Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Gah, I forgot to update again. Drat. Uhm... Sorry guys. :( This time? Yeah, I just plain forgot. :oops: Double update in the next few days, I promise.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by DhAkael »

Albtra had "Mother dear" wake him up...
Whoopsie doodle.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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DhAkael wrote:Albtra had "Mother dear" wake him up...
Whoopsie doodle.

Well, sneakily and underhandedly awaiting her current carrier to reach a physical maturity level equal to an adult in order for said unfortunate shell to actually stand a shot at wreakin' some havoc?
Yup, sounds like her. :demon:
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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taalismn wrote:
Cytibor wrote:[
Will our heroes ever catch a break? Maybe, but well... this is Hell, after all. :angel:

No, Hell is a politician who announces that he or she is not going to run for office again, and realizes that the crowd thinks he MEANT it.

Hell is being stuck in an apartment with only reality TV being recievable.

Hell is Newark(at least that was my impression of it; smoking oil refinery towers with PLANES LANDING BETWEEN THEM)

Newark hell hahahahaha not likely more like a dirty cesspool with a semi decent goth club
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Out of the Frying Pan, and Into the...Freezer?

July 21st [cont'd]: Faced with a giant sandstorm, funnelled through the miles-wide valley the group is passing through, the group hastily rigs up a system of Eris' devising: tarps for sails. Yup, they're going to try to ride the monstrous wind bearing down on them like a bellowing stampede. With their apparatus in place, each platform waited in anxious silence, and when the storm finally hit them, they held on for dear life as their platforms were plucked from the ground and hurtled forwards as if they were shot from a cannon.

They say time flies when you're having fun, and many people would attest to this. The D.A.R.T.'s, however, would probably argue that it flies much faster when you're in a life-or-death situation and fighting for your life. If you contested this point, they would use their flight on the crest of the sandstorm as evidence, because they rode those hurricane winds for over an hour, but it seemed like scant minutes to those aboard.

Showing a sharp contrast to the group's usual run of luck, the storm dropped them off in an oasis, a paradise within the giant frying pan that is the Great Dyval Desert, where Albtraum at last awoke from his comatose state and proceeded to begin gulping down water, eliciting raised eyebrows from the team, particularly when they noticed his body rapidly developing the musculature of an adolescent as he drank. Soon after, he began working his jaw, chewing on nothing, and describing the sensation driving it as a simple need to chew on something, as opposed to being hungry, which was taken care of by Eris' group-Sustain spell. Fishing through their supplies, Eris found a salted ham and passed it to the “teething” devil-teen, who proceeded to demolish it in mere moments. Before he could move on to anything else, such as the cigar Anna had given him, he began to writhe in agony, and as the group watched, his body changed. He became, rapidly, human in every respect, at least on the outside, taking on the appearance of the glowing-green-eyed and silver haired Sephiroth from Eris' home dimension, his twin in almost every way save for certain details. Despite being a little weirded out by this, Eris and the others were glad when the pain passed, and Albtraum seemed thrilled to have taken on a less-monstrous appearance.

With Albtraum happily chatting with Anna, the group checked their position, and adjusted their course to head for Tundra Ridge, gateway to the next level of Dyval. Heading out quickly, they soon entered the mountains surrounding the Ridge, where the temperature began to slacken to more tolerable levels. Passing through a valley between the peaks, they encountered a five-hundred foot wall: the Ridge was in fact a plateau, and there was no path up.

After some recon was done by a jetpack-toting Mouse, Eris hot-wired the platforms with some flight-inducing magic, and the group was soon on their way up and over the cliff-face. Reaching the top, they beheld a welcome sight: a second oasis, larger than the first, surrounded by what could only be a light layer of snow! The temperature, similarly, was much reduced from the Desert's norm, and those who had begun to catch on to Dyval's way of doing things began to suspect what was in store for them on the 4th level of Dyval. Fortunately, the entrance was among the easiest yet to find, a small shrine marked by a pair of two-hundred foot pine trees standing on either side of it. It was a simple matter for the portal to be opened, and the group to pass through into the darkness on the other side.

Their platform's lights auto-engaged, the group found themselves in a massive cavern that glittered like diamonds under light, with a steady trickle of water running away from the portal's opening point in small streams. The group's magically self-orienting maps banished any further doubt as to the nature of this level with the very name of the place: Tundra. The ice cavern, for ice it undoubtedly was, posed a problem beyond being devoid of light, however, for there were dozens of tunnels leading away from it, none of which were marked in any way. The group were stymied, at least for the moment. As they sat, pondering their options, Albtraum again grew drowsy and lay down to sleep, and Persia set up an IV drip of fluids to spare him the manic hydration-craze he exhibited at the oasis back in the Desert.

Meanwhile, the group began to notice some of the tunnel entrances were in fact more like alcoves, and each housed one or more ice sculptures. Moving for a better look, the group saw they were more akin to golems, bulkier than a sculpture would normally be, and movements out of the corner of their eyes only fuelled their suspicions. Deciding it was time to go, whether they were right or wrong, the group prepared to choose their tunnel, but some of them heard a voice calling to them, and directing them to a specific tunnel. Having nothing else to go on, they went with the advice given. Looking back as they ventured into the tunnel, they saw the ice sculptures silently watching them go, and as they looked ahead, they saw a pure white wall obstructing their path. Eris, asking for her paramour's assistance, readied a Fire Blast spell, and Jase used his Pyrokinesis to fuel the flames, melting the snowy barricade in mere moments. Emerging, they were at last in the outer world of Tundra, within the region of Glacia, a huge expanse of mostly flat ground and frozen lakes covered in snow. And, setting the group back into their usual run of luck, Glacia greeted them with a full-on blizzard.

That's the first installment, the update I missed last week. Second one to come soon, so stay tuned. :D
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Don't let the thermal shock snap you... :twisted:
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Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by Cytibor »

taalismn wrote:Don't let the thermal shock snap you... :twisted:

You read my mind. :demon:

A Warm Welcome in the Deep Freeze

July 21st [cont'd]: Taking their surroundings into account, the D.A.R.T. decided that it would be in everyone's best interest to get out of Tundra post-haste. Fortunately, their environmental armour was space-worthy and held the cold at bay well, though Albtraum's unconscious form had to be swaddled in blankets and placed near the heat-exhaust to keep from freezing over. Unfortunately, the howling blizzard around them kept visibility to fifty feet at most, and navigation in such conditions is a tricky affair. A further problem was the rapid build-up of snow and ice on the deck, which Eris set about correcting by stringing some wiring and parts of the coolant system around the edge of the platforms to provide some much needed warmth.

Forging ahead to the best of their [borrowed :angel:] Russian-tech's ability, the group at last confirmed that the levels of Dyval ran on a common [or nearly so, at least] time-stream, for it was growing dark and the temperature was dropping yet further. Visibility was also diminishing rapidly, and most alarming of all, their transportation was beginning to audibly complain as its' metal and workings contracted from the bitter cold. As the light reduced to near-utter darkness, their platform lights auto-engaged, and promptly burst. The group concurred: it was time to find shelter. Eris and Jase called up several Globes of Daylight to light their way [or about 10 feet of it] and they pored over the map quickly, pointing their pilots in the direction of what appeared to be some low hills nearby.

Coming upon the hills quite suddenly in the darkness, they vaulted over the top of it and landed on the far side, and the crew began scrutinizing the hillside, which payed off when they discovered a cave. Driving their transports inside one at a time, they discovered it was wide enough for both, and Eris used a Carpet of Adhesion spell and a tarp to 'fly-paper' the opening shut until she could peg it down properly. The platforms also kept groaning, the exposed coolant system beginning to freeze up, temporarily prolonged by shutting down the jets [though everyone knew the odds of the jets turning back on were terrible].

Moving to the cave mouth to peg the tarp properly, Eris was nearly finished when she heard what was unmistakeably a knock on the outside of the cave. Initially believing herself to be hearing things, a second knock prompted her to ask, though hesitantly, if anyone was there. Much to her surprise [and relief, not hearing voices is generally a good thing] her question was responded to, and Eris offered to let the stranger in as long as he didn't mind having a lot of weapons pointed in his direction. The stranger agreed, and a fur-wrapped humanoid was soon standing inside the cave. Oddly, this caused the temperature to begin rising. The figure began peeling layers of fur off, muttering to himself about the sheer number of garments he had been swaddled in.

The group, meanwhile was getting increasingly agitated, as he was caught up in extricating himself from his coats and was not being terribly forthcoming in identifying himself. However, once he had peeled off several layers of furs, their visitor suddenly began to look familiar, with tanned skin, dark hair and green eyes. Once he had shucked the last of the restrictive furs and revealed himself entirely, Eris pounced on him for a neck-wringing hug of relief, for it was none other than Law, and his very presence seemed to warm the cave to far more tolerable levels. The group was initially slightly suspicious, but this was taken care of when Jase asked Law what he and Imala had given the plainsman the last time they had met, and Law answered correctly: a medicine pouch and two of his feathers. [eliciting odd looks from Anna and Persia, who saw no wings on the young man.]

Hunkering down to discuss and explain, Law decided it was time to get some things out in the open, especially since their location made eavesdropping virtually impossible. He then assumed his true form, which was much the same as his normal one except with silver interlaced into his eyes and hair, and a pair of crimson-feathered wings with silver markings. He explained that his name was Kyros Sebhest, second son of Osiris the Lawgiver and Isis the All-Mother [third if you counted Anubis, his half-brother], deities in the Pantheon of Egypt. Persia, being from a predominantly science-based culture, was perplexed by this, but Kyros assured her it would all sink in with time.

He also explained that he and Imala [Justice's real name] had come to Dyval to help the group out after hearing of Xarl's abduction, and that they were also keeping an eye out for several of his father's preserved remains, as they had heard Sahtalus was in possession of one. However, their information had been incorrect: Sahtalus had THREE pieces of Osiris, though to their frustration they also learned that none of them were actually in Dyval, as they had been entrusted to Sahtalus' most trusted minion, who was apparently elsewhere. [And whose identity was unknown.] Kyros explained that Imala was waiting for them at Lady Rhada's Citadel [yes, she's a Lady of Dyval ;)] as the Lady in question was a prisoner within her own Citadel [due to complex circumstances] and was willing to offer them sanctuary in return for their company, and who had a favour to ask of them once they arrived.

Deciding they had talked enough for one evening, the group turned in and went to sleep, waking the next morning to find several sled-teams of Fenry Wolves outside, sent at Rhada's behest as replacement transportation. They also met Jiu Ba, a Kou-Ching Greater Demon that had sworn to fight Kyros to the death and utterly refused to stop following Kyros until the duel was held, much to Kyros' irritation. Before they could continue the conversation or board their sleds, however, Albtraum began to thrash and scream. The “Dark Mother” in his head had determined her carrier was ready, and she was making her move. But how can our heroes stop her without harming Albtraum? :eek:
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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And tonight's session...
Albtraum's Frenzy, Sealing the Dark Mother, and Greetings from the Hall of the Tundra Queen!

Keep ya posted on those. ;)
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Sealing the Dark Mother and Meeting the Tundra Queen

July 22nd: The battle with the semi-possessed Albtraum was a short but furious one, with Kyros being thrown a good forty feet in an over-the-shoulder flip by Albtraum after trying to restrain his genetic 'son'. Albtraum also proved he had a hidden arsenal, firing a rapid burst of crimson, magical energy at Eris from between his horns and destroying her Invincible Armour protection. Fortunately, with the entire group working to try to stop him peacefully, it provided enough of a distraction for Kyros to return to the fight, working some Earth Element magic to turn the ground beneath Albtraum into mud, and then stomping on his shoulders to drive him waist-deep into it. Using this opening to her advantage, Persia loaded an injector with a potent cocktail of medications, and attempted to introduce the mix to the devil-man's system, however the “Dark Mother” in his head had other ideas, knocking the injector away at the last moment. Trying again, Persia was assisted by Albtraum, who managed to regain control of himself long enough to allow the injector to pierce his skin, though his supernatural system rendered the mix only briefly helpful. Loading a second dose, Persia gave him another helping, finally rendering their young friend unconscious.

Knowing that Albtraum would wake soon, and that Jenova was still in his mind, Eris decided the best course of action would be to attempt to seal Jenova's movements. Taking a feather that she had been given by Kyros some time ago, she pressed it against the scarred area on Albtraum's chest, and cast a Life Blast spell through it. After a moment's pause, the scar shrunk down to miniscule size, and Kyros reported that Imala, who had been attempting to assist Albtraum in his mental struggle against Jenova, saw Jenova being trapped behind a door, and a vast iron girder had been placed across that door. Eris nodded, satisfied that her idea had at least shut Jenova off from trying to hijack Albtraum again for now, but promising that she would look into a way to permanently removing her.

Boarding the waiting sleds, the group were whisked across the glacier landscape of Tundra by the Fenry wolves, making much greater time than if they had used their now-frozen platforms. As they proceeded, they had to cross a vast ice bridge over a chasm between the mountain range dividing Glacia from the rest of Tundra. To escape the notice of the outpost at the far side of the bridge, the group covered themselves with the blankets on the sleds, but upon reaching the other side, they discovered Albtraum had slipped away. Initially planning to go after him, the group were stopped by a reluctant Kyros, who explained that, whether they liked it or not, Albtraum had decided to fly solo until he could come to terms with Jenova, even if she was dormant for now. Not happy, but understanding, the group let the Fenry remain on their current course.

Reaching Rhada's Citadel, a vast mansion-like chateau in the mountains, the group got up to stretch their limbs, Kyros being tackled to the ground by an exuberant Imala, hasty in her excitement at her husband's return. After she reacquainted herself with those of the group she knew, and was introduced to the ones she didn't, they proceeded inside to meet with Lady Rhada, who they soon saw was a beauty befitting her crown as the Tundra Queen, with icy blue eyes, white-silver hair, and pale skin. Addressing the group, she outlined her request: that, when the D.A.R.T. went to free General Xarl, that they take Mephisto's key-ring back to her, so she could unchain herself as well. She explained that Mephisto's arrogance was such that he frequently left the key-ring in the prison itself when he went abroad, believing no one would dare to enter his prison to take them with his minions there on guard. Feeling positive about the proceedings thus far, the group then asked if, should they accomplish this, if Rhada would see fit to let them use her Citadel's link to Dyval Prime to make their escape, to which she readily agreed, and stated that she would be in their debt even after allowing them their shortcut out.

With their meeting drawing to a close, Lady Rhada brought up Sahtalus' reasons for having kidnapped General Xarl in the first place, citing that, while the D.A.R.T. may not look kindly on the ruler of Hell, that he was no fool, and he rarely did anything without a specific reason. She could not see what that reason was in this case, why he would kidnap the General of a city-state and simply leave the city intact, as such an action usually preceded an attack on said city-state. She hypothesized that Sahtalus may have been promised something valuable in return for kidnapping Xarl, but what could be so valuable and who would offer it for a simple kidnapping job, she did not know. The group had their suspicions, and Eris requested 6 hours for the team to rest and prepare before departing for Inferno, the fifth level of Dyval and Mephisto's realm, where they would find the Infernal Prison and General Xarl.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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This session was rather talky, so here's the quick-and-dirty details.

Pleased to Meet You, Hope You Guess My Name

July 22nd [cont'd]: The group set out from Rhada's Citadel, making excellent time to Mt. Inferno to reach the portal to the next level of Dyval. Kyros, showing his aptitude for communing with the elements, managed to turn the blast-furnace levels of heat within the lava realm down to more livable levels for the group.

Soon after entering, they were spotted by a Beast mounted upon a young adult Flying Horror. Rather than be intimidated by this, as most normal folk likely would have, our D.A.R.T. tried a different tactic: Anna shot the Greater Dyvil in the face. ...With a triple burst of exploding shells. .....Followed by a Psi-Spear from Jase. .......And a magic shockwave from Eris' Erschlagen Mond. Forcibly dismounted and dropped into the lava river below, the Beast was no longer in any shape to pursue them, and through some daring acrobatics, Mouse managed to get herself onto the Flying Horror cruising by overhead, and the group soon had their transportation problems solved, and were on their way to the Infernal Prison.

Arriving at said prison about 10 hours later after flying non-stop, taking shifts asleep, the group saw that the place was virtually free of guards, a fact that raised many warning flags, but they had little choice but to walk right in the front door, though Kyros and Imala had to stay outside, for the duration of their 'official visit' had been pushed as far as was possible, so they could not interfere directly, though they promised to mind the Flying Horror for the others. After heading inside, the D.A.R.T. were approached by a golem bearing what could only be described as a Hallmark-esque greeting card inviting them 'upstairs' to a party of sorts. The card also mentioned that General Xarl would be 'in attendance.'

Once again unable to say no, the group headed upstairs, and soon found themselves in conversation with the Supreme Lord Dyval himself, Sahtalus. Their infernal lord and master quickly outlined what they needed to know, and willingly at that: He had kidnapped Xarl because someone had offered him a complete list of all locations that supported a permanent Rift to Dyval. The other half of the agreement was for him to invade, and conquer, the City-State of Lazlo at the stroke of midnight. After dropping that particularly bombshell, however, he added that he had already received half of the list [as per his terms], and due to changing circumstances, he had decided not to go through with the invasion in the first place.

Ever the smug-and-in-control type, Sahtalus went on to explain how it was he had come to no longer need the remainder of the location-list, and he hinted it was because of the D.A.R.T. themselves. Deciding it was better to be used and actually know how, Eris agreed to the infernal king's offer to explain, and he first took the time to explain that the group had done him two large favours, and that was why he was being so generous. First: They had provided him the perfect way to free Rhada without "rendering Mephisto apoplectic." Second: They had provided him a way to secure another list of every permanent Rift to Dyval as well as a magically binding contract with the head of another pantheon for one unspecific favour, signed in blood no less. Growing immediately suspicious of how they had secured the Dyval King something so valuable, the group inquired further.

Sahtalus' did not answer them himself, but another in the room, hiding behind a tapestry, stepped forward to answer. "You delivered what I desired, and have desired for many, many years, right to Lord Sahtalus' doorstep." And to their horror, the group beheld Set Typhon-Tanis, head deity of the Pantheon of Taut, Kyros' wicked uncle. Which meant that what he wanted could only be their friend outside, which put both Kyros and Imala in grave danger. Taking no time to deal with the group just now, Set headed outside to join his pantheon members he had brought to capture Kyros, and the group were left alone with Sahtalus.

July 23rd: Understandably agitated, the group started to excuse themselves, but the Supreme Lord Dyval stopped them, saying that they had two favours with him that he would honour and repay. One, he assumed, was getting out of Dyval alive. The other would either be leaving with Xarl, or going to attempt to help Kyros and Imala outside. He left the question hanging, but as they stared at him in a mixture of anger and contempt, the clock chimed midnight. Sahtalus' scrying crystal showed his army appearing around Lazlo, to which Sahtalus paid no attention, because he had already left standing orders for his army to leave after spooking the citizens with their presence. However, much to his annoyance and consternation, a fair number of them did not.

In answer to the unspoken demand, a voice came in over the crystal. "Lord Sahtalus: I see my suspicions were more than justified. You have no doubt found your own avenue to secure what I offered, and I both understand and respect your treachery, it was well-done. However, the summoners you used to bring your army to bear? They were MINE. And it is through them that I have wrenched a portion of your army from your control. Lazlo WILL be mine, with OR without your help."

Now, as you can imagine, the Supreme Lord of Dyval did not take this kindly. Taking a deep breath, he turned to the D.A.R.T. still within the room. "It would seem that we have more business to conduct."

Someone's double-crossed the king of Dyvalian Hell. You don't DO that. :demon: I wonder how our group will make use of that old saying: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." ;)
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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"The enemy of my enemy is my friend until I can dispose of him too and take his stuff."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Initial thoughts on tonight's session... -ahem-
EPIC. So much happened so fast! There were deals brokered, rescues attempted, friends we were forced to abandon, a desperate race to get home before it was too late, and now we find out that the foe in charge of the attack has raided "THE VAULT", the Lazlo Security Force's repository for all things chock-full of nasty-not-niceness. :eek:

I'll fill you in after I go crash out and recharge the ol' batteries.

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Cytibor wrote:Initial thoughts on tonight's session... -ahem-
EPIC. So much happened so fast! There were deals brokered, rescues attempted, friends we were forced to abandon, a desperate race to get home before it was too late, and now we find out that the foe in charge of the attack has raided "THE VAULT", the Lazlo Security Force's repository for all things chock-full of nasty-not-niceness. :eek:

I'll fill you in after I go crash out and recharge the ol' batteries.


Oy...and all I did was watch the Royal wedding and see the Lancaster flyover.
Maybe I'm not living right?
Then again, I didn't have to leave any buddies behind...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Royals schomoyals... after Elizabeth passes on into the long-goodnight I call the monarchy offcially DEAD.
Anything else that happens will be just lame-duck wanna-be'ism ;)

However, yeah, Epic session was epic.
Bind the body to the opened mind
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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DhAkael wrote:Royals schomoyals... after Elizabeth passes on into the long-goodnight I call the monarchy offcially DEAD.
Anything else that happens will be just lame-duck wanna-be'ism ;)

However, yeah, Epic session was epic.

Bloom County: Prince Charles: "No, son, we will NOT be ordering the Royal Navy to 'take back Massachusetts'!"
William: "Gran'mum's right; you're a bloody WIMP!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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it will bypass lil'charlie . . . and go to william.
charlie kinda blew it with his relationship with car. . .whatever she is.
but he made it much worse by marrying the bint afterward.
SHE was carrying on her gramma's antics. so yeah . . like . . . 'ewwwwwwwwwww'
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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shiiv-a wrote:it will bypass lil'charlie . . . and go to william.
charlie kinda blew it with his relationship with car. . .whatever she is.
but he made it much worse by marrying the bint afterward.
SHE was carrying on her gramma's antics. so yeah . . like . . . 'ewwwwwwwwwww'

Americans are like...Oh, the Donald's on what, his second wife? His third? Hey, he's Presidential material! :P :P :P
Well, as long as the European royal bloodlines are no longer intermarrying to the point of producing genetic monsters, and have finally gotten rid of this 'gee, you can't marry a commoner!' nonsense...

But closer to topic, when the BBC reporter described the Lancaster flying overhead as 'graceful' I burst out laughing...I always considered it rather pugnacious and ugly-looking.
Oh well, gotta take Local Pride Bias into account, even though I HAD done a TW Lancaster conversion.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by Cytibor »

The Good of the Many, The Fall of the Few

Also Known As: The Epic [Censored] Session

July 23rd [cont'd]: Our heroes opened a rapid session of fresh negotiations with Sahtalus, and while the Lord Dyval kept up his required front of disinterest, Eris' well-worded demands kept things short.

Eris' demands:
* Safe passage to Lady Rhada’s realm for the D.A.R.T., Imala & her cubs and Xarl. Plus unobstructed passage through Dyval Prime’s gate to the mortal ‘verse (proper timeline and location).
* Delay (NOT stop, just delay) the Lords of Taut in their pursuit of Imala, should they give chase after capturing Kyros.
* Payment in recompense for inconvenience and physical/mental trauma to D.A.R.T. and General Xarl, to be paid from Lord Mephistopheles' coffers. Payment to be in currency or materials that will not devalue across dimensional boundaries, and can be used as collateral for financing D.A.R.T. projects. Total payment to be valued NO LESS THAN 240 million in Universal Trade Credits.
* For return of Dyvallian minions and greater powers that have gone under sway to the unnamed individual responsible for the incursion into Lazlo; 1 year per minion / greater power returned “intact” of non-interference with the City-State of Lazlo by the forces of Dyval under direct command of those under Lord Sahtalus.

In return for the above:
* The D.A.R.T. will henceforth NOT enter into Dyval unless extreme circumstances require it, and then only under express permission after an official request has been made to the High-Lord of Dyval. This will remain in effect for 10 years, plus a day, after the agreement of both parties.
* All resources of the D.A.R.T. and allied powers, will be brought to bear to return the middle and upper echelon minions and powers under sway of the mortal party responsible for the incursion into Lazlo.
* The responsible mortal party (or parties) will be given over to Lord Sahtalus, or a duly appointed representative, once the incursion has been neutralized, for punishment as deemed appropriate by the Lord of Dyval.

Sahtalus agreed to the terms and had Eris write them down on parchment, with each member of the D.A.R.T. present signing [Persia using her family seal and Eris using her house's seal, wax with 3 drops of blood], adding his own signature to it after they were done, and sliding a coin down to Eris, stipulating that she take it with her so he could 'keep an eye' on them as 'insurance' to make sure they stayed out of Dyval. Upon picking up the coin, it passed through her gauntlet, and after a moment's heat, entered Eris' hand with barely a trace.

With their business concluded, Sahtalus whisked off to uphold his end of the bargain while the group ran outside to behold the epic confrontation underway. Set had brought Anubis, Apepi the Immortal, and Ammit the Beast along to collect Kyros, making it four gods against them. Kyros and Imala were joined by Jiu-Ba in their defence, and even Albtraum made his promised reappearance to lend what aid he could, but they were losing ground fast. In a moment of defiance, Imala angered Set, and he responded by barraging her with deific magic, shattering her magic protection and searing away her armour, leaving her battered and dazed on the ground. Seeing his wife in grave and immediate danger, Kyros grabbed Albtraum by the horn, thrust the still-dazed Imala into his arms, and threw the young gene-devil out of the conflict, yelling for Eris to catch them. After making sure Imala was safer in the group's midst, Kyros asked Eris to promise him to get his wife away from the battle, to make sure she got back to their daughter safely. Eris agreed, already knowing Kyros had no way to escape and hating it.

Jiu-Ba, determined to stay at Kyros' side no matter what, assisted the young godling in driving up a barrier of rock and earth between the battle and the fleeing D.A.R.T., even as Imala realized what was happening and began to plead with the group to let her go back. Mounting the still-tethered Flying Horror they had arrived on, the group held down a now-struggling Imala as they moved to take off. Any question as to the outcome of the fight, if there had been any to begin with, were answered by the sound of cracking stone and shattering bones accompanied by a spray of blood trickling down the side of the stone wall. After that, there was only silence.

Following this, Imala's sanity became decidedly strained, and she began to scream at her friends for taking her away, calling them cowards, saying that they abandoned Kyros without even trying. They had no words to console her, and each just tried to deal with the reality of the situation as best they could. But they had no time to grieve just yet, for Apepi had risen on his wings, and the foul dragon was giving chase. He nearly caught up to them, when they hear Sahtalus' voice carried over the heat-blasted wind of Inferno: "A bargain once struck shall be upheld." Immediately following this, Apepi flew headlong into a magic barrier hundreds of feet across, and Thoth appeared on their Flying Horror's back, obviously having been allowed to come by Sahtalus, thus holding up the clause of the agreement of delaying the Gods of Taut from pursuing Imala.

Utterly consumed by grief, Imala continued her rant, accusing Thoth of being late and condemning Kyros to his fate. Eris, finally unable to bear her pack-sister's madness, asked - pleaded- with the Lord of Knowledge to lay her to rest so she could sleep. Thoth acquiesced, and though she frantically resisted, Imala soon lay in slumber. Gathering her up, Thoth then wished the D.A.R.T. his best and left via a portal created by Sahtalus, who had appeared on the Flying Horror as well. Deciding to go the extra mile, Sahtalus then used his power over Dyval to warp distances, allowing the group to reach Lava Bridge, and the gateway back to Tundra, in a matter of minutes. Taking his leave, Sahtalus vanished, no doubt to take care of his other contractual obligations.

Returning to Lady Rhada's Citadel, the group saw to her chains, and the Tundra Queen soon walked free once more, swearing she would uphold the debt of honour she owed them, and using her Citadel's link to Dyval Prime to give them a shortcut to the first layer of Dyval. From there, they flew to the East Gate, where they made contact with Lazlo and the portal home, at last, was opened. Returning, they saw things were not at all in good shape. It had been roughly an hour since the incursion began, and while the Greater Deevils were still outside trying to break through the city's walls, flocks of Dire Harpies and Shock Dragons riding upon Flying Horrors were raining destruction on the city, despite Plato's [in his natural draconic state] best efforts to defend the city's airspace. Worse, a band of Mystic Knights were operating within the city, had knocked out the power generators, and were busily sowing mayhem, supported by the remaining cultist-like fanatics who had summoned the infernal army to begin with.

Xarl, at least semi-revived, stomped off to assist the chain of command, while the group divided up to search for Tahlor and lend aid where best they could. Shortly after their arrival, they heard Tahlor over the radio announcing that the Mystic Knight leader was a man going by the name of 'Blackthorn', and he was searching for him. As the group combed the battle-torn city, they received a second radio update: the vault kept by the Lazlo Security Forces, containing all ill-intentioned artifacts brought into the city, had been breached. Those nearest to the vault's, supposedly secret, location could hear a fell shrieking begin, and those of the group who had been to the Paradox World of the Wraithking felt a chill run down their spine. The Wraithking's runic greatsword, Calamity, had been re-awakened. And it was screaming for blood.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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just a heads up to all the players in the game.
Real life has decided to raise its head in the form of a full time job.
i won't be able to join the game anymore till after 10PM EST [7PST for me]
as a result, i will be withdrawing Mouse from the game for now.
MAYBE if the game is still on in October, i can rejoin. if not?
game on and have fun.
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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shiiv-a wrote:just a heads up to all the players in the game.
Real life has decided to raise its head in the form of a full time job.
i won't be able to join the game anymore till after 10PM EST [7PST for me]
as a result, i will be withdrawing Mouse from the game for now.
MAYBE if the game is still on in October, i can rejoin. if not?
game on and have fun.

Sadness :( , but also joy :-D , for you, in finding full-time work.
Remember; you are not allowed to eat, vaporize, explosively decompress, implode, transform, transfigure, extradimensionally exile, telepathically mind control, perforate, irradiate, curse with violent bowel movements, or sacrifice for favors from an Elder God, any client/patron/customer you disagree with.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by shiiv-a »

taalismn wrote:
shiiv-a wrote:just a heads up to all the players in the game.
Real life has decided to raise its head in the form of a full time job.
i won't be able to join the game anymore till after 10PM EST [7PST for me]
as a result, i will be withdrawing Mouse from the game for now.
MAYBE if the game is still on in October, i can rejoin. if not?
game on and have fun.

Sadness :( , but also joy :-D , for you, in finding full-time work.
Remember; you are not allowed to eat, vaporize, explosively decompress, implode, transform, transfigure, extradimensionally exile, telepathically mind control, perforate, irradiate, curse with violent bowel movements, or sacrifice for favors from an Elder God, any client/patron/customer you disagree with.

aw man . . .
take all the fun out of it . . .
Creator of the Chi grenade. Used in game by Kevarin [GM] and self as Mai - Civilian Martial artist that got amped via experiment. Ghost weapons and shirts rule.

Nano Missiles - used once and GM banned further use. They weren't THAT bad. and did stop a demon scout ship from returning with valuable info.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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shiiv-a wrote:[
aw man . . .
take all the fun out of it . . .

You can still curse them on the time delay installment plan, however... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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too disheveled to figure out the tie ins make Chriax angry
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Pun Absolutely Intended

Points if you know what I'm talking about. ;)

July 23rd [And again]: The battle against Blackthorn was a furious one, with the Mystic Knight getting the drop on the group via Invisibility and proceeding to carve some nasty marks in Anna's armour, using magic like Invincible Armour and Spinning Blades to his advantage to frustrate the group, but despite his best efforts, he did eventually go down to a storm of bolter fire from the young Sororitas-in-training, though her rounds blew open his chest cavity - rather problematic when one has promised the target in question to the Infernal King of Dyval. Further adding to the problem, the man's blood spattered onto the runeblade, which promptly began devouring his essence. :eek: Fortunately for all involved, a Dyvallian that Tahlor confirmed was friendly [at least for now :angel: ] arrived on scene to collect the man's soul, securing a segment of the D.A.R.T.'s end of the bargain with Sahtalus.

With Blackthorn dealt with and the runeblade thrown back into the vault for temporary safe keeping, the group decided it was about time they cleaned up the rest of the city. Eris and Jase took to the sky using Fly As The Eagle, seeking to assist Plato and Caesar in their aerial battle. And while Jase's expertise as a Shifter drove the Harpies away, they were unfortunately moments too late, for the spiteful bird-hags rakes Plato's wings, and he fell, poor Caesar on his back with some kind of metal fragment in his shoulder pauldron. The colossal dragon hit earth, nearly crushing the Cosmo-Knight beneath him, and smashed through several buildings as he came to a stop. At the same time, Persia and Tahlor had moved to assist Goji with the Flying Horrors and their riders, sniping the beast's eyes to distract them so Goji could get a grip on them. Persia then showed her feline agility in climbing the Titan-Lizard's tail to jump down to the hapless Deevils in his grip, and cut the saddles loose, the troops not fortunate enough to die on impact landing in the water for Goji's giant feet to crush. Upon seeing Plato go down, however, the feline doctor asked Goji to bring her to the dragon's side so she could take a look.

Plato was banged up, suffering from what was likely a dragon's equivalent of a concussion, but he would be alright in a few days. Caesar, however, had a far more dire condition, for the piece of metal that had been stuck in his armour had been driven fully through his shoulder, and upon removing it from the Cosmo-Knight's body, the metal fragmented, a single shard -magically contained within the metal- skittered across the paved ground, and Eris' blood ran cold. Blacksteel. It was Blacksteel. But... HERE? In this version of Lazlo? Not good... VERY not good. Jase used one of his silver arrowheads to touch the metal at Eris' direction, which produced the usual explosive reaction, destroying the fragmented metal.

Utterly unwilling to allow Caesar to die, Persia sprang into action. The man's entire upper left side had been tainted by the foul metal as its' evil spread through him, and in addition to rendering a lung useless, very nearly doing the same to his heart, it had reached the base of his neck and was choking him. She worked feverishly, opening an airway from the right side and working to stabilize him while the med-evac team arrived. Once they did, she used their facilities like she had built them, removing all tainted flesh from Caesar's body, effectively amputating his entire left side in the process. She did not know if cybernetics would interfere with him or not, but they were what she had available and she had no time to waste, so that's what he got. His entire left side, including the base of his neck, his left lung and the entirety of his arm; the only way to save his life.

Almost able to relax, the group were then hailed by Anna, returning from the Casa in search of medical help. Persia, exhausted and drawing heavily on the ley lines, and the med-evac team hasted to the castle, which was the site of heavy battle. The Mystic Knights had tried to get in, evidently, and Anna's sisters had been there to stop them. Entering the Casa, they found the girls playing cards nonchalantly, and it was only after a second glance that the blood, missing limbs and other injuries came into focus. :shock: After a moment of awkward silence, the group mentioned the girls' sorry state, and they reluctantly allowed themselves to be carted off to be treated. Once done, Persia released her grip on the ley lines and permitted herself to pass out into the arms of her gentleman-caller, Tahlor.

At this point, Lazlo was shaky. Its' buildings were damaged, some destroyed, its' power generators were only just coming back on, and a hundred other things needed to be attended to, but it was SAFE, and once that sank in, the group unanimously decided it was time to get some sleep. Most of them slept soundly, peacefully, and undisturbed. Eris however... did not. :demon: She woke up not long afterward, halfway to the washroom to empty her stomach into the toilet, in the process discovering she was taller, her incisor teeth were now fang-like, and she had curves in all the right places. :!: :?:

We'll see if she explains how the hell that happened... next time. ;)
Last edited by Cytibor on Thu May 12, 2011 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Good thing she didn't use silver scalpels to remove the Blacksteel taint...if the last experience with the stuff was anything to go by, subcutaneous explosions are NOT conducive to speedy recoveries from life-threatening injuries. And they make open casket funerals problematic.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by Cytibor »

And without further ado, last week's events. Plus~ a very special addition, brought to you by our group making good Perception rolls. ;)

Losing a Friend, Revealing an Identity, and New Recruits

July 23rd: Rousing early after much tossing and turning, Eris headed downstairs to her workshop, but passed a sobbing Alice along the way. A message had arrived stating that Borris Reeve, one of the group's long-time allies and kingpin of the Black Market, was dead, but the circumstances were odd and the officers were requesting assistance from the D.A.R.T. Knowing that Alice and Borris were more than acquaintances, Eris told her secretary to get some rest in the guest room before waking Jase and informing him of the situation.

The pair made their way down to the motel address specified, and once inside the room saw the problem immediately. Borris' body had been impaled, through the heart and into the wall behind him, by a spike of Blacksteel the length of the man's forearm. Jase, using his Telekinesis, removed the spike, and they took it outside to the parking lot, where he used his psionics to form a forcefield around the Blacksteel before throwing in a piece of silver provided by the officers. The reaction was among the most violent either of them had yet seen, for the spike was far larger than was normal for Blacksteel, and it blew a large chunk out of the concrete of the parking lot.

Turning to head home after receiving a page from Alice, the pair were addressed by Briar Croup and Armondo Calvinus, a young Ley Line Walker and Cyber Knight, respectively. The Ley Line Walker was a local of Lazlo and had heard of the D.A.R.T., and regarded the pair with an enthusiasm bordering on hero worship, while the Cyber Knight was more formal but no less polite. Not in the mood to talk just then, Eris and Jase told them to follow them back to the Casa, and upon arrival directed them to wait in the Sun Room while they got a shot of coffee and some time to gather themselves [and change clothes, in Eris' case, still dressed in her gym-clothes. ;)]. A delivery of crates had also been brought into the Casa's front lobby, though they sat unopened for the moment.

While they waited, Briar and 'Mondo' were attended to by Legion, the robot bearing a tea tray dutifully and acquainting himself with their new guests and potential recruits. Upon Eris' and Jase's return, the conversation started anew, with the two newcomers expressing a desire to join the D.A.R.T. Initially a bit skeptical that they knew what they were getting into, Eris made sure they understood the commitments they would be taking on, but the pair seemed determined. Accepting their request, Eris sent them to take care of their registration, looking around in the interim as though looking for someone.

Upon Alice's asking, Eris revealed that the note that came along with the crates had stated Lady Dyrella, Sahtalus' favourite minion and the one who had appeared to assist during the Infernal Incursion, would be along shortly to ensure everything was in order. However, she was late, which was most unusual. Alice, sighing slightly as if hesitant to continue, abruptly shifted her posture and mannerisms, and even this seemingly minute change made everyone stare. The brunette with baby-blue eyes suddenly looked startlingly familiar, and her voice shifting from the cheerful and upbeat tone it usually kept to the more self-assured, confident voice of Dyrella. :shock:

Eris' reaction summed up the group's feelings very well: "Buwhu..." *Blinks.* :eek: " where... HOW LONG!?" Dyrella proceeded to explain that Sahtalus had been interested by the group long before the events surrounding Xarl's kidnapping, and she had been assigned to keep an eye on the D.A.R.T. and learn about them. Doing her best to absorb this, Eris simply asked if Dyrella would be tendering her resignation, but to the group's surprise, the Dyvallian expressed a desire to remain in her current duties if the group would allow her to do so. She went on to say that she felt she owed it to them for their help in finding Borris' killer, suggesting that she genuinely cared for the man, a rarity among infernals for sure.

Somewhat surprisingly, Eris agreed to letting Dyrella stay on as secretary, in her usual guise of Alice of course, as long as she agreed to sign the agreement in blood. Dyrella agreed. Assuming her human form once more, she returned to her duties while Persia and Tahlor arrived on the scene, the feline doctor reminding the new recruits that she would need a physical examination for her records.

Meanwhile, Legion informed Eris that a visitor had arrived, one "Brightlance-Envoy" who was apparently from "home". Startled, Eris disappeared into a spare room with the cloaked figure of their visitor, and not long after they could hear Eris cursing up a storm. Whatever it was this visitor had come to say, it had rattled Eris' cage for sure.

Elsewhere in the Casa, while waiting for the two new recruits to arrive for their medical examination, Persia had decided to have a chat with Xsi, still inert and captive in the corner. Removing his heart from her stasis freezer, the skeleton-man's body reconstituted, and they proceeded to have a short chat while she filled him in on what had been happening while they were away. Upon informing him that "Mr. Law" [as she was still not sure if she should call him 'Kyros'] had been taken by Set, the lich-being reacted... loudly. :angel: Throughout the Casa, his aura and voice resounded with: "SET HAS KYROS!?!"

Everyone arrived at the medical lab at roughly the same time, and saw Persia hastily putting Xsi's heart back into the stasis freezer, though the new recruits of course were at a loss as to what had just transpired. Persia defended her actions however, stating that if anyone was going to have information about Kyros' likely whereabouts or situation, it would be Xsi. She believed he would help them, to an extent at least, once he had time to calm down.

With the two new recruits taking their medical exams and the others spreading out to relax some, Eris dragged Jase off to attend to something important...

A Special Moment

Brought To You By: Perception Checks. Because You Just Can't Let People Have Their Privacy. :D

After dragging Jase away from the others, Eris stopped in front of their door, and got down on one knee. Somewhat confused, the plainsman looked at her for an explanation. She provided him one, by reaching into her pocket for something...
"If I left this to you, I'd be an old maid and you'd be decades dead."
...a small, blue, velvet box. Blinking at her with sudden understanding, he looked her in the eyes as she voiced exactly what she had on her mind.
"Jase Taggart...will you marry me?"
Picking her up in his excitement, the plainsman and Dragoon shared a kiss before his answer came: "Of course!"

She arrived in this world by accident via random rift, found a Lazlo she didn't recognize, and formed an underfunded organization to protect a city woefully unprepared compared to the one she knew, but at long last, Cloud Silver Eris knows exactly where 'home' is. :D
Last edited by Cytibor on Thu May 26, 2011 4:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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"In my home country, man or woman just punch prospective mate in face, drag down to justice of peace, register claim, and then make love until wilt! None this touchy-feely stuffes."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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The Lich, The Shemarrian, and the Wolf-Hawk

July 23rd: With their engagement official, Cloud and Jase returned to the group, the Commander deciding she had to find the still-mysterious visitor who had come to speak with her earlier, taking Jase and Mondo with her. Meanwhile, Persia decided to give Xsi another chance, with Tahlor present in case of emergency, and Briar looking on with curiousity, and not a little apprehension. The black-boned skeleton behaved, initially, swapping pleasantries, though he seemed determined to intimidate Briar for kicks.

On their way in search of their foreign visitor, Cloud explained that the visitor had brought with her a prophecy which was believed to include mention of Cloud as well as herself, and that was why Cloud had to take her leave from the group for a time to check things out in her original 'verse.

Xsi, meanwhile, had revealed he did indeed know where Kyros was likely being kept, and he was prepared to trade the information for a suitable price, though when Persia informed him she didn't have the authority for such a thing, he seemed slightly put out, and decided he would go find Commander Eris on his own to begin negotiations. Not quite sure what he meant, all present were caught off guard when he suddenly sprang a 'Time Slip' spell, snatched his heart back, and was out the door before they could react.

Receiving the news of the lich's escape, Cloud, Jase and Mondo reacted with appropriate profanity, and the shadow-draped figure soon arrived on a rooftop near to them, and proceeded to lay out why he was there, seeking some manner of deal with the DART Commander. Unfortunately for all involved, he hadn't really thought about what he wanted in return for the information, which quickly led to a stalemate between the two sides as tensions rose. Frustrated with the situation, Cloud resumed searching for Hope, though with Persia's arrival shortly thereafter, the situation finally improved some. She managed to convince Xsi that, should he come down off the building and back to the Casa, nobody would attempt to steal back his heart to cage him once more, and they could discuss strategy. Xsi agreed, on the condition that no one wear mega-damage armour in his presence, a fair arrangement in his [hollow :angel: ] eyesockets.

During the ensuing exchange of information, the visitor returned, having met with Eris already, and introduced herself, officially, as 'Cydi Shondrali' or Hope Brightlance (In English ;)). Sitting in on the meeting, she at first maintained the appearance of a new-arrival, with broken English, though she soon let the facade drop, Cloud returning around this time as well. Now certain of Imala's location, thanks to information from the DARTs, Xsi offered to establish a portal to Sekhet-Aanru, home of the Pantheon of Ra, so the group could speak with Imala herself. Eager to check up on their friend and needing an update on certain pieces of information, the group readily agreed. After assuring her Xsi was not there to kill everyone [at least not just now :-? ] it was agreed that, since he had access to the Pantheon of Taut's territory [being Anubis' son], Xsi would function as a double agent, feeding them information from inside, though the group weren't terribly pleased with having to rely on one of their longest-standing foes.

It was also explained to Imala that Hope wished her assistance in uniting two tribes in her homeland, the Hawkmoon and Wolf's Path, as Imala's 'divine' form as a demigoddess combined elements of both wolves and hawks, and the tribes would agree upon it being significant and possibly come to a peaceful agreement. Imala, though having quite a lot on her plate just now, agreed to help however she could as long as she didn't have to leave her current 'verse, as she refused to leave Kyros to his fate. Imala then asked Cloud if she could perhaps oversee the construction of a vault for the safekeeping of important artifacts, to which Cloud agreed, as the Lazlo Security Forces had been muttering about finding a new location for their vault anyway. Imala then recapped the pieces of Osiris they still had to gather, mentioning three of them were in the possession of a 'Lady Dyrella'.

Obviously surprised, Cloud pulled Alice aside for a chat, returning some time later with a simple message for Imala, to not worry about those three particular pieces for the moment, they were in good hands. More than slightly perplexed, but pleased nevertheless, Imala said goodbye to her friends for the time being, promising to be back in Lazlo as soon as she was able, and picking up her daughter, Evangeline, to wave through the scrying portal, Cloud appropriately gushing over her god-daughter's apparent cute-factor. :angel:

Xsi's Information Report

Point A] Outright invasion of Set's realm is not possible at this point in time. With Kyros finally in his grasp, he will have tripled the presence of his minions at every possible entrance to his realms, and the DART simply don't have the manpower.
Point B] The DART are exhausted from recent events, and need to maintenance their equipment and attend to matters at home, so it would be unwise for them to rush immediately into another major conflict anyway.
Point C] Imala will be unable to rejoin the group for a period of 6 months, due to the magic she and Kyros used to meet the group in Dyval, as they were technically ahead of the group in the time-stream, and they must reach the same point before meeting, or risk severe consequences. Paradoxes do that. ;)
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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The Remainder of the Year 100 Post Apocalypse

With our group embarking on a 6 month time-skip, it falls to me to note down the developments at home and abroad for their, and your, perusal. ;) So without further ado, please read the installments to come. :D
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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At Home: The City-State of Lazlo

- The infernal incursion caused severe damage to the city, but it was repaired in good time. However, the real wounds were torn into the residents of this city of free-thinkers. Many families lost loved ones, and to add insult to injury, the general populace knew nothing of the DART's rescue mission into Dyval to save General Xarl, and while the government tried to find ways to explain the situation and that they did not know who was at fault, a rumour began to circulate.
"Did you know? General Xarl was abducted by Deevils, the same ones that ravaged our fair city. I know, I know, its' hard to believe, isn't it? The Security Council would have said something, you say? No, my friend, they hushed it up and sent their DARTs after him in a rescue attempt. Noble, of course, but was it worth it? What am I implying? Oh, nothing, nothing... simply wondering if saving one life was worth incurring the wrath of a dimension of Hell, and losing hundreds, thousands, in the ensuing retaliation? That's a decision for the public to make, don't you think? But no... it was kept from you by the government, and the DART pushed to be allowed to go on the mission. But don't listen to the ramblings of a bitter soul, my friend, make your own decisions. If the Councils will let you, anyway."
- The effects of this have been adverse and alarming. Despite the best efforts of the wiser members of both Councils, the loss of life has made the citizens of Lazlo angry and fearful, and all official explanations of the situation only resulted in confirming to the public that Xarl's abduction had, indeed, been kept from them. With pressure mounting, Xarl was asked to retire from his position as General of the LSF, and Nathan Lassiter elevated from his previous rank of Secretary of Defence to fill the wolfen's shoes by unanimous decision, as the new General had himself lost family in the incursion, his wife and son, garnering him massive public support.
- As for the DART, well, no action has been taken officially, as they did nothing wrong, but the rumours persist and their popularity is at an all-time low with the general populace. Nevertheless, a vault expansion has been made to the Casa's basement to house dangerous relics and weapons, and the Sturmfalke Transport they 'acquired' from the Coalition base has finally been refitted and overhauled into the space-worthy craft, the Lighthawk.
- Eris Cloud and Jase Taggart's wedding ceremony has been slated for late January, around the same time Imala was due to return, in the hopes she would be able to return in time to be present, and it has been decided that it will be kept largely private to avoid any of the rumour-mongers from getting the notion into their heads to ruin it.
- The general atmosphere of the city is one of apprehension, trust in the Councils has been shaken badly, and the citizens are victims of a mob mentality, lashing out collectively at anything they become frightened of. It is a difficult time for everyone, and none feel it more keenly than Councilor Plato, who fears a city of free thought is being reduced to a shadow of its' former self.
Last edited by Cytibor on Thu May 26, 2011 5:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Coalition States

- The Coalition States have been behaving... oddly. Towns of D-Bees, and the humans living with them, have been found destroyed, which in itself is perfectly normal for the Dead Boys, but the oddities begin when it is noted that every single body is headless, with the skulls piled deliberately where they can best be seen. A new form of cruelty, perhaps, or a machination of the propaganda machine to spook their enemies? Who knows...
- Bodies of Coalition troops that have been slain in combat within recent months have begun to yield odd personal items, necklaces, rings and the like, bearing odd, unknown symbols, presumably religious in nature. But the Coalition has made no public announcements in regards to their stance on religion, so these individuals are acting of their own volition. But is this a good thing for the rest of North America, or a bad thing?
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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The Orbital Community

- Trade continues between Freedom Station and Lazlo, and though the Orbitals have sensed the change in atmosphere in the city below, it doesn't particularly affect them so they pay it little mind.
- The quarantine of the former CAN Republic continues, not a soul venturing near to the ghost-colony, though from time to time those forming the blockade swear they see movement below. Just a trick of the eyes, surely, the colonists are dead, there is no comm-chatter, and the moon is cold.
- Mars, similarly, has been blockaded, leaving the giant insects to their own devices, though a diplomatic envoy makes regular, heavily guarded, visits to the mutant bees and ants, who have proven peaceful and open to talks of peace.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Further Abroad

- At last communication, the reformed Reid's Rangers continue their fight against the vampire threat in Mexico as they always have done, Grizzly Carter being the new man in charge.
- The situation in the NGR, as far as intercepted communications from the CS suggest, is in much the same situation as it has been these past years, though the Gargoyle Empire seems to have suffered some kind of blow to their morale, though it was through nothing the NGR has done, and they have seen no sign of any other group attacking, so what caused this droop in spirits is quite beyond them, though no less welcome.
- Rumours from Atlantis suggest Lord Splynncryth is in a foul mood lately, something apparently is putting his business at risk and he's not taking kindly to it. What that is and how he reacts remains to be seen.
- As usual, anything further across the ocean than Atlantis is a complete mystery, as is South America.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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wow...much agoings on...
Very a'happy to see world updates as global community jello-pool stops a'shiverin' with ripples with latest adventure-fiascos.
Now is stable again, is time to spray with liquid nitrogen then hit new status-quo with sledgehammer, no? :-D :mrgreen:

Pity the mutant bees are a matriarchal hive...the idea of a President Colbert in charge....maybe a Queen Colbert? :clown:
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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And so it is that the year 100 P.A. comes to a close, with many problems still to be dealt with and uncertainties to be faced. Our heroes have a lot of work to do... But that's enough of that for now, I've got to be going now. See you next year! ;) :D
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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taalismn wrote:wow...much agoings on...
Very a'happy to see world updates as global community jello-pool stops a'shiverin' with ripples with latest adventure-fiascos.
Now is stable again, is time to spray with liquid nitrogen then hit new status-quo with sledgehammer, no? :-D :mrgreen:

Pity the mutant bees are a matriarchal hive...the idea of a President Colbert in charge....maybe a Queen Colbert? :clown:

lol, well, we'll see about the bees, but I definitely think the group would like a can of liquid nitrogen. ;) And I'm not quite so sure the jello's done shivering. :D Plenty left for it to be scared of. :P
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Oh time order extra-large bottle panic-pills*, no?

*Now in flavored gel or caplet form, with anti-stomach upset coating, ulcer-fighting action, and universal drug non-reaction(won't abreact with alcohol or nicotine, even if chugged or chain-smoked). Inquire at your nearest interdimensional pharmacist's for special bulk discounts.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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taalismn wrote:Oh time order extra-large bottle panic-pills*, no?

*Now in flavored gel or caplet form, with anti-stomach upset coating, ulcer-fighting action, and universal drug non-reaction(won't abreact with alcohol or nicotine, even if chugged or chain-smoked). Inquire at your nearest interdimensional pharmacist's for special bulk discounts.

Cloud Eris; "Ill take 3 skids worth...thanx."
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:Oh time order extra-large bottle panic-pills*, no?

*Now in flavored gel or caplet form, with anti-stomach upset coating, ulcer-fighting action, and universal drug non-reaction(won't abreact with alcohol or nicotine, even if chugged or chain-smoked). Inquire at your nearest interdimensional pharmacist's for special bulk discounts.

Cloud Eris; "Ill take 3 skids worth...thanx."

See? Is pressing need/demand for self-medication, no?
Chewables too, so as not hurt teeth during traumatizing life-threatening event!
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Going to break tradition and give a quick summation of events rather than my usual long-winded approach. May return to the usual if the mood strikes me tomorrow, but mostly we were tapering off the old year to reach the time-skip information already posted above.

Remaining Days At The End of July
- Cloud was seen off at the House by her fiance, heading back to her original home dimension for a visit. [See Dhak's "The Saga Continues" for details.]
- Hope introduced the team to her warmount Storm-Glider, a mechanical warbird [] with the personality of a well-mannered butler. Most of the time. :angel:
- Anna and Albtraum began spending most of their time together, initially under the pretense of giving Albtraum things to do [as going outside so soon after the infernal incursion would likely incite panic] but soon they both realized that wasn't really the whole reason. ;)
- Hope was introduced to the Darts old and new, reacting badly to Albtraum at first but apologizing once she realized he wasn't the demon he appeared to be. With the crew settling in to their routine with their Commander elsewhere, they set about assisting the city in being rebuilt, and getting the vault project moved into the basement of the Casa.

Kicking Off 101 P.A.
- February 1st: Cloud and Jase's wedding day. :D
Unexpectedly, a last minute guest arrived in the middle of the wedding preparations back at the Casa: Kyros! :shock: With Imala's promised complement of Ra-Men guarding the remnants of Osiris tagging along, no less. Utterly surprised to see her wolf-sister's husband, Cloud expressed how glad she was to see him, and Kyros set about getting himself presentable to attend, chatting with Jase. The leader of the Ra-Men, one Jaglon [who sported peculiar tiger-like markings on his golden fur despite the Ra-Men being humanoid lions], asked to speak to Cloud in private for a moment, though once done he went outside to organize his troops into their patrols and camps without so much as a hint as to what he had to say, and Cloud was no more forthcoming. Besides, she had more pressing matters to attend to: like not tripping down the aisle. :angel: ;) :P

Soon enough it was time for the ceremony, with Plato as officiate, the Darts and no-longer General Xarl in attendance, as well as many of the LSF officers who fought alongside the group during the infernal incursion, some of the magi guild members, and of course Caesar and Anna's sisters, the latter of whom were in charge of music. The ceremony was a hit with those attending, and Imala's arrival just in time to hear the impromptu vows certainly seemed to put the icing on the cake. :D

We'll get back to the proper long-style updating with tomorrow's game, never y'fear. ;)
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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So I've been wondering something for a while now, and I figured the best way to reach a decision on the matter would be to ask the opinions of those readers who frequent the thread to stay abreast of plot developments. Namely: should I continue to post summarized accounts of each session, post the entirety of the chat-log instead [with the non-game content edited out, of course], or perhaps combine each, with a posted summary as the main article and the chat-log contained within a 'Spoiler' field/box for those who wish to read it as it happened?

Summaries are certainly quicker and more succinct, delivering the point much faster, but its' always felt like they lacked the humour and spirit of the player's actual dialogue. I know this thread is not read by TOO many people, but some [or most] of those who do don't play in the game and don't really know the characters the way I or the players would, and I think getting to know the characters in any story helps us enjoy it more.

At any rate, I'd appreciate your opinions on this, and shall post last week's and tonight's session updates in the format that gets the most positive feedback.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Your choice dood.
I stick to summary just cuz I can't be bothered to edit not only my own words ("...Typo daemons; why'd it have to be typo daemons...?"), but those of others. If ya want to post a game log on the given threads, I'm not one to say no.

I'm sure some of the readers who just casulally glance over this thread (and don't post; shame on you all :thwak: ), might be inspired and illuminated of they could read the game session as a "You were there when it happend." post along with the summary.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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I myself like the chat-log idea with a spoiler. There is some witty banter that goes on and it gives the reader a feel for the characters. I think i just like the story aspect of it all.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Great game BTW, but daaymn.... WAR.
Once the anti-magic cloud goes off, people duck.
As it was, yes the team beat on the appocalypse daemon BUT... he woulda started takin' names before being ganked.
Fortunately there was an Ace-High or peeps woulda started needin' organ donars or at least a good body & fender store.

Pestilence and Famine are NOT gonna be fun...
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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DhAkael wrote:
Pestilence and Famine are NOT gonna be fun...

They aren't, from what I remember of my old high school cafeteria...
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

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Clone-Kyros, A Meeting With The Splugorth, And On To Africa

February 2nd: Our heroes, recovering from the previous day's celebrations, gather to discuss a message Cloud sent to their PDA's. A message explaining that the 'Kyros' that had come back to Lazlo was in fact a clone created by (guess who) Gaphion, their eternal thorn-in-the-side. Imala, however, had plans to use the clone to their advantage, so via the message she asked everyone to go on treating the clone, dubbed "Law" for Kyros' old alias, as they always had. After deliberating between their options, they decided they would head to Africa to attempt to find Isis.
En route, they were contacted by a minion of the Splugorth, who wanted to speak with them. Upon meeting, he was possessed by Lord Splynncryth himself, and he talked business with the group, informing them of the arrival of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and offering them the Skull of Osiris should they succeed in slaying these terrible monsters. Agreeing, though they had little choice, the group went on their way.

February 3rd: Arriving in northern Africa, the group quickly found the Ivory Pyramid of Isis, and landed for a closer look. As they explored the interior, they found the main chamber, housing Isis' three favourite weapons: the Torch, Moon-Bow, and Retributor two-handed sword. Their reverence was interrupted, however, by a panting Albtraum running inside to inform them that WAR, the most violent of the Apocalypse Demons, was headed straight for them! Hastening outside, the group tried to prepare themselves, though Imala took her time to commune with the pyramid, and in turn was allowed to take the Retributor from its' resting place. Carrying the mighty blade to the mouth of the pyramid, she leveled it at the approaching demon, and fired the 'Light of Retribution', boring a hole in War's armour, and setting the stage for a titanic battle.

Chat log: For those who want it as it happened. ;)
(GM_Cy): *When we last left our heroes, Cloud and Jase had at last tied the knot, the Dart Commander officially becoming Eris-Taggart Silver Cloud (family/married name first, of course ;)), with the entirety of her pack present, as well as some friends and respected individuals. Not least of which was Kyros, apparently back from his abduction far earlier than expected. Imala and baby Evangeline also made their appearance at the tail end of the ceremony, having arrived later than the male part of their trio. It is now February 2nd, as the remainder of the 1st was thoroughly consumed by the after-wedding festivities.*
(Anna): Anna is curled up under blankets, sleeping happily.
(Fluffy_Cloud): Cloud spends a bit of "girl talk" time with Imalla; making sure she's a bit more stable than the last time she saw her. Also, Cloud spends a bit of time with her god-daughter, playing 'riding wolf' for the toddler.
(Mondo): *got back from a morning run and doing morning katas in the garden*
(Anna): A few of Anna's sisters are out at the ranges doing practice.
(GM_Cy): *Kyros can be seen strolling around the Casa, giving a nod to any he passes and engaging in conversation if they so wish. Those outside can see Jaglon organizing his Ra-Men in their morning drills, while those on-duty keep up their patrols. They're certainly an efficient bunch.*
(GM_Cy): *Anna, if she cracks open an eye at the empty spot beside her, sees Albtraum, who is sitting by the window, looking distracted and agitated.*
(Anna): After a while, she does, and sits up before shuffling over in her bullet-print pyjamas to give Albtraum a hug. "Summin' botherin' you?" She asks in a sleepy voice.
(GM_Cy): *Nods, looking at her after carefully maneuvering his horns so as not to mangle her.* "Yes, but... I'm not quite sure what it is. I have... suspicions I need to confirm with Cloud."
(Fluffy_Cloud): Cloud, having celebrated with Jase "properly" after spending some time with her spirit sister, wakes up sprawled over the still-larger plains-man, wondering how a human body could become an Escher object as she un-kinks her back.
(Anna): The little blonde doesn't quit hugging. "S'wrong? Wanna talk 'bout it?"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar wakes up with a splitting headache and not a clue how he got to be curled up under the dining room table.*
(GM_Cy): "I do, but I don't know if I should, until I check with Cloud. I don't want to start rumours or worries without making sure they have some basis of truth."
(Anna): "Well... if you need me, you know I'm always up to listen." There's a pause before Albtraum would get the littlest peck on his 'cheek.' "I wouldn't recommend buggin' the boss for a bit more - probably still sleepin'."
(GM_Cy): *He tilts his head in just that particular way he does when he's 'blushing' or embarrassed.* "I know, and thanks for the advice."
(Anna): "Welcome... mmhn... I should get properly dressed, shouldn't I?"
(GM_Cy): *The tilt increases.* "Well, I'm not exactly complaining, but if we want to go have some breakfast, yes."
(Anna): "Well, I can wait to eat a bit - unless you're hungry."
(GM_Cy): "Hmm... I can probably wait a while t-" *He's cut off by an abominable gurgling from his stomach. His head tilts so far it looks potentially hazardous to his health.*
(Anna): "We'll go get you some food." She chuckles. "I can change later." The blonde grabs his hand and tugs gently. "Come on."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar crawls out from under the table and sits against the wall, holding his head.* "Never again" *he mutters to himself.*
(GM_Cy): *The towering infernal-esque is towed along like he weighed no more than a feather.*
(Jase): *Jase stretches as Eris does the same. He rubs his Eyes with the palms of his hands. He turns to Eris* "I've been wondering, what do you think of Kyros showing up?"
(GM_Cy): *Anna and Albtraum enter on their way through to the kitchen, finding Briar on the floor in his head-holding position.*
(Briar_Croup): *Briar looks up slowly.* "Uh...this is embarrassing," *he comments awkwardly.*
(Anna): "Th'**** happen to you?" Anna asks in an amused tone as she leads Albtraum to a seat, and proceeds to make some cereal.
(Briar_Croup): "Well, there was this drink..." *Briar lets his voice trail off as he hauls himself to his feet and drops into a chair at the table instead of sitting on the floor.*
(Anna): "Absinthe?"
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum sits down, studying Briar curiously, looking between him and Anna.* "Do normal people get headaches from drinking often?"
(Briar_Croup): "Yeah, that might have been it." *In response to Albtraum's question, he says,* "I don't know if this is entirely normal. I'd never been drunk before last night."
(Anna): "If it wasn't absinthe I'm gonna laugh." Anna smirks, setting down a bowl infront of Albtraum. "Usually - depends on how much you drank."
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum proceeds to munch, though he quickly runs into the problem of milk escaping the corners of his mouth. Having no skin and such. :-?*
(Anna): "Ehm... crap..." She pauses. "Okay, next up: eggs."
(Anna): And off to make eggs!
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): Cloud ponders; biting her right-hand thumb. A small droplet of blood leaks out as she turns her gaze UP at Jase.
"It's... complicated."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar hauls himself to his feet again and makes his way slowly into the kitchen where he drinks water straight from the tap.*
(GM_Cy): *Looks at her, empty eye-sockets somehow quizzical.* "Hmm? Am I not eating it properly? I wasn't sure, but I'll learn." *Nods enthusiastically.*
(Mondo): *enters the kitchen*"Good Morning Comrades...Master Briar you look unwell..."
(Jase): "I'm not sure if you know more that you're not able to tell me, or if you're just as conflicted about all this as I am." *Jase says in a worried tone*
(Mondo): *proceeds to make a bowl of cereal*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): She pulls away from her husband and walks across the room to her night-stand, making sure the bio-lock on her safe-box is still secure
(Briar_Croup): *Briar chokes on the water and comes up spluttering.* "Really?" *he says when he can speak again.* "Because I feel friggin' fantastic."
(GM_Cy): *Eris finds the lock, and box, just as she left it, untouched and untampered with.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): *lets a single drop of the blood hit the sensor before pressing her thumb onto it*
(GM_Cy): <k-THUNK> *The locks disengage at the bio-match.*
(Anna): Anna is making eggs. Every so often there'll be a "****!" or a "Dammit!" from the blonde, before finally she turns. "Okay I'm making scrambled."
(Jase): *Jase watches this curiously, not getting up from the rather comfortable bed however*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): Still tousled and undressed, Cloud Eris-Taggart holds out a papyrus note to Jase.
(Jase): *Jase takes the note from Eris and attempts to read it*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Burn it when you're done. The others will be getting theirs soon electronically" *lop-sided grin* "I figured it would be in poor taste on our first day married to force you to use that PDA you never took out of the box from last year."
(GM_Cy): *Those in the kitchen see Imala towing Kyros along, waving at them through the doorway.* "Good morning everyone." :) "I'm just taking Kyros out for a walk around the city, have to make sure our apartment is as we left it, we'll see you when we get back." *The baby in her arms burbles happily and waves as they head out the front door.*
(Mondo): *waves, then sits down at the table and starts eating*
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum watches Anna cooking with great curiousity, nodding at the announcement of 'scrambled' with fascination. Come to think of it, he DID usually eat steaks and various other slabs of meat, so this is all pretty new to him.*(Briar_Croup): *Briar puts the kettle on and finds some instant oatmeal.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): *attempts to try and get hair under control*
(Anna): FINALLY, Anna returns to sit next to Albtraum with two bowls of scrambled eggs that look... a tiny bit over cooked. Still, they look edible.
(Briar_Croup): *Briar takes his oatmeal to the dining room.* "Mind if I join you?" *he asks.*
(GM_Cy): *Pokes at it curiously with his spoon, scooping some up and sampling them. He apparently approves, because he has the bowl halfway to his mouth before he remembers he's working on 'manners' and sets it back down sheepishly.* "Uhm... its' really good."
(GM_Cy): *Nods at Briar.* "Fine by me."
(Anna): "It's crap... but thanks." She smiles, nibbling at her own. "Mouse makes much better eggs."
(GM_Cy): "I would not say 'better'. Just different."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar sits down and pushes his oatmeal around in his bowl, eating slowly.*
(Anna): She chuckles and leans over to give him a one armed hug. "You're too nice to my ego."
(Jase): *Jase's eyes finish scanning the papyrus, he crumples it in his palm, and it catches on fire, Jase lets it burn away before dumping the ashes in a bin.* "To be fair, I did open it... I just never got it out of the box really... As for that" *he indicates the ashes.* "I figured it might be something like this, far to good and simple to be true. Also, your hair looks great the way it is." *He finishes as he gets up and hugs her from behind*
(GM_Cy): *He 'blushes' again.* "Maybe, but I enjoy being so."
(Mondo): *snap, crackle,crunching*
(GM_Cy): *Anna, Mondo, and Briar hear a -beep- from their PDA's. You've got mail.*
(Anna): Anna checks her PDA lazily, shifting to lean against Alb.
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): Leans into the hug.
"Yeah...I had a bit of advance notice from the Ra-man leader. Just didn't have time to tell anyone...and well. We got distracted right after."
(Mondo): *pulls out contraption*"i am still learning how to use this thing..."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "..I don' WANNA go out today..." *pouts at Jase, looking at him via the mirror*
(Briar_Croup): *Briar finds his PDA in a pocket somewhere and stares at it in vague confusion.*
(Jase): *Jase grins* "Oh, well, maybe we could "distract" one another for a little while longer." *He suggests with a grin*
(GM_Cy): *Finishes his eggs, peering over Anna's shoulder as she reads, sighing.* "As I feared... that is what was bothering me. I could tell, somehow. I suspect Cloud will wish for us to meet to discuss how we are to proceed. It may be time to get dressed." *Manages even this last part with solemn gravity.*
(Anna): "Bugger. Was hoping to get to relax a bit more." Anna pouts, finishing up her food before going to toss their bowls into the washer.
(Briar_Croup): *Briar looks around at the others at the table.* "Um, help?"
(Mondo): *eyes narrow reading the tiny message*"Interesting..."*looks up at Briar and instructs him on accessing the message*
(Anna): Finishing reading, Anna deletes the message and wipes the inbox. No one getting that.
(Briar_Croup): *Briar rolls his eyes.* "Well that's great that I can get at it...but I can't read."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "YOU *turns around and pokes Jase in the floating ribs* Are insatiable...! Ruffian... cad... stud..."
*fade to black until interrupted ;) *
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum goes to the meeting room to help straighten things up, but discovers Legion has already done so, so heads upstairs to experiment with this 'wardrobe' that Anna has introduced him to. Human clothing perplexes him slightly, as he was more used to his robe-like attire, but he's getting the hang of it.*
(Mondo): "doh"*summarizes the message to Briar in a hushed tone*
(Briar_Croup): *Briar nods.* "Thanks, mate." *His brow furrows.* "This sounds serious."
(Anna): Anna goes to assist Alb with dressing after getting her casual outfit on (casual meaning essentially a suit without a jacket). She /may/ have ulterior motives.

(GM_Cy): *One hour later, in the usual room used for meetings at the Casa.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): Comes down stairs, hair a bit damp from the hasty shower, but dressed in riding pants, and black turtleneck t-shirt. A very lazy smile on her face, Cloud looks like the Wolf that raided the sheep-herd.
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Gooooooooddd morning everyone... ah, good; all fed I see." *ignores the rather worried looks on the groups faces as she pours some coffee and sits in her chair.* Read any good stories lately folks?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): -spp-
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum turns his head as she enters, his expression blank as usual. He really needs a face.* "No, unless the file you sent Anna counts as one?"
(Jase): *Jase follows her by a couple of strides, wearing a grin, jeans and a t-shirt. He nods at everyone present, taking a seat skipping the coffee*
(Anna): Anna snickers, sitting close to the tall, faceless man.
(Mondo): *showered, shaved, and sitting in a chair with PDA in hand*"Good morning commander"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar grumbles something about how he hasn't read anything lately. His headache is putting him in a foul mood.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "I'll take that as yes then" *reaches out with left hand to jase and sips more coffee*
(Jase): *Jase takes Eris's hand.*
(GM_Cy): "So... How are we to proceed? Mother has given us an outline, but it is vague in places."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Well; we have a couple of immediate locales RIGHT HERE on this world. We could go farthest to closest, starting with trying to find Isis, OR we could check the Hudsons bay area. Problem with that is I KNOW we'll be annoying the FQukes and Skulls."
(Mondo): "yes, how much time are we giving ourselves to accomplish this?"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar shivers and raises his hand.* "Can I suggest we DON'T go north in the middle of the winter?"
(GM_Cy): *Snorts at Briar's comment.* "I often forget that some people have problems with the cold."
(GM_Cy): "As for time, I am sure Mother will wish Father to be rescued as soon as possible. IF we are to take temperature into account, however, what are the other regions specified like?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "'Nuff outta you Albtra..." :P
"As for time line... well. I think we have a couple of months to as little as a couple of weeks. Africa / Egypt? HOT. Dry."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Hudson's Bay; cold, damp cold...did we mention cold & damp because it is."
(Briar_Croup): *Perks up at the mention of hot and dry.* "Let's go to Egypt! I always wanted to go to Egypt."
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum looks to Anna, curiously, likely waiting for her decision before making his own.*
(Anna): "I'm good either way. I've done **** all over, so I can adapt. I guess it's pretty dependent on who's gonna wuss out on heat or coldness."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): *Looks up to Jase* "...and you wonder why I headed off-dimension for a bit."
(Mondo): "I am fine with either climate also, i will do as you instruct."
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum nods.* "I adapt well to either climate. Though I must admit I find the idea of exploring the homeland of my genetic ancestors fascinating. Plus, well... I guess technically Isis is like my grandmother, so... Y'know."
(Jase): "Not at all, especially after essentially doing your job while you were gone." *Jase says with a laugh* "As for where we go, climate isn't terribly important. But I'm sure the Pyramid showing up will attract a lot of attention rather quickly. Where as the piece that's in hudsans bay has been there for some time one would imagin"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Plus, we'll MAYBE get some divine help."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar looks around at the group assembled.* "So...Egypt, then?" *he asks hopefully.*
(GM_Cy): *Chuckles, looking to Cloud for the final call.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "And funny that we should be talking of going to egypt -sppp slrp- -ahh- One of my side-projects while I was gone has been completed and I finished installing the final magi-tech touches to it a week ago. It's beside my MAJOR project."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "..though the big-girl is staying behind unless we REALLY need her."
(Jase): "Exactly, and I'd rather that help be as useful as possible, for as long as possible." *Jase says, his eyes darkening somewhat, maybe remembering the the fight with the gods in Dyval*
(GM_Cy): *Nods.* "You're not kidding. That dragon-thing, Apepi? Felt like I was getting hit by a train."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar, now completely lost again, sits back in his seat and tries to pay attention.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): *squeezes his hand, then puts down the mug*
"I'm all for checking out the area anyways. Been a while since I had the oportunity to go across Terra. I've never been to either THIS Africa or my original home's version."
(GM_Cy): "Of course, it swings both ways, our enemies are gods too. I hope Mother is right in assuming keeping the clone with us will throw our foes off."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Oh...I should ask; anyone have ANY experience using a TW vehicle or even a conventional Helicopter or hovercraft?"
(GM_Cy): "Uh... nope."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "I know YOU don't Alby *grins*..."
(Mondo): "negative...horses, automobiles, and hovercycles..."
(Anna): "Uhh... I ride the 'cycle."
(Anna): "... And the platform?"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar shakes his head.* "Nothing, sorry."
(Mondo): *let's out a light laugh*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): *LOL* "well guess I finally get to be the one ferrying others instead of ME hanging onto the air-sick bag then"
(Jase): "I learned how to drive a hover vehicle while we were in Dyval, as for tw stuff, I know how to use that as well..."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "I'll warn ya though; since I'm NOT using my big-girl right now... we'll be packing light. My little scarab DOES have cargo space, but only enough for personal gear. No horses or heavy machinery."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Hope will be most likely holding up back here and on-call. Not sure what the Doc & ink-boy will be doing."
(GM_Cy): "Perhaps they could accompany us to guard the transportation? It's never a bad idea to have a doctor around, at least."
(GM_Cy): "If we have the room, I mean."
(Briar_Croup): "What exactly is this vehicle?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Something I found while going through the Library of Lazlo; it's called an Ornithopter. It uses wing-motion to fly, but THIS design also can fold it's wings up and act like a ground effect craft. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLlllssoooooo... -ahem- I made some other adjustments of my own and installed a magi-tech anti-gravity device and some other mods. It could TECHNICALLY go up into *points up* just very very slowly."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Anna will be pleased; it IS armed ;) "
(Anna): The blonde's face lights up.
(Mondo): "What is its occupancy?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "6 at least"
(GM_Cy): *Counts off on his fingers.* "So its' the six of us here, Mother and Fa- the clone, if Persia and Tahlor don't accompany us?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Plus as I said, a fair amount of personal cargo. My big-mama? Oh she could carry us, Anna's sisters and half the new Sorroritas recruits with room to spare; but I still haven't fired up its reactor. The Scarab should meet our needs fine. Plus *grins like her totem* Persia and Tahlor's black-beauty can act as backup. THAT at least I know can operate in-atmo as well as ours can...and a LOT faster and nimbler too; only downside is her ride only seats 2."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): Cloud reaches into her panst pocket and looks at her PDA
"My apologies; it can take 8 easy."
(GM_Cy): "We should have plenty of room then, that's good."
(Anna): "So, we getting to pack, or personal time before packing?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "I figure; give it about 24 hours. I need to make sure stuff is going to be taken care of HERE while we're off globe-trottin'. That sound fair?"
(Anna): "Sounds like a plan."
(Jase): "I like it, sounds like a great honeymoon." *He says with a wink*
(Briar_Croup): *Briar gags.* "You two might be married now, but don't you be getting all mushy on us and all" *he says with a grin.*
(Anna): "So should we call 24 hours and set to getting things arranged and packed?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "hey...we can always be in De-Nile about the whole situation and just enjoy the trip."
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum groans.* "Please don't make me think of bad puns whenever I try to remember I'm treading the lands of my genetic ancestry."
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Sounds good Anna; tell your sisters they're on guard duty again too..and NOT to slack off with getting the new sorroritas up to speed."
(Jase): *Jase is open mouthed at how bad that pun was* "I'm pretty sure in some places people are executed for saying things like that." *He's now laughing a lot*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): Cloud = :demon:
(Briar_Croup): *Briar starts to rise, his headache returning with a vengeance.* "Are we done here, then? Can I go take a nap?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "So, we've got a game plan. I'm gonna go and soak a bit in the hot-tub AFTER I get some training done. See you folks after you're all done."
(Anna): "Can do. Mind if I borrow /him/ for a moment?" She grins, gesturing to Albtraum.
(Jase): "And besides, knowing us, if we took a regular honeymoon, we'd end up fighting some slavering mutant creation by the second day. So I'm all for this. Speaking of training, have you seen the barn?"
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Oh and Briar...I have something for you later when we get back from this trip; call it a signing bonus ;) "
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Yeah... nice job by the way."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar turns back from where he stands in the doorways.* "What is it?"
(Jase): "I'd been thinking we needed somewhere to train properly for a while."
(Anna): Anna hooks her arm around Alb's, hearing no protests. "You're being stolen. Let's go."
(Mondo): *perks up at the mention of training*
(GM_Cy): *Blushes as he's towed off, but does not protest.*
(Cloud_Eris_S.T): "Yeah; the Garden is a well... I did apologize to the neighbors for last time y'know."
(Jase): "I know, still, this way less trees will be menaced by our training."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar slips away upstairs to his room, falls face-first onto the bed, and promptly falls into a deep sleep.*
(GM_Cy): [Alright, so folks are doing their thing for the remainder of February 2nd. ;)]
(GM_Cy): *The morning of the 3rd of February dawns pale, snow-covered, and cold. Certainly adds a little bit of haste to the group's packing. This isn't a vacation, but at least its' WARM. :D*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Cloud has a suit of Crusader plate she's been tinkering with; as for her typical gear, the NG:S2 kit and a small change of clothes. There is an oddly shaped scabbard / holster she stuffs into her kit bag.
(Briar_Croup): *Briar tosses his important worldly possessions into a backpack, slides his sketchpad and pencil into the front, and heads downstairs, ready to finally leave the city.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Renting a heavy-lift hover truck, Cloud has Anna drive the group out to the old Pearson air-port; location of the hanger(s)
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum has almost nothing of his own, but he assists Anna with her exo-armour and various weapons.*
(Jase): *Jase looks pretty relaxed in the armor he'd been wearing in dyval, now repaired. Fujin on his hip, A pistol on the other, and his bow across his back, he also has a bag slung across his back*
(GM_Cy): *Arriving at the semi-ruined airport, they see an entire section has been repaired, and is completely blocked off from their vision, with only 'sealed by the authority of Commander Eris-Taggart, D.A.R.T.'. Across the main 'hall' is another hangar, and it is this one Cloud moves to unlock. Stepping inside, the lights slowly flick on one at a time, dramatically revealing: [url]​are/ornithopter1.jpg[/url]
(Mondo): *Mondo wears crusader armor, backpack with light gear, pistol on hip, rifle slung over his shoulder*
(Mondo): *awed* "she is beautiful."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Bizarrely enough, it seems as if the Dragoon is NOT bringing her Templar-knight power armour along. When or if asked her reply is; "Cost me a mint fixing the dings last time... and besides I think being free & breezy this time will serve me better. 'sides; I have a Crusader suit I'm tweaking so... I'm not going to be completely naked."
(Jase): "How fast can she go?"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar whistles, impressed.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *Grins* "Yeah... you can Thank Raphael; our on-call artist and mechanic friend for the detailing. *folds arms across chest* DAMN fine work he did with just a few sketches and some technical notes, neh?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Oh... I tested her out few days ago. She can clock 210 mph with micro-jet assistance"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "160 mph in ground effect mode"
(Mondo): "What are her armaments?"
(Jase): *Jase grins* "Sounds like it'll be a fun ride." *He slowly makes his way over to the ornithopter*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "quad ion-cannon mount in the nose with "red-eye" targeting for the pilot, 2 laser turrets dorsal and ventral tail, and two outrigger gun pods, controlled by the co-pilot / gunner or by the same AND a gunner."
(Mondo): "Very impressive."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Cloud steps around to the rear under side and opens a small panel, she lifts her badge off her T-shirt and presses it to the plate under the panel. a click and thunk and with an electric whine a small ramp lowers down, point backwards
(Briar_Croup): *Briar nods.* "That's all very impressive. Can we get going?" *He is itching to get underway.*
(GM_Cy): *Imala and the clone arrive shortly after, Imala has her pistols on her belt, as well as Hijin, and two katana the group don't recognize strapped to her back. Doubtless she is unwilling to give the weapons to the clone, as Hijin was a gift from Cloud to the real Kyros, and the swords are likely his as well. She also holds Kyros' old laser rifle, the clone outfitted with a particle rifle and a vibro-sword.* "Sorry we're late, lost track of time."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Watch your head entering."
*turns to Anna*
"Okay... you're the gun-bunny. Rail-guns, Storm-bolters or Plasma-guns for the outrigger. I'll warn you, we're still a bit short on bolter ammo though."
(Mondo): *follows the group inside the metal bird*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): -_- @ the swords; "No problem Just...Imala. Law. *nods* Hop aboard."
(GM_Cy): *Anna nods.* "I'll mind my trigger finger boss-lady."
*As the group head inside, they see the interior is polished smooth, surfaces are rounded. At the front are two holographic screens for the pilot and co-pilot. And adjustable seats, of course. ;)*
(Briar_Croup): *Briar climbs aboard and settles into his seat, though he is unable to sit quite still.*
(Jase): *Jase follows Eris into the ship, giving a friendly nod to Imala and Law*
(Mondo): *stows his gear and straps himself in*"I must confess, i have never flown before...this should be fun."*smiling*
(GM_Cy): [Actually, yeah, that works, the clone can have his old alias. 'Law' it is.]
*Imala stows the pair of katana on her back by themselves in the cargo, along with Hijin, making sure they are secure before finding a seat beside Law, who has stowed their other bags. He nods back at Jase as he gets buckled in. Cloud hears her PDA beep at her as she's getting the folks inside and strapped in.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "So folks... should we go with at least a couple of kinetic-kill guns or stick to all energy?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *switches the PDA on*
(GM_Cy): "If I have to go easy on the bullets, I say energy." *Anna nods.* "Sometimes it helps to just cut loose."
(Mondo): "I agree...what is her power source?"
(Mondo): "petrol, nuclear, hybrid?"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar has no preference, and says as much.* "Whatever you think, boss."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Cloud turns on her display screen and after a few button presses, 2 gleaming white sphere's (about medicine ball sized) with various mechanical manipulators float over to the vehicle. Lifting a pair of what look like CS plasma-ejectors without the stocks, on articulated mounts, the spheres quickly install the weapons and float away.
(GM_Cy): *Anna's eyes widen like a kid in a candy store.* "Oooooo~"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Just so full of questions today Sir Mondo" *grins*
"Conventional systems are powered by a 12 year nuclear powercell, and the magi-tech with well... a "special" crystal battery that can self-replenish."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *flips throug her message and then coughs..LOUDLY*
-kaff kaff- "KAMI!" :O
(GM_Cy): *Imala taps Cloud on the shoulder.* "Lord Ra gave me a good idea of where the Ivory Pyramid has appeared, I can point it out to you on a map if we've got one?"
(GM_Cy): *Blinks at the coughing.* "Everything alright?"
(Mondo): *rubs hands together*"Very nice."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *links her PDA to the machines display screens* (a small LCD screen is located in the right arm-rest of each seat along with a small touch screen)
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

w dd
(Cloud_Eris_ST): PDA Message:
Commander Eris-Taggart,
It is customary to congratulate one on their union, and we do so. We wish to speak with you as soon as possible. The meeting place will be on the coast to the east of your city. It will be strictly peaceful, negotiations-only.
- Korluk, Duly Appointed Representative of Lord Splynncryth.
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *sits down heavily in the pilot seat*
(GM_Cy): *Blinks again.* "Oh." :shock:
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "...small detour before we head out"
(Jase): "Eris...?" *His voice full of concern, as he reads the text his mouth opens* "Ok what. the. ****."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar elbows Mondo next to him.* "What's it say?" *he hisses.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Cloud ignore everyone's questions and exclamations; efficiently going through the pre-flight checklist. The Ornithopter bobs slightly as she tests the wings range of motion.
(Mondo): *Leans toward Briar*"it appears we are to meet with the Splugorth..."
ChatBot: (Cloud_Eris_ST) rolls 1d100 and gets (90)=90.
(Briar_Croup): "Who's that?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): -weee weee wee woooooo -klunk-
(Cloud_Eris_ST): (Wookie mechanics 101)
*hits console*
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

w dd
(Mondo): "From what i hear, powerful entities...we shall see what happens."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar nods and leans back into his seat, looking suddenly a little gray.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): -wee-thup wee-thup wee-thup-
"Aviation servos and control surfaces are nominal. Closing outer hatch and switching to interior air."
"Please secure yourselves firmly. Opening inner and outer doors. Activating micro-hover assist...starting wing-beat synchronization."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

w dd
(Mondo): *straps in firmly*
(GM_Cy): *As the Ornithopter's flight systems come online and Cloud works the controls to get them airborne, the music suite (subsidiary to the audio systems of the interior) auto-executes.*
(Jase): *Jase takes a seat and straps himself in. His mind racing, he does not look pleased.*
ChatBot: (Cloud_Eris_ST) rolls 1d100 and gets (39)=39.
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Huh... looks like they're near the old city ruins of Kingston"
(GM_Cy): *The hangar doors open as the Ornithopter 'taxis' out, using its' hover systems to skim along the ground until it has open sky above.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Oh..Briar? there are techno-wizard systems installed in this vehicle. Feel free to "feel" them out ;) Just don't turn them on yet."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Cloud waits for a few seconds then pushes the throttle forwards, increasing wing-beat frequency and angling the 'feathers and tail' for climb.
(GM_Cy): *The ship rises smoothly, the wing-beats seeming not to rock the mid-section at all, or not noticeably. Gyro-compensators and such. They gain altitude swiftly.*
(Briar_Croup): *Briar nods, and pushes out around him, feeling the aforementioned systems.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "... I am sooo not happy with this. Thank Kami that we don't have Hope with us. I swear the girl has a pathological, I'd almost say psychotic HATRED of any of the Sploogs."
(Mondo): *feels surprisingly relaxed*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *leans back and once a few hundred feet of altitude has been reached, switches to glide and one wing beat per 2 minutes*
(GM_Cy): *Imala nods.* "That's understandable, though. Slave traders who engage in blood sport are generally not popular folk."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): ((LOL..a sedate 100 MPH. Don't wanna seem like we're coming when whistled for :P ))
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Anyone talk to anyone "funny" while we were in town? Imala? Mondo, Briar? I'm not accusing, just -sigh- how in heck did the slime-lovers know we were leaving? I swear everyone elses spy networks are better than ours."
(Briar_Croup): "I promise I didn't talk to anyone. I was sleeping until fairly recently."
(GM_Cy): *Imala looks thoughtful.* "I didn't, but if they DID go to the trouble of keeping an eye on us, it must be important."
*As the Ornithopter cruises along, they see the ruins of Madhaven to their south now, all that remains of Manhattan and definitely looking like it deserves its' reputation as a ghost-infested hell-hole from here, with toppled buildings and tangled steel forming a spooky metal brier-patch. Ahead, they see the ruins of Kingston, and another aircraft hovering above the ruins, no doubt in wait for them, though, perhaps due to some misconception about human tactics, it has a large white flag hanging off the bow. ...If there IS a front end to a circular platform.*
(Jase): "To be fair, they might not have know we were leaving, the message didn't say anything about that, just that they would like us to meet with them. But I somehow doubt it was coincidence." *Jase is scowling*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Scryers..."*shakes head*
"Heads up people. Mondo? Get your gameface on. Anna, you have the gunpods."
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

w dd
*spirals in for a landing*
"Oh and Briar, be ready to activate the invincible armour screens."
(GM_Cy): *As they draw nearer, the platform lands, and the optics on the Ornithopter reveal a typical Splugorth slaver barge, complete with Overlord and a compliment of the famous 'Blind Warrior Women' they keep close for their bodyguard.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *shudders as she folds the wings after landing*
"I really really do NOT want to do this."
(Briar_Croup): *Briar sits, a look of vague confusion on his face again.*
(Jase): "Does this thing have speakers? or are we going to have to get out to have a chat?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Y'know... I THOUGHT I missed something when building this...baka Cloud"
(Jase): "Damn..." *Jase unstraps himself and moves to the Exit* "Let's get this over with, shall we?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Law; go out and take a peek-see with my man, kay? I'll be right behind you two."
(GM_Cy): *He nods.* "Sure Cloud." *Unstraps himself, heads outside with Jase.*
(Mondo): *unstraps and follows suit, checking his pistol on hip*"i'll go too."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Reaches under the pilot's chair and grabs up her two-handed sword, carrying in in her hand, but NOT drawn.
(GM_Cy): *The slaver-monster jumps down from his perch on his platform, spreading his arms to show he has left his weapons behind as he steps forward.* "Greetings, allies and friends of Commander Eris-Taggart. I am Korluk, representing Lord Splynncryth, ruler of Atlantis and businessman of many ventures in these talks. Will your Commander be present, or shall you be her proxies?"
(Jase): *Jase waits fro the hatch to open before walking out, hand on Fujin's hilt, he walks with a confident swagger*
(Jase): "Hello Korluk, I am Jase Taggart, and she will be joining us shortly." *His tone is calm and measured.*
(GM_Cy): *Law glances to Jase.* "Seems honest enough. For a Splugorth." *Leans against the hull of the Ornithopter, keeping his gun pointed at the ground for the moment.*
(GM_Cy): *The Sploogie nods.* "I am pleased to hear it, and shall gladly wait. My master bade me not to rush, and to be accommodating."
(Mondo): *steps up behind and to the right of Jase and nods to the Slaver*
(GM_Cy): *The monster's accent is a tad guttural, but surprisingly clear given the maw of teeth the speech is coming from.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Taking a deep breath, cloud walks down the ramp, making sure Mondo is behind her. She stops 2 paces in front of both Jase & Law.
"Konichi-wah, minion of Splyncryth."
(Mondo): *shifts gaze from the sploogie to the barge and back*
(GM_Cy): *He bows.* "Salutations."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "we'll cut the diplomatic niceties; what are you after? Pardon my bluntness, but I'm not fond of slavers of any stripe or species, and my pack & I are on a bit of a time-table."
(GM_Cy): "My master has tasked me with delivering vastly important information to you, and to ask for your assistance in a... delicate matter, but one which he believes you would be eager to partake in for a number of reasons. You will, of course, be handsomely rewarded."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Keep talking... you have my attention."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): (whispers) "..and count all your toes after we're done talking to this guy."
(Mondo): *turns his gaze to the barge while still listening to the conversation*
(GM_Cy): "My master, wishing for secrecy, would not impart the information directly to me. He instructed me merely to meet with you here to secure your interest, and all would become cleaAAARRRGH-" *He's cut off as his tentacles begin to flail, and he falls to his knees. As his cries stop, he stands, his bio-wizard eye glowing.*
"Ahhh... so my minion succeeded in good time, most excellent. I do so tire of being forced to terminate the employment of useless workers." -ahem- "Commander Eris-Taggart, Imala Sebhest, and your friends and relatives, of course. I am Splynncryth, Lord of Atlantis."
(Mondo): *eyes widen at the slaver, but remains somewhat calm*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Oh... right. Mindlink; forgot. Greetings. What can we do for, uh, you?"
(GM_Cy): *Imala watches from the doorway of the Ornithopter, definitely interested but cautious.*
"It has come to my attention that an ally of mine has a venture, of sorts, underway, and I have ultimately decided I cannot allow it, as it will too greatly hurt my profits. As this ally happens to be an enemy of yours, I thought we could reach an understanding in halting this scheme."
(Jase): *Jase blinks several times, but his hand does not leave his sword.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Name."
(GM_Cy): "Lord Set of Taut."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "..already on it. What are you bringing to the table?"
(GM_Cy): "As you are doubtless aware, he had recently captured his nephew." *Nods at Imala.* "Apologies, your husband. -ahem- "With the boy's escape, he has decided that this Earth is an eyesore to him, and intends to destroy it entirely, along with you. ESPECIALLY the pair of you." *Pointing a tentacle at Law and Imala.*
(GM_Cy): "He has, making use of his vassal, the Pharaoh Rama-Set of Egypt, summoned the Horsemen of the Apocalypse to Earth, and even now they wander Africa seeking one another to unite into their true form and lay waste to the planet."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Fine; already guessed he was going to try and kill off the world. Most of his worshipers have been dead for thousands of years on this planet...and..wait what?"
(Mondo): *gulps*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "he's using the bloody CHRISTIAN cults harbingers of Egyptian god...stooping to use THEM? PLEASE tell me you are kidding, right? having fun at the mortal woman's expense, neh?"
(Briar_Croup): *Briar sits and fidgets inside the ship, bored.*
(GM_Cy): "They are not the classic Horsemen of the 'Christian' faith you speak of. They are terrible demons of great power, a twisted and evil mockery of those in religion."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "...still haven't answered us; what are YOU providing? Or are we to go in blithely and just dowse 'em in holy water?"
(GM_Cy): "I can take no direct action without rousing Set's ire. However, I have secretly alerted many capable individuals to the threat, and even now they gather on the African continent in the hopes of defeating the Horsemen. If you require further incentive, I am prepared to give you the Skull of Osiris upon the demise of all four Horsemen."
(Imala): *her eyes glitter with interest in this*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Imala? Your call."
(Imala): *having come to the meeting silent as her heritage do when moving upon prey* "The Skull of Osiris is quite an appropriate payment in such a feat. Do you have information on weakness of these demons or how we might stop them?"
(GM_Cy): "Only that you must not fight Death. He is the most powerful, and as you slay the others he will grow gradually weaker, and fade out entirely when his fellows are removed from this plane."
(Imala): "That's good to know, but there is no information on the other three? Where will we make final contact upon their demise for the Skull?"
(GM_Cy): "As for locating them: each radiates an 'aura' of sorts that causes wide-spread change in the area around them, suited to their name. Famine brings drought, Pestilence sickness, and War anger and violence." *Chuckles, an unsettling sound like regurgitation.* "Trust me, I will know, and I will contact you at that time."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "hoo boy."
(Imala): *steps closer* "It is a lot to go through to eliminate myself and my husband. I'm kinda flattered." *looks at the others* "You guys with me on this?"
(Mondo): *nods, still eyeing the slaver*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Yes. I heard rumours about when... *looks at the minion / Splynncryth fragment* N'er mind. Yeah...I'm in. Going to Africa anyways."
(Jase): "Depressingly enough, it's not exactly something we can just let be..."
(Mondo): "this may alter our timetable a little bit..."
(Imala): *looks over at the Slaver* "Then so be it, we will find the Four and dispatch them, thereby saving this world, our hides and receiving the Skull from you and your...employer." *nodding her head as her people in agreement*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "FIRST we stop over and try and say HI to..well OUR friend first. If you need me I'll be on-board." *bows slightly at the minion.*
Once aboard she pats Briar's shoulder
"I HATE this shtick... I really do."
(Jase): *Jase raises a hand to his mouth, covering a smirk. His hand falls back after a moment*
(GM_Cy): *He nods.* "Excellent. The gathering of other 'heroes' is on the west coast of Africa, roughly mid-way down the continent, on the mainland near a small island known as Macias Nguema. I can provide you a map if you so wish."
(Imala): "That would be agreeable"
(GM_Cy): *He nods, producing a map from the minion's pockets and handing it to her.*
(Jase): "Who are the other "heroes" you mentioned"?
(Imala): "Thank you" *again the nod of the head* "If there is nothing more, we have much to prepare"
(GM_Cy): "Various champions of good, several Cyber-Knights from your continent, knights from New Camelot, similar beings. I believe Sebek was there as well, though why in the world HE was present baffles even me."
(Imala): *stops a moment* "That name sounds familiar"
(Mondo): *perks up at the mention of other Cyber-knights*
(GM_Cy): "That does not surprise me, I am certain one or more of the Pantheon of Ra have complained about him in your presence." *Shrugs.* "I will not hold you up any longer, you will see when you get there, he is rather hard to miss."
(GM_Cy): *He turns, striding back to the platform and climbing aboard.* "Farewell and good luck." *The slaver-beast collapses into unconsciousness while the Altara pilot the slaver-barge up and away.*
(Anna): Anna's relaxing in the Ornithopter for the time being, still.
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Straps in and watches the barge float away
(Jase): *Jase makes sure everyone is aboard before climbing in and taking his seat.*
(GM_Cy): *Law heads back inside.* "Certainly seems my escape has caused some ripples." *Settles down, buckles himself in.* "Kind of satisfying."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Anna... is it me, or is this becoming FAR to regular an occurrence?"
(Mondo): *heads back inside and straps in*
(Anna): Anna gives a shrug. "Beats the hell out of me."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "I just don't get it."
*slowly brings the power backup to the motors*
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

(GM_Cy): *The Ornithopter begins gaining height once more, the expanse of the sea ahead of them.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "We are going to have a LOOONNNG haul. Even at maximum power we can still only clock out at 210; 420 if we're on a ley-line."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): -click hummmmm-
(Activates the 'sustain' field; hunger and water cravings fade away, as does fatigue)
(GM_Cy): [Yeah, s'gonna be about an 18 hour flight, shall we get to time-skippin'?]
(Imala): *moves over to Eris and pats her on the shoulder* "Thank you, Wolf-Sister"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Hey; we were heading that way anyways. I am NOT dancing to ITS tune though; FIRST we try and find your mother-in-law. THEN we hunt down these 'Riders' "
ChatBot: (Cloud_Eris_ST) rolls 1d100 and gets (69)=69.
(Imala): *nods* "I am glad to know we do not have to go to Hades for the Skull. Looks like its coming to us"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Yeah; just off to an area that is almost as HOT though. Least it's a dry heat"
*switches on the music system*
(GM_Cy): *February 3rd rolls past them as they travel, though night seems to fall earlier than anticipated as they cross timezones. Back in Lazlo, it would be about 8 AM when they arrive, but it seems to be about noon here.*
(GM_Cy): *Below, radiant to the point of almost being blinding, is the Ivory Pyramid of Isis, easily seen amidst the endless expanse of beige and brown around it.*
(Imala): "Yeah, that's it, beautiful sight is it not?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *Stretches out the kinks in her spine and glances out at the oncoming landmass*
"That looks... hot."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *switches off the hover jets and uses wings alone and thermals*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Heads up everyone."
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum stretches, looking at the landscape below with interest.*
(Mondo): *awakens from napping and rubs his eyes*
(GM_Cy): *The Ornithopter cruises along easily, there are more than ample thermals to keep them aloft, and should they wish to land the sand provides an excellent, very flat, landing space, though they are very glad to have brought a VTOL aircraft. No way could a regular plane manage this place.*
(Jase): *Jase seems to have stayed awake for the entirity of the trip. he's looked rather restless in fact.*
(Imala): "I am not going to get my hopes up that she will be right here with the pyramid...but near by somewhere? But this looks to be nothing more than sand..."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Activating anti-gravs..I want every advantage here"
*switches on the TW system*
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

w dd

*hovers down with not even a bump or grind*
(GM_Cy): *After their seamless landing, they see an opening appear on the side of the ivory stone nearest them.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "You can take the stick next. It's like any other TW vehicle. Just wiggle the controls they way you THINK they should and the magic'll do the rest ;) "
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *turns head to look at the stone*
(Mondo): *looking at the stone structure*"Are we to wait here, or look about?"
(Imala): *smiles and nods* "Yeah, let's go" *and then heads out to the pyramid*
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum raises a hand.* "I will remain behind to mind the vehicle."
(GM_Cy): *Law looks at him.* "Perhaps I should as well. Two seems safer."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "I suggest walkabout; be careful though; the sustain only work in here. We'll have to reactivate it when we re-board" *pulls a dandana over heaed and slides on 'shades' * B)
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "No law... you can come with us. It wou;dn't be the same without ya."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Be just like olde times."
(Imala): *as she walks past Albtraum she gives him a smile and a pat on the arm* "Good thinking" *looking to eris and nods*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Besides, Briar is here as well... see?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *hauls out Erscahlgen and carries it in-hand out the hatch.*
(GM_Cy): "Alright, if you're sure." *Heads along with them.*
(Anna): "... Wouldn't mi- bah fine." Anna winks at Alb as she gets off the guns, checking her bolter. "Stay alive, you."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "WHOA!.. okay... DAMNED dry heat."
(GM_Cy): *He nods.* "I will. You do the same, alright?"
(Mondo): *procures rifle and tinted goggles from stowage, and follows the group*
(GM_Cy): *The heat IS rather impressive, and the shade of the interior of the pyramid looks mighty inviting.*
(Anna): "Don't worry. I will."
(Jase): *Jase follows Eris out of the hatch, his weapons holstered for now.* "Shall take a look inside?"
(Mondo): "i think i should have brought lighter armor"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "After you, my hero."
(Imala): *walks directly towards the opening* "Osiris knows this place" *smiles as she gets closer, almost trance like*
(Anna): Anna pops out after the others in her gear, ready for battle.
(Mondo): *searches the vast expanse for signs of...anything*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Cloud Wears a T-shirt but with a half-cape dangling over the arms, bandana over head, and her riding pants. All black. Yeah she's gonna be a hot little dragoon, but why no armour?
(Mondo): *searches*
(Jase): "So I can spring all the traps eh? I suppose that goes with being chivalrous." *He heaves a fake sigh and starts walking towards the entrance*
(GM_Cy): *Scurrying into the shade of the pyramid, they find it is MUCH cooler, far more tolerable. The walls are lined with hieroglyphics, and they see little more than a hallway leading about 10 feet in, before ending at a wall. A pedestal is set against the wall, though they can't see it too well from here.*
(GM_Cy): *Bad lighting and such.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *mock fainting sigh* "My heeeroo." :D
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Lux lumens"
(lantern light spell)
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Anna; keep our tails clean."
(Imala): "Lead me, Osiris, lead me through Isis' pyramid" *heads in*
(Anna): "Affirmative, boss." Anna drops to the back of the group and keeps a lookout behind them all.
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *follows behind the Justi*
(Mondo): *drops back ahead of Anna, rifle in hand*
(GM_Cy): *The illumination helps them to see much more clearly, and the pedestal comes into sharper relief, an indentation on its' surface. Below it, in several languages, Elven first, followed by English, and several other more unfamiliar scripts below, is written simply: "Place your hand, O you who enter here, and be judged. These halls are sacred and only the Lady Isis and the worthy may enter."*
(Imala): *she looks back at the others and then puts her hand out* "Guys, step back a bit please" *as she waits to lower her hand, then does so when they move back or if they don't*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Keeps distant, running her tounge over her "new" teeth and grimacing.
(Jase): *Jase takes a step back as advised, watching intently*
(GM_Cy): *Upon making contact, the pedestal pulses with magic energy, coursing through the stone and onto the walls, drawing a glowing web of intricate designs. After a moment, the wall slides aside, allowing them access to the inner sanctum at the heart of the pyramid.*
(Mondo): (whispers) "copy that commander."
(Imala): *smiles and nods to her teammates indicating to continue through as she steps to the now open chamber*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "After you law-man... Jase."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *lifts the lantern light mote a bit higher*
(GM_Cy): *The hall extends for a ways beyond the pedestal, then expands into a large room with various suits of armour of different designs and makes lining the walls, but it is what is at the far end of the room that is clearly the focus of the room.*
(Imala): *heads inside looking at it all* "What is needed now, Osiris?" *moves forward towards the focus*
(GM_Cy): *Dead center on the wall is what can only be described as a lit torch, the fire burning in a metal bracket, with a rune-inscribed metal shaft. Placed around it so that the torch sits between the bow and the faintly glowing thread is a magnificent bow, similarly marked with runic symbols. And below that, resting horizontally, is a monstrous two handed sword, of course runic.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): *stops at the entrence, motioning for Jase to stick with Imalla.*
(GM_Cy): *The weapons of Isis, the Torch, Moon-bow, and Retributor.*
(Jase): *Jase follows Imala as instructed, looking about with barley concealed interest in all the items*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "yooooosh..."
(Mondo): *looks around the Large room, whistles, then keeps eye on rear and Ky-clone*
(GM_Cy): "Uh... guuuuuys!?!" *They hear gasping breaths and Albtraum slides into the room.* "We're in trouble, SO much trouble, LOADS of trouble." :?
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "Wut..."
(Imala): *turns to look* "What is it?" *seems very calm at present*
(Jase): *His eyes focusing on the bow specifically.* "Woooow..." *He turns to Eris*
(Jase): *And the gasping Albtraum*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Erschlagen rasps out from its scabbard and Cloud turns to look behind the child-man.
(GM_Cy): "I don't know what one of these Horsemen things are supposed to look like, but there's a 12 foot... thing in heavy plate armour and bristling with weapons coming this way."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "...war..."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "DART's! Time to jammy!"
(Mondo): "..."
(Anna): Anna casually flicks the safety off her bolter. "Let's go then."
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "WE take what we need and we run.!"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "JUSTI!? Hurry it girl!"
(Jase): "******... Imala, how upset would Isis be if I borrowed that bow for a couple minutes?"
(Imala): "Without permission? Very."
(Mondo): "Does this structure have any weapon systems?"
(Cloud_Eris_ST): And Cloud runs past the panting Albtra, gathering fox-fire around her.
(Jase): "Right, I'll keep it in mind in case **** starts getting out of control." *He sprints after Eris, his spear forming in his hand*
(Imala): *turns back her hand going to her chest as she holds something close* "Great Mother Isis, Father and Keeper of Law Osiris, guide me in this hour of need. We have one our hands a situation of great need, guide me, assist me, help me to fight that which threatens to destroy this world. Aid your daughter, I plead."
(GM_Cy): *Albtraum heads after them, Law also hurrying along.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): "JUSTI-GIRL! Just grab 'em and we'll deliver them to her! HURRY!"
(Mondo): *follows the group back to the entrance*
(GM_Cy): *The Retributor glows softly with magic energy at Imala's words, traveling down the blade to the hilt.*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): Halts at the opening to the pyramid and stops dead at the juggernaught approaching.
"Oh so NOT happy."
(Imala): *nodding and smiling* "Very well, I thank you for your help" *then with reverence moves to take up the sword, as she lays her hand upon the hilt* "And I thank you, for your aid as well" *then turns and walks calmly to the entrance*
(Cloud_Eris_ST): (Radio to Briar) "Take off! get airborne NOW!"
(Imala): *as she moves to the entrance she nods, smiling as if she is responding to something*
(GM_Cy): *War, for it could be NOTHING else, sits astride his warmount, the beast striding forwards, War' runic morningstar already spinning over its' head as it approaches, its' other arm morphing into an amalgam of guns and heavy ordnance.
Briar, understandable, gets the Ornithopter moving YESTERDAY.*
(Imala): *at the entrance she raises the great sword and points it towards war* "Demon! Monster! Bringer of anger and hatred. War, know the wrath of Isis. Feel that which is her Retribution. FEEL THE LIGHT!" *and then she holds tight to the hilt of the sword*
(Mondo): *at the entrance, Mondo narrows his vision on the monster aiming his rifle* "orders commander?"
(Jase): "We running?" *Asking essentially the same question as mondo.*
(GM_Cy): *The blade, pointed at the Apocalypse demon, pulses with magic energy, gathering along the blade until the Retributor glows bright, even under the African sun. At Imala's words, the energy explodes with radiance, and a resounding, female, voice fills the air.*
"Darkness shall be expunged by the Light of Retribution."
*And the sword releases the energy in a colossal, piercing lance of light that bores a hole in War's chest.*

That was week before last's game, shall have last week's up soon, today or tomorrow. Just need a quick breather. :angel:
Last edited by Cytibor on Wed Jun 22, 2011 11:27 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by Cytibor »

Waging War

February 3rd: The group gave their all in the battle, trading blows at a furious pace. Cloud, Jase and Anna all came within eyesight of death, though Cloud and Jase only had their magic protections shattered, whereas Anna had her brand-new Sororitas armour broken. Refusing to give up, the group pressed their assault, with the Anna's bolter (enchanted by Cloud prior to battle) laying down powerful bursts of exploding shells while Cloud unleashed a storm of magic slashes from her two-handed sword. Jase contributed using Fujin and his psionics, while Mondo unleashed a steady barrage of laser and ion fire from his 'double' rifle.

As the battles continued, War finally began losing his cool, and Cloud managed to net him several times over with her Magic Net spell, and Persia (responding to the med-evac call for Anna) used the main gun on her space-fighter to end the showdown decisively. The battle was one, and the group took a moment to rest before heading down south at a lazy pace, giving themselves ample time to catch their breath before meeting with the Gathering of Heroes.

See the spoiler for the full battle commentary. ;)
(20:16:13) (GM_Cy): *When we last left our heroes, they had arrived in Africa and entered the Ivory Pyramid of Isis in search of clues as to the goddess' whereabouts. While inside, Albtraum ran inside to warn them of the imminent approach of a massive figure in armour the colour of blood mounted upon a hellish beast adorned in battle armour of its' own. The second most powerful Horseman of the Apocalypse. War. Beseeching her mother-in-law's spirit for assistance, Imala took 'The Retributor', a greatest rune bastard sword, down from its' resting place on the wall, and in a mighty burst of magic energy bored a hole in the Apocalypse Demon's armour and chest cavity, severely wounding the monster. But even the weapon of a goddess was not sufficient to fell a demon of War's caliber in a single strike. Worse, he is not alone, and his war-steed itself looks to be a ferocious opponent, more than capable of devouring regular warriors solo. After all, War rides on the back of Carnage.*
Here's hoping our gang keeps being somewhat irregular. ;)
(20:17:51) (Cloud) Seeing the "false" but none the less lethal "WAR" approaching, Cloud begins to gather what magic energy that is around, into herself and the hilt of Erschlagen Mond.
(20:19:41) (GM_Cy): *Law rolls his shoulders, stretching his tendons, and taps Cloud on the shoulder.* "Cloud, I know we need to focus on War, but you know as well as I do we can't take him and that THING he's riding on. I think Albtraum and I can at least keep it busy while you handle the main issue, unless you've got a better idea?"
(20:20:07) (Mondo): *lets out a light laugh while still training his rifle at the demon*
(20:20:46) (Cloud): "None right now law-man. Trying not to crap myself. Go play with fido; I think we poor mere-mortals will be okay... I think."
(20:21:09) (Cloud): C = :shock:
(20:21:28) (Cloud): "Anna, Fall back to my position; double time."
(20:22:05) (GM_Cy): *Nods grimly.* "We're all out of our league here, I'm no exception. Be careful." *Nods at Albtraum, the pair bull-rushing towards Carnage while Briar lifts off in the Ornithopter, keeping it WELL out of reach of the oncoming Apocalypse Demon.*
(20:23:03) (Anna): Anna starts hustling right back over to Cloud.
(20:23:05) (GM_Cy): *Imala, panting heavily, slumps down, exhausted, in the doorway of the pyramid, the sword still pulsing with magic energy.* "Sorry... Wolf-Sister... just need a moment to... catch my breath..."
(20:23:47) (Jase): *Jase slips Fujin out of it's sheath, as he does two different barriers erect themselves around him. E turns to Eris and gives her a halfhearted smile*
(20:25:09) (Cloud): Fox-fire gathers at Clouds feet as she reaches out to place her hands on the bolter in Anna's arms.
"Anima EST Balistae. Animus armae."
(Charm weapon)
(20:26:12) (Anna): Result of the throw of dice "1d20" :

(20:26:39) (Cloud): Blue-white foxfire surrounds the bolter and then absorbs into the metal and ceramite.
(20:27:08) (Anna): Anna bows her head, and glances back over her shoulder towards War.
(20:27:14) (Cloud): "Done... Go, take cover and blast that oni-scatt."
(20:28:46) (Cloud): Braces Erscahlagen over her shoulder one handed and casts -invincible armour- on her self. The spell not being part of her 'battle magus' repertoire takes longer than the her normal 1 or 2 word invocations.
(20:29:05) (GM_Cy): *War, his rune mace in hand, strides towards them, shrinking as he does to match their scale, reducing from 12 feet to about 7. He says nothing, but its' obvious he's removing any possible advantage the group may have had based off his size, and is breaking things down to a straight contest of skill, ingenuity, and destructive power.*
(20:29:20) (GM_Cy): [And its' init time.]
(20:29:59) ChatBot: (Anna) rolls 1d20 and gets (15)+5=20.
(20:30:06) ChatBot: (Cloud) rolls 1d20 and gets (17)+7=24.
(20:30:06) ChatBot: (Anna) is now known as (Anna_20).
(20:30:17) ChatBot: (Mondo) rolls 1d20 and gets (20)+3=23.
(20:30:20) ChatBot: (Jase) rolls 1d20 and gets (14)+9=23.
(20:30:28) ChatBot: (Cloud) is now known as (Cloud_24).
(20:30:30) (GM_Cy): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

7 + 6 = 13
(20:30:42) ChatBot: (Mondo) is now known as (Mondo_23).
(20:30:53) ChatBot: (Jase) is now known as (Jase_23).
(20:32:00) (GM_Cy): [So on 24, our fearless leader, and unfortunately she who's likely to come up against that mace most directly, Cloud.]
(20:32:00) (Cloud_24): [url]​8W6ID8jk4A[/url]
(20:33:43) (Cloud_24): Sprinting as well as her footing allows in the sand, Cloud runs to the right of the group and swings the sword in an upper cut then down-stroke, sending 2 moon-slasher blasts at the daemon.
Rolling "1d20 +4" 2 times

1: 11 + 4 = 15
2: 15 + 4 = 19

(20:35:16) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 2 times

1: 16 + 6 = 22
2: 12 + 6 = 18
(20:35:38) (GM_Cy): *Smashes the first into oblivion with his rune mace, taking the second across his chest.*
(20:36:18) ChatBot: (Cloud_24) rolls 2d4 and gets (4,4)x10=80.
(20:37:33) (Cloud_24): "No ut aquila!" (fly as eagle) and done with 3 reserves
(20:37:47) (GM_Cy): [Mondo and Jase up next.]
(20:38:11) (Mondo_23): (after you Jase)
(20:38:19) (Jase_23): [goddammit]
(20:38:22) (Jase_23): [XD]
(20:39:21) (Jase_23): *Jase summons a ball of fire and hurls it at War, he runs after his projectile, and cuts at War twice.*
(20:40:05) (Jase_23): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +5" :

20 + 5 = 25
(20:40:36) (Jase_23): Rolling "1d20 +6" 2 times

1: 18 + 6 = 24
2: 12 + 6 = 18
(20:40:58) (GM_Cy): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

12 + 6 = 18
Rolling "1d20 +12" 2 times

1: 4 + 12 = 16
2: 6 + 12 = 18
*Attempts to snuff the fire with a swing of his mace, but fails, and in so doing misses parrying the first of Jase's attacks, though he blocks the second.*
(20:43:16) (GM_Cy): [Mondo's go.]
(20:43:26) (Jase_23): *He backs off a little, a slight grin on his face*
(20:43:53) (Mondo_23): *Mondo, still at the foot of the pyramid, carefully aims and fires three "double" shots from his WR-17 at War.*
(20:44:03) ChatBot: (Mondo_23) rolls 3d20 and gets (11,13,8)=32.
(20:44:34) (Jase_23): Result of the throw of dice "22d6" :

5 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 6 = 81
(20:47:45) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 13 + 6 = 19
2: 16 + 6 = 22
3: 13 + 6 = 19
*Uses the head of his mace to deflect the energy shots.*
(20:50:54) (GM_Cy): [Any further actions, Mondo?]
(20:51:12) (Mondo_23): *Moves to the right, to outflank war-2 reserved*
(20:51:27) (GM_Cy): [Anna's up.]
(20:53:43) (Anna_20): Anna attempts to take some cover before dropping to a knee and letting off two quick shots from the Bolter towards War.
(20:53:56) (Anna_20): Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 15 + 10 = 25
2: 16 + 10 = 26
(20:55:01) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 16 + 10 = 26
2: 16 + 10 = 26
*No doubt hearing the tell-tale sounds of a projectile weapon, War instead shifts to dodging, narrowly evading the shells.*
(20:55:46) (Anna_20): Scowling, she lets off another 2 shots.
(20:55:48) (Anna_20): Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 16 + 10 = 26
2: 16 + 10 = 26
(20:55:53) (Cloud_24): "...crap..."
(20:56:58) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 16 + 10 = 26
2: 9 + 10 = 19
*Dodges the first, but the second finds its' mark.*
(20:57:07) ChatBot: (Anna_20) rolls 3d6 and gets (6,5,5)x2=32.
(20:57:19) (Anna_20): [[ Reserving 4 ]]
(20:57:30) (GM_Cy): [So that's critical strike and Charm taken into account?]
(20:58:11) (Anna_20): [[ Oh, that's not including charm ]]
(20:58:16) (Anna_20): [[ that's just the crit ]]
(20:58:30) (Anna_20): [[ charm adds another x2, I'm guessing? ]]
(20:58:43) (Anna_20): [[ 64 then ]]
(20:59:09) (GM_Cy): [And on 13... War.]
(21:00:19) (GM_Cy): *The Apocalypse demon wastes no time in getting down to business, going straight after the first person to have injured him, namely Cloud. His mace swings four times.*
Rolling "1d20 +13" 4 times

1: 17 + 13 = 30
2: 14 + 13 = 27
3: 13 + 13 = 26
4: 20 + 13 = 33
(21:01:59) (Cloud_24): "That's gonna suck."
(21:02:42) (Cloud_24): Rolling "1d20 +9" 3 times

1: 17 + 9 = 26
2: 17 + 9 = 26
3: 5 + 9 = 14

(21:02:56) (Cloud_24): 1 dodge
(21:03:20) (Cloud_24): "What the?! It extends!?"
(21:04:01) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 4d6 and gets (2,1,5,4)x10=120.
(21:06:04) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d6 and gets (2)x10=20.
(21:06:59) (Cloud_24): "OOOOOOOOF!"
Cloud gets flung like a rag doll, but her body is still intact
(21:07:27) (GM_Cy): *Seeming to flow in his strikes, as his mace retracts on the last strike, he turns to Jase, aiming his arm weapon at him. As he fires it, however, it is joined by barely noticed lasers under his pauldrons in a triple-salvo, firing it twice.*
(21:07:59) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +11" 2 times

1: 20 + 11 = 31
2: 6 + 11 = 17
(21:12:19) (Jase_23): *Jase attempts to dodge the laser.*
Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +11" :

10 + 11 = 21
(21:12:58) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 3d4 and gets (3,2,2)x10=70.
(21:13:48) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 6d4 and gets (2,2,2,2,1,4)x10=130.
(21:14:29) (Jase_23): *The two barriers that had surrounded Jase both instantly disintegrate as the blasts hit him.*
(21:15:10) (Cloud_24) Both Jase and Cloud hit the sand at the same time...
(21:15:30) (GM_Cy): [And he's out. Reserved actions?]
(21:15:58) (Anna_20): Anna fires another 4 shots at the big ugly bastard who just smacked two of her friends around.
(21:15:59) (Anna_20): Rolling "1d20 +10" 4 times

1: 11 + 10 = 21
2: 11 + 10 = 21
3: 17 + 10 = 27
4: 13 + 10 = 23
(21:16:16) (Jase_23): *Another shield immediately surrounds Jase, who now looks incredibly worried.*
(21:16:20) (GM_Cy): [*thumbs up* damage away, he can't dodge, and y'can't parry projectiles. :D]
(21:16:29) (GM_Cy): [Well, not with a mace anyway.]
(21:16:38) (Anna_20): Rolling "3d6" 4 times

1: 6 + 4 + 5 = 15
2: 3 + 5 + 1 = 9
3: 6 + 4 + 2 = 12
4: 4 + 2 + 4 = 10
(21:16:43) (Anna_20): x4 to each
(21:17:34) (Anna_20): 184 total
(21:17:45) (GM_Cy): [nice]
(21:18:33) (GM_Cy): [alrighty, if that's all, fresh inits]
(21:18:45) ChatBot: (Anna_20) rolls 1d20 and gets (16)+5=21.
(21:18:52) ChatBot: (Anna_20) is now known as (Anna_21).
(21:18:56) ChatBot: (Cloud_24) rolls 1d20 and gets (11)+5=16.
(21:19:05) ChatBot: (Cloud_24) is now known as (Cloud_16).
(21:19:11) ChatBot: (Mondo_23) rolls 1d20 and gets (11)+3=14.
(21:19:14) (Cloud_16): "...ow?"
(21:19:15) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d20 and gets (7)+6=13.
(21:19:22) ChatBot: (Jase_23) rolls 1d20 and gets (3)+3=6.
(21:19:31) ChatBot: (Jase_23) is now known as (Jase_6).
(21:19:33) ChatBot: (Mondo_23) is now known as (Mondo_14).
(21:20:24) (GM_Cy): [alrighty, so our resident weapons expert gets another go, just keep shootin' ;)]
(21:21:08) (Anna_21): Two more shots before Anna halts her attacks. Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 19 + 10 = 29
2: 13 + 10 = 23
(21:22:22) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 5 + 10 = 15
2: 9 + 10 = 19
*Both hit.*
(21:22:33) ChatBot: (Anna_21) rolls 3d6 and gets (3,1,3)x4=28.
(21:22:36) ChatBot: (Anna_21) rolls 3d6 and gets (6,5,1)x4=48.
(21:24:55) (GM_Cy): [Cloud's go.]
(21:26:34) (Cloud_16): Dragging herself up from the sand trough she landed in Cloud uses her sword as a crutch and draws from the ley-line.
"Vas Domus"
(House of glass)
and then a power bolt
(21:27:04) (Cloud_16): so an auto hit of 20
(21:27:34) (GM_Cy): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

14 + 6 = 20
*The mace says no.*
(21:28:31) (Cloud_16): "That how you play huh... Fair enough."
*Takes to the air, 1 moon slash attack.*
(21:28:36) ChatBot: (Cloud_16) rolls 1d20 and gets (14)+4=18.
(21:29:46) (GM_Cy): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

6 + 6 = 12
*Mace doesn't quite make it this time.*
(21:31:55) ChatBot: (Cloud_16) rolls 2d4 and gets (2,2)x10=40.
(21:32:54) (Cloud_16): "We're barely scratching this heap of rust! We need a plan but quick!"
(21:33:11) (Cloud_16): (reservie)
(21:34:08) (GM_Cy): [Mondo, you're up.]
(21:34:18) (Mondo_14): *fires three "double" shots at war*
(21:34:26) ChatBot: (Mondo_14) rolls 3d20 and gets (12,17,18)=47.
(21:35:20) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 2 + 6 = 8
2: 5 + 6 = 11
3: 2 + 6 = 8
*All 3 hit home.*
(21:35:32) (Mondo_14): :D
(21:35:56) ChatBot: (Mondo_14) rolls 15d6 and gets (5,5,6,6,4,1,6,2,1,4,3,3,2,1,2)=​51.
(21:36:33) (GM_Cy): [on 13 (again), War.]
(21:40:20) (GM_Cy): *He gazes upon this most recent attacker... and ignores him in favour of the ones who've been putting the most holes in his armour. Namely Anna and Cloud. War aims his particle rifle at Anna and his shoulder lasers at Cloud, firing them in triple-salvos as before, but at different targets.*
[Rolling particle shots against Anna first, then laser shots against Cloud.]
(21:41:11) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +11" 3 times

1: 7 + 11 = 18
2: 6 + 11 = 17
3: 9 + 11 = 20

Rolling "1d20 +11" 3 times

1: 5 + 11 = 16 [auto-miss]
2: 18 + 11 = 29
3: 8 + 11 = 19
(21:41:45) (Cloud_16): Rolling "1d20 +9" 2 times

1: 10 + 9 = 19
2: 14 + 9 = 23

(21:41:50) (Anna_21): Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 18 + 6 = 24
2: 20 + 6 = 26
3: 10 + 6 = 16
(21:41:56) (Cloud_16): first sooooooooo hits
(21:42:22) (GM_Cy): [alright, damage from particle rifle shot on Anna, then rolling vs magic on House of Glass for Cloud]
(21:42:39) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d6 and gets (5)x10=50.
(21:42:49) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d20 and gets (6)+6=12.
(21:43:13) (GM_Cy): [believe that's a fail, so damage inflicted on Cloud will ALSO hurt War]
(21:44:04) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d4 and gets (4)x10+8x2=96.
(21:44:28) (GM_Cy): [Believe its' reduced by Invincible Armour, though?]
(21:44:36) (Cloud_16): halved'
(21:44:44) (Cloud_16): NOT that it matters much here.
(21:44:48) (GM_Cy): [ah, kk, so just 48 then]
(21:44:58) (GM_Cy): [reserving remaining, Jase's go]
(21:46:38) (Cloud_16): Watching the laser burns that hit her mystic armour repeat in reverse on WAR, Cloud smiles a lopsided but decidedly toothy grin.
(21:50:42) (Jase_6): *Jase summons up 3 walls of fire,compacted into the smallest area possible, and attacks with his sword 3 times, staying just out of the fire.*

(sword) Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 10 + 6 = 16
2: 19 + 6 = 25
3: 20 + 6 = 26
(21:51:29) (Jase_6): Rolling "1d20" 3 times

1: 18
2: 14
3: 15
(21:53:04) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20" 3 times

1: 14
2: 16
3: 18
*Perceives the first two fire walls in enough time to evade.*

Rolling "1d20 +12" 3 times

1: 13 + 12 = 25
2: 12 + 12 = 24
3: 4 + 12 = 16
*Parries the first slash, but not the following two.*
(21:53:26) (GM_Cy): [so damage from third fire wall, and then 2 crits I believe?]
(21:53:38) (Jase_6): [yep]
(21:53:38) (GM_Cy): [from a magic weapon, no less]
(21:56:42) (Anna_21): Anna hoists up the bolter and fires three quick bursts of pain towards War.
Rolling "1d20 +4" 3 times

1: 20 + 4 = 24
2: 17 + 4 = 21
3: 10 + 4 = 14
(21:57:18) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 3 times

1: 3 + 10 = 13
2: 3 + 10 = 13
3: 7 + 10 = 17
*Only dodges the last burst.*
(21:57:26) (Mondo_14): *fires two "double" shots*
(21:57:40) ChatBot: (Mondo_14) rolls 2d20 and gets (14,6)=20.
(21:58:05) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 2 times

1: 11 + 6 = 17
2: 11 + 6 = 17
*Parries the energy shots from Mondo, however.*
(21:58:09) ChatBot: (Anna_21) rolls 1d4 and gets (4)x10x3x2=240.
(21:58:23) (Jase_6): Rolling "5d6" 2 times

1: 6 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 2 = 20
2: 6 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 = 19

sum: 39x4=156

Result of the throw of dice "6d6" :
4 + 2 + 5 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 21

sum 177
(21:58:24) ChatBot: (Anna_21) rolls 1d4 and gets (3)x10x2x2=120.
(21:58:29) (GM_Cy): [*whistles* NICE.]
(21:58:33) (Anna_21): 360 damage total from Anna
(21:58:35) (Cloud_16): Looks at her crackling and fading invincible armour, frowns but "mans up".
(21:59:51) (GM_Cy): [*Thumbs a-way up.* NOW we're getting places. If you're interested to know, you've got him about halfway down.]
(22:00:57) (GM_Cy): [And fresh inits.]
(22:01:02) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d20 and gets (17)+6=23.
(22:01:23) ChatBot: (Mondo_14) rolls 1d20 and gets (15)+3=18.
(22:01:25) ChatBot: (Jase_6) rolls 1d20 and gets (8)+3=11.
(22:01:33) ChatBot: (Cloud_16) rolls 1d20 and gets (9)+5=14.
(22:01:34) ChatBot: (Jase_6) is now known as (Jase_11).
(22:01:35) ChatBot: (Anna_21) rolls 1d20 and gets (19)+5=24.
(22:01:41) ChatBot: (Mondo_14) is now known as (Mondo_18).
(22:01:42) ChatBot: (Anna_21) is now known as (Anna_24).
(22:01:47) ChatBot: (Cloud_16) is now known as (Cloud_14).
(22:02:40) (GM_Cy): [And Anna beats War to the punch!]
(22:02:58) (Anna_24): Anna quickly follows up with another two bursts from the Bolter, eyes blaring behind her visor. Rolling "1d20 +4" 2 times

1: 20 + 4 = 24
2: 20 + 4 = 24

[[ Uhm... ]]
(22:03:02) (Anna_24): [[ reserving actions ]]
(22:03:47) (Cloud_14): Mutha...
triple damage THEN doubled.
(22:03:53) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 2 times

1: 2 + 10 = 12
2: 18 + 10 = 28
*Attempts to dodge failed.*
(22:04:08) ChatBot: (Anna_24) rolls 2d4 and gets (2,1)x10x3x2=180.
(22:04:30) (Cloud_14): "GLORY TO THE EMPRESS OF THE SUN!!!!"
(22:04:33) (GM_Cy): [And foiled by low rolls, damn. XD]
(22:04:52) (Cloud_14): "...awwww DAMNIT..."
(22:05:21) (Anna_24): [[ ... can we pretend those were both 4's? :P ]]
(22:05:55) (GM_Cy): *The rounds DO shake War up, sending him a step or two back, but he recovers quickly and he is NOT pleased with these developments. He intends to show this pitiful human who is REALLY the master of combat. And he intends to do so with a series of triple barrages.*
(22:07:23) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +11" 3 times

1: 2 + 11 = 13
2: 13 + 11 = 24
3: 4 + 11 = 15
*His anger, thankfully, interferes with his aim, and his first and last salvo fire off into the distance, blasting sand into atoms or glass, depending on which weapon struck ground.*
(22:07:41) (Anna_24): Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 18 + 6 = 24
2: 19 + 6 = 25
3: 16 + 6 = 22
(22:07:49) (Anna_24): Anna is running off of adrenaline fumes.
(22:07:59) (Anna_24): She's got a hand full of bolter and a head full of mad.
*War is displeased with this. He decides maces are the better part of hurt delivery.*
(22:08:37) (Anna_24): [[ I saw 3 numbers. ^^; ]]
(22:09:06) (Jase_11): [^how we all secretly work, I see your 3 numbers and counter them with mmmmmmyyyyyy three numbers]
(22:09:14) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +13" 2 times

1: 14 + 13 = 27
2: 3 + 13 = 16 [swing-and-a-miss]
*Yup, he's definitely getting mad.*
(22:09:30) (Cloud_14): gonna be even madder soon
(22:09:39) (Anna_24): [[ Agh, copy properly you dumb thing ]]
(22:09:40) (Cloud_14): C = cunning planz
(22:09:44) (Anna_24): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

20 + 6 = 26
(22:09:47) (Anna_24): [[ THERE ]]
(22:09:53) (Anna_24): [[ It posted my last rolls :/ ]]
(22:10:02) (Cloud_14): nat 20 beats the mod 27
(22:10:23) (GM_Cy): *The impact of the mace is thankfully absorbed by the sands, Anna gets the distinct impression it would have shredded concrete back home.*
(22:11:12) (GM_Cy): [And reserving, on to Mondo.]
(22:11:39) (Mondo_18): *fires three "double" shots again*
(22:11:47) ChatBot: (Mondo_18) rolls 3d20 and gets (6,3,6)=15.
(22:12:36) (Mondo_18): (reserves 3)
(22:12:43) (GM_Cy): [You should be rolling 1d20+3 for those.]
(22:13:18) (Mondo_18): (aren't they all misses tho...)
(22:13:22) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 2 times

1: 2 + 6 = 8
2: 4 + 6 = 10
*The first hits, but he parries the third, while the second misses altogether.* [Taking the +3 into account.]
(22:13:35) (GM_Cy): [Nope, only base results of 1 to 5 are auto-misses.]
(22:13:50) (Mondo_18): (ah)
(22:14:06) ChatBot: (Mondo_18) rolls 5d6 and gets (5,3,3,4,5)=20.
(22:15:10) (GM_Cy): [Alrighty, Cloud's up.]
(22:16:49) (Cloud_14): Fox fire swirls up from the ground to Cloud's hand as she stares down at the abomination.
"While we draw breath we stand,
while we stand we fight,
while we fight we prevail,
For we are steel,
we are doom,
we fight for Lazlo,
and we shall know no FEAR!
(22:17:20) (Cloud_14): 4 full moon slashes and then re-casts her invincible armour.
(22:17:52) (Cloud_14): Rolling "1d20 +4" 4 times

1: 19 + 4 = 23
2: 10 + 4 = 14
3: 14 + 4 = 18
4: 13 + 4 = 17
(22:18:29) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 4 times

1: 7 + 6 = 13
2: 10 + 6 = 16
3: 2 + 6 = 8
4: 3 + 6 = 9
*Sloppy parries are sloppy, though he manages to block the second slash.*
(22:19:10) ChatBot: (Cloud_14) rolls 8d4 and gets (1,3,1,2,4,3,2,4)x10=200.
(22:20:15) (Cloud_14): (When the Dragoon speechifies, you are in it DEEP.)
(22:20:53) (GM_Cy): [Ayups. On to Mr. Taggart then?]
(22:21:19) (Jase_11): *Jase isn't one for speeches, he runs in, sword swinging.*
1: 20 + 6 = 26
2: 7 + 6 = 13
3: 16 + 6 = 22
4: 16 + 6 = 22
5: 5 + 6 = 11
6: 9 + 6 = 15
(22:21:36) (Jase_11): [1 crit, 4 hits, 1 miss]
(22:22:45) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +12" 6 times

1: 11 + 12 = 23 [crit]
2: 15 + 12 = 27 [parry]
3: 8 + 12 = 20 [hit]
4: 12 + 12 = 24 [parry]
5: 6 + 12 = 18 [auto-missed, discounted]
6: 2 + 12 = 14 [hit]
(22:23:40) (Jase_11): Result of the throw of dice "5d6" :

6 + 6 + 3 + 6 + 1 = 22x4=88
Rolling "5d6" 2 times

1: 5 + 3 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 15
2: 2 + 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12

sum: 27x2=54
(22:23:58) (Jase_11): [so 142]
(22:25:04) (GM_Cy): [reserveds are up]
(22:25:11) (Anna_24): Four more bursts from Anna, who's been silent the whole time. She's putting up a HELL of a fight. Rolling "1d20 +4" 4 times

1: 18 + 4 = 22
2: 7 + 4 = 11
3: 7 + 4 = 11
4: 20 + 4 = 24
(22:26:10) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 3 times

1: 3 + 10 = 13
2: 5 + 10 = 15 [dodged]
3: 9 + 10 = 19 [dodged]
*Goes for broke, dodging his last dodges for the round. Unfortunately, he dodged neither of the critical hits. Poor bastard. XD*
(22:26:26) ChatBot: (Anna_24) rolls 1d4 and gets (1)x10x4=40.
(22:26:26) (Mondo_18): *fires three more shots*
(22:27:24) ChatBot: (Mondo_18) rolls 3d20 and gets (19,6,8)+3=36.
(22:27:57) ChatBot: (Anna_24) rolls 1d4 and gets (2)x10x3x2=120.
(22:28:05) (Anna_24): [[ 160 total then ]]
(22:28:18) (GM_Cy): [That's more like it. x5 is NOT the same as x3 and x2 combined.]
(22:28:42) (Anna_24): [[ I derp'd out. ]]
(22:29:33) ChatBot: (Mondo_18) rolls 15d6 and gets (4,2,3,1,2,4,6,4,4,2,4,4,2,5,2)=​49.
(22:29:55) (Mondo_18): (he can't dodge anymore right?)
(22:30:04) (GM_Cy): [that is correct]
(22:31:07) (GM_Cy): [Alrighty, if that's all? Fresh inits!]
(22:31:12) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 1d20 and gets (15)+6=21.
(22:31:23) ChatBot: (Cloud_14) rolls 1d20 and gets (1)+5=6.
(22:31:25) ChatBot: (Mondo_18) rolls 1d20 and gets (6)+3=9.
(22:31:46) ChatBot: (Mondo_18) is now known as (Mondo_9).
(22:31:47) (GM_Cy): [Countdown to "Awwww": 2 melee rounds, including this one. >:-D]
(22:32:01) ChatBot: (Cloud_14) is now known as (Cloud_6).
(22:32:03) ChatBot: (Anna_24) rolls 1d20 and gets (6)+5=11.
(22:32:10) ChatBot: (Anna_24) is now known as (Anna_11).
(22:32:10) ChatBot: (Jase_11) rolls 1d20 and gets (16)+3=19.
(22:32:15) (GM_Cy): [And that's "Awwww ****" not "Awwww something fuzzy and adorable." XD]
(22:32:18) ChatBot: (Jase_11) is now known as (19).
(22:32:35) ChatBot: (19) is now known as (Jase_19).
(22:34:54) (Cloud_6): Cloud all of a sudden gets a brainstorm, proving that blonds CAN think under pressure.
"JASE! Tap the pyramid and do something brilliant!"
(22:36:14) (GM_Cy): *War is ready to kick some ass now. He grips his weapons and his aura flares. With a chant, he raises his weapons to the sky, and a cloud begins to form overhead.*
[Everyone roll versus magic please, NO bonuses, and you need 18+.]
(22:36:36) ChatBot: (Cloud_6) rolls 1d20 and gets (18)=18.
(22:36:51) (Jase_19): Result of the throw of dice "1d20" :

(22:37:06) (Anna_11): Result of the throw of dice "1d20" :

(22:37:28) ChatBot: (Cloud_6) rolls 1d20 and gets (8)=8.
(22:37:34) (GM_Cy): [DAMN you people are lucky. XD]
(22:37:45) ChatBot: (Anna_11) rolls 1d20 and gets (15)=15.
(22:37:52) ChatBot: (Jase_19) rolls 1d20 and gets (19)=19.
(22:37:53) (Anna_11): [[ I'm still going by my first ]]
(22:37:57) (GM_Cy): [Mondo's the only one who still needs to roll.]
(22:38:18) (Cloud_6): Cloud watches the enchantment on the bolter of anna's begin to fade
(22:38:26) ChatBot: (Mondo_9) rolls 1d20 and gets (16)=16.
(22:38:39) (Mondo_9): "ugh"
(22:39:20) (GM_Cy): *The cloud above feels stifling and oppressive to those with magic, and any ambient effects in the area are snuffed out. Even the ley line sputters some as it's ambient energy is severely cut back on. War, however, looks fine, but that's how the Anti-Magic Cloud works. Total magic supremacy. ...Not that he's used any until now anyway.*
(22:39:40) (GM_Cy): [So even after saving any and all magic is at half potency, be it range, damage or duration.]
(22:40:53) (GM_Cy): *He then casts Armour of Ithan on himself, and tightens his grip on his mace, turning towards Anna and looking highly menacing.*
(22:41:34) (Anna_11): "You know I'm a distraction, right?" Anna finally speaks.
(22:41:34) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +13" 3 times

1: 12 + 13 = 25
2: 11 + 13 = 24
3: 18 + 13 = 31
*Ha-blah-waaa~ Ouch.*
(22:41:59) (Anna_11): Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 16 + 6 = 22
2: 7 + 6 = 13
3: 16 + 6 = 22
(22:42:29) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 2d6 and gets (6,2)x10=80.
(22:43:07) ChatBot: (GM_Cy) rolls 2d6 and gets (3,6)x10=90.
(22:43:19) (GM_Cy): [s'pose I could've just combined 'em, but nah]
(22:43:25) (Anna_11): [[ the main body armor is gone ]]
(22:43:44) ChatBot: (Cloud_6) rolls 1d100 and gets (32)=32.
(22:44:19) (Cloud_6): (radio) "Briar..we need a medivac STAT!"
(22:44:33) (Cloud_6): "Anna's been hit hard."
(22:44:33) (GM_Cy): [kk, so her power system is down, no bonuses from the suit systems, etc]
(22:46:25) (GM_Cy): Briar: "Oh, uhm, roger, I'm coming, quick as I can!"
(22:46:38) (GM_Cy): [reserving, on to Jase]
(22:48:47) (Jase_19): *Jase starts running to Anna, casting something as he goes* "Desiccate!"
*When he reaches Anna, he puts an armor of Ithan on her and stands between her and War.*
(22:49:56) (GM_Cy): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

5 + 6 = 11 [fails his save, but damage is still halved due to the anti-magic cloud. Protection from the AoI is also halved.]
(22:51:32) (Jase_19): Result of the throw of dice "3d6" :

6 + 3 + 6 = 15 [so 75]
(22:51:56) (Jase_19): [mhm, Anna you have a whopping 20 mdc on that AOI]
(22:52:16) (GM_Cy): [Heya Frosty. And LOL, well, at least it'll stop shrapnel. XD]
(22:53:02) (Anna_11): [[ Hells yeah! ]]
(22:53:11) (GM_Cy): [Remaining actions, Mr. Taggart?]
(22:53:55) (Jase_19): *Jase stays between War and Anna, bringing his sword down one more time.*
(22:54:22) (Jase_19): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +6" :

17 + 6 = 23
(22:54:27) (Jase_19): [and then I'm done.]
(22:54:46) (GM_Cy): Result of the throw of dice "1d20 +12" :

12 + 12 = 24
*Contemptuous parry is contemptuous. Also condescending. Because he's a poke. XD* [-ahem- Okay, silliness wearing off now.]
(22:55:49) (GM_Cy): [so on 11, Anna, who is likely very upset that her expensive and brand new shiny armour has been beaten up to the extent it has.]
(22:56:46) (Anna_11): Anna simply lets the empty magazine from her bolter fall to the sand (1) and fishes for a new magazine, slapping it in calmly and collected.
(22:56:49) (Anna_11): [[ Reserving 1 ]]
(22:57:04) (GM_Cy): [so on 9, Mondo]
(22:57:27) (Mondo_9): *Seeing his comrade go down, fires three shots and runs toward War trying to divert his attention.*
(22:57:43) ChatBot: (Mondo_9) rolls 3d20 and gets (1,12,7)+3=23.
(22:58:30) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +6" 3 times

1: 5 + 6 = 11 [discounted, roll to strike was crit fumble]
2: 20 + 6 = 26 [parried]
3: 9 + 6 = 15 [parried
(22:58:37) (GM_Cy): [Please roll a d10, Mondo.]
(22:58:49) ChatBot: (Mondo_9) rolls 1d10 and gets (4)=4.
(22:59:16) (GM_Cy): *The fumbled shot simply burns some sand into near-glass.*
(22:59:48) (Mondo_9): "whew" (reserve 2)
(23:01:13) (GM_Cy): [alrighty, so Cloud on 6]
(23:02:38) ChatBot: Frost_Wolf is now known as (Imala/Persia).
(23:03:29) (Cloud_6): "You miserable peice of..." *flies to the top of the pyramid and GATHERS energy, focuses... and lets fly*
(23:04:16) (GM_Cy): [that's Magic Net, yeah?]
(23:05:17) (GM_Cy): Rolling "1d20 +10" 3 times

1: 14 + 10 = 24
2: 3 + 10 = 13
3: 19 + 10 = 29
*Burns up his final actions dodging, but is snared by the second net launched, entangling him but good.*
(23:05:45) (Imala/Persia): ((planning for end of round stuff))
(23:05:49) (Cloud_6): "Arachnae!"
(23:06:10) (GM_Cy): *Unable to dodge, is netted again.*
(23:07:08) (GM_Cy): [Reserveds, if any? Will get to end of round stuff momentarily.]
(23:07:31) (Mondo_9): *Halts and fire two shots.*
(23:07:39) ChatBot: (Mondo_9) rolls 2d20 and gets (1,4)=5.
(23:07:58) ChatBot: (Anna_11) rolls 1d20 and gets (5)+4=9.
(23:07:59) (Mondo_9): (crap...even with a plus 3)
(23:08:16) (Anna_11): Firing a burst there.
(23:08:39) (GM_Cy): ['nother roll on d10 for Mondo.]
(23:08:53) ChatBot: (Mondo_9) rolls 1d10 and gets (7)=7.
(23:10:01) (GM_Cy): *Mondo's rifle has a malfunction, a temporary power surge, knocking it out of commission for the next round.*
(23:11:30) (GM_Cy): *Briar attempts to fly the Ornithopter in to pick up Anna, but the Anti-Magic Cloud shuts off the Anti-gravity flight and it drops about 15 feet to the ground as Briar tugs fruitlessly at the controls.*
(23:14:38) (GM_Cy): *At the mouth of the pyramid, Imala recovers from launching the Light of Retribution, and with the Ornithopter unable to respond to Cloud's call for an evac for Anna, someone else comes to help...*
(23:15:34) (Imala/Persia): Persia: "Airrr evacuation call, rrreceived. ETA ...." *As vibrant purple beams of light come streaking through the atmosphere at War.*
(23:16:15) (Imala/Persia): Rolling "1d20 +4" 6 times

1: 19 + 4 = 23
2: 13 + 4 = 17
3: 18 + 4 = 22
4: 20 + 4 = 24
5: 7 + 4 = 11
6: 12 + 4 = 16

(23:16:40) (Cloud_6): "HELLLLLLLL YYYYEEEEEEAAAH!!!!"
(23:16:49) (GM_Cy): [k, damage away, he can't move to parry]
(23:16:54) (Imala/Persia): ((oh and here's the piloting roll))
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :


(23:16:57) (Cloud_6): *Raises Erschalgen Monde HIGH!*
(23:17:38) (Imala/Persia): ((on all of them? guess so no auto miss there wowzers...ok then))
(23:21:37) (Imala/Persia): Result of the throw of dice "4d6" :

6 + 5 + 2 + 6 = 19 x 20 =380
(23:21:54) (Imala/Persia): (gotta do this one at a time due to damage changes on gun sorry guys)
(23:21:55) (Cloud_6): Tahlor unstraps from his acceleration couch behind Persia and prepares to recive anna up into the Killing Moon 'Dancer between Veils'
(23:22:06) (GM_Cy): *His magic protection is vaporized. ...As is the majority of Cloud's magic netting. Too late to parry now though.*
(23:22:56) (Imala/Persia): Rolling "4d6" 5 times

1: 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 7
2: 3 + 5 + 3 + 6 = 17
3: 1 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 17
4: 1 + 6 + 2 + 5 = 14
5: 4 + 6 + 3 + 4 = 17
(23:23:29) (Imala/Persia): 1 and 2 x 10 so 70+170 = 240
(23:24:19) (Imala/Persia): 3 is the crit so 170 x2 = 340
(23:24:52) (Imala/Persia): 4 and 5 are 140+170 = 310
(23:25:24) (Cloud_6): "I like plan B... Plan B I can see through my eye-lids."
(23:26:05) (Mondo_9): "Way to go Lady Doc!"
(23:26:47) (Cloud_6): Tahlor; (via external audio system) "Shyaer-sul Anna; your presence is requested aboard. Please do hurry."
(23:27:07) (GM_Cy): *War is barraged by the space-scale laser fire. With the Light of Retribution already having burned a hole in his chest, and the substantial damage inflicted upon him by the group on the ground, he just can't stand up to space-ship weapons' fire, and his torso is vaporized entirely.*
(23:27:11) (Imala/Persia): *The fighter swoops down and past a bit with the last shots and then circles back and lower skimming the ground to pick up Anna.*
(23:27:32) (Jase_19): "Pretty sure he was almost finished before that... but ****... I think you blew a hole straight to the core with that." *Jase says with a huge grin, which is there mostly because he's not dead, and nether are any of his friends.*
(23:28:11) (Jase_19): *He turns to Anna* "He get you at all when he broke your armor?"
(23:28:44) (Anna_11): "Nah, luckily. Pissed though, this was /new/." She grumbles, double-timing it to meet up with the doc.
(23:29:19) (Cloud_6): Cloud glides off of the pyramids apex and quickly swoops over the molten-glass filled crater where war's helmet and limbs are.
Carefully, methodically, she brings her sword down on each limb and the helmet until they are split into fragments.
(23:29:28) (Mondo_9): *Drops rifle and activates Psi-sword* "Is he finished...or playing possum?"
(23:29:31) (Imala/Persia): "The Killing Moon class fighterrr was designed to be quick and slient."
(23:30:32) (Cloud_6): Tahlor bows at the belly hatch, looking down at Anna. "Regardless Shyaer-Sul, Let our medic examine you."
(23:30:59) (Anna): "I'm alright with that - especially after that show." She pauses, then adds after a beat "That was a joke."
(23:31:05) (Cloud_6): "Mondo, if you need to ask, get over here and help me make sure he ISN'T playing possum."
(23:31:25) (Jase): "There is only so much acting that can be done in the world Mondo, having your torso vaporized is not included in it..."
(23:31:27) (Mondo): "Copy that Commander."
(23:32:05) (Mondo): *Heads closer to the smoking lower limbs.*
(23:32:17) (Cloud_6): " of my soul... supernaturals sometimes can regrow from a fingernail. I'm just making sure."
(23:32:49) (GM_Cy): *As they methodically destroy his body, it fades out to nothing. Like the demon he is, when destroyed War simply returns to his original dimension. Not truly dead, just banished and unable to return for a period of time. Nearby, Carnage also fades out to nothing as his master does, and War's weapons go the same way, leaving no trace of him other than the glass craters marking the battle.*
(23:33:10) (Cloud_6): *Notices the colour of her eyes reflected in the armour that isn't carbon scored; frowns and brings the sword down one more time onto War's helm.*
(23:33:45) (Cloud_6): "There...*Grounds Erschalgen into the sand.* DONE!"
(23:34:15) (Imala/Persia): P: *Setting the landing gear so as to get up and check over Anna, ship staying on standby for a quick dustoff.*
(23:34:18) (Jase): "Great! Now I suppose we have to find Isis, and do this three more times..."
(23:34:33) (Imala/Persia): I: *Has returned into the pyramid.*
(23:34:37) (Cloud_6): (Radio); "Good work crew....good damned work. And Doc? Thanks Per-sae...I mean it."
(23:35:13) (Imala/Persia): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

(for her checking over Anna.)
(23:35:44) (Mondo): *Retrieves rifle and heads toward the Ornithopter to check on Briar.* "Yes Milady Persia, your timing is impeccable."
(23:36:14) (Cloud) Seeing her pack is relatively unharmed, Cloud walks by and grips Mondo's shoulder, pats Jases' ass and then goes over to the Ornithopter and opens the hatch and peeks her head up over the steps.
(23:36:36) (Imala/Persia): *Clicking on the radio to respond.* "You guys had him. I just wanted my flight path clearrr."
(23:36:41) (GM_Cy): *Law and Albtraum stagger back over, collapsing onto the sand, panting.* "Big... tough... stubborn..." "Ugly... smelly... blasted..." *Both.* "Owwwww..."
(23:37:24) (Cloud): "Hey Briar... kid? You did okay. Sorry; shoulda warned you about the damned anti-magic cloud. My bad."
(23:38:31) (GM_Cy): Briar: *Looks up, forehead bruised but otherwise unharmed.* "Oh, no, I'm fine, really. It was just surprising to just..." *Pantomimes plummeting.*
(23:39:22) (Anna): "I need to have Lampshade fix up my armor, I guess." Anna grumbles, while Persia looks her over.
(23:39:29) (Anna): "Who was manning the guns, back there?"
(23:40:10) (Imala/Persia): "That parrrticularrr weapon on this fighterrr are managed by the pilot."
(23:40:52) (Anna): There's a pause. "Can I uhh... hug you for that, then?"
(23:41:02) (Anna): "That was... really, REALLY a hell of a lightshow."
(23:41:18) (Jase): *Jase sheaths Fujin, smiles at Eris as she passes, which turns into a snort as he gets "patted". He turns and walks after Imala, into the temple.*
(23:41:21) (Cloud): "Welcome to my previous world kid. I woulda puked BEFORE the spells gave out a year back. You did good. *thumbs up* Go and join the others, I'll get the birdy back upright and flyin'..."
(23:41:58) (Mondo): *Crouches in the shade of the flying machine and checks his weapon to clear the malfunction.*"Yes, well done Master Briar, well done."
(23:42:02) (Cloud): "You may hugg my Sal-Kess, Anna-sul."
(23:42:24) (GM_Cy): Briar: "Oh, uhm, I think maybe I'll just wait inside, since we'll be going soon? I think I have a band-aid in my pack..." *Moves to the crew compartment, is heard rummaging about in his bag.*
(23:42:48) (Imala/Persia): P: *Her ears twitch and she laughs softly as she sets down the medical tools.* "Of courrrse. It is but standarrrd use of a fighterrr but if you would feel betterrr..."
(23:43:34) (Anna): Anna hops up and gives Persia a great big hug - damn Sororitas and their training. After a few seconds, the doctor is let go, and Anna grins. "Am I clear to go back and see if the others need help?"
(23:43:44) (Cloud): Cloud just chuckles and shakes head with a smile.
"You remind me of someone..."
*Sits on the steps leading up to the interior and looks at the gathering by the alien fighter.*
(23:44:10) (Imala/Persia): I: *Is kneeling, the sword having been replaced in its place, her hand resting against her chest.* "We will find her."
(23:44:33) (Imala/Persia): P: *Laughs softly patting Anna on the back during the hug and then nods after.* "You arrre well enough to fight anotherrr day Miss Anna."
(23:44:54) (Anna): Anna gives a salute and runs back to find the others.
(23:45:08) (Jase): *Jase stays slightly back not wanting to disturb Imala, unsure if she was speaking to him.*
(23:46:11) (Mondo): "I agree Commander...I am glad they did."
(23:46:59) (Imala/Persia): P: *Looking over from her fighter.* "Anyone else need any aid?"
(23:47:24) (Mondo): "At least the demons are a little weaker now..." *Slapping in a fresh e-clip.* "Are we to wait for the Lady Isis?"
(23:47:37) (Cloud): *Raising voice.* "Really need to get you up-graded at some point for your hardware. *Points* Good for Brodkil and the CS, not so much for greater daemons."
(23:48:33) (Cloud): "..and yeah; that or find out if she will even be arriving. Just... Imala will be able to tell us once she's out of the Pyramid."
(23:48:42) (Mondo): *Looks down at his weapon and sighs.* "Yes, it was no more than a pea shooter to that thing."
(23:49:20) ChatBot: (Anna) rolls 1d4 and gets (1)+2=3.
(23:50:00) (Imala/Persia): I: *Finally standing, she takes a deep breath, nods, then turns.* "Oh." *Seems startled.* "Hello, Jase. Is everyone alright? I had to return the sword to its rightful place. We need to seek out Isis...I am sorry I was not much help...that blast from the sword was a bit of a...surprise." *She starts heading out of the weapon room.*
(23:50:10) (Anna): Anna returns to the group, popping her helmet off and smiling. "Sitrep, Commander?"
(23:50:44) (Cloud): "Yeah... Briar banged his head a bit on the steering system. I DON'T think he's concussed but... *shrug* may wanna take a look."
(23:51:28) (GM_Cy): *Law picks himself up and dusts himself off, his armour looking a little worse for wear. Albtraum remains stretched out on the ground, letting his supernatural regeneration do its' work on his injuries. He manages a wave at Anna from his spot on the sand.*
(23:52:18) (Cloud): Cloud pauses while the group gathers.
"...Once Jus..damn... IMALA returns we'll know better. Howevere, I think we're still in decent shape for the moment. No limbs lost. Mondo will need to be up-gunned sometime. Aside from that? Situation normal for the DART's."
(23:52:36) (Jase): "I'm pertty sure we all would be smears in the sand if you hadn't grabbed that sword Imala, and sorry for startling you, I didn't want to disturb you." *Jase follows her out.*
(23:52:39) (Anna): Anna nods, then heads over to crouch near Albtraum. "You alright, big guy?"
(23:53:05) (GM_Cy): Albtraum: "Just sore. That... whatever it was had some nasty teeth on it."
(23:53:36) (Anna): "Tell me about it. Being smacked about by a mace wasn't too fun. 'Least I'm not dead though... want some help up, or are you comfy right now?"
(23:54:24) (Jase): *Jase has a few questions, but knows Eris will have the same, so he leaves them unasked.*
(23:54:34) (Imala/Persia): P: "If we are no longer -- Sure, I'll come have a quick look at that bump on the head." *Heads over to check out Briar.*
I: *Once they are both out of the armory, she places her hand to seal the door once more and then heads out with Jase, turning to the outside of the pyramid placing a hand instinctively on the outside of the white building.*
(23:55:26) (Imala/Persia): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :


(on the roll for checking out Briar)
(23:56:22) (Cloud): " boy; you know you DID ignore my instructions to stay on-call at Lazlo."
"Glad you didn't listen to me"
(23:56:39) (GM_Cy): "The sand is surprisingly comfortable, but I'm ready to go when needed."
(23:57:07) (Cloud): "Kai-Shyaer we only..huh? Oh... -ahem- Happy to be of service."
(23:57:24) (Anna): "Let's get you up, we can rest in the air." She says, offering a hand to help him up.
(23:57:37) (Imala/Persia): P: *Laughs softly.* "Just a bit of a pleasurrre's intuition." *Grins, her feline teeth showing.*
(23:58:34) (Cloud): "Of course. Naturally you also go on pleasure flights with full weapons hot and stealth systems engaged. Only prudence."
(23:58:39) (GM_Cy): *Takes her hand, seemingly not at all worried about the somewhat petite blond's ability to help him up.*
(23:59:42) (Cloud): "I suggest we depart this place... is that okay Imala? Mother-in-law isn't coming is she?"
(00:01:22) (Anna): Anna helps hoist Albtraum to his feet, grinning before plonking her helmet back on. "Shall we, then?"
(00:01:28) (Cloud): Tahlor is inscrutable inside his goggles and sand-scarf head-covering...though one would swear he was whistling tunelessly and trying to look innocent.
(00:01:49) (GM_Cy): "We shall." *Skeleton grin. Though, he can't really not skeleton grin.*
(00:02:39) (Imala/Persia): I: *Looks over from the pyramid.* "No, we must locate her, but she is close, just not sure which way."
P: "Of courrrrse, Ms...umm...Cloud, is therrre any otherrr way?"
(00:02:45) (Cloud): "Good; get on board folks. We can talk after we find a "safe place" to ground out and recoup. You love birds joining us?"
@ Persia and Tahlor
(00:03:26) (Mondo): *looks up* "Are we to hunt the other three, or continue searching for the Lady Isis?" *Rises and heads into the ship.*
(00:04:56) (Cloud): "We REALLY need to get some divine intervetion on our side. We have pestilence and famine next; not as buff as our WAR buddy, but their attacks are more subtle. Hunger and disease." *Shudder.*
(00:06:00) (Cloud): "We find Imalas' mother in law, Law-mans' mom, and THEN we go hunt down skinny and ugly."
(00:06:01) (Imala/Persia): P: *Finishes checking over Briar.* "You arrre good to go. Herrre is something forrr the headache. Also, drrrink waterrr to keep hydrrrated. And do not sleep within the next 2 hourrrs. Afterrrr that you get some rrrrest. If therrre arrrises any nausea or dizziness, or anything at all, you tell the commander to contact me immediately." *Looks to Tahlor.* "We will be within rrradio contact, afterrr all we arrre on call arrre we not?"
I: *Still looking a bit wiped from the sword's powerful attack, nods at Cloud.* "Sounds like a plan." *And heads to the Ornithopter.*
(00:06:02) (Mondo): *Starts to feel a little hungry after hearing "Hunger"."
(00:06:43) (GM_Cy): *Law is already inside the Ornithopter, snoozing in the crew compartment.*
(00:08:02) (Imala/Persia): I: *Looks over at Law and sighs, heads off to sit down, closing her eyes as a silent shudder courses over her, as if holding back tears?*
(00:08:21) (Cloud): Tahlor stand beside Persia, taking her tail in his hand and bows to Cloud. "Sai Seritue Vai-Dommna-Kai. We will be putting 'Dancer' through his paces. Just call and we will descend like nightfall."
(00:08:21) (GM_Cy): *Albtraum looks over to Cloud as he and Anna pass by.* "But where do we start searching? We have virtually nothing to go on, except knowing where that camp of heroic types is."
(00:08:55) (Anna): "I should probably get my armor fixed up by Lampshade before fighting anything else."
(00:10:26) (Cloud): "We'll go there first. AFTER we get our feet back under us. Imalla and yourself need to recover along with Law-man. ...and I'm damned sure not gonna be in any mood for any posturing from "hero's" today. We'll find 'em tomorow."
(00:10:50) (Mondo): *Looks for a snack and straps himself in.*
(00:11:49) (GM_Cy): *Chuckles and nods.* "Fair enough. Swe-" *His head tilts in his approximation of a blush so fast it almost looks like he's had his neck broken.* "I mean, Anna has a point though, her armour DOES need fixing before she can fight safely."
(00:12:00) (Cloud): *Shooes Albtra up the ramp and salutes the Inkspot and Kitty-doc and ascends the ramp; closing it behind her.*
(00:12:53) (Mondo): "I'm sure the Demons will not be hard to find. Any place with a lot of disease or mass hunger will be a good place to start looking." *Chews on some jerky.*
(00:13:18) (Anna): Anna is glad her helmet is on. That is all that will be said.
(00:13:27) (Imala/Persia): P: *Purrs softly as she and the ink spot make their way back to the fighter.* "Palol Shol Shaerael Baer shall be within call should you need us." *Nodding to Cloud as she heads off.* "Shall we then?" *Turning to head back to the ship.*
(00:13:29) (Jase): "If our luck holds we'll land the ship on the next one we find..."
(00:13:49) (GM_Cy): *Is shoo'd up the ramp ahead of Cloud, and buckles in beside Anna, head still tilted.*
(00:14:24) (Anna): Anna is shaking slightly, as if she's /giggling/ behind the helmet.
(00:14:28) (Cloud): "Yepp... that's why we're going to REST first. I have some repair kit stuff stashed in the cargo space. If needed we can swap my crusader plate for her plating and just re-route the...'n'er mind. It's too technical for me to discuss on a sore head, empty stomach and no sleep."
*Walks past and straps in.* "Anna, need you on guns this flight out. *Pats co-ilot seat* Also want you paying attention to what this baby can do."
(00:15:09) (Anna): She nods and hops to her feet, heading over to Cloud immediately, but not before glancing to Albtraum as she passes.
(00:15:09) (Cloud): "For you Sal-kess?...always shall."
(00:16:16) (Imala): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

1 (persia's piloting roll)
*As the ship takes off, it does several very beautiful maneuvers before it vanishes from sight, as if your eyes no longer can look at it. Light seems to bend around it, and it is gone.*
(00:16:33) (Cloud): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

"Extending wings....servo power and hydraulic pressure nominal... wings clear. Starting vertical take off beat-pattern. GOOD."
(00:17:23) (Imala): *Imala gets up from where she sat and moves over next to Albtraum* "Hey kiddo." *As she sits down.* "Sorry things haven't been as I would have had them be." *Smiles at him.* "But I am VERY proud of you."
(00:19:25) (GM_Cy): "Oh, Mother, uhm... Th-thank you. I cannot complain about most developments, really. Despite all that has happened, I believe that I am... well, happy."
(00:19:32) (Cloud): "..and Anna, THAT control there fold sthe wings back and engages the hover jets; it works JUST like a ground-effect vehicle in that mode. What I really want ya to do though, is see this? THAT is what sets the wing beats and angle."
(00:20:19) (GM_Cy): *With the Ornithopter back in working order and plans being set down as they cruise to the south, the group makes their way towards the supposed 'Gathering of Heroes'. What will they find there? Worthy allies? Perhaps friendly rivals? Who knows, but we'll find out next week.*
(00:20:38) (Imala): "I'm very glad to hear that." *Smiles at him and pats his arm.* "I have a favor to ask of you."
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by Cytibor »

Doin' The Crocodile Roll, The Darts And The Reptile, Doin' The Crocodile Roll~

[And yes, that's an Australian song, completely the wrong continent, but shhh...] :P

February 3rd: Taking turns driving the Ornithopter in its' land-bound hover mode (due to encountering some turbulence higher up) the group made respectable time heading down south, making for the isle upon which they would find the Gathering.

Arriving at around supper time, they took stock of themselves, rousing those who had gone to sleep during the trip. Imala, who had been dream-walking [as she is wont to do] woke with a strangled cry and promptly lost her lunch, triggering a very concerned response from everyone present, with the notable exception of Law, who seemed relatively cool about the whole matter. [Further evidence that he is not the Kyros we're used to.] She hastily explained that she had found some trace of Isis, but also learned that the odds of her appearing AS her usual goddess self were exceedingly slim. To put the icing on the cake, Isis had also been deprived of her memories, meaning even if the group walked right by her, she would not know them, nor would she be recognizable to them.

Deciding there was nothing to be done about this at the moment, the group disembarked to meet the locals, running into a spirited bunch almost immediately after entering the camp, comprising of an Atlantean tattooed man [Goalas], a Lady Cyber-Knight [Lady Cromwell, first name unknown], a calm, quiet Asian man [Lo Fung] and a scholarly book-worm [Katrina Sun]. Also sitting at the camp fire was Sebek, the crocodile-headed deity of the Nile Pantheon, who seemed to know the Darts, Imala in particular.

After sitting with their new friends for a time, and getting many a hearty congratulations over having brought down War, the group decided to pay Sebek a visit in his [vast] tent while Goalas and the others spread throughout the Gathering to inform the others present of War's demise. Briar was sent to keep an eye on Law as he poked around the camp, mostly to keep him away from the tent while the group discussed strategy and other matters the clone should not hear. Sebek was very hospitable, offering them an exotic but delicious fruit-based drink and some comfortable seating while they discussed business, namely seeing which side of the Light/Dark conflict Sebek sat on. To their surprise, he explained he sat on neither side, as neither side had come to him for aid. He also explained that his power had decreased markedly since being removed from the Pantheon of Taut, and he would gladly help if it meant he would regain his former glory, and perhaps have the chance to rub Set's nose in the mud to boot. [So business as usual, oddly human for a god, this one. ;)]

With Sebek's agreeing to run a distraction during the attack on Set's side of Ma'ip when the time came, the group headed back to the Scarab to pitch their tents, with Briar still wandering the camp and Law waiting for them. Mere feet from their Ornithopter, however, the group keeled over en masse, and the clone delivered a smug monologue on their foolishness for trusting a god they knew nothing about, before heading off at a brisk pace. Jase however, being a slightly paranoid fellow after his encounter with the Chaos-tainted sword, had not had any of Sebek's 'punch' and merely faked passing out, and took up a watch over his companions to make sure they stayed safe, keeping himself awake throughout the night.

February 4th: Needless to say, the group were more than slightly upset when they woke up, compounded by the fact Sebek was sitting cross-legged not far from them. After an exceedingly heated 'discussion', in which Sebek basically informed the group that it was nothing personal and simply his nature to play all the angles [which cut no ice with the gang, of course], Imala and the others let him go with the threat to make him into matching luggage if he did not follow up on his promise to assist during the attack.

Feeling defeated, Imala turned to go for a walk to get some air, and ran into Katrina, the young bookworm girl they had met the previous evening, in a very literal manner. As she helped the dark-haired girl to her feet, a golden ankh necklace fell from her neck, which Cloud [in a red-eyed rage of infernal proportions] practically fled from, heading into the Scarab to find somewhere to seethe herself to sleep. [And last seen near-comatose and having a muttering argument with an unseen voice.] Imala immediately took the ankh as a sign and quickly talked Katrina into joining them while the rest of the Gathering planned how to go after Famine, and once Lo Fung was informed, hastened the girl into the Scarab, isolating the pair of them in the rear of the crew compartment for a private chat.

And we'll pick up from there this coming Thursday. ;)
Last edited by Cytibor on Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by Cytibor »

And the chat-log from game. :) [Separated it from summary post because of smiley/emoticon limit. :-?]
(20:10:40) (GM_Cy): *When we last left our heroes, they were cruising southward towards the Gathering of Heroes at a leisurely speed, recovering from their battle with War. Imala has drifted off to sleep beside Albtraum, and Law has also opted for a nap at the rear of the Ornithopter's crew compartment, though he has his hat over his face so it's difficult to tell if he's actually asleep.*
(20:12:47) ChatBot: (Clouds) rolls 1d100 and gets (81)=81.
(20:13:45) (Clouds): -WuTHUMP-
"WHOA!!!!! okay that sucked!"
*Pulls levers and adjusts dials and switches.*
"Bit of a thermal in?"
(20:14:47) (Jase): *Jase was asleep, until his head was thrown forward by the motion of the aircraft causing him to wake.* "Is someone shooting us?"
(20:15:01) (Clouds): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

*Hurriedly struggles to regain control of stalled out flight.*
"This is your captain speaking; due to some atmospheric turbulence we will be NOW."
(20:16:52) (GM_Cy): *The transport lands, though Imala remains soundly asleep, no doubt in one of her dream-trances. Law lifts his hat off his face and sits up, stretching.* "Change in the flight plan?"
(20:16:58) (Clouds): Cloud, finally reaching her limit, sets the scarab Ornithopter down onto the sand and rock, and shuts down the primary wing motors.
"OOOOkay. I am taking the hint here. Anna? YOU can drive her in hover-bus mode."
(20:17:42) (Briar_Croup): *Briar peers out the window.* "Where are we?"
(20:18:27) (Clouds): *Unbuckles harness and carefully, so as not to jostle the controls, moves out of the seat and into the aisle.*
"Oh..mid-western Africa."
(20:18:51) (Mondo): *Yawns and stretches after being jarred awake.* "It seems we are still in the desert..."
(20:19:17) (Anna): "Huh? Alright." Anna heads up to slip into the seat, buckling in and making sure everything's set up before trying to ease it back into movement.
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

7 [/75]
(20:19:28) (GM_Cy): *The navigation systems read them as being within the borders of what was 'Mali' in Pre-Rifts Africa.*
(20:19:56) (GM_Cy): *The hover systems engage smoothly, and they continue on their way at good speed.*
(20:21:18) (GM_Cy): [Land navigation from Anna, please.]
(20:22:06) (Anna): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

(20:22:54) (GM_Cy): *The navigation system, once she's synched it up to their destination, informs her that they have roughly 1,000 miles to go, and it will take them roughly 6.75 hours to get there at present velocity.*
(20:24:09) (Clouds): Takes Anna's previous seat and leans back in the seat and closes her eyes.
(20:24:17) (Anna): "Well that's a pain in the ass." She mumbles, continuing ahead.
(20:25:56) (GM_Cy): [Shan't bore you with the scenery as we go, so I'll sum it up for ya: SAND. After about 5 hours, they do start seeing hints of savannah however, and they soon reach the ocean, hovering over the shallows, the island of Macias Nguema just ahead, and the Gathering of Heroes somewhere on it. Though, given the island's size (bout 30 miles across at its' longest), it shouldn't be hard to find them.]
(20:27:10) (Jase): *After gathering that the ship isn't in any imminent danger lets his head drop down to his chest once more.*
(20:27:46) (Briar_Croup): *Something occurs to Briar, and he sits up a little straighter.* "Wait, so we're considered heroes now?"
(20:28:00) (Clouds): 5.1 hours later, Cloud wakes up and stretches cat-like (are those elongated incisors? nahhhhh) and blinks her eyes.
"Oooogh... gonna need a 3 hour massage to get these kinks out. You doing okay there Anna?"
(20:28:36) (GM_Cy): *It is now about supper time, though there is still plenty of light from the sun. Imala continues to sleep, though she's murmuring and shifting slightly now, likely experiencing a nightmare of some kind. Law glances over at Briar and chuckles.* "I was under the impression you knew our reputation? We Darts have done some impressive stuff, and I'm pretty sure dropping War back there will give us some serious brownie points."
(20:28:38) (Clouds): *stupidly at Briar* "Huh?..."
(20:29:49) (Briar_Croup): *Briar grins.* "Cool!"
(20:29:59) (Anna): "Bored outta my damn mind, but doing fine, boss."
(20:33:06) (Clouds): "huh...." *Looks around for coffee machine; realizes that's back HOME.*
"I'm really gonna douse Set's [censored] into a beaker of holy-water and FREEZE it there, the rabid sadistic [censored]! God or not, he's keeping me from Lamp-shade's God-coffee!"
(20:33:57) (GM_Cy): *Law chuckles.* "Well, what's the plan? Head on in to meet the locals, or make camp and try for the morning?"
*Albtraum continues to watch Imala with mild concern, the nightmare no doubt unsettling him.*
(20:35:17) (Clouds): *looks over at Imala.* "Justi's still in dreamland and nightmare or not, I do NOT want to be on the receiving end of any panic'd lashings out from that lady."
(20:37:33) (Clouds): "Hmm..look for any large I.R. signatures like a fire or large group of humans and OTHER trying to stay cool. That should be the gathering. We'll wake up Imala in a bit AFTER we talk to the "locals"."
(20:43:22) (Clouds): "Guys, you all look like I asked you to storm Atlantis's beaches solo with a butter knife; what's the problem?"
(20:44:38) (Anna): "All I'm getting is crap here. I don't know technical things."
(20:44:38) (GM_Cy): *Law rolls his eyes, strolls up to the front of the Ornithopter.*
Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

*Points out a cluster of heat signatures.* "Looks like we're headed that way."
(20:45:05) (Anna): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

12/75 Adjusting course
(20:46:57) (Clouds): "Thanks Law-man." *Eeks past the demi-gawd.* "Pardon."
*Sits in co-pilot seat.*
"Yeah... good eye."
(20:48:34) (GM_Cy): *They hit land again, on the small island, moving around the base of a mountain, the light of multiple campfires ahead as they cruise along.*
(20:49:06) (Imala): *The murmuring and mumbling stops, but in its place she shoots forward from her slumber screaming as if in great pain and then doubles over as she vomits.*
(20:49:53) (GM_Cy): *Albtraum jumps straight up out of his chair, his horns scraping the roof as he bangs his head into the ceiling.* "Owwwww..."
(20:50:16) (Clouds): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

Cloud winces at the static that assails her ears as she tunes in the radio.
"Camp site, this is DART vehicle 'puddle jumper 1' to campsite... we are NOT hostile and are on approach at- KAMI!!!!"
*Whips around to look at the Justice.*
(20:50:39) (Anna): "What the hell is going on back there?"
(20:51:48) (GM_Cy): *Rubs at his head.* "I have no idea, but it was painful. Mother woke up vomiting." *Offers Imala a cloth for her mouth.* "Are you alright?"
(20:51:58) (Mondo): *Unstraps and rushes to Imala.* "Milady, what is the matter?"
(20:52:43) (Imala): *Tears stream down her face as she tremblingly takes the cloth from Albtraum.* "Oh gods and Great Spirits...."
(20:53:11) (GM_Cy): *The campsite replies, though plagued with static.* "Say again Dart vehicle, on approach at what position?"
(20:54:17) (Jase): "Jase moves about muttering * "Cleanse." *Anyone who got vomited upon is soon clean, Jase promptly takes a shirt and wipes up the rest of it, cleansing that when he's finished.*
(20:54:32) (Clouds): "Uh...HOLD please. Technical difficulties. Please stand by."
*Tears off head set and gets about halfway to Imala before butting up against the rest of the team.*
"Okay, in the name of the mangy mutt, what's going on Justi?"
(20:54:42) (Briar_Croup): *Briar looks on in mild confusion and concern.*
(20:55:24) (Imala): *Looks up, still trembling.* "I have news...mostly bad..."
(20:56:05) (Clouds): "Judging from your wake-up; Our mutual...friend?"
(20:56:23) (Jase): "Not how I figured I'd use my training in the magical arts, but **** me if that's not efficien..." *Jase trails off at Imala's words, his levity gone.*
(20:56:24) (GM_Cy): *Sits down heavily on his now-cleansed seat, listening.*
(20:57:12) (Imala): *Simply nods.* "Anyone have anything I can rinse my mouth with? I need to calm myself..."
(20:58:00) (GM_Cy): *Law passes a canteen through the crowd to her.*
(20:58:02) (Clouds): "Albtra? Under the seat; canteen"
(20:58:39) (Imala): *Looks up and directly at Law.* "Thanks." *Tries to smile but its weak and pained as she takes the canteen from him and drinks slowly.*
(20:59:22) (GM_Cy): "No problem, take it easy." *Sits back down in his seat, listening with interest to her impending story/explanation.*
(20:59:24) (Clouds): "She's gonna need more 'n one if the amount of 'pea-soup' is anything to go by."
*Turns back to radio.*
"Sorry about that camp-site. We're the blue beetle hover thing about to reach you from the eastern sector. ETA 5 minutes."
(20:59:58) (GM_Cy): "Roger that Dart vehicle. The Gathering welcomes any to aid us in our cause."
(21:00:00) (Clouds): Cloud nods to Anna to keep going; giving thumbs up.
(21:00:22) (Clouds): "Roger that. Wolf-mother out."
(21:00:50) (Imala): "The ONLY good news is I managed to find her...well a part of her...that's where the good news ends."
(21:02:16) (GM_Cy): *The Scarab hovers into the camp, a large and sprawling affair with many tent-clusters like miniature communities. All are currently roasting themselves some dinner over their communal campfires. There are a fair number of vehicles parked outside the camp, and the Scarab fits down beside them easily.*
(21:03:28) (Anna): Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

49/75 Landing!
(21:05:10) (Clouds): Cloud winces as she get sup from her seat, and nods at Imala.
(21:06:24) (Imala): "I found an image of a golden ankh in the dream-scape, I got glimpses of her but they were blurry at best. As I touched the ankh, along the sides I felt flaking, and I walked around and on the other side, darkness, absolute black, with worm things crawling all over inside the ankh, eating it away, very slowly.”
(21:07:14) (GM_Cy): *Law makes a face at the visual.* "That's appetizing."
(21:08:47) (Imala): "From what I can piece together, she's been the victim of some sort of bio-wizardry attack. It's taken everything from the inside out. And if I'm not mistaken, she doesn't know who she is, the only reason I can come up with that she hasn't contacted anyone back in Ma'ip. Also...more bad news...I have NO idea what she looks like. She will not look like herself, nor will she know anyone nor herself in that capacity."
(21:09:00) (Clouds): "...and I thought MY dreams were dark. OOOOkay. Well, nothing we can do RIGHT this instant, so we should go out and try to BE hero's and such. After all, we're at a gathering of them. *Lop-sided smile.* Maybe one or two may have some news about where our missing goddess is. I'd call on MY patron if she'd stop chasing her tail all the time."
(21:12:09) (GM_Cy): *Law nods.* "Cloud's right, not much we can do about it now." *Heads for the door.* "Let's go meet the neighbours."
(21:13:21) (Imala): *Watches as he heads for the door and shakes her head.* "Yeah." *Sighs.*
(21:13:43) (GM_Cy): *He heads out first, the door hissing shut behind him.*
(21:14:01) (Anna): Anna slips out of the pilot seat, stretching and groaning. "Oh hell... can we get that swapped out for something with more padding, or something?"
(21:14:36) (Imala): *Closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.* "Wolf-Sister?"
(21:15:35) (Clouds): *Looks at the gel-lined, fully conformable seat.*
"Sure; care for eider down lined silk with faerie wing print?" :P
(21:15:38) (Jase): *Jase sees Imala calling for Cloud, and so he turns, following Law outside.*
(21:15:52) (Clouds): "Ya Justi?"
(21:16:36) (Anna): "I was going to say unicorns frolicking, but I /guess/ I can settle for faerie wing..." Anna chuckles.
(21:16:37) (Mondo): *Mondo follows Jase and Law outside.*
(21:19:09) (Clouds): "Oooh...that' not good."
(21:19:35) (Imala): *she looks up at Cloud with eyes heavy with internal sorrow, before she shudders a bit takes a deep breath and then slowly stands her eyes now set and ready to go.* "Let's get going, shall we? We haven't a great deal of time." *Gets a sudden thought and pulls out her red feather, moving in the opposite direction from the door.*
(21:21:07) (Clouds): *Follows slowly.*
(21:21:13) (GM_Cy): *Law and Jase stroll into the camp, and as he moves away, Cloud and Imala feel an incredible heat searing against them, and the feather in Imala's hand gives Cloud an immediate reason as to why: her feather has burst into flames and is rapidly being consumed.*
(21:23:07) (Imala): "This is our time clock. The longer he is kept by Set, the more energy he must pull back, the oldest of the feathers go first. Even a godling cannot last at set's hands forever. And the thing is Wolf-sister, that which Set seeks cannot be released with out me. I am the key to the bonds of that rage...Set will put this together eventually, and he will come for me, or send some after me. Just warning you, Cloud."
(21:23:54) (Clouds): "Hmmmm..."
*Looks at the sky.*
(21:24:05) (GM_Cy): *Imala's feather crumbles to ashes within several seconds of the fire beginning. Cloud's, once pulled from her pocket, similarly reduces itself to ash. The next newest ones would be the feathers carried by Mouse and then Jase. Jase's is the newest, so it's HIS you have to watch.*
(21:25:04) (Clouds): "We'll get something happening. I just don't know what yet."
(21:25:23) (Imala): "Oh this is so not good." *Looking at the piles of ash.* "Time grows ever shorter..."
(21:25:40) (Clouds): *Continues towards the camp.* "I DO promise though, we'll get this DONE."
(21:25:57) (GM_Cy): *There's a banging on the hull, and Law's voice can be heard.* "You guys coming or what? Keeping folks waiting out here, they want to meet the whole gang."
(21:26:30) (Clouds): "Yeah, coming; hold yer horses law-man."
(21:27:43) (Anna): "That doesn't look particularly fantastic..." Anna says, frowning a bit before pulling her helmet back on - despite the fact that it won't be helping out much. "So who do I have to kill to get patched up here?"
(21:27:47) (GM_Cy): *He strolls back into the camp after Jase.*
(21:29:14) (Clouds): "Well, not much I can do there. BEST I can hope for is to re-size my crusader plate and put your battle-armour into the stowage."
(21:30:41) (Jase): *Jase passes by Law, evidently making his way to the ship, after he passes him Jase's hand shoots up to the breast plate of his armour. After that he hurries a little more.*
(21:31:55) (Clouds): *Notices Jase and massages her forehead.* "Let me guess? Feather is getting hot?"
(21:32:46) (Mondo): *Waits outside for the others to arrive, casually keeping an eye on Law.*
(21:33:19) ChatBot: (Clouds) rolls 1d30 and gets (6)=6.
(21:33:23) (Jase): "That or I'm about to internally ignite, hold on a minute..." *Jase lifts off his armour and takes the feather out of a shirt pocket.*
(21:33:58) (Jase): *He grimaces as he looks at it* "I'm assuming yours has burned as well? More so than mine?"
(21:34:23) (GM_Cy): *The feather Jase carries is still three-quarters untouched, only the top quarter has blackened.*
(21:34:40) (Clouds): (Radio); "Ink-spot, Doc? You may want to break holding pattern and hit a ley-line; one of the cross continental ones. Warn the Casa if you can via the lines. They may be getting company soon."
(21:34:59) (Clouds): *Looks back up to Jase.* "Mine's ashes."
(21:35:18) (Jase): "I'm assuming this can only mean ill for him..."
(21:35:24) (Clouds): *Places hand on the feather and dumps about 4 chi points into it.*
(21:35:37) (Clouds): "You're assuming correctly."
(21:37:02) (Imala): *Seeing the feather she nods to him.*
(21:37:48) (Jase): *He shakes his head* "But that's not why I came back here." *He says as he slips the feather into a more external pocket.* "I've been thinking that it if these "heroes" are such, maybe we should be extra polite, get them to help us with Set once we've managed to deal with the horsemen."
(21:37:50) (Clouds): "Now lets talk to these "hero's", cuz if we have to split fast, I want them to at least KNOW that we got rid of the bruiser first."
(21:38:33) (Clouds): "You got a point. I'll play NICEY nice. YOU and Imala can do the talking...hell, have Anna be the diplomat fer once."
(21:39:03) (Anna): "Boss, we both know that's probably the worst idea ever." She smirks.
(21:39:08) (Jase): "I thought we wanted allies?" *He says jokingly to her last suggestion.*
(21:39:12) (Imala): (Radio) "Rrrrogerrr that, Ms. Errris. Out."
(21:40:28) (Clouds): "Oh we do; but presently I have 3 world shattering problems OH and one of my best friends is about to be soul drained while we're here dealing with a set of wanna-be neo-christian avatars of the end-times. I'm NOT at my best."
(21:40:32) (Anna): "Diplomacy for fine smokes, or guns? Hell, even a bottle of aged whiskey? Oh I can do that no problem. Diplomacy for anything else? It'd be like... falling into a tank of hungry sharks that haven't eaten in days... while you've got several bleeding injuries."
(21:41:50) (Imala): *Stepping out of the Scarab, Imala is dressed in her normal black clothing, pistols at hip, and looks almost as she always did but one thing is missing, on her left breast there is no silver glinting in the sunlight.* "Let's get going, shall we?"
(21:42:18) (Clouds): Reaching the groups of other adventures / wanderers and 'champions of justice and the Earthling way' Cloud waves to the closest group.
(21:42:32) (GM_Cy): *The campfire nearest to them has perhaps the most unusual collection of individuals within eye-shot: a man wearing practically nothing above the waist but tattoos, a woman with cyber-armour grafted to her skin beneath her shirt, a quiet Asian man who exudes an air of calm, and a bookish looking girl reading something in the firelight. Oh, and the crocodile-headed gent sitting cross-legged in front of the grandest tent you've ever seen.*
(21:43:45) (GM_Cy): *They glance over, the tattooed man grinning and waving, the 'knight doing likewise. The Asian man bows his head, and the scholarly girl smiles without looking up. The gator-head, however, grins a crocodile-grin.* "Greetings, and welcome to the Gathering."
(21:44:51) (Imala): *Looks over everyone eyes stopping on the crocodile-headed fella.* "Well...always a surprise..."
(21:46:04) (Clouds): "Sorry we took so long answering the propehtic visions and vaugue portents and all that. We've been having personal issues back in Lazlo city and well, we DId arrive yesterday, but had a slight delay."
(21:47:28) (Jase): "If you count a rune mace crushing us slight that is..." *Jase says with a grin, giving a wave to all gathered.*
(21:47:36) (GM_Cy): *The tattooed man chuckles.* "No worries, we've just been sitting on our asses for days anyway while the higher ups squabble over who-does-what."
*The Asian man sighs.* "Goalas, please, do not speak so uncouthly."
*The Knight laughs.* "You're never going to get him to behave, Lo Fung, give it up."
*'Goalas' jerks a thumb at the Knight.* "What the Lady said."
(21:48:21) (Clouds): "Hush now, Stud. That's for AFTER the formal introductions."
(21:49:08) (Clouds): "By the way; who IS in charge here?"
(21:49:21) (Clouds): *Motions to the fire and if she can take a seat.*
(21:49:44) (Imala): *After realizing her manners she turns to the others.* "My apologies. I return your greetings." *And then she bows respectfully to the Asian.*
(21:51:10) (GM_Cy): *They stand one after another, the tattooed man going first.* "Name's Goalas, an Atlantean T-man as I'm sure you could tell." *Points at the Asian man.* "This is Lo Fung, one of our esteemed leaders, if you want somebody in charge he's about as close as you're going to get." *The Knight is next.* "This is Lady Cromwell. Yeah, she insists we use her title, I don't even KNOW her first name. The bookworm is Katrina, and our reptilian friend here is Sebek, who is not at all what I expected from a god."
*Sebek chuckles.* "Please, I told you, I am only here to help. No need for so many formalities."
*They all motion for the group to sit.*
(21:52:49) (Imala): "I know of Sebek..." *As she takes a seat.* "Well a little bit anyway." *Taking a seat next to Cloud.*
(21:53:00) (Anna): Anna moves over and takes a seat near Albtraum, plucking the helmet off.
(21:54:01) (GM_Cy): *The crocodile god looks at her.* "I thought you might. I know of YOU as well, young Imala. And rumours of your esteemed colleagues, of course. Once you have gotten yourselves acquainted with the colourful characters here, I would be very pleased if you would agree to joining me in my tent for a meal, and a chance to talk?"
(21:54:21) (GM_Cy): *Gesturing at all the Darts present, not just Imala.*
(21:54:35) (Imala): *Nods.* "Sounds good to me."
(21:54:38) (Clouds): "Eris-Taggart Cloud , family name first. Dragoon of Lazloo and commander of the D.A.R.T.'s; my good friend and spirit sister Imala here *Hooks thumb at Imala.* The other blonde is Anna Krios, my husband Jase Taggart, Sir Mondo, Briar Croupe and Kyros otherwise known as Lawman."
(21:55:11) (Jase): *Jase follows Anna's suit, removing his helmet and taking a seat wherever there's room. He gives a second wave when his name is said.*
(21:56:39) (GM_Cy): *Law nods as he's introduced. Sebek inclines his head to each.* "I have heard of most of you, but not all. A pleasure, and I will endeavour to learn those names I am not familiar with. In the meantime, if I mistake your name, do forgive me, it was not meant to... what is the human phrase used for expressing disappointment? Something to do with bubbles?"
(21:56:42) (Imala): *She nods at the others at her introduction.*
(21:57:37) (Clouds): "Burst your bubble; and no worries...trying to keep a low profile. It's NOT working."
(21:57:54) (Imala): *Blinks a couple of times at Sebek's comment.*
(21:58:06) (Mondo): *Waves at all before taking a seat.*
(22:00:23) (Clouds): "Guh... not to be a pest, but anyone have some coffee? I do NOT mean to be rude but It's all I can do to keep awake and civil. I know it's a weakness."
(22:00:56) (GM_Cy): *Lady Cromwell chuckles, throwing her a thermos.* "Help yourself."
(22:01:36) ChatBot: (Clouds) rolls 1d20 and gets (11)+5=16.
(22:02:10) (Clouds): *Snatches out of the air.* " do you open it a screw or pop-out type?"
(22:03:02) (GM_Cy): *Sebek chuckles, standing up to his impressive 10 foot height.* "Do excuse me, I must make my tent presentable." *Nods at the Darts.* "Whenever you are ready, do not hesitate to knock on my door. ...If tents had doors. There is a bell, in this case." O:-D
(22:03:31) (Clouds): :? at the crocodilian gawds back.
(22:03:37) (Imala): *Speaks in an ancient language to Sebek.*
(22:03:45) (GM_Cy): *Law stretches, glancing over at Cloud with a chuckle.* "Looks like its' the kind you twist open."
(22:04:17) (Clouds): "Thanks law-man."
(22:04:40) (GM_Cy): *The same unknown tongue returns to Imala over the gator-god's shoulder.*
(22:05:12) (Clouds): *twists the top* "Ahh.... Bless you Lady Cromwell. " -sppp- "Black gold and bitter as life... LOVE IT!" -slrrrrp-
(22:05:25) (Jase): *After Sebek leaves Jase turns back to look at the people whose fire they have joined* "Do you know how many people have shown up here for this?"
(22:05:28) (Clouds): "Jase? Anna?"
(22:05:49) (Jase): *Jase shakes his head at the offered coffee.*
(22:06:00) (Clouds): *Looks to Cromwell.* "If you permit that is?"
(22:06:03) (Anna): "I'm good, thanks though, boss."
(22:06:04) (Imala): *She nods and speaks again to the back of the Egyptian then looks to her friends.*
(22:06:54) (GM_Cy): *Goalas shrugs.* "Beats me, a couple dozen maybe?"
*Lady Cromwell also shrugs. Katrina piped up this time.* "At last count there were approximately fifty-seven individuals gathered here to assist us in hunting the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Fifty-eight including Master Lo Fung."
*Lo Fung chuckles.* "I hope I am included, child, I have every intention of assisting."
(22:07:00) (Clouds): "...'kay." *Screws it back closed and pitches to the Cyber-knight.* "You are a life saver Cromwell-samma."
(22:11:02) (GM_Cy): *Cromwell catches it, smiling.* "No problem. I've met many who share your need for the good-stuff, and I've found it's a good ice-breaker to boot."
(22:12:20) (Clouds): *nods smiling lopsidedly, eyes occasionally going to the Croc-gawds tent.*
(22:13:40) (GM_Cy): *Sebek's tent is a massive thing, set up to accommodate the 10 foot deity. Its' bright, ornamented with gold and reptile-designs, but somehow manages to avoid being gaudy. The sound of shuffling furniture and such can be heard inside, he's no doubt settling out lounges and chairs for them when they visit. Certainly seems a hospitable fellow.*
(22:13:55) (Jase): *Jase smiles at that number* "You mentioned that you've been here for a couple of days trying to decide what to do, if you don't mind me asking, what's keeping the choices from being made?"
(22:15:03) (GM_Cy): *Goalas shrugs.* "Mostly we're trying to figure out who to send after which Demon. Fifty eight sounds impressive, but divide us up into groups and it counts for a lot less. Plus, well... as good as their intentions may be, not everyone here is exactly 'hero' material."
(22:15:42) (Jase): *Jase raises an eyebrow at that* "Oh?"
(22:16:22) (Mondo): *look up*"Do you know where the demons are? What areas?"
(22:16:49) (GM_Cy): "Yeah, at least two dozen of us are barely more than raw recruits or amateur magi. They mean well, and they do alright bunched up in a group, but we're having a time of it trying to figure out how to use them without having to go out of our way to keep them alive."
(22:17:18) (Clouds): "Um... well, you have one less to worry about."
(22:17:53) (GM_Cy): *Katrina nods at Mondo.* "Yes, we have a fairly accurate idea of where some of them are. Famine is in the far south, and Pestilence in the east. War and Death, however, we are not sure about." *Glances at Cloud.* "Really?"
(22:19:29) (Clouds): *nods slowly*
"That delay...? He found us."
(22:19:42) (GM_Cy): *Everyone.* "He?"
(22:20:14) (Clouds): "Rides a red-steed? Yeah... almost killed Anna too."
(22:20:43) (GM_Cy): *They blink. They blink some more.* "You defeated... WAR?" *Jaws be droppin'.*
(22:20:49) (Anna): "Knocked out the armour, at least. I've been through worse... technically."
(22:20:58) (Anna): "He didn't seem to like being shot in the face, either."
(22:21:22) (Imala): *Nods at the mention of defeating War.*
(22:21:32) (Jase): "We called him an ******** as well, he certainly didn't like that." *Jase says with a grin.*
(22:21:35) (Mondo): "It was very close..."
(22:21:57) (Clouds): "We had SOME help. Thankfully they disobeyed my orders when my other pack-members decided to do 'Death from above.'"
(22:22:37) (GM_Cy): *They gawk at them.* "That's... a huge help. And that sounds completely insufficient, but there it is. WOW."
(22:22:42) (Imala): "There was other help as well, Eris. Do not forget her." *Smiles and then nods.*
(22:23:48) (GM_Cy): *They sit back and try to take this in.* "Well... okay, this changes things. We'll need to reconvene the leaders, pass the word, stave off the celebrations, we need these people SOBER in the morning."
(22:23:57) (Clouds): "Oh yeah... some divine intervention right at the beginning. Unfortunately it nearly burned out Imala channelling it, but it sure made things MUCH more survivable."
(22:24:15) (Anna): "I could uhh... does anyone know anything about repairing armor and stuff?"
(22:24:26) (Clouds): "..and yes; Beer AFTER the beasties are gone. NOT before. Coffee however is a good thing."
(22:24:37) (GM_Cy): *Goalas nods.* "Yeah, we've got some armour-smiths around. Damn helpful for people who actually wear armour. Not me, obviously."
(22:25:14) (Anna): "That'd be helpful, as I could use a patching up. My systems are pretty much toast."
(22:25:54) (GM_Cy): *Lo Fung stands.* "I apologize, we should sit with you longer, but we must pass the word and ready ourselves. With only two Horsemen we are capable of defeating left, we can focus our numbers on Famine and Pestilence. Goalas, Lady Cromwell, Katrina, if you could spread the word to the other camps, please? I must convene with the other leaders." *Bows to the group.* "Thank you very much for your assistance, and apologies once more for our rudeness in rushing off."
(22:26:21) (Clouds): *Shrugs.* "I offered to loan her my Crusader plate; she's attached to her suit though."
(22:27:00) (Clouds): "Oh... no worries; get my gunner here set up with some repairs to her suit and we'll call it even."
(22:27:17) (Jase): "No need to apologize." *He gets up and returns his bow.*
(22:27:24) (GM_Cy): *Goalas chuckles.* "I'll send the armour-smith your way when I see him." *He and the others hop up, dusting themselves off.* "Man... its' hard hanging out with the guy in charge. Ah well. Have a good night you guys, might want to pitch a tent, you're about to get very popular."
(22:27:59) (Imala): *Stands and bows.* "Thank you for your time, we will keep you no longer. We should not keep Sebek waiting any longer either."
(22:28:01) (Clouds): *Smirks.*
"Rika's gonna go into giggle fits if she ever hears THIS one."
(22:28:14) (Mondo): *Rises and bows to the departing group, before sitting back down.*
(22:28:28) (Clouds): "Your show Imala."
(22:29:10) (Imala): "Well he wants everyone." *Glances over them eyes passing over Law and lingering on Cloud before turning to head towards the tent.*
(22:30:09) (Clouds): *Gets up and dusts off her jeans.* "Sand...why'd it have to be sand?" *Follows.*
(22:30:37) (GM_Cy): *Sebek sweeps open the tent flap as they approach, smiling.* "Ah, excellent timing, I had just finished. Do come in, all of you."
(22:30:54) (Mondo): *Rises and makes himself more presentable, then follows the others into the tent.*
(22:31:08) (Imala): *bowing her head to him respectfully but not the deep bow of the asians* "Thank you, Sebek." *And enters in.*
(22:31:50) (Anna): Anna tails along, as usual, sticking near Alb.
(22:32:27) (GM_Cy): *The interior of Sebek's tent is like a room, and a spacious one at that, the tent clearly being of larger dimensions than they thought. Sebek moves within, moving to a small... well, bar is the best word for it, turning and offering each of them a large glass of a drink smelling of exotic fruits. Sort of like a home-made Africa fruit punch.* "Please, drink and be comfortable." *Gestures to some large, comfortable looking couch-like seats.*
(22:32:45) (Jase): *Jase slides next to Eris, speaking in hushed tones as they approach the tent.*
(22:33:17) (GM_Cy): *Law hesitates at the entrance, rolling his shoulders, whispering to Imala.*
(22:33:59) (Clouds): "Oh..Lawman? Can you see about talking to any of the other groupings? You can take Albtra with you. May as well have someone friendly to vouch for him."
(22:34:46) (Clouds): "Lord Sebek; I applaud your taste in lodgings."
(22:34:53) (Imala): *Smiles.* "Of's a good idea. Take care of you." *She kisses him sweetly on the cheek.*
(22:35:18) (GM_Cy): *Blinks.* "Oh, sure, can do." *Albtraum frowns, obviously comfy next to Anna, but starts getting up. Law points at the demon-man.* "Oh, let him stay for once, Chief. He doesn't get to go to these meetings most of the time, and I bet Anna would rather he stick around."
(22:36:00) (GM_Cy): *Sebek smiles.* "Thank you." *Moves to a mat that looks somewhat like a tapestry, sitting cross-legged on it, waiting patiently for the issue of Law to be resolved.*
(22:36:12) (Clouds): *Looks between the 3.* "Okay, but can ya spread the word that our resident pubescent horn-head is NOT a daemon, okay?"
(22:36:26) (Anna): Anna coughs and goes just a little bit red.
(22:36:51) (Clouds): *Eyes narrow.* "BRIAR! You wanted to visit exotic lands and meet new people? GREAT, YOU go with Lawman."
(22:37:12) (Clouds): Clouds expression is like unto stone when she says the last.
(22:37:19) (GM_Cy): *Nods.* "Absolutely." *Waves and heads off into the crowds. Albtraum settles back in next to Anna, gulping down some of the fruit-drink.* "Oh wow... This stuff is great! Uhm... I mean, thank you, Lord Sebek." *The gator-god chuckles.* "You are most welcome, young one."
(22:37:40) (Imala): *Accepting the drink from Sebek with a soft smile, and sips it, memories flooding in of happier times, she then moves to an empty couch and lounges on it as though she had been sitting on this type furniture for some time.*
(22:38:03) (GM_Cy): *Briar can be seen keeping after Law as they move into the crowd.*
(22:38:37) (Clouds): *Sits seiza, holding her drink in front of her in both hands.*
(22:38:37) (GM_Cy): *The tent flap is drawn, and the noise outside reduces noticeably.* "Ah... that is better. Now then... welcome once again, to all of you."
(22:38:58) (Jase): *Jase waves off the offered drink, smiling.*
(22:38:58) (Clouds): *Bows slightly, ears twitching.*
(22:39:47) (Jase): *He follows Eris's example and bows.*
(22:39:47) (GM_Cy): *Smiles at Cloud.* "Ah, and if you are worried about a... what are they called? 'Hangovers'? This drink has no alcohol content whatsoever, I assure you. It is purely natural fruit, and really quite amazing, I have developed quite a reputation for them within the camp."
(22:40:26) (Imala): "It is something one misses when away, is it not, Sebek." *Sipping and enjoying it.*
(22:40:35) (Anna): Anna smiles at Albtraum before going back to listening.
(22:40:46) (Clouds): "Not worried about alcohol" -sppp- "Just been long few days."
(22:42:08) (GM_Cy): *He nods.* "Understandable. I overheard you saying you had bested War recently, quite an accomplishment indeed."
(22:42:34) (Clouds): "Team effort. Almost didn't make it."
(22:42:47) (Clouds): -spp-
(22:42:58) (Imala): "I...umm...may have overdone it a bit on my end."
(22:43:36) (GM_Cy): *He chuckles.* "Against a Demon of the Apocalypse, it is difficult NOT to. Now then... what can I do for you? You seemed to know me before our introduction, and I sensed you had business with me."
(22:46:30) (GM_Cy): *Albtraum finishes his drink, and Sebek chuckles, motioning him to help himself to the bar. The horned devil-child helps pours himself another, making sure Anna has one as well. He REALLY likes this stuff.*
(22:46:49) (Anna): Anna chuckles and gives it a sniff to scent it first.
(22:47:39) (Clouds): Cloud leans over and whispers to her husband, her face colouring a peach-shade in embarrassment at something she says. It doesn't look like she was making a promise or improper proposistion though.
(22:47:40) (GM_Cy): *Smells like exotic fruit, a little unfamiliar but it DOES smell nice. Going by how Albtraum's guzzling it down, must taste pretty good too. But then, he's a little strange with these things.*
(22:47:46) (Imala): *Smiles and laughs softly.* "It's in your blood, Albtraum, it's in your blood." *And then to Sebek.* "Well yes, actually, I did."
(22:48:02) (Anna): Anna shrugs and takes a sip.
(22:48:08) (Imala): "Do...I do...not did...oh...bugger." *Takes a drink of her juice drink.*
(22:48:24) (GM_Cy): *It DOES taste pretty good. Not too sweet, not too exotic. Sort of like a more intense fruit punch.*
(22:48:50) (Anna): "Huh, not bad." She smiles, then nudges Albtraum gently. "I still have to make you try some good whiskey."
(22:49:20) (GM_Cy): *Sebek chuckles.* "Take your time, young one."
(22:50:39) (Imala): "I'll be blunt as I have been mortal longer than I am what I am know of the situation with the pantheons. Where do you sit in the tousle if I may ask?"
(22:51:12) (GM_Cy): "I sit nowhere. I am perhaps the only truly neutral deity in the equation, for a variety of reasons."
(22:51:48) (Clouds): Cloud's voice raises a bit while hushedly talking to Jase, but shakes her head and makes an apologetic shrug to the group.
(22:52:16) (GM_Cy): "Neither side has approached me to earn my loyalty, so I have come to Africa to visit the old lands and my beloved Nile."
(22:52:28) (Clouds): *Head turns slowly at Sebek's words.*
(22:52:45) (Imala): *Raises an eyebrow.* "Really? So what is it that would earn your loyalty?"
(22:53:05) (Jase): *Jase finishes his conversation with Cloud, turning to follow the rather important conversation.*
(22:53:59) (Mondo): *Looks up from drinking his delicious drink.*
(22:54:04) (Imala): "For I am certain you know the current state of affairs?"
(22:54:08) (GM_Cy): *He sighs.* "I cannot lie, it would take very little. I had... a falling out with Set, long ago, and was removed from their Pantheon as a result. I lost a great deal at that time, worshipers, minions, power. I am a shadow of my former self, and this bothers me immensely. There is precious little good I can do here the way I am now. If I were at my height, I could deal with some of these wretched Horsemen myself."
(22:55:10) (GM_Cy): "So the opportunity to earn the trust of the Pantheon of Ra, to do some real good, would be a tantalizing offer to begin with. Plus, I cannot deny I would enjoy rubbing Set's face in the mud at least once."
(22:58:47) (Imala): "So you would help in the rescue of Kyros? Help the Pantheon of Ra to take back what was taken from them for a chance at gaining their favour? I admit I cannot speak for the Pantheon, but I would give you my word to speak with them on your behalf should you aid us."
(23:00:16) (GM_Cy): *He nods.* "Certainly, it sounds a mutually beneficial offer. As I said, I am no match for a true god these days, but I am able to come and go to Ma'ip as I please, and I control the river between Sekhet-Aanru and the side controlled by Set. Diversionary tactics are my strong point, and you don't need magical muscle to be skilled at those."
(23:01:28) (Imala): "That would be most helpful, as a plan I have been forming would indeed require diversionary tactics. I have yet to secure an entrance in the back door, as I have learned of such, but keeping the eyes turned to the front would be helpful if you catch my drift."
(23:03:20) (GM_Cy): *He nods.* "I certainly do, and it is easily achieved. I find that Set, as well as many others, are all too easily occupied with what is directly in front of them, and fail to notice what is happening beneath their own nose." *Chuckles.* "But then, when you have been reduced to the degree I have, you see what is beneath others' noses."
(23:04:26) (Clouds): "Gods... yeah, that's them in a nut shell. The other extreme? When they take FAR too much notice."
(23:05:03) (GM_Cy): *Stands, moving to the bar, passing each person a small glass of clear, odourless liquid.* "For your breath. My fruit drinks are exceedingly popular with the insect life hereabouts as well, so I had to concoct a countermeasure to the odour. A man died from suffocation on the first night. Most unpleasant. Horrible way to go." *Shudders.*
(23:05:27) (Imala): "We are going to have to move swiftly, for Kyros fades more and more each and every hour that passes...but Set does not realize that I know the man I have with me is not my beloved husband. There is only so much that can be copied, memories cannot." *Eyes get wide at that image.*
(23:06:44) (Clouds): Hmmm?
(23:08:32) (Clouds): *Takes the breath freshener..and frowns as she has a semi-remembered anecdote she was told back in her own time-stream...*
(23:08:58) (GM_Cy): *Sebek settles back down after passing out the shot glasses of clear liquid.* "Well then, I believe we have an accord then. Simply let me know when I am to serve my purpose in distracting Set and his." *Raises his shot glass, downing it in one go.*
(23:10:24) (Clouds): "Lord Sebek. Honoured. *Bows.* If you'll excuse me though. I believe I should be getting my pack their over-night gear un-stowed. By your leave."
(23:10:58) (Imala): *Takes her shot glass.* "Then to the future of our alliance, and to confidence shared." *Nodding to him and downing her own drink.*
(23:11:29) (GM_Cy): *Nods.* "Of course, of course, do not let me keep you. I'm afraid I'm not kidding about the insects, however, keep an eye out. Some of them are rather... well, large." *Smiles at Imala.* "An excellent toast."
(23:12:24) (Clouds): *Gets out into the open air and looks at the sky...remembering...more.*
"Oh Rika...what the hell have I gotten myself into here?"
(23:12:45) (Clouds): " wonder you chose the outer black as your hunting grounds."
(23:13:32) (Jase): *Jase comes up behind Eris* "Would you like me to put up the tent?"
(23:14:24) (Clouds): *nods* "Yeah... that'd be great Jase." *turns into him and snugs against his chest.* "What are we doing here....?"
(23:14:51) (Imala): *looking to him* "Thank you, Sebek. I truly appreciate your help. And thank you for the refreshment."
(23:15:40) (GM_Cy): "Think nothing of it, it was my pleasure."
(23:16:20) (Anna): Anna smiles, glancing at the empty glass and blinking. "... Crap, when did that happen?"
(23:16:56) (GM_Cy): *Walks them to the flap of the tent, collecting empty cups from those still holding on to theirs. He chuckles at Anna's reaction.* "They have that effect on people. I am glad you enjoyed your drink."
(23:17:07) (Jase): "Doing what we do best, doing incredible things and pissing ourselves the whole time. Or flying by the seat of our pants. Either one works, one is substantially more awe-inspiring though."
(23:17:18) (Jase): *He returns the hug as he speaks.*
(23:18:18) (Anna): "It was pretty great. Thanks." She smiles, then nudges Albtraum's arm gently. "So, tents, hmm?"
(23:18:36) (GM_Cy): *Albtraum blushes in his odd, faceless way.*
(23:19:09) (GM_Cy): *Sebek waves them off from his tent.* "Have a pleasant evening, and a good night's rest!"
(23:19:13) (GM_Cy): *Heads back inside his own tent.*
(23:19:21) (Imala): *Sitting up from the lounge couch and sighs as she stands.* "Good night, Sebek."
(23:19:34) (Clouds): "Yeah *Clutches at his vest.* yeah...." *Holds tight and breaths in his scent deeply.* "Just...if I go too far, let me know, 'kay? I'm scared this time. Really truly afraid. Not for me; for everyone. Imala, Kyros, Anna... you."
(23:20:14) (Anna): "Should we go set them up?" The girl asks with a smile. "Or do you think that'd take too long, the both of them?"
(23:20:56) (GM_Cy): "Well, we could always use the Scarab, some of us inside, some of us behind it or under the wings. Tents might be best though. Y'know... for privacy and stuff."
(23:21:58) (Imala): *Walks past the goings on, looking up in the sky at the stars and sighs as she walks.*
(23:22:02) (Anna): Anna just chuckles. "Wouldn't mind a tent. The great outdoors and all... I miss camping."
(23:23:01) (GM_Cy): *Law waves at them from beside the Scarab.* "He~y guys! Done talking yet? I've got the camping kits ready, just need you to come set them up!"
(23:23:17) (Jase): *Jase kisses Cloud.* "Don't worry, I'll let you know. And I know how you feel... this... this all just seems a bit out of our depth." *He blinks, leans down, and kisses her again.* "But we'll pull through, and we'll bring all of our family with us. Anyone who tries to stop us be damned." *He kisses her for the third time* "Now, I shall go get that tent set up."
(23:23:37) (Clouds): -sighs- "Coming...Lawman"
(23:24:16) (Clouds): *matching strides with her husband, arrives at the Scarab.*
(23:25:05) (Mondo): *grabs a camping kit and heads out to set up*
(23:25:34) (Anna): Anna leads the way over as well, taking a kit. "Welp, time to get set up~!"
(23:25:43) (Imala): *heads over and looks to Law* "Oh, that was good thinking!"
(23:28:16) (GM_Cy): *As the group approaches the Scarab, even as they reach for their gear, they all keel over, their bodies not quite listening to them and their eyes rapidly closing as they get very, VERY tired. The darkness of sleep is not long after. The last thing they hear is Law's voice, but not talking at all like the imitation of Kyros, but in a harder, colder tone.* "Honestly, drinking several pints of an unknown drink served by SEBEK? He must have put on a hell of a show to get you to lower your guard like that. Ah well, can't stay, I really have to dash. Places to go, people to kill, you know how it is."
(23:29:37) (GM_Cy): *Rolls his shoulders, cricks his neck, and strides off without a backwards glance.*
(23:31:50) (Clouds): "nnnggh...g..g....g..Ta...or....w...n...zo."
(23:31:57) (GM_Cy): *Hours pass, and the next thing the group knows, the sun is high above them, and Jase, looking VERY tired from a long night of watching over them, sitting with his back against the Scarab.*
(23:33:14) (Imala): *When she wakes, she's not surprised but looks at the group.* "I apologize, I have made a drastic error...forgive me..." *Then turns to head off into the desert.*
(23:33:43) (GM_Cy): *Sebek, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the street, is in her way. He smiles his crocodile-smile.*
(23:33:56) (Imala): *Looks at him.* "What do you want?"
(23:34:09) (Imala): *Her voice sounds defeated.*
(23:34:12) (Jase): *Jase, despite looking very tired, is staring daggers at Sebek.*
(23:34:58) (Imala): "Have I not endured enough? Has my heart not been pierced enough? OH wait, I still live and breathe so I can take more?"
(23:35:21) (Mondo): *Wakes up still groggy.* "Ugh...what the hell happened?"
(23:35:27) (Clouds): *Tries to get up and wobbles on her feet. Regardless, fox-fire swirls around her ankles and into her flesh; as it touches her, it turns from blue-white to deep purple.*
(23:35:53) (GM_Cy): "I thought it would be prudent to be here when you woke. I did want to make sure our deal was still in place. And I do apologize, I should have mentioned those drinks of mine can catch you unawares at times, they're pretty potent." *He stops kidding now.* "It was nothing personal. For all the grief you may know, child, you know NOTHING of my shame. I was banished from my pantheon, and I lost EVERYTHING I ever had, and I will play any and ALL angles to restore my previous status. This way? If YOU win, Ra and his owe me. If Set wins? Same deal."
(23:36:30) (Anna): Anna scowls, pushing herself up to her feet slowly but surely.
(23:37:00) (Imala): "What makes you think I want to deal with you? How can I be sure that you haven't sent off any sort of plan with him? You are just lucky that I am not as I once was."
(23:37:34) (Clouds): " god...mortal...infernal; Don't care. Out of the way Imalla. If his back-stabbing resulted in Alice dying, I am going to have a new pair of boot sand matching purse!"
(23:38:12) (GM_Cy): *Sebek sighs.* "You hero types always take these things so personally."
(23:38:18) (Jase): *Jase puts a hand on Eris's shoulder* "Now is not the time, despite my utmost desire to allow you to follow through with your intentions."
(23:38:41) (Imala): *Spits out some words in Ancient Egyptian that don't sound good even if not understandable.*
(23:38:44) (Clouds): "OH..this is pure PLEASURE..once i know which of you 3 I'm talking to. The middle one right!?"
(23:39:14) (Clouds): *Glares at Jase; her eyes are NOT blue, but reddish purple.*
(23:39:46) (Clouds): "Why should I stop? Tell me husband... WHY!?"
(23:40:42) (Imala): *Then she speaks in a language all can understand.* "So tell me, WHY should I trust your scaly hide now?"
(23:41:09) (Jase): "We do not want another fight right now, with half of us still only passably conscious. Can you contact Alice via the radio?"
(23:42:11) (GM_Cy): *Sebek stands.* "Begrudge me what I did if you must, but please spare me the melodrama." *Looks at Imala.* "You, girl, still carry two pieces of Osiris, do you not? Set cannot destroy the others without their matching pieces. You have lost nothing you could not have done without." *He bursts out laughing, towering over her.* "Trust me? When did I EVER ask you to TRUST me? That is ONE thing you must always keep in mind when dealing with me, girl. Negotiate with me, learn things from my contacts, trade oddities with me, use me as a diversion, whatever you want, the list of my talent for subterfuge and intelligence goes on, but never, EVER, should you make the mistake of trusting ME."
(23:42:13) (Clouds): -rrrrrrrrrrrr- *Closes eyes.* No! Wait... Tahlor and Persia, THEY have the range. Channel 17. GO!"
(23:42:35) (Anna): Anna blinks, and unslings the bolter off her back, swapping out to a new magazine quickly.
(23:43:42) (GM_Cy): "I play every angle, and I look out for one man, and one man only, and that's me. So if you can get me a place in the Pantheon of Ra, I'll help you. If Set offers me a higher place in his? Well, then the wind's blowing a different way, isn't it?"
(23:44:03) (Imala): "Well then, don't EVER forget that I may have had a change of heart and let you live, but NEVER forget that I do now and always have followed the way of the law and you have done me a disservice and this will be something I will take up with Ra WHEN...WE.... WIN...and you may just end up a beautiful handbag for my wolf-sister."
(23:44:38) (Clouds): "Keep talking you sick sadistic piece of Nile dung. The Scarabs won't even eat your flesh. Melodrama you poke!? Anna, he says ONE more word, ONE more... if it's not a full on explanation of what he can offer NOW, blows his damned teeth out his head!"
(23:45:10) (GM_Cy): *Chuckles.* "Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. But with your ace in the hole gone, girl, you need that diversion more than ever. No matter how much you hate me, I'm valuable, no... I'm NECESSARY if you want to win."
(23:45:27) (GM_Cy): *Looks at Cloud.* "THAT'S what I've got to offer now."
(23:45:46) (Anna): The bolter gets shouldered, the smaller blonde shifting to take aim, but not firing just yet.
(23:46:22) (Imala): "And you better ******* deliver Sebek or there will be the biggest crocodile hunt that has ever been and I will lead the hunting party and all those great hunters from legend will come to my call and you will not escape."
(23:46:58) (GM_Cy): *He grins enormously.* "Then we have a deal." *Seemingly completely unbothered by the group's seething rage directed at him.*
(23:47:05) (Clouds): "Imala...Is he still talking?" *Eyes now bright crimson.*
(23:48:36) (Imala): "I do hope you have had fun, Sebek, you've accomplished what it is you wanted, get out of my sight. When I contact you for that diversion it better be delivered. We have a deal. Honestly, you should have a snake's head and not a crocodile."
(23:50:30) (GM_Cy): *He chuckles.* "I've had worse suggestions." *Bows, twirling a rune staff out from behind his back and walking back to his tent, twirling it in his hands. A powerhouse he may no longer be, but he's got guile to spare. The mafia boss of deities. 0.o*
(23:50:57) (Imala): *Once he's out of the way, Imala heads off once more.*
(23:52:56) (Clouds): “Spirit sister..let me tear his heart out....I'll even cook it for you...please? Just this once let me do this...please?" *Little girl voice at the end as she follows Imala, like a school girl told she can't be a cheerleader.*
(23:53:43) (Anna): Anna lowers the bolter with a sigh, looking for Alb. "Well, ****. I'm starting to get tired of making deals, they tend to end up like this."
(23:53:54) (GM_Cy): *As she walks, she crashes into Katrina, the small bookish girl landing on her backside, glasses knocked skittering away. She climbs to her knees, patting about for her spectacles, and a necklace slips out from her collar, dangling a shining golden pendant.*
(23:54:33) (GM_Cy): [Result of the throw of dice "1d100" :

85 Balance check for Katrina, by the way. This is ALL legit.]
(23:54:54) (Imala): "No. It is not against the law to be yourself. I shouldn't have been so stupid. It is my fault that this is all ****** up. There was a time...whoa!" *Looking at Katrina.* "Oh ****, I'm sorry." *Offers to help her up.*
(23:55:01) (Clouds): Cloud sidles up to Imala, whispering and pleading to do horrible violence, and upon seeing the pendant, recoils as if she's been blinded by flashbulb at point blank.
(23:56:15) (GM_Cy): *The half-blind girl accepts the hand-up, the ankh at her neck gleaming in the sun.* "Uhm, can you help me find my glasses? I can't see very well without..." *Blinks, looking at the group.* "Hey, wait, I CAN see without them. But that... I haven't been able to see without glasses since I was a little girl, how?" *She looks very, VERY confused.*
(23:56:16) (Clouds): "DAKU..."
*Long string of very very ugly language as she staggers back and falls onto her behind; rubbing eyes.*
(23:56:53) (Jase): *Jase looks about ready to keel over, but he's following Eris and Imala, making sure no bloody murder will be committed.*
(23:57:43) (Imala): "Well well well...." *her eyes noticing the ankh* "I do apologize Katrina. Please come with me, oh here, let's collect these things" *looking to Eris* "Cloud?!?"
(23:57:54) (Clouds): "Vrrush brgak HAAAASSSSk d'char ulgk hanth!"
(23:58:25) (Imala): "CLOUD! For heaven's sake and the sake of MY ears, please, I know I don't speak such nice things but WHOA!"
(23:58:32) (Clouds): *Waves one hand in a warding gesture; as if the Girl, Katrina pains her physically.*
(23:59:48) (GM_Cy): *Lo Fung moves from the tents.* "Ah, Katrina, there you are! We're deciding who is to hunt which Horseman, you must be present if you wish to volunteer." *Sees who she is with.* "Ah, esteemed friends." *Manages to overlook Eris' acting like a vampire faced with garlic.* "Will you be taking Katrina with you, then? The camp will be breaking soon, we have decided to go after Famine, in the deep south, as we fear Death may be that way, and we do not wish for them to combine forces."
(00:00:05) (Clouds): Cloud gets up and runs to the Ornithopter; slamming the hatch shut behind her.
(00:00:33) (Imala): "Katrina, let's put away the bright ankh shall we? My sister has a condition and this pains her. So tell me, where do you..." *smiles and nods* "I would very much like for Katrina to accompany us."
(00:01:52) (GM_Cy): *Katrina tucks the ankh away back in her shirt, thinking nothing of it.* "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize." :? "I am a follower of the Pantheon of Ra, so I wear it at all times." *Nods.*
*Lo Fung smiles.* "What luck you have, my girl! Go with my blessing, and may you hunt well!" *Hands them a map.* "These are where we believe the remaining Horsemen to be, fare well and good luck." *Heads back into the tent-camp to the meeting.*
(00:02:37) (Imala): "I know a great deal about the Pantheon of Ra! I have a ... connection so to speak"
(00:03:09) (GM_Cy): "Truly?" *She lights up.* "That is a great honour!"
(00:03:35) (Mondo): *sits on the ground trying to clear his head...*
(00:03:42) (GM_Cy): *Albtraum, over by the scarab, finally hauls himself upright. He drank the most sleeping potion, AND downed the extra shot at the end. He looks... very, very hungover. XD*
(00:04:11) (Jase): *Jase is barely able to take all this in, but looking at the symbol around Katrina's neck he manages to clue into what some might be thinking, still as lost as any on Cloud's reaction however* "You won't think it's such an honor when you've spent some time with us." *He manages a smile*
(00:04:48) (Anna): Anna glances over, then back to the others, before heading over. "No offence, but I'm gonna go ahead and guess that you feel about as good as you look right now." She checks about before finally finding her canteen and holding it out. "Water?"
(00:05:47) (GM_Cy): *He nods, mumbling something incomprehensible, slugging some water down.*
(00:06:12) (Imala): *helping the girl with her things heads for the scarab*
(00:06:26) (Imala): "Folks, I feel very close to one of our goals just now"
(00:07:06) (GM_Cy): *Katrina blinks.* "I'm not sure what you mean, sir. Meeting the gods would be the great honour I can think of!"
*And so the bookish young girl is led to the Scarab with her belongings, her ankh-pendant safely out of sight so Cloud will let them in. What does Imala suspect about her? Well... we'll see next week. *
(00:07:08) (GM_Cy): GAME
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Re: Cytibor's Creations, Ideas and Innovations

Unread post by DhAkael »

6000+ mdc and a rune staff?
-psshaw- Mamma-Cloud needs a new set of boots. :thwak:

Is okay though...when the revolution comes, Sebbek and all his ilk will be the first against the wall.
Or is it the marketing department for Sirius Cybernetics? :?
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

~Dream Again By Miracle of Sound
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