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Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:13 pm
by Maximilian Jenius
I would love to see the following:

SDF-1 and Zentradi themed F.A.T. Mats
Officially licensed terrain
Conventional vehicles for all eras
Laminated cards
Scenario/Campaign books
Rules clarifications
Army construction app and minigame (think mini sdf-1 like tiny death star) for android and ios.
Malcontent themed dice
Stinger mecha kits and rules (this could be a whole book)
Books dedicated to each faction going more in detail about everything.
A starship based game.

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:30 pm
by Battle Damage
Does wave 2 count? :roll:

More seriously:

I'd very much like to have a PDF of the rules, as has been rumored. With searchable text and a good index.

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 3:40 am
by Bonkers
Maximilian Jenius wrote:I would love to see the following:

SDF-1 and Zentradi themed F.A.T. Mats
Officially licensed terrain
Conventional vehicles for all eras
Laminated cards
Scenario/Campaign books
Rules clarifications
Army construction app and minigame (think mini sdf-1 like tiny death star) for android and ios.
Malcontent themed dice
Stinger mecha kits and rules (this could be a whole book)
Books dedicated to each faction going more in detail about everything.
A starship based game.

On Conventional vehicles, I think this is a nessisity when it comes to the third saga as Lunk ends up in two distinct jeeps (support jeep he runs about in with the optional armor pircing cannon and the one with the mounted missile rack, both in the episode "Paper Hero"(67)) and the scale of the cycles, especialy considering the gurilla nature of earth forces at that time. It would not be feasible to produce a sprue packed with an over abundence of space/troops on it and not consider filling in the gaps with civilian vehicals and/or fixed emplacments though it would be a lot of fiddly work.
On the starship idea, Ive been toying with using the old ARii Macross kits of the Zentradi ships(1/20000 scale) with the SDF1 included to build two fleets and coming up with some rules, the fact that the SDF1 was Zor's "flagship" does sort of imply a fleet, also it's stated a few times in the cartoon that it's the "Last known proto-culture scorce", the operative part being "last", besides it's all too palusible that the Zentradi were factionalised under Zor against the Triumverate(Masters) giving legs to the idea. As for within the Robotech timeline I for one would love to see EDF fleets batteling there way to the masters home world across my table, who they battle against I suppose is up the Palladium material

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:59 pm
by slaaneshgod
Extra rulebooks sold seperately.
Support/convoy/etc vehicles
Android based army building/play software (think something like privateer's warroom)
An optional ruleset for frankenmecha for use with malcontents
Rules and miniatures for some of the extended universe mecha(although since jotuns made it this might happen)
More stuff in general and the ability to order stuff now. Lol. (I swear I had a real idea but brain went poof)

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:08 am
by Bill
28mm character models.

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:29 pm
by jdarr5000
I second the sepratr rule books.

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:38 pm
by Phaze
I like the bases. To be able to purchase the bases seperately would be cool.

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:31 pm
by warmaster21
id like to see the F203 dragon, Commanchero, and the Cat's eye

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:59 pm
by Everyman
If they are going to put out anything additionally for the Macross era then I would have to vote for actual infantry figures for Breetai and Kyron. Just saying that one certain infantryman represents them is not going to really cut it for me.

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:45 pm
by Mike1975
Partial Wish Granted....unofficially ... sp=sharing

Re: Supplementary product wish list?

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:47 pm
by glitterboy2098
especially Breetai.. who is head and shoulder's taller than the typical zent.