "Hulk again? Missing BRUCIE?"
Kyle: "SHUT UP. Nothing EVER happened!! I like women!!"
Edwards: "Funny, I've never seen you with a woman...and Minmei doesn't count!"
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

Chronicler wrote:[

G.M.P Officer: "Wow. You actually don't know that everyone here knows each others net history?"

G.M.P Officer two: "It's okay Sir. We unanimously agreed we are all perverts in the office. Hell you should see Jane's."

G.M.P Officer: "Nothing gets by the G.M.P. Not even our own."

"May I remind you that part of our original mission was the policing of strategic technologies?"
"I thought that applied only to robotechnology!"
"Which also enhances computer systems. Really, if anybody has hackers in our worldline, it's the GMP."
" that skin color NORMAL for you, Nova? You're looking rather pale."
"Goth look just doesn't become you."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

SRoss wrote:"Apparently, Lisa has discovered that Minmei, Sue Graham and some other girls where flirting with Rick again."

"How do you know?"

Points to Lisa in her Barsoomian Princesses outfit, singing while polishing her sword...

:lol: :lol: :shock: Wow.

Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:"Apparently, Lisa has discovered that Minmei, Sue Graham and some other girls where flirting with Rick again."

"How do you know?"

Points to Lisa in her Barsoomian Princesses outfit, singing while polishing her sword...

Rick: "Uhmmm...Lisa, are you alright?!"
Liisa: (Swinging her sword around in wide, graceful arcs) "I will be." :twisted:
Rick: :shock: "Rriiiggghhtt..."

:lol: :lol:

Chronicler wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:
SRoss wrote:"Apparently, Lisa has discovered that Minmei, Sue Graham and some other girls where flirting with Rick again."

"How do you know?"

Points to Lisa in her Barsoomian Princesses outfit, singing while polishing her sword...

Rick: "Uhmmm...Lisa, are you alright?!"
Liisa: (Swinging her sword around in wide, graceful arcs) "I will be." :twisted:
Rick: :shock: "Rriiiggghhtt..."

UEEF Admiral: "Wait, aren't they M.I.A?"
UEEF Rear Admiral: "M.I.A? I thought we declared them K.I.A at this point?"
UEEF Admiral: "Well I wasn't informed of that. When did we change it?"
UEEF General: "No we still have the M.I.A."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "No. It says on my screen K.I.A."
Secretary: "Crap. Thought I changed that back."
All: :|
Secretary: "You try hitting the right keys when you're pulling an all night."
UEEF Admiral: "Just... change it back before the UEsG has our collective butts. Especially Nova." :nh:
UEEF General: "She's still mad about that last clerical error?"
UEEF Rear Admiral: "Considering she sent one of her top agents to the wrong place. Yes. Yes she is."
UEEF Admiral: "At least he will be out of I.C.U in a week."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "He's been in I.C.U for a YEAR."
Admiral and General: "Oooooooo..." :ugh:

:lol: :lol:

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: "DAYUM!! Note to self...don't anger Lisa Hayes...wait, I'm talking to myself, now?!" :eek:

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Alpha 11
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:[UEEF Rear Admiral: "Considering she sent one of her top agents to the wrong place. Yes. Yes she is."
UEEF Admiral: "At least he will be out of I.C.U in a week."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "He's been in I.C.U for a YEAR."
Admiral and General: "Oooooooo..." :ugh:

"I don't wanna leave. It's safe here. The drugs are good."

:lol: :lol:

Chronicler wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:[UEEF Rear Admiral: "Considering she sent one of her top agents to the wrong place. Yes. Yes she is."
UEEF Admiral: "At least he will be out of I.C.U in a week."
UEEF Rear Admiral: "He's been in I.C.U for a YEAR."
Admiral and General: "Oooooooo..." :ugh:

"I don't wanna leave. It's safe here. The drugs are good."

G.M.P Officer: "I'm sorry to say Sir, but he's not fit for duty anymore."
Nova: *pores her fifth shot of vodka* "Not drunk enough for this."
Officer: "Sir-" *She holds up her finger while downing the shot*
Nova: "Still not drunk enough."

Officer one: "So did you give her this weeks report?"
Officer two: "She drunk herself into oblivion, vomited all over the report, and passed out in her chair."
Officer one: *Sigh* "Better call counseling again."

:lol: :lol: But will anyone see her?

taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:[
G.M.P Officer: "I'm sorry to say Sir, but he's not fit for duty anymore."
Nova: *pores her fifth shot of vodka* "Not drunk enough for this."
Officer: "Sir-" *She holds up her finger while downing the shot*
Nova: "Still not drunk enough."

Officer one: "So did you give her this weeks report?"
Officer two: "She drunk herself into oblivion, vomited all over the report, and passed out in her chair."
Officer one: *Sigh* "Better call counseling again."

"So this is a GOOD week."


SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:


wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:

Darkraven: Could be worse, Nova. Remember that week a couple of years ago after you went through four bottles of the Denebian Brandy? I'm telling you, Dennis did NOT deserve what happened. While he has the legs to pull off the fuku, you did not need to be wearing the Tentacle Monster outfit while saying, "I will slake my immoral lusts upon your pure and virginal body!".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :shock: Wow...

SRoss wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:

Darkraven: Could be worse, Nova. Remember that week a couple of years ago after you went through four bottles of the Denebian Brandy? I'm telling you, Dennis did NOT deserve what happened. While he has the legs to pull off the fuku, you did not need to be wearing the Tentacle Monster outfit while saying, "I will slake my immoral lusts upon your pure and virginal body!".

:shock: :shock: :shock: (Um, Brain Bleach[sup]tm[/sup] please...)

:lol: :lol:
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Alpha 11
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

SRoss wrote:Meanwhile ... In a dark alley ... Kyle looked down in shock at the knife sticking out of his chest ...

Kyle: (Coughing blood) "But ... I never had any interest in her!?!"

Rick: (Pushing the knife deeper) "You remind Sempai of her lost love. That won't do." :twisted:


Chronicler wrote:
wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Officer #1: "Of course the song doesn't make sense."

Officer #2: "What do you mean?"

Officer #1: "Well, Sempai means upperclassman or mentor, so being the older of the pair, Lisa would never address Rick as Sempai."

Officer #2: "So that means Lisa is Rick's Sempai?"

Nova: (Tossing the bottle of vodka) "I'm gonna need something stronger." :nh:

Darkraven: Could be worse, Nova. Remember that week a couple of years ago after you went through four bottles of the Denebian Brandy? I'm telling you, Dennis did NOT deserve what happened. While he has the legs to pull off the fuku, you did not need to be wearing the Tentacle Monster outfit while saying, "I will slake my immoral lusts upon your pure and virginal body!".

Nova: "Uuuuuuhhh... I don't know what you mean?" :oops:

G.M.P Officer: "Bull. Everyone here's seen the video."

Nova: "THERE'S A VIDEO!?!" :x

G.M.P Officer: "And we all know about your internet history."

Nova: !?! :x

G.M.P Officer: "Wow. You actually don't know that everyone here knows each others net history?"

G.M.P Officer two: "It's okay Sir. We unanimously agreed we are all perverts in the office. Hell you should see Jane's."

G.M.P Officer: "Nothing gets by the G.M.P. Not even our own."


SRoss wrote:Meanwhile ... In the GMP Computer Room...

Nene: "There's just no way to un-see this..." :shock: :nh:

:lol: Bubblegum Crisis?

Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: (Spitting out popcorn...) :shock: "Tentacles?! Eeeeewwwwww..."


SRoss wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:(Down Below...)

Charon: (Spitting out popcorn...) :shock: "Tentacles?! Eeeeewwwwww..."

Whatley: "Charon never returns my calls or my email or texts. We're supposed to meet the Hulk for a double date." :(

:lol: :shock:

Arnie100 wrote:Hulk: "CHARON!!! Why you no call Hulk?! Hulk misses you, Whatley and Kyle!!"

(Down Below...)

Charon: :shock: "What the --"


Kyle: "I don't know what he's talking about..." :shock:
Edwards: "Hulk again? Missing BRUCIE?"
Kyle: "SHUT UP. Nothing EVER happened!! I like women!!"
Edwards: "Funny, I've never seen you with a woman...and Minmei doesn't count!"


taalismn wrote:
Chronicler wrote:[

G.M.P Officer: "Wow. You actually don't know that everyone here knows each others net history?"

G.M.P Officer two: "It's okay Sir. We unanimously agreed we are all perverts in the office. Hell you should see Jane's."

G.M.P Officer: "Nothing gets by the G.M.P. Not even our own."

"May I remind you that part of our original mission was the policing of strategic technologies?"
"I thought that applied only to robotechnology!"
"Which also enhances computer systems. Really, if anybody has hackers in our worldline, it's the GMP."
" that skin color NORMAL for you, Nova? You're looking rather pale."
"Goth look just doesn't become you."

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by taalismn »

:-? "Why is Lieutenant Satori wearing a bag over her head?"
:| "Sorry, sir, I don't ask about the games she and Dennis play."
:-D "I'll speculate it's 'interrogation' and she's the---!"
:shock: :shock: "TMI!!!! TMI!!!!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

taalismn wrote::-? "Why is Lieutenant Satori wearing a bag over her head?"
:| "Sorry, sir, I don't ask about the games she and Dennis play."
:-D "I'll speculate it's 'interrogation' and she's the---!"
:shock: :shock: "TMI!!!! TMI!!!!"

Darkraven blinked. "Soooo... I probably shouldn't pull out my 'private stock' of videos from when Nova was in the Academy during her 'experimental phase'. Or that one of her dressed as Snidely Whiplash tying a young ensign to a train track dressed in an RCMP uniform..."
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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Nova: "Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet our newest recruit, Commissar Gretel Jeckeln."

Gretel: "Gentlemen, I've learned so much, I feel I know you all intimately... Especially you Mr. Darkraven! I didn't know that you and Edwards were such big fans of playing Roman Bathhouse back in your academy days." :twisted:

Darkraven: :eek: :eek: :eek: "Um, I think I better see the Dr. Grant about when my stitches are due to come out!" :erm: :erm: :erm:
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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SRoss wrote:Nova: "Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet our newest recruit, Commissar Gretel Jeckeln."

Commissar Ciaphas Cain: "So..... you favor immediate gain blackmail or long-term career advancement blackmail?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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taalismn wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nova: "Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet our newest recruit, Commissar Gretel Jeckeln."

Commissar Ciaphas Cain: "So..... you favor immediate gain blackmail or long-term career advancement blackmail?"

Col. Fredricks: "Please, Mr. Cain. let us not be crude. we prefer the term "involuntary synergy methodology""
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

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glitterboy2098 wrote:[
Col. Fredricks: "Please, Mr. Cain. let us not be crude. we prefer the term "involuntary synergy methodology""

Cain: "It's only "involuntary synergy methodology" if it's being done to other people. If you're on the receiving end, it's 'blackmail'."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by wyrmraker »

SRoss wrote:Nova: "Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet our newest recruit, Commissar Gretel Jeckeln."

Gretel: "Gentlemen, I've learned so much, I feel I know you all intimately... Especially you Mr. Darkraven! I didn't know that you and Edwards were such big fans of playing Roman Bathhouse back in your academy days." :twisted:

Darkraven: :eek: :eek: :eek: "Um, I think I better see the Dr. Grant about when my stitches are due to come out!" :erm: :erm: :erm:

Darkraven: Lemme see that... Oh you missed most of the original photo! [pulls out his PDA] Here's the original. See, there's me, Edwards, Gloval, Hunter when he was still a pretty-boy pilot, and Sterling. We were about to play a classic bath house game called 'Hands-Free Catch the Quarter'.
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Re: Robotech Crossover question

Unread post by SRoss »

wyrmraker wrote:
SRoss wrote:Nova: "Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet our newest recruit, Commissar Gretel Jeckeln."

Gretel: "Gentlemen, I've learned so much, I feel I know you all intimately... Especially you Mr. Darkraven! I didn't know that you and Edwards were such big fans of playing Roman Bathhouse back in your academy days." :twisted:

Darkraven: :eek: :eek: :eek: "Um, I think I better see the Dr. Grant about when my stitches are due to come out!" :erm: :erm: :erm:

Darkraven: Lemme see that... Oh you missed most of the original photo! [pulls out his PDA] Here's the original. See, there's me, Edwards, Gloval, Hunter when he was still a pretty-boy pilot, and Sterling. We were about to play a classic bath house game called 'Hands-Free Catch the Quarter'.

Gretel: (Calling up another photo on Darkraven's PDA) "Right! And you were only scrubbing Edward's backside in this photo?"

GMP Troopers: :shock: :eek: :frazz: :ugh: :puke:


Edwards: (Shuddering) "I hope Darkraven deleted the photos from the time me, him, Kyle, Hulk, Whetley and Charon went down to Tijuana!?!"
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