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Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:50 pm
by blade76
Anyone interested in creating custom martial arts for palladium with special martial art powers unique to the setting and context. i.e palladin custom martial art, monk custom martial arts etc.

I need it for a campaign I want to would be greatly appreciated :)

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:44 am
by Glistam
Didn't one of the Rifters in the 20's do this?

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:59 am
by Lukterran
There are a lot of custom Martial Arts classes in Ninja's and Superspies.

Normally what you get from the Home Brew HTH is just over powered unbalanced set of munchkin bonuses, without much description of combat tactic differences and how that style of fighting differs from others.

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:57 am
by Library Ogre
What I'd really be interested in is martial arts for races with weird anatomy... You can figure elves and dwarves use something like human martial arts, but how does "Hand to Hand Martial Arts" manifest in a Centaur, with their hooves and very different meaning for "kick attack"? Or a Wolfen, with their claws and teeth?

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:55 pm
by blade76
Would anyone take the challenge of creating a martial art for a palladin, soldier and elf with the attached skills and techniques that the martial art would require?

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:19 pm
by AzathothXy
Mark Hall wrote:What I'd really be interested in is martial arts for races with weird anatomy... You can figure elves and dwarves use something like human martial arts, but how does "Hand to Hand Martial Arts" manifest in a Centaur, with their hooves and very different meaning for "kick attack"? Or a Wolfen, with their claws and teeth?

AtB has hth skills for quadrupeds. Might be able to use that in a pinch

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:15 am
by Library Ogre
Personally, I like a more flexible martial arts system that allows people to build what they need out of the various pieces, rather than a strict HTH MA or HTH expert progression.

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 11:23 am
by blade76
I had something like this in mind

Boxing HtH:

Entrance Requirements:
Skill Cost : Three Physical Skills. Also, do not select Boxing as a physical skill.
Costume: Boxing shorts. In competition, a padded helmet is worn in lightweight and amatuer divisions. A mouthguard is required in all sanctioned bouts. Wrists are most often taped or bound under the regulation gloves. Lightweight boots are worn (similar to wrestling boots).
Stance: Boxers' stance.(duh)
Language: Officially, none, but there is a sort of common slang among boxing practitioners and coaches.

Character Bonuses:
+2 to PS
+2 to PE
+1 to ME
+4 to SPD
+20 to SDC

Combat Skills:
Attacks Per Melee: 4 (do not add two attacks)
Escape Moves: Roll w/P/F/I, Maintain Balance
Attack Moves: Shuffle/Sidestep (special: done in place of a parry, the opponent is -4 to strike, and -2 to parry the next attack).
Basic Defensive Moves: Dodge, Parry, Automatic Parry
Advanced Defensive Moves: Combination Parry/Strike
Hand Attacks: Jab (special: does 1d4 damage w/no damage bonus, but is always +1 to strike), Uppercut (add +2 to punch damage), punch, power punch, Hook Punch (special: opponent is -2 to parry. Damage is standard punch damage).
Foot Attacks: Tripping/Leg Hooks (this is illegal in sanctioned bouts. On the street, anything goes).
Leap Attacks: None
Special Attacks: (Note: many of these are illegal in competition) Elbow, Forearm, Low-Blow (special: opponent is -2 to parry. Damage is +2 to punch, and will stun on Natural 19 or 20 1d4 rds).
Holds/Locks: Clinch( opponent is -4 to all defensive actions until freed. Attacker cannot parry, strike or dodge while clinching, but is +4 to Maintain Balance. Maintaining a Clinch will inflict 1d4 SDC per round, not so much from damage, but from forcing the opponent to support the dead weight and restricting his breathing).
Weapons Katas: None
Modifiers to Attack: Pull punch, Knockout/Stun, Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Rear.

Skills Included in Training:
Martial Arts Powers: none at level one. Select Dam Sum Sing at level three.
Physical Skills: Sports, Body building. At level 2 select Aerobic Fitness. At level five select either General Athletics, Climbing or Running if not already in possession of these skills.
Philosophical Skills: None other than sportsmanship.
Other Skills: Diet and Nutrition (however these are reflected in your campaigns). Boxing History (or Lore).

Level Advancement Bonuses:
1)+2 to initiative, +2 to parry, +1 to Strike
2)+3 to Roll w/P/F/I, +2 to Maintain Balance, +2 to Pull Punch
3)add one attack per melee, Knockout on Natural 19 or 20.
4)Add 1d4 to Hit Points. +2 to dodge, +1 to Clinch, +2 to Shuffle/Sidestep
5) +2 to Damage. Critical Strike on Natural 18, 19, 20.
6) +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry. +2 to Strrike with all Special Attacks(elbow, forearm, Low Blow)+2 to Pull Punch
7) Add +2d6 to SDC. +2 to Initiative.
8)Add Shoulder/Knockdown attack: does Body Block/Tackle damage, cannot be parried and knockdown applies.
9) +2 to Damage. Add one attack per melee. +3 to Roll w/P/F/I
10) +2 to Strike with Uppercut and Power Punch. Knockout on Natural 17 or better
11) +1 to parry/dodge, +1d4 to Hit Points, +1 to Clinch
12) Add one attack per Melee, +1 to Shuffle/Sidestep. Add Death Blow on Natural 19 or 20 (does not have to be declared).
13) +2 to Maintain Balance, +2 to Strike with Shoulder/Knockdown
14) +2 to Parry and dodge, +2 to Strike
15) +1 to initiative, +1d6 to SDC, add one attack per melee.

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:11 pm
by zyanitevp
That is uber high on power- but I do see the 3 skills cost.
Since Martial Arts do not add to ME I would not add ME with boxing.

Re: Homebrew Martial arts for Palladium

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:10 am
by FreelancerMar
You might want to check out Rifters number 3 and 7