Walker Modular Armor

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Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Rayneth »

Having recently started a new Rifts campaign recently, I've been struck by inspiration to try out some new concepts that aren't exactly common with Power Armor. In this case, a quick modular system to rapidly adapt to battlefield roles without requiring the need for purchasing another suit and getting Elite RPA training for it.

I was heavily inspired by the Rusty power armor suit from Australia, as well as the artistic creativity of the new Northern gun books. Stats for equipment and technology is acquired from various Rifts sources, most notably Mercenaries and Merc Ops. Finally, certain modules were balanced and derived from the Bionic Sourcebook.

Any critique and comments are welcome!

http://rayneth.deviantart.com/art/EA-T0 ... -509786763
The image above is done by me and its aesthetics is inspired by the latest Northern Gun power armor.

EA-T07 "Walker" Mark III

The original Mark I suit was intended as a test bed, and thus was battery powered and used S.D.C. components to save on cost in a similar manner to the infamous Chipwell Company. The suit was eventually destroyed by a garage mishap involving high intensity laser torches, along with its successor the Mark II soon after. The Mark III was created as something actually viable on the modern battlefield, and was developed using salvaged parts from a CAS-30 Chipwell Assault suit, and components from Northern Gun.

The armor itself is the bare bones of what one would consider power armor. It provides a fair amount of protection that is greater than heavy environmentally sealed armor whilst possessing an integrated exo-skeleton to enhance the strength of the wearer, and finally a nuclear reactor to power the suit itself and its few integrated weaponry. It does have numerous hard points and spaces specifically added in for quick and easy placement of modular components designed to more or less snap on in place. When not housing a module, these slots and hard points are covered up with M.D.C. paneling to prevent damaging the more sensitive wiring and electronics underneath.

The process of installing each module takes approximately 5 minutes per part for a trained operator, with the same amount of time required to remove a module. The process can be rushed to as little as a minute, by forgoing the time needed for calibrations, precise fits and testing and should only be done in emergencies by trained operators. Full body system modules require much more time, needing a full 3 hours to rehaul the entire suit by at least two personnel.

The insides of the suit allows the pilot to wear light clothing (typically 6 lbs or less) without any loss in performance, with Northern Gun's Huntsman's Choice line of armored jumpsuits being the most obvious choice. As of writing, the suit is more or less finishing its testing phase, with numerous bugs and quirks being corrected to create something that can be produced at an industrial level later. Only time will tell if it will ever reach that far at all.

Walker Power Armor Mark III
Model Type: EA-T07
Class: Armored Infantry Modular Exo-skeleton
Crew: One.
M.D.C. by Location:
**Head Module - 10
*Shoulder Modules - 20 each
*Forearm Modules - 15 each
*Leg Modules - 20 each
Chest/Back Modules - 30 each
Handheld Weapon - 50
**Head - 70
Shoulder Plates (2) -w 60 each
Arms (2) - 50 each
Legs (2) - 75 each
***Main Body - 120

* A single asterisk indicates a small and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a “Called Shot,” and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
**Destroying the head/helmet eliminates all forms of optical and sensory enhancement, leaving the pilot to rely on his own human senses without any of the bonuses granted to him by the Power Armor Combat skill. However, the head is a small target protected by the shoulder plating. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot" and even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, making it useless.

Running: 70 mph maximum. The act of running does tire out the operator, but at only 20% of the normal fatigue rate thanks to the robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet high or twice that across; increase height or distance by 30% with a running start.
Flying: None, except with modules.
Water: The Walker is not designed for use in the water, but can swim in water or walk along the bottom at 10 mph. The act of swimming tires the wearer of the suit, but at 20% of the usual fatigue rate. Maximum depth is 1,500 feet.

Statistical Data:
Height: +4 inches taller than the wearer; adjustable to fit anyone from 5'6 to 6'10 feet.
Width: 3 feet, 6 inches
Length: 3 feet
Weight: 100 lbs unloaded, but up to 600 lbs if the heaviest weapons are mounted.
Physical Strength: +6 to the wearer's P.S. and considered Robot P.S. Provides at least 16 Robotic P.S.
Cargo: Small compartment in the torso large enough to fit a pistol and an e-clip or canteen.
Power System: Nuclear, with an average energy life of 5 years.
Cost: The base suit costs 800,000 credits to manufacture. Modules cost extra. The prototype suit is one of a kind and not for sale.

Features and Module System
1. Outer Armor: To protect the body of the Walker, an additional layer of cheaper armor can be fastened on top. Damage is first reduced from the outer armor, with any excess transferring to the body part it protects.
a) Plastic: Default armor. Flexible M.D.C. plastic casing.
+50 M.D.C. main body, +10 M.D.C. to each arm, +20 M.D.C. to each leg, +10 M.D.C. to the head, and +5 M.D.C. to each module. Cost: 20,000 credits.
b) Steel: Quality M.D.C. steel plating. The same type as most vehicles and suits.
+80 M.D.C. main body, +40 M.D.C. to each side torso, +20 M.D.C. to each arm and shoulder, +35 M.D.C. to each leg, +20 M.D.C. to the head, and +10 M.D.C. to each module. Cost: 42,000 credits.

2. Full Body: Only one. Unlike other types of modules, Full Body modules cannot be targeted with called shots as they are distributed throughout the body.
a) Enhaced Exoskeleton: The suit's servos are replaced with a more powerful alternative. Their bulk excludes the use of other full body modules, but enhances the power of the exoskeleton. Cost: 100,000 credits.
Bonus: +10 to wearer's P.S. and considered Robotic P.S. (At least 20 Robotic P.S.), +2 P.P., +10 feet to high jumps and twice that across, reduces the rate of fatigue by half and increases maximum land speed by 20 mph.
b) Basic Stealth System: The suit's exterior is padded with non-reflective, non-heat conductive, dull black rubber casing that absorbs radar pulses. The boots are given a layer of rubber soles to allow for quiet, tractioned movement. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Bonus: Attempts to detect the suit with radar suffer a -20% penalty to the Read Sensory equipment skill. The suit can also prowl at a -5% penalty.

3. Head: Only one. Comes equipped standard with Polarized visors and Multi-Optics System.
a) Armored Helmet: A very heavily armored, knight themed helmet replaces the old one. Not a true module, it nevertheless "consumes" the slot (though in this case, the new helmet simply no longer provides one). It still retains the original's Polarized visors. Cost: 50,000 credits.
New Helmet M.D.C.: 115
b) Basic Targeting Suite: The laser targeting system is aided by a complex processor that predicts the movement of the target it focuses on. While it is not advanced enough to counter a Juicer's reflexive dodging ability, it nevertheless increases the chance to actually hit. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Bonus: Additional +1 bonus to strike when using long-range weapons that stacks with the Laser targeting system. It applies to hand to hand combat as well.
c) Sensor and Communications Suite: A powerful, telescopic antenna extends on one side of the helmet while an emitter is installed on the other. Both provide enhanced ability to project and receive radio and radar signals, improving range by approximately 25%. Cost: 30,000 credits.
Bonus: Long range and short range radio range is increased to 625 miles and 12.5 miles respectively. Radar can now identify and track up to 90 targets simultaneously at a range of up to 50 miles.
d) 360 Degree Vision: A band with multiple cameras is installed behind the helmet, and allows the wearer to see all around him through multiple small screens on a HUD. Screens can be focused on with a glance, and enlarged. As an additional feature, the front also has cameras, and thus allows the wearer to see in front of him through cameras as opposed to the visor optics. This provides some protection from mind control that requires eye to eye contact. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Bonus: 360 Degree Vision. +1 Bonus to Perception Rolls, and may dodge surprise attacks or attacks that come from behind.
e) *Head Laser*: A laser barrel with a lens near the tip and a camera on top. It is mounted on a semi-circular band that wraps around the back of the head and almost touches the visors. The extra-large mount allows the laser to fire at all directions, including directly forward. Provides, a useful hands-free, backup weapon. Cost: 35,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 3d6 M.D.C. Range: 1,500 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per blast. Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

4. Chest: One only
a) Ablative Plate Clamps: The torso is equipped with the proper clamps and modifications to allow a single plate to be fastened on top. All shots that hit the main body of the suit from the front do damage to the plate first, and then the main body once this plate is depleted. . Destroyed or damaged plates can be easily removed, and replaced in a span of a minute (four melee rounds) or half that with external help. Cost: 5,000 credits.
Plastic Plate: 20 M.D.C. Weight: 10 lbs. Cost: 4,000 credits per plate.
Steel Plate: 30 M.D.C. Weight: 30 lbs. Cost: 8,400 credits per plate.
b) Mini-Missile: A quartet of launchers are mounted beside the middle chest armor. Provides limited but effective firepower. Cost: 35,000 credits. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, or 4
Payload: 4 missiles, 1 missile per tube.
c) Forcefield Harness: Force-Fields was once the sole province of Triax, but are not as effective or as compact as the newly arrived Naruni alien’s version. Any type of force shield takes up a chest slot. Cost: Varies by Force-Shield Cost.
d) Enlarged Internal Compartment: The extra space in the chest is used to make room for a lunchbox sized cargo compartment. Cost: 2,000 credits.

5. Back: 2 only.
a) Hard-Shell Backpack: A simple hard case backpack that provides additional, external storage. The contents are temperature controlled to protect items that might be adversely affected by the heat or cold. The interiors are divided by fabric and padded pockets for safe storage. Additional external clip-on straps can be installed to carry small items and pouches on the side. The top can be flipped open to allow access to the items inside and held securely in place by a powerful magnetic lock to prevent theft. A larger model that is has 2.5 times the capacity is also available, but uses up both slots. Cost: 8,500 credits for the standard pack. 16,000 credits for the large pack.
b) Jetpack: An armored, modulated jetpack derived from the ubiquitous Wilk's brand of jetpacks. The new design is meant to be powered by the suit's nuclear reactor. During emergencies, the jetpack can also be removed from the back in as little as half a minute, and has an internal battery that provides a range of 240 miles or roughly two hours of flight. Can only be mounted on the lower back and up to two may be mounted. Cost: 250,000 credits each.
Maximum Speed: 100 mph. Stackable with the wings.
Maximum Altitude: 1,200 feet.
Maximum Range: Internal Battery (240 miles). Unlimited when connected to Power Armor. More than four hours of continuous use runs the risk of burning out the pack's internal systems (40% Chance per hour). The jet pack should be allowed to cooled for an hour for every two hours of continuous use.
c) Ammunition/Missile Drum: A large sized ammo drum that is meant to be linked directly to shoulder mounted weaponry or any handheld weapon used by the pilot. Without this component, the components must rely on whatever ammunition it carries in its own magazine or e-clip. Provides enough ammunition for one full ammo drum for most ballistic weapons, and alternatively up to 24 mini-missiles or 12 short-ranged missiles. Cost: 8,000 credits for an ammunition drum. 15,000 credits for a missile drum. Missile and ammunition not included. An armored version that provides 70 M.D.C. costs triple.
d) Automated Fire Control (AFC) Computer: The AFC computer is inspired by the rare, Juicer-Killer power armor's suits unique capabilities. Instead of being slaved to one specific weapon however, the AFC computer innovates the concept by allowing it to fire any weapon which has two asterix around it (like *Laser Cannon*). The Computer acts on its own initiative and has a pool of melee actions per round it can use to fire these weapons. Computer fired weapons takes up actions from this pool and uses only the suit's bonus to strike, the weapon's inherent bonus to strike and whatever bonuses the computer provides. Each round, the user must allocate compatible weapons for the Computer's use. For the rest of the round, he cannot fire with this weapon as control is given to the Computer.
To prevent accidental attacks on unregistered allies and parleying enemies, the computer is programmed to only fire on two modes: One-Two mode and Target Mark. One-Two mode means the weapon will fire at the last target the pilot shot at. Target Mark mode allows the pilot to designate a single enemy, which the computer will then concentrate all its actions on attacking. Can be mounted on the upper or lower back.
Prototype Model: The first working prototype only has a small pool of actions and rudimentary targeting programs. Action Pool: 2 per round. Bonus: +1 to strike. Cost: 200,000 credits.

6. Shoulder Hardpoint (2): One for each shoulder. Weapons cannot be made to be linked fired together unless they come in systems, which is so far limited to only the Cascade.
a) *Mini-Missile Box Launcher*: A large, box style launcher mounted on the shoulder. It can be jettisoned off after its missiles are all expended. Cannot be linked fired. Cost: 60,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 3 or 4
Payload: 8 missiles per box.
b) Cascade Missile Launcher System: Taking up both shoulder hard points, these missile launchers are specifically programmed to fire together in a large volley (And thus do not suffer the -3 penalty for linked fire shoulder wepaons) . Cost: 140,000 credits for the entire system. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2, 3, or 6.
Payload: 12 missiles, 6 per launcher.
c) SRM Launcher: Two tubes of SRMs are installed on the shoulder, providing long-range firepower. Can be jettisoned but cannot be linked fired. Cost: 80,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: 5 miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2.
Payload: 2 short ranged missiles.
d) *Dual-Barrel Lasers*: A pair of standard laser rifles have been linked together to fire one at a time or together in a devastating blast. It provides good range with near unlimited endurance. Cost: 41,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 3d6 per single shot, or 6d6 for a double barreled blast. Range: 2,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or double blast counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
e) *Light Railgun*: Derived from the latest lightweight rail gun model sold on the open market, this weapon provides excellent range with respectable stopping power. Cost: 75,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d4 per single round, or 6d6 M.D. for a 30 round burst. Range: 4,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or burst counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 600 round drum, that’s 30 bursts.
f) Wings (2) : A pair of foldable wings may be mounted on each shoulder, taking up both shoulder slots. The wings can be mounted with four mini-missiles or 2 short-ranged missiles that can be fired one at a time or in any volley size desired. The main benefit though, is the enhanced flying capabilities it provides. A pair of thrusters are also installed, providing greater maneuverability and thrust. Can be jettisoned. Cost: 400,000 credits.
Maximum Speed: 120 mph. Stackable with the jetpack and leg boosters.
Maximum Altitude: 1,300 feet (or 2,500 feet with the Jetpack)
Maximum Range: Effectively unlimited, but automatically shuts down after 6 hours of continuous use to prevent damage. Requires an hour of cooling for every three hours of continuous use. Practically unlimited with short rest stops every 2 hours.
e) AFC Computer: See above.

7. Forearms (2): One for each forearm. Weapons of the same type mounted on both forearms can fire together at no penalty. The suit comes with a built in retractable vibro-blade (1d6 M.D.) mounted on the left forearm, and a high-powered laser torch in the right forearm.
a) Forearm Missile Launcher: Two tubes of mini-missiles can be mounted on each arm, each with two missiles each. Cost: 60,000 credits. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2 (or 4 if linked)
Payload: 4 total, 2 missiles per tube.
b) Plasma Flamethrower: A forearm module with a particularly large nozzle, this weapon spews out hot plasma in a sustained form rather than typical plasma ejectors. This allows it to be used like a flamethrower. Cost: 40,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: A short burst does 3d6 M.D. A concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks) does 1d4x10+10 M.D. The attacker could instead cover an area with plasma fire: For each melee action expended, a 10 foot area is covered with plasma. Everybody in the affected area takes 2d6 M.D.
Range: 500 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action for a short burst, 2 for a concentrated burst.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
c) Machine-Gun: A short barrel 7.62mmLMG may be mounted on the forearm, belt fed from an ammo box behind the upper arm. Can fire traditional S.D.C. bullets, silver bullets, or Ramjet rounds. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Standard-Damage: 6d6 S.D.C. per single shot, or 4d6x10 S.D.C. (1d4 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
Mega-Damage: 1 M.D. point per single shot, or 1d6+4 M.D. per 10 round burst.
Range: 3,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or burst counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 300 round ammo box; that's 30 bursts.
d) Mini-Rail Gun: Infantry sized Rail gun light enough to be carried by a single man. An ammo drum mounted behind the upper arm provides the ammunition for the gun via a linked belt system. Cost: 75,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d4 M.D. for a single round, a burst is 10 rounds and does 5d6 M.D.
Range: 2,400 feet
Rate of Fire: Each 10 round burst or shot counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: 200 round drum.
e) Partially Retractable Vibro-Blade: A four foot long vibro-blade can be mounted on the forearm, performing greater damage than the smaller underarm version. Can be retracted partially into its sheath (a foot long of blade still sticks out). Cost: 15,000 credits. 7,500 credits to silver plate the weapon.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. Rate of Fire: One melee action per attack.
f) Long-Ranged Laser Blaster: A high powered, laser based weapon that fires a long ranged shot. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 4d6 per shot. Range: 3,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
g) Ion Pulse Blaster: A strong hitting forearm weapon that fires a combination of energy and kinetic in the form of an ion pulse. Cost: 40,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. per single shot, 6d6 M.D. per three shot pulse. Range: 1,600 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or pulse counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
h) Grenade Launchers: A single tube grenade launcher is mounted on the forearm. Any type of rifle grenade can be loaded, providing a powerful, if short ranged weapon. Cost: 30,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: Varies with grenade. Range: 1200 feet
Rate of Fire: One grenade (Or a volley of 2 if linked) Payload: 10 grenades.
i) Multi-Tool: An oversized gauntlet fitted with a variety of useful tools for engineering work. Cost: 75,000 credits.
Features the following tools.
High-Powered Drill: Powered by the suit's nuclear plant with multiple drill bits, screwdriver tips and nut sockets.
Air Grinder: An ultra-hard M.D.C. grinder meant to gradually wear down virtually any M.D.C. material.
Impact Driver: A high torque rotational tool meant to loosen corroded and damaged screws and nuts.
Air Hammer: Effectively a miniature jackhammer. The tip is typically a chisel for demolition work, or a hammer.
Pressurized Air Nozzle: Rapidly sucks in air from one nozzle to pump it out a narrow, extendable nozzle. The air pressure that comes out is variable, and can pump high-pressure tires as well as blow away dust particles and surface grime.
Pressure-Gauge: A measuring tool to detect the air pressure within tires.

8. Legs (2): 1 each.
a) Leg Boosters (2): Only mountable in pairs. Mounted on the lower leg are a number of thrusters that allows multiple, intense power leaps that increases overall land speed. A less intense, but sustainable thrust is also possible, improving flying speed. Cost: 80,000 credits for a pair.
Running: Improves maximum speed by 20 mph.
Leaping: A booster assisted leap from the jets propels the suit a further 80 feet up, and 120 feet across; increase by 30% with a running start.
Flying: None, but will increase any current maximum flight speed by 30 mph and maximum altitude by 100 feet.
Fall Cushioning: The leg boosters can cushion falls of up to 300 feet without problems. Any heights greater than 300 feet decreases the damage sustained and effects by half instead.
Water: Does not provide water propulsion.

b) Mini-Missile Launcher: A pair of missile racks are mounted on either side of the lower legs, 5 per leg. Each tube possesses only one missile, and must be hand reloaded after use. Once fully expended, missiles racks can be jettisoned to improve mobility. Cost: 40,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volles of 2, or 3 (double if one is mounted per leg)
Payload: 3 total. (Or 6 total, 3 per leg if both mount the launchers).

9. Modular Handheld Weapon: One main weapon and one secondary weapon. The Walker comes standard with a Heavy Machine Gun or Pulse Laser Rifle purpose built for it's use, complete with secondary weapons. Other handheld weapons usable by small power armor, combat cyborgs and human sized operators can also be handled by the Walker. Linked fire with forearms are not possible with a two-handed weapon in hand.
a) Main Weapon: The upper barrel and primary weapon of the modular gun.
i) MP-50 HMG: A fairly heavy (50 lbs) weapon chambered to fire 12.7mm bullets. Unlike other weapons chambered to S.D.C. rounds, the MP-50 is built using M.D.C. steel to survive the rigors of battlefield use. Highly accurate, it has the capacity to fire large bursts while minimizing stray shots. With ramjet rounds loaded, the weapon hits as hard as most rail guns.
Cost: 110,000 credits. A conventional .50 caliber round costs 3 credits, with silver tipped rounds costing triple. Light ramjets cost 4 credits per round, and heavy ramjets cost 8 credits per round. These prices assume bulk purchases (at least 100) from GAW. 25% more for lesser batches. Up to 50% more from other manufacturers.
Damage: The various types of ammo fired by the HMG and the size of its bursts.
.50 Cal. Convetional : A Single round inflicts 1d6x10 S.D.C.
: 10 round burst does 1d6x100 S.D.C. (1d6 M.D.)
: 20 round burst does 2d6x100 S.D.C. (2d6 M.D.)
.50 Cal. Explosive : A single round inflicts 3d6x10 S.D.C. (1 M.D.)
: 10 round burst does 3d6x100 S.D.C. (3d6 M.D.)
: 20 round burst does 6d6x100 S.D.C. (6d6 M.D.)
.50 Cal. Light Ramjets : A Single shot inflicts 1 M.D.
: 10 round burst does 1d10 M.D.
: 20 round burst does 5d4 M.D.
.50 Cal. Heavy Ramjets : A Single round inflicts 1d4 M.D.
: 10 round burst does 1d4x10 M.D.
: 20 round burst does 2d4x10 M.D.
Range: 5,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Burst fire only, single shots are not possible. Each burst counts as one melee attack
Payload: 100 round magazine or 2,000 round linkless feed ammo drum.
ii) Pulse Laser Rifle: One of the most high powered man-sized rifles in existence, adapted for the Walker's use. The weapon is perfectly at home sniping away in the distance or getting in close in assaults. Cost: 55,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: A single shot inflicts 4d6 M.D. A triple-pulse shot does 1d6x10+10 M.D.
Range: 4,000 feet
Rate of Fire: Each shot or pulse counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
b) Secondary Weapon: Mounted at the bottom. Energy weapons draw from the suit's power, but ammunition based weapons are always magazine fed.
i) Underbarrel Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher: A single tube grenade launcher with a pump action mechanism that allows a decent rate of fire. Can fire any type of rifle grenade. Cost: 40,000 credits. Not including grenades.
Mega-Damage: Varies with grenade. Range: 1,200 feet
Rate of Fire: One grenade, or in volleys of 2
Payload: 8 grenades.
ii) Underbarrel Pulse Laser: A fairly powerful, compact weapon that serves as a reliable secondary weapon if short ranged. It has two settings, red laser for standard use, and a blue-green laser setting for underwater operations. Cost: 30,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 2d8 M.D. per single shot, or 4d8 M.D. per double shot pulse. Range: 900 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each single or dual blast counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
iii) Underbarrel Long Laser: A respectable, long barelled weapon. Providing better range but sacrificing its versatility compared to the Pulse Laser. Cost: 20,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 5d6 M.D. per single shot. Range: 1,200 feet
Rate of Fire: One shot counts as one melee action. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
iv) Vibro-Bayonet: A vibro-blade that juts out from underneath the main weapon's barrel. Provides a good melee weapon should an enemy get in close. Cost: 7,500 credits. 4,000 credits more for silver plating.
Mega-Damage: 1d6+1 M.D. Rate of Fire: One melee action per attack.

10. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in Mega-Damage hand to hand combat. Damage is based on the Robotic P.S. of the Power Suit, which is based on the strength of the pilot.

11. Sensors of Note: Comes with all the standard features, in addition to whatever modules the Walker mounts. The following also comes standard.
a) Head Flashlight (1 M.D.C. each): Mounted on the jaw hinge of the helmet are a pair of long-ranged, laser-based torchlights. The lights have both a visible light and infrared setting, the latter can only be seen by those who can see in the infrared spectrum or with thermal-imagers. Range: 800 feet.
b) Shoulder Mounted Searchlight (6 M.D.C.): Mounted on the right shoulder is a high-powered searchlight that is used to light up a wide area in front of the suit. The Searchlight can either be set to emit visible or infrared light. Range: 400 feet.
c) Multi-Optics System: Passive Nightvision (Range 1,600 feet), Infrared Optics (1,600 feet), Ultraviolet Vision (400 feet), telescopic binocular vision (2 miles), and macro-vision (up to x10 magnification).
Last edited by Rayneth on Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by taalismn »

I like it... :-D 8)
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Aramanthus »

This is a cool power armor. I like it too!
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by abtex »

So I will like it three, Nice work on text and your artwork.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

dig the art. at 100 long bursts per drum squads using chaff/smoke as cover could engage light armor vehicles. their sensor baffling would help there too.

load them up with armor piercing mini's and you've got tank hunters.

of course, teaming them with drones that can relay targets would make them even more effective.

I'm not a fan of all the laser weapons, but I'm a sucker for solid projectiles.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Rayneth »

Thank you all for your feedback!

I had intentions of doing a heavy power armored version of this, roughly the same size as a Glitterboy with a 30mm underarm grip chaingun as a main weapon. I'll see about posting it once I am done and balancing it all out.

Here is an image of the planned weapon, the Diamondback 30mm. http://rayneth.deviantart.com/art/Diamondback-506803628
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

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BRING THE DAKKA...excuse me...
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Raze_7 »

I really like this, especially the modular system. However, I think that it should take the pilot at least one action to decide which weapons to hand over to the AFC. Otherwise, I think that it's really cool. One question, though: How do you decide what is balanced for power armor?
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Rayneth »

@Raze_7 Thanks! Hmm that sounds like a pretty good idea actually, not terribly debilitating but still cumbersome. As for balance, I simply balance it versus similarly sized power armor, with an attempt to keep it between the top tier power armor such as the Silver Eagle and mid tier armor such as the various products made by Northern Gun.
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by guardiandashi »

another way to look at what is "balanced" for power armor would be to go look again at sourcebook 1 under the robot construction rules. Note I am not saying you have to, just that as far as I can tell that is basically the only "construction" rules in rifts. I mean heroes unlimited has similar but ...

now obviously the costs for robots and power armor aren't going to be the same but....

and as something to consider, I would consider renaming the steel armor option to alloy. and possibly add a 3rd level called alloy, and ceramic composites that's tougher than your mdc alloy (steel) version.
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Dog_O_War »

The prices are too low for the armour and the modules.

For comparison, look at the SAMSON powered armour provided by Northern Gun; the suit itself is older technology and uses lower-quality but otherwise more abundant MDC materials, but more importantly is produced by a manufacturer that has a very efficient factory (not the most efficient, but more so than a mom&pop builder), which in-turn also cuts down on costs. Then to top it all off has access to and is basically its own material supplier as well, which cuts out middle-men and thus additional costs.

It is priced at 850,000cr (if I recall correctly), and is one of the cheapest PAs on the market. I get that it does have double the MDC, built-in weapons, and additional bonuses, but in comparison you can achieve the same thing with the PA you've presented for a minimal additional price, except that unlike the SAMSON, the suit you've presented is modular.

Also, the height variation should not be so significant; an exo-skeleton needs to be very rigid in order to work properly and having a 16 inch variable is excessive. The best alternative is instead to have an inner 'dead-space' for larger or smaller operators.

Other than that, most of the stats and modifications are apparent as to why you've done what you've done, and seem well thought-out.
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Rayneth »

@guardiandashi That's a decent indicator, unfortunately it tends to get grossly overpriced. For example, the launcher systems cost an obscene amount of cash compared to what they do. And there is of course future options for additional armor upgrades, I have had plans for ceramic plating, alloy plating and finally an advanced palladium glass alloy plating.

@Dog_O_War The height variation was working in tandem with currently produced exo-skeletal suits, of which provides a foot or more of height adjustments, examples include the Gladius (of which this suit is inspired by), and the Black Fist from Naruni Wave 2. There is actually a sizable dead space within the exo suit itself, hence why it is possible to wear somewhat bulky apparel underneath it all.

As for the pricing issue, most of its current equipment is based on handheld infantry weapon adapted for the suit's use, with an added cost for adaptability for the suit's use, and cut down on features and bonuses for balancing purposes. I do agree its overall a little too cheap, perhaps 1.2-1.8m would be a better? Depending on how efficiently the factory produces it. The suit itself's original price reflects the fact that it was derived from very cheap suits, with a chipwell reactor powering it meshed with the Gladius with the modular ability added in which made it better than the sum of its parts.
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Sureshot »

I like it as well.

If anything modularity should be the standard not the rule in Rifts and any other rpg from them that involves robots and power armor. It's cheaper to modify a existing design then to build a new unit imo. Considering the CS who adapts and learns when engaging a enemy it makes sense for them to later a design as need be.
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Rayneth »

Alright, the Zeta warrior is more or less finished barring a few spelling errors here and there. As always, I welcome any criticism and comments aimed towards it. Regretfully, I will likely not be able to devote any time to crafting a drawing of this piece unlike the Walker for the foreseeable future.

EA-T07 "Zeta Warrior" Mark VII
The Mark V represents the final, logical conclusion to the development of modular power armor. Twice the height of the original Mark I, and much bulkier than its predecessors, the Mark V stands on the blurry line between a power armored suit and a one man robot vehicle. To allow a human body to fit inside the widened body, arm controls are instead operator controllers in the abdomen, and the legs partially stand on the area just above the knee.

Space needed for even more modular housings that come from the greater size of body parts in all dimensions. The base suit is constructed from an advanced M.D.C. glass microalloy that prominently features palladium constructed and bonded on a molecular level. The material science involved in it creates a structure that is both ultra-hard and flexible, making it inherently resistant to kinetic based damage. A large, robot vehicle grade nuclear power plant is hardwired into the upper back of the exo-frame. The framework is encased in M.D.C. hard plastics, with module housings covered up with precisely fitted plastic panels to give it a more finished look.

Unlike previous marks, the Zeta Warrior possesses a more spacious interior that allows the pilot to wear environmental and non-environmental armor weighing up to 12 lbs in weight. Those wishing to wear a helmet require the helmet to have a headjack installed to allow the HUD to connect to the suit, otherwise it must come off to properly use the armor.

Most modules require 10-20 minutes to remove or replace, but can be rushed to as little as 5minutes with a very strong assistant and forgoing calibrations and testing. Outer Armor, Full Body Modules and Pilot’s compartment modules need 4 hours to remove or replace, as they require opening up the suit’s inner workings. Otherwise, repair and maintenance of the suit is fairly easy, as components can be removed with ease to access damaged areas.

Costly to manufacture (especially due to its large nuclear plant and material), the suit compensates for its high cost with the ability to mount a huge number of modules that allow it to fulfill any number of battlefield roles with admirable ability. Its powerful nuclear plant allows it to mount a dazzying array of weapons and provide power to all without diminishing its systems. Utilizing its most advanced options is also a hugely expensive endeavor, with the final cost getting as expensive as some giant robots. Only time will tell if the Zeta Warrior will go beyond field tests and into production, and perhaps into legend.

Zeta Warrior Mark VII Power Armor
Nicknames: ZT, Zeta
Model Type: EA-T10 Mk VII
Class: Modular Multiple-Weapons Assault Power Armor
Crew: One.
M.D.C. by Location:
**Head Sensor – 80
Shoulders (2) – 140 each
Arms (2) - 140 each
Legs (2) – 160
Side Torsos (2) – 200 each
Main Body - 400
**Head Module - 20
*Shoulder Modules - 40 each
*Forearm Modules - 30 each
Leg Modules - 40 each
Chest/Back/Side Torso Modules - 50 each
* A single asterisk indicates a small and difficult target to strike, requiring the attacker to make a “Called Shot,” and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
**Destroying the head sensor eliminates all forms of optical and sensory enhancement, leaving the pilot to rely on his own human senses without any of the bonuses granted to him by the Power Armor Combat skill. However, the head is a small target protected by the shoulder modules. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a "called shot" and even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 60 mph maximum. The act of running does tire out the operator, but at only 10% of the normal fatigue rate thanks to the robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet high or twice that across, increase height or distance by 30% with running start.
Flying: None, except with wings, jetpacks or VTF systems.
Water: The Zeta Warrior is not designed for use in the water, but can walk along the bottom at 10 mph. The act of swimming tires the wearer of the suit, but at 20% of the usual fatigue rate. Maximum depth is 3,000 feet.

Statistical Data:
Height: 11 feet 6 inches .
Width: 6 feet 8 inches.
Length: 5 feet 8 inches.
Weight: 1200 lbs unloaded. As much as 3 tons fully loaded.
Robotic Strength: P.S. 40.
Cargo: Compartment in front of the pilot about the size of a small locker. Enough for an energy rifle, a survival or first aid kit and some personal items. A built in canteen and ration bar pouch has sufficient food for 3 days.
Power System: Oversized Nuclear, with an average energy life of 20 years.
Cost: 10 million credits for the base body owing to its powerful nuclear reactor and expensive construction cost. Price does not include the cost of modules.

Features and Module System (Unless otherwise noted, each module can only be installed once.)
1. Outer Armor: As the Zeta Warrior is expensive to produce and repair, an additional layer of cheaper armor can be fastened on top. Damage is first reduced from the outer armor, with any excess transferring to the body part it protects. Note: Except for the Glassalloy armor, outer armor does not share the ZT's kinetic resistance properties.
a) Plastic: Default armor. Flexible M.D.C. plastic casing.
+50 M.D.C. main body, +25 M.D.C. to each side torso, +10 M.D.C. to each arm and shoulder, +20 M.D.C. to each leg, +10 M.D.C. to the head, and +5 M.D.C. to each module. Cost: 50,000 credits.
b) Steel: Quality M.D.C. steel plating. The same type as most vehicles and suits.
+80 M.D.C. main body, +40 M.D.C. to each side torso, +20 M.D.C. to each arm and shoulder, +35 M.D.C. to each leg, +20 M.D.C. to the head, and +10 M.D.C. to each module. Cost: 105,000 credits.
c) Ceramic: Durable ceramic casing. The same as top quality body armor.
+120 M.D.C. main body, +60 M.D.C. to each side torso, +30 M.D.C. to each arm and shoulder, +45 M.D.C. to each leg, +30 M.D.C. to the head, and +15 M.D.C. to each module. Cost: 215,000 credits.
d) Nano-Weave: A weave of carbon nanotubes and titanium.
+160 M.D.C. main body, +80 M.D.C. to each side torso, +40 M.D.C. to each arm and shoulder, +60 M.D.C. to each leg, +40 M.D.C. to the head, and +20 M.D.C. to each module. Cost: 450,000 credits.
e) Glassalloy: The same as the base body, including its kinetic resistance properties.
+200 M.D.C. main body, +100 M.D.C. to each side torso, +50 M.D.C. to each arm and shoulder, +75 M.D.C. to each leg, +50 M.D.C. to the head, and +25 M.D. to each module. Cost: 1 million credits.
Heavy Armor: Armor can also come in bulkier and heavier versions, providing 1.5 times the M.D.C. protection but costing twice as much while imposing a -2 penalty to parry, dodge, roll with impact, and a -20% to maximum running speed.

2. Full Body: One only. Note: Unlike other types of modules, Full Body modules cannot be targeted with called shots as they are distributed throughout the body.
a) High-Powered Muscles: The motives servos of the suit is replaced with large threads of bio-synthetic muscle bundles with greater capacity for quick, sudden strength release. The kinetic resistant frame allows the suit to withstand the explosive exertions. Cost: 2,000,000 credits.
Bonus: Treat Robotic P.S. of the suit as 52 for purposes of hand to hand combat., add +15 feet to high jumps and twice that across, and increases increases maximum land speed by 30 mph.
b) Enhanced Exoframe: Suit servos are replaced with industrial strength versions that take up more space. The mechanical servos allow for an easier time maintaining exertion, and has various applications in non-combat roles. Cost: 200,000 credits.
Bonus: The suit can carry 50 times its P.S. attribute, and lift twice that. Reduces rate of fatigue by half and increases maximum land speed by 20 mph.
c) Sensor Baffling System: Heat sinks and thermal conductors are distributed throughout the body, pooling heat internally and making the suit undetectable by means of heat sensors or thermal imaging at ranges greater than 300 feet. At closer ranges, Read Sensory Equipment skill tests to detect the suit is at a -30% penalty. The ZT can store heat for up to 6 hours of continuous, normal operations, before it needs to spend an hour to flush out the heat. The suit's armor plating is further layered with a coating of radar dampening black matte rubber. Read sensory equipment to detect the user via Radar is at a -30% penalty. Destroying the outer armor of any body part negates the radar absorbing quality of the armor.
Cost: 300,000 credits for the heat sinks, 200,000 credits for the radar dampening casing. Can be installed separately.
d) Psi-Link (also takes up Pilot's Compartment): The exo-frame is outfitted with a lattice network of psionic conductive material, greatly enhancing the Telemechanical link of a Psionic pilot to his machine. While in this state, the pilot can control the suit like an extension of his own body, allowing for some truly spectacular feats.
Cost: 6,000,000 credits and highly illegal in the Coalition States, but almost everything good is.
Bonuses while telemechanically linked: +2 attacks/actions per melee round, +2 to strike with all ranged weapon systems, +3 to strike with hand to hand attacks, +3 to pull punch, +3 to parry, +3 to dodge and +3 to roll with impact.
Note: The Psi-Links bonuses are not cumulative with the Mental Link to Robots, Power Armor & Vehicles special ability of the Psi-Tech or similar abilities.

3. Head Sensor: Two only. Comes with Polarized lenses and Multi-Optics System already integrated.
a) Armored Head: A protective dome encases the sensors, providing additional protection. Knight style helmets, plexiglass canopies and a robotic head are also possible, and provide the same level of protection. Cost: 100,000 credits.
New Head Sensor M.D.C.: 140
b) Advanced Targeting and Tracking System: A powerful head mounted array of sensors that utilizes prediction calculations to determine the movement of a target. This data is fed to the user in a greatly simplified form, improving the ability to track and hit targets. AFC Computers are better able to make use of the raw data, and gain improved benefits. Cost: 250,000 credits.
Bonus: Additional +2 bonus to strike when using long-range weapons that stacks with the Laser targeting system. AFC Computers instead gain a +3 bonus. It applies to hand to hand combat strikes as well.
c) Advanced Sensors and Communication Suite: Upgraded sensors and communication equipment form the essentials of this simple yet potent suite. The Radar system can identify and track up to 200 targets simultaneously up to a range of 100 miles; double in wide open flatlands. The suite includes a comprehensive Friend or Foe database and assigns a threat level to each target, while also providing more in depth data as requested. Laser based radio communications system that sends out laser pulses containing information that is nearly impossible to intercept or decrypt due to the near instantaneous transmission. The radio has a range of 1,000 miles and may be bounced by relays to reach further targets. The suite also allows linkage and data sharing amongst secure channels between up to 12 tanks, power armor, and robots within 1 mile of the suit. Cost: 1,000,000 credits.
Bonus: +1 to strike and +1 on initiative to all units in the network, including the ZT.
d) Omni-sense Threat Assessment Module: The camera is expanded to include all directions around the suit. Each camera scans and assesses possible threats and enemies, with the ability to track up to 30 enemies per camera at a time. All this information is filtered by the suit's onboard computer to allow information to be condensed into a HUD displayed on the visor of the helmet. The suit also moves in response to a possible attack, a feature that is the equivalent of a reflex action of a person. The reflex feature can be turned off with a single command.
Cost: 2,000,000 credits.
Bonus: 360 Degree Vision and may dodge surprise attacks or attacks that come from behind. +2 Bonus to Perception Rolls, +4 to initiative, and +2 to automatic dodge.
e) *Head Pulse Laser*: A good hands-free energy weapon, combining good damage and range in a fairly compact form. Can be linked to a second Head Pulse Laser (takes up another slot) and fired in tandem. Cost: 45,000 credits per laser.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D.C. per blast or 4d6 per double blast. Range: 1,200 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per blast or pulse. Payload: Effectively unlimited.

4. Pilot's Compartment: One only. Cannot be hit even with a called shot until the Main Body is reduced to zero.
a) Extra Cargo Space: The extra space within is filled with a briefcase sized compartment. It can easily fit some large rifles, but can also be used to store a spare suit of light armor. Cost: 1,000 credits
b) Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: Additional armor plating encloses the pilot and guards him from potential suit breaches with an added layer of protection. While a tighter fit and further approaching the realm of Robot vehicles, the compartment prevents the pilot from drowning or being caught in poisonous environments when the suit is totaled. The compartment has all the features of a standard environmental pilot's compartment. Cost: 100,000 credits.
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment M.D.C.: 50
c) Emergency Ejection System: At the flick of a switch, or when the suit is in danger of annihilation, a majority of the top section of the suit pops open. The pilot can then either be ejected out roughly or can manually climb out. While not the best system, it is better than dying defenseless in a metal coffin. Cost: 20,000 credits.
d) Extended Operations Kit: The canteen and ration bar pouch are replaced with a larger version that carries sufficient food for 3 weeks of operation. Food and water can be fed directly to the recipient's mouth without the use of hands on command. Cost: 10,000 credits.
e) Psi-Link: Refer to the Full Body section.
f) Command & Control Interface: The pilot's compartment is filled with all the equipment needed to command other units in the field. Information is fed into his HUD via the headjack in his helmet. The equipment is so large and complex, that this module takes up one slot from either the chest, side torso or back locations along with the pilot's compartment slot. Requires the Advanced Sensors and Communication Suite to properly function. The C&C Interface allows networking and data sharing amongst secure and encrypted channels between up to 120 units with some form of electronic communications. The system is mostly automated, and fulfill all the roles of a command staff with surprising efficiency. Cost: 4,000,000 credits.
Bonus: +1 to perception, +1 to strike with long-range weapons, +1 to dodge, +1 to save vs Horror factor, and +1 on initiative to all units in the network, including the ZT (The bonuses given by the Advanced Sensors and Communication Suite doesn't stack.)
g) Vehicular Force Field: Refer to Forcefield section Below

5. Chest: One only. The pilot is provided with direct sight to outside of the suit with a polarized plexi-glass covered viewport, allowing direct sight out of the armor should cameras fail. When not in use, a thick chest piece slides over it.
a) Ablative Plate Clamps: The torso is equipped with the proper clamps and modifications to allow an additional armor plate to be snapped in place. All shots that hit the main body of the suit from the front do damage to the plate first, and then the main body once this plate is depleted. Destroyed or damaged plates can be easily removed, and replaced in a span of a minute (four melee rounds) or half that with external help. Cost: 10,000 credits for the clamp.
Plastic Plate: 20 M.D.C. Weight: 20 lbs. Cost: 10,000 credits per plate.
Steel Plate: 30 M.D.C. Weight: 30 lbs. Cost: 21,000 credits per plate.
Ceramic Plate: 45 M.D.C. Weight: 40 lbs. Cost: 43,000 credits per plate.
Nano-Weave Plate: 60 M.D.C. Weight: 40 lbs. Cost: 90,000 credits per plate.
Note: Glassalloy is considered too expensive to be made into disposable plates. If made, it would provide 75 M.D.C. with its signature kinetic resistance, and cost at least 200,000 credits.
b) Fusion Block Spigot: A pair of large discus shaped objects are placed upon the chest on the suit, set into a special launcher. The launcher is a rather primitive spigot style spring weapon, using M.D.C. steel to catapult the explosives a fair distance. While not accurate, the system is flat, compact and reliable. Optionally, the disc can be soft released into the suit's hand and placed and detonated like its typical, placed variant.
Cost: 10,000 credits for the launcher, and 20,000 credits for each Fusion Block Charge.
Mega-Damage: 4d6x10 M.D. within a 5 foot blast radius. Range: 400 feet.
Rate of Fire: Firing a Fusion Block takes a melee action. Payload: Two.
Special: Attempts to fire the Spigot is at -5 to strike. Cannot be aimed.
c) Extra Sensors and Cameras: Two extra sensor and cameras pods (5 M.DC. each) mounted on the chest allows the pilot to operate his machine without loss of power armor piloting bonuses should the Head Sensor be destroyed. The pilot still loses whatever benefits the Head Sensor mounted modules provide should it be destroyed. Cost: 50,000 credits.
d) Mini-Missile Launcher: Twin doors swing open to reveal a nest of six missile tubes. Cost: 50,000 credits. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, or 6
Payload: 6 mini-missiles.
e) Vehicular Force Field: Refer to Forcefield section below.

6. Back: Up to three. Utilizing a handheld weapon that requires an ammo drum uses up one slot, otherwise the weapon is limited to whatever ammunition it can carry in itself.
a) Hard-Shell Backpack: A simple hard case backpack that provides additional, external storage. The contents are temperature controlled to protect items that might be adversely affected by the heat or cold. The interiors are divided by fabric and padded pockets for safe storage. Additional external clip-on straps can be installed to carry small items and pouches on the side. The top can be flipped open to allow access to the items inside and held securely in place by a powerful magnetic lock to prevent theft. A larger model that has 2.5 times the capacity is also available, but uses up two slots. Cost: 8,500 credits for the standard pack. 16,000 credits for the large pack.
b) Jetpack: A powerful, modulated jetpack derived from the Northern Gun's heavy power armor brand of jetpacks. The new design is meant to be powered by the suit's nuclear reactor. During emergencies, the jetpack can also be removed from the back in as little as half a minute, and has an internal battery that provides a range of 240 miles or roughly two hours of flight. Up to two can be mounted. Cost: 450,000 credits each.
Maximum Speed: 90 mph. Stackable with wings, and leg thrusters. But not VTF.
Maximum Altitude: 1,500 feet.
Maximum Range: Internal Battery (250 miles). Unlimited when connected to Power Armor. More than six hours of continuous use runs the risk of burning out the pack's internal systems (40% Chance per hour). The jet pack should be allowed to cooled for an hour for every two hours of continuous use.
c) Thrusters: Intense thrust jets can be mounted upon the upper back, and can be activated to give an instant boost of speed. When activated, the suit's flight speed increases by 150 mph for a full minute, up to thrice per hour without risking thruster burn out (a cumulative 20% chance each additional time). While the thrusters are engaged, the suit's maximum altitude also increases by 1,500 feet.
d) Vectored-Thrust Flight (VTF) Module: A larger pack that dominates the rear section, taking up two slots. The system is derived from Bandito SAMAS technology, with dedicated, fixed position thrusters to make up the difference in weight of the SAMAS and the ZT. With Vectored Thrust, the suit gains the ability to attain much higher altitudes without loss of control, as well as the ability to perform complex maneuvers with greater ease. Cost: 1,500,000 credits.
Maximum Speed: 150 mph. Stackable with wings, and leg thrusters but not jetpacks.
Maximum Altitude: 14,000 feet (Cumulative Maximum is 18,000 feet.)
Maximum Range: Unlimited when connected to Power Armor. More than 12 hours of continuous use at half speed or less, or 6 hours above, will cause the jet engines to overheat. To avoid burning out the turbines (40% chance per hour), it is recommended to land and allow the engines to cool for an hour. It can fly indefinitely with rest stops every 2 hours.
Bonus: When in flight, the suit gains a +1 bonus to dodge (automatic dodge as well, if there is one), +2 bonus to roll with impact, as well as a +5% bonus to Piloting skills and maneuvers. Can also steadily hover stationary at 500 feet and below.
e) Ammunition/Missile Storage: More than just containers for ammunition stowage, this module links itself to nearby weapons to act an extended source of ammunition pool for it to draw from. The system can feed additional ammo to up to two adjacent body part mounted weapon (back can feed chest and side torsos, left side torso can feed left shoulder, back and chest. shoulders can feed the forearm or the adjacent side torso) The box is large enough to provide one full ammo drum sized equivalent to ballistic weapons. Alternatively, up to 20 mini-missiles can fit inside as well, along with 8 short-ranged missiles. Medium Missiles are too bulky. Cost: 10,000 credits. Not including missiles or ammo.
f) Automated Fire Control (AFC) Computer: The AFC computer is inspired by the rare, Juicer-Killer power armor's suits unique capabilities. Instead of being slaved to one specific weapon however, the AFC computer innovates the concept by allowing it to fire any weapon which has two asterix around it (like *Laser Cannon*). The Computer acts on its own initiative and has a pool of melee actions per round it can use to fire these weapons. Computer fired weapons takes up actions from this pool and uses only the suit's bonus to strike, the weapon's inherent bonus to strike and whatever bonuses the computer provides. AFC strike bonuses do not apply to Missile attacks.

To prevent accidental attacks on unregistered allies and parleying enemies, the computer is programmed to only fire on three modes: One-Two, Target Mark, and automatic targeting. One-Two mode means the weapon will fire at the last target the pilot shot at. Target Mark mode allows the pilot to designate a single enemy, which the computer will then concentrate all its actions on attacking. Automatic Targeting allows the gun to fire at immediate threats, as detected and identified by the suit's on board sensors and radars.

The Zeta Warrior was specially designed to utilize the AFC computer, and can mount as many as two as opposed to just one. Each round, the user must allocate compatible weapons for one or the other computer to use. For the rest of the round, he cannot fire with this weapon as control is given over to the computer. Neither can the computer control a weapon that was assigned to the other computer. Changing assigned weapons and setting the targeting mode of a computer can be done at the same time, but each change takes one melee action of the pilot.
Universal AFC: Highly advanced computer, the bleeding edge in automated targeting that borders on Artificial Intelligence. Action Pool: 4 per round. Bonus: +4 on initiative, +4 to strike, +2 on an aimed shot. Cannot make called shots.
Marksman AFC: Computer that specializes in complex targeting algorithms. Unlike other models, the Marksman cannot link fire weapons, but can make called shots instead. Action Pool: 3 per round. Bonus: +2 on initiative, +5 to strike, +3 on an aimed shot/called shot.
Typhon AFC: Computer that has its processing power maximised to rapidly acquire targets and fire. Action Pool: 5 per round. Bonus: +4 on initiative, +1 to strike. Cannot make aimed shots or called shots.
g) Vehicular Force Field: Refer to Forcefield Below.

7. Side Torsos (2): One.
a) Ammunition/Missile Storage: refer to the Back section above.
b) AFC Computer: Refer to Back section above.
c) Long Wings (2) : A pair of foldable wings may be mounted on each side torso, taking up both side torso slots. The wings can be mounted with eight mini-missiles, four short-ranged missiles, or two medium-ranged missiles that can be fired one at a time or in any volley size desired. The main benefit though, is the enhanced flying capabilities it provides. A pair of thrusters is also installed, providing greater maneuverability and thrust. Only one pair of wings allowed, either on the shoulders or the side torsos. Can be jettisoned. Cost: 500,000 credits.
Maximum Speed: 120 mph. Stackable with the jetpack, VTF module, and leg boosters.
Maximum Altitude: 1,000 feet. Stackable
Maximum Range: Unlimited when connected to Power Armor. More than six hours of continous use runs the risk of burning out the pack's internal systems (40% Chance per hour). The wing thrusters should be allowed to cool for an hour for every two hours of continuous use. If connected with a Jetpack or the VTS module, then the wings use the jetpack or VTS module's cooling rate instead.
Bonus: +1 to dodge (increases automatic dodge as well, if there is one), +5 to piloting skill and maneuvers.
d) Medium-Range Missile Launcher: Based on the one shot weapon design, this launcher is more or less a metallic frame built around a pair of Medium-Range missiles. Once expended, the launchers cannot be reloaded on the field, but can be quickly jettisoned. Cost: 60,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: 40 to 80 miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time. Payload: 2 medium-range missiles.
e) *Side-Torso Weapon Housing* Mounted on top of the side torso, these housings these are fixed, but can rotate a 10 degree left and right arc and also aim up and down 30 degrees in either direction. Side Torso weapons can be linked to fire at the same target, but have a -2 penalty to strike when doing so. AFC computer controlled torso and shoulder weapons do not suffer this penalty. The turret, weapon and all, can be jettisoned should it be damaged or spent to improve mobility.
i) Heavy Rail Gun: A triple barreled rail gun, firing larger than normal rounds for increased stopping power. While roughly similar in appearance to the Hell’s Teeth, the Heavy Rail Gun possesses a smaller bore and less range due to the lack of propellant based ammunition. Its ammunition comes from an ammo drum attached to the weapon itself. Cost: 125,000 credits each. 1 credit per railgun round and 5 credits for Depleted Uranium rounds.
Mega-Damage: 1d6 M.D. per shot, or 1d6x10M.D. for a 20 round burst. D.U. rounds do 1d8 M.D. per shot, or 1d8x10 M.D. for a 20 round burst.
Range: 5,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 1200 round disintegrating link belt, thats 60 bursts.
ii) Heavy Particle Beam Cannon: A giant-sized particle beam cannon, meant to provide powerful single shot fire. Has a long barrel with a large bore, providing increased damage and range. Cost: 120,000 credits per cannon.
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10 M.D. Range: 2,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per blast. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Special: Double damage on a natural roll of 19 and 20.
iii) Multi-Barrel Laser Cannon: Basically four laser barrels mounted in an array and sharing a firing mechanism. The weapon boasts good range, excellent firepower, and varied damage.
Cost: 130,000 credits per cannon. Can be given an aesthetically pleasing gatling-gun like arrangement, complete with spin fire for an additional 30,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 3d6 per single blast, 6d6 per double blast, 9d6 per triple blast or 1d6x10+10 per quad blast.
Range: 2,800 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per shot, double shot, triple shot, or quad shot.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
iv) Variable-Frequency Long-Range Laser Cannon: A long range, high-intensity laser cannon. Possesses a dozen different laser frequencies, which can adjust to overcome laser resistant armor. Cost: 60,000 credits per cannon.
Mega-Damage: 6d6 M.D. Range: 4,000 feet
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per shot. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
v) Mini-Missile Cylinder Launcher: A cylindrical style mini-missile launcher, roughly 4 feet in length. Provides good long range firepower. Cost: 150,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 3, 4 or 6 (Double that if fired in linked volleys)
Payload: 12 missiles per Cylinder.
vi) Short-Ranged Box Launcher: Mounted on the shoulder, a box style launcher contains up to four Short-Ranged missiles. The missiles provide the Zeta Warrior with superior reach and power projection ability, but are limited by its payload size. Cost: 150,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: 5 miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 3 or 4 (double that if fired in linked volleys)
Payload: 4 short-range missiles per launcher.

8. Shoulders (2):One per shoulder.
a) Ammunition/Missile Storage: refer to the Back section above.
b) AFC Computer: Refer to Back section above.
c) Short Wings (2) : A pair of foldable wings may be mounted on each shoulder, taking up both shoulder slots. The wings can be mounted 4 mini-missiles or 2 short-ranged missiles that can be fired one at a time or in any volley size desired. The main benefit though, is the enhanced flying capabilities it provides. A pair of thrusters is also installed, providing greater maneuverability and thrust. Only one pair of wings allowed, either on the shoulders or the side torsos. Can be jettisoned. Cost: 400,000 credits.
Maximum Speed: 120 mph. Stackable with the jetpack, VTF module, and leg boosters.
Maximum Altitude: 1,000 feet. Stackable
Maximum Range: Unlimited when connected to Power Armor. More than six hours of continuous use runs the risk of burning out the pack's internal systems (40% Chance per hour). The wing thrusters should be allowed to cool for an hour for every two hours of continuous use. If connected with a Jetpack or the VTS module, then the wings use the jetpack or VTS module's cooling rate instead.
Bonus: +1 to dodge (increases automatic dodge as well, if there is one).
d) *Anti-Missile Mount*: Partially automated anti-missile housing, able to carry one of a variety of weapons meant to take down approaching missiles. The pilot (or AFC computer) must expend an action to actually fire the weapon and counter the salvo, but the system's advanced tracking system improves the chances of doing so. Anti-missile mounts of the same type can be linked together to fire at the same volley without penalty. Cost: 100,000 credits per mount.
i) Triple Shot Pulse Laser: Derived from the ubiquitous L-20, the pulse weapon features good damage per shot and unlimited payload, but limited rate of fire.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. single shot, a pulse is 3 shots and can hit 3 different missile targets for 2d6 M.D. each (roll separately for each) or concentrate fire on other target types for 6d6 M.D.
Range: 1,600 feet
Rate of Fire: Each shot or pulse counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
ii) Mini-Rail Gun: Infantry sized Rail gun light enough to be carried by a single man or Anti-Missile mount in this case. Cost: 75,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d4 M.D. for a single round, a burst is 10 rounds and can either hit 10 different missile targets for 1d4 M.D. each (roll separately for each) or concentrate fire on other target types for 5d6 M.D.
Range: 2,000 feet
Rate of Fire: Each 10 round burst or shot counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: 100 round drum.
iii) Chaff-Flare Launcher: A box like housing with six tubes lined vertically. This weapon is a dedicated anti-missile system that cannot harm or affect other types of targets. Instead of firing a damaging counter-fire, the system fires off a volley of chaff packets that explode once a predetermined distance is reached. This cloud of particles, chaff, foil and lights is meant causes missiles to either veer off course, or explode in mid-air. Each flare has a cumulative 15% chance of disrupting an enemy salvo, with up to 6 tubes launchable for a 90% chance of foiling the volley. Cost: 30,000 credits. Each Chaff-Flare costs 400 credits.
Payload: 12 Chaff-Flares.
iv) Counter-Missile Launcher: Twelve Fragmentation Missiles are housed within a quartet of tubes. They are fired like normal, and have a built in +2 bonus to strike when targeting missiles. Cost: 45,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: 5d6 M.D. (but can be switched with other missiles) Range: 1/2 mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 3, or 4 (Double that if fired in linked volleys)
Payload: 8 missiles, 2 per tube.
Special: The anti-missile system's advanced tracking system negates any bonuses from speed or size that a missile might have. Its ability to target other target types are inferior, and they suffer a -5 penalty to hit any other target.

e) *Turreted Weapon Housing*: Mounted on the side of the shoulder, these turrets allow weaponry to be mounted and rotated 120 degrees up and down, and 180 degrees up left and right (can point directly behind and in front of the ZT). If the weapon requires ammunition, it is fed from an ammo box behind the shoulder. The Zeta Warrior is heavy and stable enough to carry turrets on both shoulders without any significant penalty. Shoulder mounted weapons of the same type can be linked to fire at the same target, but have a -2 penalty to strike when doing so. AFC computer controlled torso and shoulder weapons do not suffer this penalty. The turret, weapon and all, can be jettisoned should it be damaged or spent to improve mobility.
Cost: 30,000 credits per turret housing.
One of the following weapons can be housed in each turret:
i) BigBore Assault Gun: The BigBore series is infamous for having rounds that, while having enough kinetic shock to knock people off their feet, are both terribly short ranged and expensive to purchase. This versatile Assault gun adresses those issues, by providing decent range with the ability to load other types of ammunition should the expense of BigBore rounds prove too much. May fire BigBore Revolver and Shotgun rounds, Triax Pump Rounds, and normal S.D.C. bullets. Cost: 50,000 credits per gun.
Mega-Damage: 2d4 M.D. per single shell, 4d4 per short burst of three shells, 5d6 M.D. per long burst of six shells including knock down effect.
Range: 1,000 feet
Rate of Fire: Each short or burst counts as 1 melee action.
Payload: 180 round ammo drum (that’s 30 six round brusts).
Note: Refer to the Bigbore “Universal” Variable Assault Rifle @Sourcebook 9: Black Market pg. 141 for full rules on the other types of ammunitions it can load.
ii) Railgun: Derived from the standard Triax infantry railgun, this weapon features long range and respectable damage in a light-weight package. Cost: 55,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d4 per single round, or 1d4x10 M.D. for a 20 round burst. Range: 4,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or burst counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 600 round drum, that’s 30 bursts.
iii) Variable Frequency Pulse Laser: A variable frequency pulse weapon with up to 12 different settings for defeating Laser Resistant armor. It provides good range, unlimited payload and good damage in a compact, light package. Cost: 85,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 3d6+2 per single shot, or 1d6x10 per three round pulse. Range: 2,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or pulse counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
iv) Particle Beam Cannon: Based on the common NG-P9, this weapon remains a steady favorite among many. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d4x10 M.D.C. Range: 1,600 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per blast. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Special: Double damage on a natural roll of 19 and 20.
v) Heavy Plasma Ejector: A large bore weapon. It works by projecting molten plasma onto a target, inflicting horrific burns or melting away armor. Cost: 85,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10 M.D.C. Range: 1,600 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action per shot. Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
vi) Grenade Launchers: A triple-barreled grenade launcher system, capable of firing and carrying any type of rifle grenade round. Cost: 95,000 credits
Mega-Damage: Varies with grenade. Range: 1,200 feet
Rate of Fire: One grenade, or in volleys of 2, or 3 (double if linked)
Payload: 18 grenades.
vii) Mini-Missile Box Launcher: A large, box style launcher mounted on the side of the shoulder. Cost: 100,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 3 or 4 (Double that if fired in linked volleys)
Payload: 12 missiles per box.
viii) Short-Range Double-Tube Launcher: SRM Launcher: Two tubes of SRMs are installed on the side of the shoulder, providing long-range firepower. Cost: 100,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: 5 miles.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2 (double that if fired in linked volleys)
Payload: 4 short-range missiles.

9. Forearm (2): Two each.
a) Hyper-Frequency Resonator: The Resonator monitors the state of the blade, and alters the frequency of the vibro-field to match the specific resonance of the blade after 5 minutes. This results in a blade with greater cutting ability, increasing the damage of any vibro-blade attached to the same forearm by 1d6 M.D. The careful monitoring of the sword’s condition also allows the vibrating field to oscillate at an increased rate. This hyper-frequency field increases the base damage done by the sword by an additional 2d6 M.D. but at the expense of disrupting the molecules of the blade itself. Each round after the first that the Hyper-Frequency field is active, the blade takes 1d6 Mega-Damage. Once the blade’s durability reaches zero, the blade shatters with the power of a heavy fragmentation grenade (3d6 M.D. in a 30 foot radius). The resonator’s constant monitoring minimizes damage done to the blade, as other virbo-blades would simply shatter as soon as the field was turned on. The Hyper-Frequency Resonator also features an external cord with an adapter that fits to the pommel of most handheld vibro-blades, providing the same benefits.
b) Vibro-Blade: To enhance close-combat prowess, the Zeta Warrior can be fitted with a variety of fully retractable blades. All blades can be silver-plated at a cost of 5,000 credits.
i) Vibro-Knife – 10 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage: 1d6 M.D. Cost: 12,000 credits.
ii) Vibro-Blade (Shortsword) – 15 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage: 2d4 M.D. Cost: 14,000 credits.
iii) Vibro-Sword – 20 M.D.C.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. Cost: 23,000 credits.
Other uncommon one handed vibro-blade, like the vibro-katana and Naruni Ripper blades can also be fitted, but must be purchased externally and cost 15,000 credits to create a custom housing for it due to their curvy, wavy shapes.
c) Kinetic Impact Gauntlet: Derived from Triax Technology. Inertial batteries collect kinetic energy from each subtle movement of the suit. When the suit performs a restrained punch, full strength punch or power punch, the stored energy can be released in a powerful blast of kinetic energy. The blast not only makes the punch more powerful, but can also knock a victim off of its feet or even send it flying. Cost: 50,000 credits per gauntlet.
Mega-Damage: When activated, the concussive force adds 2d6 M.D. and an 60% likelihood of knocking down an opponent under 13 feet tall and a 30% chance to knock down larger opponents. Victims of a knockdown lose initiative and one melee action/attack
Payload: The inertial batteries can store enough energy for 4 blasts. Movement will restore blasts at a rate of one per hour under normal operations, while
d) Forearm Mount: Fixed in a forward firing position, these weapons are generally not as powerful as shoulder or torso mounted weapons. A pair of Forearm Mounted weapons of the same type can be dual- linked together to fire at the same target.
i) Forearm Missile Launcher: Two tubes of mini-missiles can be mounted on each arm, each with two missiles each. Unlike other weapons, linked volleys do not suffer the same -2 to strike. Cost: 60,000 credits. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2 (or 4 if linked)
Payload: 4 total, 2 missiles per tube.
ii) Plasma Flamethrower: A forearm module with a particularly large nozzle, this weapon spews out hot plasma in a sustained form rather than typical plasma ejectors. This allows it to be used like a flamethrower. Cost: 40,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: A short burst does 3d6 M.D. A concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks) does 1d4x10+10 M.D. The attacker could instead cover an area with plasma fire: For each melee action expended, a 10 foot area is covered with plasma. Everybody in the affected area takes 2d6 M.D.
Range: 500 feet.
Rate of Fire: 1 melee action for a short burst, 2 for a concentrated burst.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
iii) Machine-Gun: A short barrel 7.62mmLMG may be mounted on the forearm, belt fed from an ammo box behind the upper arm. Can fire traditional S.D.C. bullets, silver bullets, or Ramjet rounds. Cost: 10,000 credits.
Standard-Damage: 6d6 S.D.C. per single shot, or 4d6x10 S.D.C. (1d4 M.D.) per 10 round burst.
Mega-Damage: 1 M.D. point per single shot, or 1d6+4 M.D. per 10 round burst.
Range: 3,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or burst counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 300 round ammo box; that's 30 bursts.
iv) Mini-Rail Gun: Infantry sized Rail gun light enough to be carried by a single man. An ammo drum mounted behind the upper arm provides the ammunition for the gun via a linked belt system. Cost: 75,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 1d4 M.D. for a single round, a burst is 10 rounds and does 5d6 M.D.
Range: 2,400 feet
Rate of Fire: Each 10 round burst or shot counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: 200 round drum.
v) Long-Ranged Laser Blaster: A high powered, laser based weapon that fires a long ranged shot. Cost: 50,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 4d6 per shot. Range: 3,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
vi) Ion Pulse Blaster: A strong hitting forearm weapon that fires a combination of energy and kinetic energy in the form of an ion pulse. Cost: 40,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: 2d6 M.D. per single shot, 6d6 M.D. per three shot pulse. Range: 1,600 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot or pulse counts as one melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
vii) Grenade Launcher: A single barreled grenade launcher is mounted on the forearm. Any type of rifle grenade can be loaded, providing a powerful, if short ranged weapon. Cost: 30,000 credits.
Mega-Damage: Varies with grenade. Range: 1,200 feet
Rate of Fire: One grenade (or a volley of 2 if linked)
Payload: 10 grenade internal magazine.
e) Large Forearm Mount: Fixed in a forward firing position, these weapons represent large blasters that take up most of the forearm (2 slots), leaving just enough space for the hand. These weapons are the same ones listed in shoulder mounted Turreted Weapon Housing above, with the same cost, range, damage values and payload. Unlike Turreted Weapon Housing, Large Forearm Mounts cannot be controlled by AFC Computers, but weapons of the same type on both arms can fire at the same target in a single action at a -2 penalty.
For a full list of mountable weapons, refer to Turreted Weapon Housing above.
f) Expandable Buckler: On command, a sizable two foot wide and three feet high shield expands out of its housing on the forearm in a second (The first parry takes an action if undeployed. No action needed as normal if already deployed). Aside from allowing the user to block hand-to-hand attacks, it can also be used to absorb incoming missile volleys. Bullets, rail gun bursts, energy blasts or magic energy bolts can also be blocked, but they are so fast that the parry attempt can only be done on a straight roll (no bonus to parry) with a penalty of -8 to parry. Damage is only done to the shield when used to block energy blasts, missiles, and explosions and when specifically targeted by an opponent with the intention to destroy the shield. Note: The shield is not small or hard to hit, and thus does not need a called shot to hit, or suffers the -3 penalty to hit it. Cost: 30,000 credits.
M.D.C. : 50
g) Welding and Access Module: Mounted on the side of the arm is a six foot long mechanical arm with a fully articulated robotic hand attached to the end. When not in use, the arm collapsed into half and stores neatly against the forearm. The arm is used to access out of reach places, and the hand can grasp, pull, tug, and does whatever a normal human’s hand is capable off. The entire arm assembly has a robotic strength of 12, with a small laser torch attached to the pointer finger with four settings (1d6 S.D.C., 5d6 S.D.C., 1d6x10 S.D.C. or 1d4 M.D.). The second half of the module contains a laser wand, laser torchlight, and a laser torch each with a five foot long cable attached and rolled up in an internal spool.
h) Multi-Tool: An oversized gauntlet fitted with a variety of useful tools for engineering work. Takes up two forearm slots. Cost: 75,000 credits.
Features the following tools:
High-Powered Drill: Powered by the suit's nuclear plant with multiple drill bits, screwdriver tips and nut sockets.
Air Grinder: An ultra-hard M.D.C. grinder meant to gradually wear down virtually any M.D.C. material.
Impact Driver: A high torque rotational tool meant to loosen corroded and damaged screws and nuts.
Air Hammer: Effectively a miniature jackhammer. The tip is typically a chisel for demolition work, or a hammer.
Pressurized Air Nozzle: Rapidly sucks in air from one nozzle to pump it out a narrow, extendable nozzle. The air pressure that comes out is variable, and can pump high-pressure tires as well as blow away dust particles and surface grime.
Pressure-Gauge: A measuring tool to detect the air pressure within tires.
i) Diagnostic and Repair Module: Meant to be hooked up to the systems of almost all power armor, giant robots and vehicles, it shows details and information pertaining to the system on the screen or directly onto the pilot's HUD. For patch up jobs on body armor and external casings, the pilot is provided with a pair of donut sized discs and an extended able spraying nozzle that accesses an internal reservoir within the bracer. Takes up two forearm slots. Cost: 22,000 for the bracer and diagnostic tool. The Hive Discs costs 200,000 credits each, and the metal foam spray costs 18,000 credits for three applications.
Micro-Repair Robots Hive Disc: By placing the disc to the damaged site, tiny robots swarm out and quickly begin repairs up to 20 M.D.C. per disc. Once 20 M.D.C. is repaired, the robots return to their disc and can be recharged one at a time in a process that takes 2 days each. There is enough replenishing repair material within the module to completely charge a disc 4 times, after which, the entire assembly must be dismantled and completely replenished.
Metal-Foam Spray: A rapid-hardening metal foam funnels out of the nozzle, and can patch up breaches and cracks in armor and casings. Damage repaired is equal to 2d6 M.D.C. for body armour and anything smaller, and 4d6 M.D.C. for power armor and anything larger. A single item can only benefit from up to 24 M.D.C. of repair, no matter how much spray is applied. Contains enough spray within the resorvoir for three applications.

10. Legs (2): Two per leg. Only one turret mount allowed per leg.
a) Leg Boosters (2): Mounted on the lower leg are a number of thrusters that allows multiple, intense power leaps that increases overall land speed. A less intense, but sustainable thrust is also possible, improving flying speed. Cost: 150,000 credits for a pair.
Running: Improves maximum speed by 20 mph.
Leaping: A booster assisted leap from the jets propels the suit a further 70 feet up, and 100 feet across; increase by 30% with a running start.
Flying: None, but will increase any current maximum flight speed by 30 mph and maximum altitude by 500 feet.
Fall Cushioning: The leg boosters can cushion falls of up to 300 feet without problems. Any heights greater than 300 feet decreases the damage sustained and effects by half instead. Any height above 600 feet cannot be cushioned at all.
Water: Provides a 20 mph maximum water speed, or adds 10 mph to current maximum water speed.
b) Kinetic Impact Boots (2): Can only be installed in pairs. Derived from Triax Technology. Inertial batteries collect kinetic energy from each subtle movement of the suit. When the suit performs a kick or a leap kick, the stored energy can be released in a powerful blast of kinetic energy. The blast not only makes the kick more powerful, but can also knock a victim off of its feet or even send it flying. Cost: 100,000 credits for a pair.
Mega-Damage: When activated, the concussive force adds 2d6 M.D. and an 60% likelihood of knocking down an opponent under 13 feet tall and a 30% chance to knock down larger opponents. Victims of a knockdown lose initiative and one melee action/attack
Payload: The inertial batteries can store enough energy for 8 blasts. Movement will restore blasts at a rate of one per hour under normal operations, while rapid movements like running or combat restores one blast every 20 minutes.
c) Leg Plates: Additional armor plating can be fastened onto the leg, increasing leg durability, especially around the joint. Cost: 25,000 credits.
Bonus: +30 M.D.C. to a leg.
d) Mini-Missile Leg Launcher: A pair of missile racks is mounted on either side of the lower legs, 6 per leg. Each tube possesses only one missile, and must be hand reloaded after use. Once fully expended, missiles racks can be jettisoned to improve mobility. Cost: 60,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Payload: 6 total. (Or 12 total, 6 per leg if both mount the launchers).
e) *Knee Turret Housing*: Mounted on the side of the knee, these concealable turrets allow weaponry to be mounted and rotated in a 360 degree circle, and up to 20 degrees to the outer side. If the weapon requires ammunition, it is fed from an internal magazine. Knee mounted weapons of the same type can be linked to fire at the same target, but have a -4 penalty to strike when doing so due to the awkward firing position. AFC computer controlled knee turrets only suffer a -2 penalty. When not in use, the barrel points upwards, before sliding into a recess in the upper leg and knee. Cost: 40,000 credits per turret.
i) Double-Barrel Machine-Gun: Chambered to the common 5.56mm NATO round, these machine-guns have cut down barrels to fit in the housing and has reduced range. It can also fire light ramjet rounds, but typically loads silver rounds to combat monsters. Cost: 8,000 credits per machine gun.
S.D.C. Damage: 6d6 S.D.C. per double shot or 1d6x10+6 per 6 round burst (3 per barrel).
Mega-Damage : 2 M.D. per double shot or 2d6 M.D. per 6 round burst (3 per barrel).
Range: 1,200 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each double shot or 6 round burst counts as 1 melee attack.
Payload: 150 round internal drum. That’s 25 six round bursts.
ii) Pulse Laser: Powerful, light pulse laser weapon capable of up to three shots of pulse fire. Cost: 45,000 credits per laser.
Mega-Damage: 3d6+2 per single shot, or 1d6x10 M.D. per triple shot pulse. Range: 2,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each single or pulse counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
iii) Light Particle Beam Gun: Lighter than other market beam guns, this energy weapon's damage output is still respectable Cost: 33,000 credits per particle beam gun.
Mega-Damage: 5d6+6 per shot. Range: 1,200 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Special: Double damage on a natural roll of 19 and 20.
iv) Plasma Ejector: Fairly powerful weapon that launches condensed plasma, causing horrific burns upon impact. Cost: 35,000 credits per ejector.
Mega-Damage: 6d6 per shot. Range: 1,600 feet
Rate of Fire: Each shot counts as 1 melee attack. Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
v) Single-Shot Grenade Launcher: A short-barreled grenade launcher, with two internal storages to draw from. Unlike other weapon's systems, the Grenade Launcher can readily switch ammunition, giving it fair versatility. Cost: 35,000 credits per launcher.
Mega-Damage: Varies by grenade. Range: 800 feet.
Rate of Fire: One at a time (double if linked fired).
Payload: 12 total. 6 grenades per magazine, each can be loaded with different payloads.
vi) Dual Mini-Missile Tube Launchers: A small rectangular box with a pair of tubes mounted on them. They are so small that they can only load one mini-missile per tube at a time, and must immediately slide into a stowed position to reload and rearm after expending all ammo. Cost: 40,000 credits. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or volleys of 2. (Double if linked fired)
Payload: 6 total. (Or 12 total, 6 per launcher if mounted in pairs)

11. Modular Handheld Weapon: Unique to the Zeta Warrior is an over 9 foot long handheld weapon housing meant to be gripped from the top. The weapon features one slot for the main weapon, and another for a secondary weapon.
a) Main Weapon: Takes the bottom portion of the gun, and comes with an advanced optics and target tracking system that allows the pilot to more accurately land a shoot. The optics is tied to a guncam that displays on the pilot's HUD, and shows whatever the gun is pointing at, aiding to both hit and acquire a target. Bonus: +1 on initiative and +1 to strike with long-range weapons.
i) Diamondback 30mm Rail Cannon: The Diamondback is an upgraded Pre-Rifts chain-gun that fires powerful 30mm shells at great ranges. To push the performance of the cannon, railgun technology has been implemented into the gun itself. The immense power draw required to launch such a heavy round in bursts necessitates the use of capacitors, but the resulting shell travels much further, faster and hits with more kinetic force. The gun may fire conventional rounds, silver rounds, explosive rounds, and ramjet rounds. Ammunition is drawn from the ammo drum through a linkless feed system.
Cost: 350,000 credits per weapon system. A conventional 30mm round costs 25 credits per round, with silver tipped rounds costing triple. Explosive rounds cost 50 credits each. Ramjet rounds cost 100 credits each. These prices assume bulk purchases (at least 50) from GAW. About 25% more for lesser batches, and up to 50% more from other manufacturers.
Damage: The various types of ammo fired by the Diamond and the size of its bursts. Values in parentheses indicate damage done with the railgun system active. Note: Explosive rounds can travel further with the rail system, but will not inflict more damage.
30mm Conventional : A Single round inflicts 4d6x10 S.D.C. (1d4M.D.)
: 5 round burst inflicts 2d6x100 S.D.C. (4d6 M.D.)
: 10 round burst inflicts 4d6x100 S.D.C. (8d6 M.D.)
.30mm Explosive : A single round inflicts 3d6 M.D. to a 10 foot blast radius.
: 5 round burst inflicts 1d6x10 M.D. to a 20 foot blast radius.
: 10 round burst inflicts 2d4x10 M.D. to a 40 foot blast radius
30mm Ramjet : A Single shot inflicts 3d6 M.D. (4d6+1 M.D.)
: 5 round burst inflicts 2d4x10 M.D. (2d6x10 M.D.)
: 10 round burst inflicts 2d6x10 M.D. (3d6x10 M.D.)
Range : 5,000 feet. (10,000 feet with Rail-gun activated)
Rate of Fire: Each burst or single shot counts as one melee attack.
Payload: 750 round ammo drum. That’s 75 ten round bursts.
Special: Fully charged, the capacitors contain 30 charges. Each five round burst uses up 1 charge, and each 10 round burst uses up 2 charges. Single shots do not use up any charges. The capacitors regenerate at a rate of one charge every 4 melee rounds (1 minute).
ii) Laser Assault Cannon: This laser weapon has an exceptionally large barrel fitted with cooling vents all across the gun. Utilizing it's own capacitors in a sustainable fashion, the weapon fires overcharged beams in pulses. Cost: 155,000 credits
Mega-Damage: 5d6+3 M.D. per single shot, or 3d4x10 M.D. for a three pulse blast.
Range: 3,000 feet.
Rate of Fire: Each blast or pulse counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
b) Secondary Weapon: Mounted on the top of the weapon. It does not benefit from the striking bonus the main weapon benefits from. One only.
i) Mini-Missile Launcher: A large, box style launcher fed from a bukly magazine. Cost: 40,000 credits per launcher. Not including missiles.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. Range: Typically one mile.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2.
Payload: 6 missiles per magazine.

12. Force-Field Generator (optional): Only one force-field. Force-Fields was once the sole province of Triax, but are not as effective or as compact as the newly arrived Naruni alien’s version.
a) Personal Force-Field: These force fields are small, and quite light. The external body has several small emitters in discrete places to generate a forcefield to extend operations. Like all modular components, these shields can be removed in as little as 10 minutes.
i) Refer to Rifts: mercenaries for prices and statistics of Naruni Forcefields, among other products.

b) Vehicular Force-Field: Large force-fields that can typically only be installed in giant robots, vehicles and full-conversion cyborgs. Nevertheless, with some extensive tinkering, the components can be condensed onto an externally mounted Force-Field unit that can be installed in the Pilot’s Compartment, Chest or Back. Emitters distributed across the body must also be installed, placed within certain modules themselves for easier removal. As the lighter models of forcefields do not provide as much protection as some personal shields, while still costing more and being bulkier, they are not considered for adaptation into module form.
i) Refer to Rifts: mercenaries for prices and statistics of Naruni Forcefields, among other products.

13. Energy Rifles and Handheld Weapons (optional): Any large, heavy weapon designed for power armor or combat cyborgs, and if not too large, for combat robot vehicles, can be handled by the Zeta Warrior. Because the Zeta Warrior is oversized, most man-sized weapons need to be modified and even then are awkwardly too small to use (-2 to strike).. Such alternative or extra weapons may be carried in hand or slung over the shoulder, or in a carrying bag. Sidearms can be mounted on belt holsters, or a scabbard for a Vibro-sword.

14. Hand to Hand Combat: Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in Mega-Damage hand to hand combat. Damage as per Robotic P.S. of 40. (though many modules increase this)
Restrained Punch – 1d4 M.D.
Normal Punch – 2d6 M.D.
Power Punch – 4d6 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks.
Kick – 3d8 M.D.
Leap Kick – 5d8 M.D., but counts as two melee attacks

15. Sensors and Features of Note: Comes with all the standard features, in addition to whatever modules the Zeta Warrior mounts. The following also comes standard.
i) Glassalloy Body: The basic frame (and the Glassalloy casing) of the Zeta Warrior is made of an ultrahard, semi-elastic Palladium Glass microalloy. These properties makes it particularly resistant to kinetic attacks such as explosions, high impacts, falls, projectile weapons, melee weapon, hand-to hand attacks, particle beam weapons, and ion blasters. Damages from these sources are reduced by 25%. All other types of damages are unaffected.
ii) Polarized Camera Lenses and Visor.
iii) Multi-Optics System: Passive Nightvision (Range 1,600 feet), Infrared Optics (1,600 feet), Ultraviolet Vision (400 feet), telescopic binocular vision (2 miles), and macro-vision (up to x10 magnification).
iv) Shoulder Mounted Searchlight (6 M.D.C. each): Mounted on top of both shoulders are a pair of high-powered searchlight that is used to light up a wide area in front of the suit. Range: 400 feet.
v) Abdomen Flashlights (1 M.D.C. each): Mounted roughly between the pilot view port are a pair of long-ranged, laser-based torchlights. The lights have both a visible light and infrared setting, the latter can only be seen by those who can see in the infrared spectrum or with thermal-imagers. Range: 800 feet.
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Alrik Vas
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

that's a lot of stuff.... @.@
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

Talk from the Edge: Operation Dead Lift, Operation Reload, Operation Human Devil, Operation Handshake, Operation Windfall 1, Operation Windfall 2, Operation Sniper Wolf, Operation Natural 20
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Re: Walker Modular Armor

Unread post by Aaryq »

I did something similar to that with the Mark V APC, OP. I like your idea. I'll have to look into what else can be made modular.
There should be a specific sub-forum of the Rifts forum dedicated to the only hope for salvation of the human race, the Coalition States.
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