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RE: Malcontents Ground Units

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:04 am
by mcjomar
Hey folks.

I've managed to put together a few units for Zentraedi and UEDF, and I'm now looking at Malcontents for the Reconstruction era.

I'm currently looking at ways to snag some Spartans for the light raider squads, but I'm wondering if I should wait for wave 2 so I can use some units from there to set up the assault squads instead, so that I don't end up with an extra Phalanx Artillery Squad that I wouldn't know what to do with.

I *could* strap the phalanxes to some artillery battlepods, for a reasonable way to get malcontents points up easily.
However, from a lore perspective (based on old robotech RPG books, my macross sourcebook from the current gen is not with me currently) the russians (EBSIS) don't have any Phalanx(Spartan) Destroids at all, and their battlepod artillery is limited, so if I want my malcontents minis to be able to flexibly cover all eventualities of EBSIS or the South American Zentraedi groups, then I'll need either the Spartans for the light raiders, or the male power armour for the assault squad from wave 2.


Re: RE: Malcontents Ground Units

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:39 am
by jaymz
Yeah all the good stuff is in wave two (not coming anytime soon by all indications of the last year).

Just a correction though, there no longer is an EBSIS with the RPG reboot.

Anything else I cannot actually post/link to here so if you want to PM me I can go into it further.

Re: RE: Malcontents Ground Units

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:14 pm
by mcjomar
So I should wait for wave 2 to make the malcontents units?
Or just see if I can grab some spartans now to get the light raiders sorted in the meantime?

Okay, I got hold of a spare copy of the Macross Saga Sourcebook, and that just replicates the original information from Book1 The Robotech RPG (the original book).
The information about EBSIS, York, Arkansas Protectorate, etc was in Book 2 about the UEDF - the RDF Manual.
I didn't see anything removing that as such in the sourcebook (although I didn't see anything explaining what the Reconstruction era is like post Khyron in the new sourcebook either - in fact, not much in the way of heavy worldbuilding at all for that era in that sourcebook).
Is it officially gone gone?
Or just, not replicated in the new sourcebooks yet gone?

Re: RE: Malcontents Ground Units

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:16 pm
by jaymz
It was removed entirely as of the masters era book. That was where the EBSIS was truly fleshed out anyway.

You will also notice other items that were in rdf manual are in the new macross era sourcebook.

Suffice to say, the old books are utterly out of dated and superceded bythe new editions of said material sadly (I too liekd the EBSIS and still use it for "my" robotech)

Re: RE: Malcontents Ground Units

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 5:00 am
by mcjomar
Bit of a pity.
Oh well, I guess that might free me up to use Phalanxes with my malcontents.

I'm still a little partial to the idea of the Spartan light raiders though, even though it would result in a points-cheaper force.
Seems more enjoyable somehow though. Oh well.