Tools of the trade

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Ok. That does cause some little fun with the actual cost.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by abtex »

taalismn wrote:Messsage Gum---Specially tailored chewable foodstuff impregnated with a form of telepathic algae...

If the food item was not DNA coded, can it be used for ads on food products and other items. Eat Talk about an "evil" way to get your message across. Might also be used to mind control a work force, "Today's upgrades are..." or "Work. Be Happy. ..." just cannot not get that message out of my head. Hope no one loads a kid's cereal with new toy ads and the amusement park. Could be used to give you a vacation to talk about but never went on. "To find out 'What's new' eat pages 1 thru 3. For Quick Start Instructions eat pages 4 thru 10. For Advanced Use eat pages 11 thru 120. " Cheat on a test. Eat an answer sheet. eat the Test and write down the answers.

Could have a couple of other uses as well. Just a thought.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by taalismn »

abtex wrote:
taalismn wrote:Messsage Gum---Specially tailored chewable foodstuff impregnated with a form of telepathic algae...

If the food item was not DNA coded, can it be used for ads on food products and other items. Eat Talk about an "evil" way to get your message across. Might also be used to mind control a work force, "Today's upgrades are..." or "Work. Be Happy. ..." just cannot not get that message out of my head. Hope no one loads a kid's cereal with new toy ads and the amusement park. Could be used to give you a vacation to talk about but never went on. "To find out 'What's new' eat pages 1 thru 3. For Quick Start Instructions eat pages 4 thru 10. For Advanced Use eat pages 11 thru 120. " Cheat on a test. Eat an answer sheet. eat the Test and write down the answers.

Could have a couple of other uses as well. Just a thought.

Breakfast food that programs your kids for the day ahead... :twisted:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL!!! So now your brain washing kids! Do you think that would work with problem kids or just the well behaved ones?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by KLM »

Since most carbon-based lifeforms (especially the most numerous human and
wulfen population of the 3Galaxies) find the consumption of alcoholic beverages
a good way to pass time, especially during the long and boring hours (if not
months) of space travel, but the captains of most space vessels prefer their
crew sober, a miriad of solutions arose during the millenia to satisfy one or the
another need.

It is important to note, that simply being intoxicated is not the goal of
alcohol consumption (well, most of the times - in the case of such divesified
races, like the humans, there are countless exceptions), but the social
interaction which accompanies the process.
But only larger vessels can afford to have a crewmember for this role,
so there are countless synthetic versions, ranging from simple 2D images,
through holographic systems, to androids.

A simple pin-up girl cost about 5 credits, while the top-of-the line android,
with morphing features begins at a cool million credit, and even these models
are lacking onboard reactor (relying on batteries) and are rather fragile (high
sdc, unaugmented human PS).

That said, intoxication itself is still a center of these activities.

However, it is not always desirable, since the detoxication could be
painfully slow. The natural detoxication process takes hours, sometimes
days to fully take effect.

So, for this market there are also several products exists.

On the bottom end there are the various acetylsalicylic acid derivates, which
are only better than placebo, and only in the case, when the subject regained
consciousness, but is still impaired. A box of 50 pills costs about 10 to 15 credits.

There are also beverages, which provide the taste, even the burning sensation
of the alcohol, but are lacking the intoxicating effect - those are generally disliked
by the costumers, even those - fairly expensive - products, which use nanotechnology
to concentrate the rather low alcohol content to the sensory organs of the

The "Holy Grail" of the industry is therefore the instant sobering mechanism, which
frankly eludes conventional methods, contrary to applied sate of the art technology,
be it chemical, biological or even nanotechnology.
This said however, there is a market leading potion, manufactured under the License
of the Dwarven Guildmasters' of the UWW, which - while designed as an universal antidote
and is fairly expensive with its price of 1000+ credits for a single dose - by the use
of PPE, instantly purges the body.

But still, one of the most basic rules for survival on any planet is never to upset someone wearing black leather - This is why protesters against the wearing of animal skins by humans unaccountably fail to throw their paint over Hell's Angels.
- Terry Prachett

Small font: use ctrl+c and copy it, so you can read. But since it is in small fonts, it is not important. I am not a NE salesperson.
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL Great one KLM! Something we can all use once in awhile! I'm glad to see the topic back near the top!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by taalismn »

Thread Necormancy alert.....

Nueral Tikk
(aka ‘OwlCreeker’, ‘VR Tick’, ‘Brain-Blinder’, ‘Puppeteer’)

Arisa’s lungs burned, her legs burned, her whole body ached, but she was flush with momentary triumph as well...she was certain she’d lost her pursuers in the urban biomass, the congestion of gray buildings, blurred bright-lit storefronts, and masses of humanity rushing through the gray downpour apparently served quite ably to obscure the fleeing young woman in business apparel...but she couldn’t be sure....She’d lucked into the story of a lifetime, either a regime-changer or enough blackmail material to set her up for life...the regional government was illegally using offworld technologies...and she was certain that she’d been seen...And they would be after her...She’d run herself ragged in shoes ill-suited for running, pushing through the crowd, running into people, going flat out, seeking safety in distance..she’d pushed herself to the limit, coming close to blacking out in her exhaustion, but for the moment she could catch her breath, walking slowly down...just maybe...
There! Movement! Damn! She was seen again! Arisa took off running again...

Agent Borchard glanced up from his reading as the tan, nude, brunette beauty tied on the treadmill next to his desk took off running again, her breath coming in steady pants, her stride regular, as the simple AI in the exercise rack adjusted to keep up with the bio-monitored prisoner. He checked the elastic tethers, IV feeds, and intubation hooked up to the captive in this cell; the prisoner’s continued good health was his responsibility after all. Borchard had no idea what his superiors ultimately wanted to do with the spy, but they evidentally didn’t want to simply blow out her brainstem and dump the body down the stormdrains. Looking at the blank-eyed look in the woman’s face, as if she were staring at something beyond his ken, even as she huffed and panted with running exertion, the nob of the nueral-tikk feeding her mind a dream-illusion just visible at the base of her neck under the flying dark hair, he wondered if, had she been aware, if she might not prefer death to the alternative....

Nueral Tikks are small externally-applied implants, about the size of a large bottlecap, that are attached to a victim’s skull(typically at the back of the head or top of the spine). When applied, special nanite needles thread into the brain and spine(doing 1 SDC in the process) and take over the sensorium(the process takes 1d4 minutes), then feed false information to the victim. For all intents and purposes, the victim becomes trapped in a Virtual Reality inside their own skull. The VR situation can be preprogrammed and elaborate, or simple, essentially replaying the past few events that the victim has experienced.
Nueral Tikks must be carefully programmed for the specific species it is being used against; what works on a human will not work properly on a Wolfen...and some species, like machine intelligences and mineraloids cannot be affected at all(too alien for the nueral interface).
Suitably intense external stimuli CAN override a Tikk’s simulated reality, especially if the Tikk hasn’t been well-sited...intense pain or pleasure that doesn’t fit in the context of the VR scenario playing out in the victim’s senses can shock the system(20% chance), disrupting the VR system.
If the victim is still conscious when the Tikk is applied, or is aware that they are under the influence of the Tikk, they can attempt to overpower its effects by sheer force of will(roll under their M.E., -3, to break the hold, then every 3 minutes to keep the Tikk from re-asserting control).
Once identified and overridden, the Tikk itself can be destroyed(typically 20 SDC, though some versions have 1 MD casings),ending its effects(although there is a 25% chance of doing 1d6 Hit Ponts damage direct to the nervous system from power surge). The nueral interface threads are likely to remain inside the victim unless surgically removed or dissolved with specially programmed IRMSS nanites. Some especially cruel black market versions are boobytrapped to apply a killing current to the victim’s brain if tampered with.
Nueral Tikks were developed by the nanite experts, the T’Zee, originally to subdue prisoners in their jails(prior to execution), but despite offworld bans on the export of the technology, the systems have been leaked to the galactic black market. They are used with equal enthusiasm by black ops teams(One favorite tactic is to use a fast-acting stun on a guard and apply a Tikk programmed to play out a dull work night), slavers, and organized crime to incapacitate victims and capture prisoners alike. In some decadent quarters, particularly jaded thrill-seekers will sometimes use Nueral Tikks for entertainment, either trying to mentally overpower a Tikk applied to themselves(typically while doing something dangerous in reality), or watching the antics of somebody else under the influence of an applied Tikk.
Tikks typically have a battery life of 24 hours(some versions have battery lifespans of 2-4 days).
Cost: 50,000 credits, some particularly nasty or specialized variants can cost 2-4 times as much
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

And excellent new toy. Looking forward to trying it out.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

They are quite nice. I've looked thru them at the FLGS once in awhile.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Galactic Armaments Survivalist E-charger
The Survivalist is one of Galactic Armaments latest additions to the weapons and survival market place. The Survivalist E-charger is based upon GA’s Colonial HI laser rifle. It utilizes a foldable microfilm solar panel that unfolds on a lockable rigid frame to charge E-clips, batteries and operate tethered gear. The Survivalist has several universal connectors (after all, there are so many universal standards) on it to charge/operate up to 2 devices at once (halve the charge rate of each). In bright sunlight equivalent to 1 sol the E-charger can restore 5% of the charge of a regular capacity E-clip. The Survivalist includes a capacity meter that shows the user how full the device is connected to the E-charger and also the rate of charging. When unfolded the microfilm solar panel is 1x1m, but folds in to a compact size slightly smaller then a paperback book. Recently some colonial expeditions have been tying several Survivalists together in to a power grid for small settlements and isolated stations/homes as a cheaper alternative to a nuclear battery or micro fusion power supply.

The following chart lists charge rates based on a standard E-clip and various light levels.
Bright sunlight – 5%/min
Hazy sunlight – 4%/min
Light overcast – 3%/min
Within 2hrs of sunrise/sunset – 2%/min
Heavy overcast or open shade – 1%/min
Some planets get more sunlight then usual so their charge times can be up to double regular bright sunlight, others receive very little and a sunny noontime day could be the equivalent of heavy overcast on a normal planet.
Size: 3x3x1 inches folded, 3.3x3.3ft opened
Weight: 1lb
Cost: 10,000 credits
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by taalismn »

Oh yeah...that will sell VERY well...because you're ALWAYS in need of more portable power and extra e-clips.... :)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Another cool device. Glad to see it. Pleaase keep them coming.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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As An alternative/add-on to the Survivalist charger, the Onmi-adapter: Instead of an adaptation to the clip, the magazine well is given a spiffy bit of nano-ware that will allow it to access any E-clip or sufficient power source. This means that you could run an extension cord off of a generator (or wires from a wall-socket) to the gun and run off the buildings power (open flames and Energy Espulsion powers cannot be used). Cost is 5,000 credits per port and three days worth of work.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by taalismn »

Malign Nanotech(“M-Nano”)
“Ack(pant)...I don’t understand!....I felt all right this morning!!”

Nanotechnology is known glowingly for its role in advanced medicine and sophisticated industrial proccesses, but even before nanotechnology became reality, it became the stuff of nightmare in the speculative fiction of many races----Early forecasts were rife with tales of the abuse of nanotechnology---of unstoppable devouring swarms of micromachines reducing all in their way to component atoms(“grey goo”). Indeed, as nanotechnology became real, some races did experiment with weaponized nano, and the Three Galaxies continues to see ocassional developments in nanotech-based weaponry.
However, for the most part, strong regulation has led to nanotechnology being produced for benign ends....hence such wonders as nano-augmentation, and the RMK and IRMSS medical treatment systems. However, between benign applications and the truly monstrous, as exemplified by ‘devourer’ nanotech, there is a class of nanotechnoloy that justifies the fears of early speculators---Malign Nanotech, often simply called ‘m-nano’.

M-Nano typically is a corruption of medical nanotechnology---instead of healing, malign nano is used to incapaciitate, cripple, and even kill.
Some m-nano works quickly, with effects that pass rapidly, like a disease pathogen or toxin, but the more insidious nanotech can be used to alter the victim’s body for permanent effect, crippling or otherwise hindering a person.
M-Nano is often difficult to remove by conventional means...Conventional drug treatments that target organic pathogens and diseases are ineffective...typically a victim must be injected with counter-nanites. Intense EMP bombardment is also effective, diruptin the nanomachines’ inner workings. However, the best results have been found to come from the application of magic. Spells such as Purge Toxins and Cure Illness have been found to be surprisingly effective against malign nano.
Banned by almost ALL civilized star nations, M-Nano is typically only used by criminal organizations, but some government agencies, particularly penal authorities with draconian policies, use M-nano as part of punishment/incarceration, especially when dealing with particularly violent offenders(or enemies of the state, as the case may be).

Grot-Nano---This is a straightout malicious nanotech infection intended to disfigure. Rumor has it the first use of Grot-Nano was by a female fashion house executive to ruin a rival.
Incubation: 1d4 hours
Duration: P.B. loss is permanent
Effects: Attacks the dermal layers, raising thick welt-like scars, bleeding pimples, swelling, and discolored, rough, skin. Victims will suffer -2d6 P.B.
Treatment: Once the nano has run its course and is flushed out of the system, cosmetic surgery and regenerative treatments can restore the abused tissue, but only about 2d4x10% of the victim’s original P.B. be restorable by most conventional therapies.
Cost: (Black Market) 80,000 credits

BrainScram---This particular version of m-nano is related to Sens-Dep, but attacks the brain directly and with an opposite effect; it overstimulates the brain, lighting up the whole sensory spectrum with such intensity that the victim can’t think straight, can’t make sense of everything they are feeling/experiencing, and lapsing into unconsciousness, plagued by MASSIVE headaches.
A more advanced form of BrainScram, called ‘Shoc-Lite’ on the streets, is longer-lived(3d4 hours) and can be remotely turned on and off by a transmitted command.
Incubation: 4d6 minutes
Duration: 1d4 hours
Effects: Victims must roll under their M.E. every five minutes or be simply overwhelmed by sensory overload; lose all initiative, HALF APMS, NO bonuses, and -20% to all skill rolls. If the victim loses 3 rolls in a row, they must then roll under their P.E. to keep from passing out. Even if the victim is asleep, they will be plagued by vivid, terrifying, nightmares and delusional sensory input.
Treatment: If applied quickly enough, powerful anti-seizure medications can reduce the effects of BrainScram by HALF.
Cost: (Black Market) 100,000 credits

Sens-Dep(aka ‘Black Out’)----One of the more common and favorite m-nano is sens-dep, or sensory deprivation, nano, that attacks the senses. Sens-dep nano blocks vital connections such as the optic nerve, auditory nerves, and sensation. Trapped inside their own heads, unsure of their circumstances, many victims wind up wondering if they’re alive or dead, and can go insane from the experience. Kidnappers and organized crime enforcers love Black Out because it allows them to keep victims ‘on ice’ without leaving incriminating marks; only the slow incubation period keeps its use from becoming more common.
Incubation: 1d4 hours
Duration: 4d6 hours
Effects: Victim loses all senses(sight, hearing, touch, smell) and becomes trapped inside their own head for the duration of the attack. Victims must roll versus their M.E. or can suffer coming out of the experience with a random insanity.
Treatment: Powerful stimulants can dull the effects of the sens-dep, restoring SOME sensation to the victim and removing the risk of insanity. Telepathic contact with the victim will also help keep them sane.
Cost: (Black Market) 110,000 credits

Adrenal-Stop---This variety of m-nano attacks a victim’s adrenal system, clamping down on a person’s ability to produce adrenaline and sustain physical activity---a victim simply cannot engage in anything physically exerting---like fighting or fleeing, without becoming extremely fatigued, short of breath, and rapidly burnt out.
Adrenal-Stop is common in ‘fixing’ sporting events, administered to athletes with, or without, their knowledge to diminish their ability to perform at peak levels(prompting stricter medical scanning procedures at sporting events).
Incubation: 2d6 minutes
Duration: 2d6 hours
Effects: Victim fatigues 2-4 times as fast(roll a 1d4, with ‘1-2’ meaning double fatigue rate). -1 to strike, parry, dodge, and reduce Speed by 1/4.
Treatment: Powerful stimulants and artificial adrenaline analogues can supply what’s being cut off, though the recipient will feel even more like $&$# even with correct dosages.
Cost: (Black Market) 90,000 credits

Cyber-Palsey---This insidious m-nano starts firing off the voluntary muscles left and right, inducing an epileptic seizure.
Incubation: 4d6 minutes
Duration: 1d4 hours
Effects: The victim loses control of their voluntary muscles, going into muscle tremors and herky-jerky movements when they try to move their limbs; NO Initiative, -2 APM, and reduce all bonuses for physical movement by HALF. Just standing up is nearly impossible; the victim must roll under their P.P. (-2) or fall down.
Treatment: If applied quickly enough, powerful anti-seizure medications can reduce the effects of Cyber-Palsey by HALF.
Cost: (Black Market) 120,000 credits

Gimp-Weave---An m-nano corruption of so-called Muscle Weave, Gimp-Weave grows strong polycarbon fibers throughout the muscles and joints of the body, producing a stiff, subdermal net that actually fights a person’s ability to bend and move freely. The victim actually gains some small amount of extra SDC, but loses considerable mobility.
A more advanced version of Gimp-Weave, known as ‘smart-gimp’, allows for freedom of movement, but instantly tightens up when stimulated by certain microwave frequencies.
Gimp-Weave’s biggest drawback is its slow incubation rate before it becomes effective.
Incubation: 2d4 days
Duration: Permanent
Effects: +4d6 SDC, but reduce P.P. by 2d6, reduce APMs, Strike, Parry, Dodge, and Roll bonuses by HALF, and reduce Speed to 1/4.
Treatment: Gimp-Weave can only be removed by extensive nano-therapy that dismantles the nanofibres...the process takes 3d6 days...or powerful magic therapies like the Restoration spell.
Cost: (Black Market) 200,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Err, I mean, where is everybody? It's so quiet in here. Hope the zombies didn't get everybody...

Aaaaand, on that note, I have the Un-Life Indicater (UNI for short). The UNI either clips onto your rifle/sword and is the size of a compass, or it is an add on to Bionic//cybernetic/PA sensors. Taking advantage of advances in basic scanners, data gathered from observing vampires, necromancers, and other life-challenged scum, science based characters are now able to tell when they are near an undead being (or non-living-but-annoyingly-still-mobile-dead-guys). The basic UNI model has an arm that will light up and point in the general direction of the undead individual, but no more than that. Range is limited to 100 feet. Cost is 1,000 credits, whether clip-on or sensor upgrade.

The middle version has color coded arms (up to 5) and comes with a booklet/audio file telling you how to set the colors for specific undead types of nasties. This model also has an added advantage, the arms will either flash if the entity is above your position, or have dashes inside it if its below you. Range is 300 feet. Cost is 2,500 credits.

The deluxe version has up to 20 arms, with the same color/altitude system as the middle version, but also identitfies the type of nasty. The system, while good, does have trouble with some of the undead types of critters, and so has a 75% chance per melee of getting it right. It also gives advice on how to combat the critter (sunlight, stakes, silver for vampires, etc), and can be tuned to a specific undead' 'life-signs' (either to track or ignore them, if their in the party). Range is 600 feet. Cost is 5,000 credits.

* * *

Scent Alteration: This is an odd type of nan-ware offered by the Hartigal Combine for covert agents and the like. Essentially a pill that requries two scent samples, the first for the scent desired, and the second as a baseline to return to. The user must take these pills (actually massive doses of nanites) for three days before the effect is complete; at the end, they will smell exactly like the sample, and continue to change as if they were that person (diet, stress, exercise, etc, will all change a persons scent slightyly over time, these nanites take that into account). Once the desired scent has been aquired, it can be kept up as long as the user continues to take their pills or injection ("oh dear, is it time for my insulin already?") daily to replace worn out nanites. While taking these pills, you will smell identical to the desired target, even scent hounds will not be able to tell the difference between the two individuals. Cost is 50,000 credits for one months supply for one person, bottle has a built in scanner and programmer (blue for your scent, red for who you want to smell like).

* * *

Regurgitant Gas: This gas (available in aerosol, grenade, mini-missle, and bomb delivery system) can be used to promote widespread incapacitation without harming the targets. This tool (developed once again by those lovely Hartigal Combine folks) is mainly used in peace-keeping actions and to put down riots, but has seen some use on the battlefield. Despite the name, it not only causes the victem to vomit uncontrollably, but to experience an unpleasent 'runniness' in condition down below as well, making them doubly-incapacitated. Each type of gas has to be custom tailored to the species its to be used on, and doesn't need to be inhales either, it will sink in through the skin, open wounds, and the eyes/ears as well.

The gass will disperse within 1d4+2 minutes, and anyone passing through the cloud without environmental armor (and has normal bladder and eating processes) must make a save vs. non-lethal poison for as long as they are within the cloud +1 melee round. If they fail, they are overcome with the described afflictions for 1d4X10+5 minutes; while this afflcition runs its course, they are unable to attack, can only dodge and parry at -5, and their one and only thought is to find a nice, quiet bathroom to let this horrible affliction 'run' its course. (Sorry, couldn't help that horrible pun :demon: )

One dose, also known as the aerosol can, is enough to roughly fill a 4ft cube and costs 250 credits. A single grenade/mini-missle is enough to cover a 20ft cubed area, and costs 3,000 credits. A bomb can cover a whopping 50ft cube, and costs 8,000 credits. Please note that the grenade/mini-missle/bomb format does NOT include the cost of the delivery system itself, only the gas; if you are do not have, or are unable to provide the delivery system, you may buy one at the normal prices.

And now, my latest ambush of ideas has run its course. Hope all the old crowd comes back with some more ideas.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by taalismn »

I'll take your entire shop-stock of Un-LIfe indicators...I HATE zombies and vampires....

Hmmm....just saw an article on carrion-eating beetles and their larvae...Genetically engineer a strain for ravenous appetites, pack them in cold-sleep in a grenade or missile warhead, pop in a pack of zombies, and watch the flesh-eaters get carrion-eaten?
Of course, you can also say goodbye to any stuffed animal trophies in the area, along with any leather, fur, and skin clothing.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Had another ambush of ideas this morning, but it took unti now for the darned things to coalesce into a form that could be written out. Hope you enjoy them, I'm particularly proud of the last one.

Contraceptive patch: Similar to the Nicotine Patch used before the coming of the rifts, this patch is used to prevent something, only instead of the shakes and dependency on tobacco, its those evil, creepy little soul-suckers known as...children. It comes is both male and female versions, making the user sterile for up to one month (sticks anywhere on their body, really good glue). While not perfect, the clear patch does prevent 98% of any potential lap-goblins; when it fails (with the women at least), the patch will read the changes in her body chemistry, and change to a black color, after a few months it will either turn a deep blue (for a boy/male dominant multiples) or hot pink (girl/female dominant multiples). You can buy a years worth of patches for 1,200 credits, each pack is roughly the size of a pack of cigarettes.

Solar-Lights: A recent invention from the Thaelinites, a new take on brining light into the darkness. Essentially the same in size and form to the pocket-sized Maglite, this doo-dad uses captured sunlight to illuminate instead of electricity. The Solar-Light is set out in a window/area where it will be in the sun, and absorbs the natural energy. When the switch/button is activated, actual sunlight comes out from the lens, going twice as far as normal flashlights, and doing damage to vampires. One full day of soaking in the sun (roughly 8 hours) will provide 36 hours of sun-light, can be stored for up to two weeks before loosing its charge. Each Solar-Light costs 850 credits, can be bought one at a time, in orders of 5-10, or massive orders 100-1000 from Arzno (Rifts Earth) or anywhere the Thaelinites are (though they did give the Hartigal Combine the schematics and permission to use this design).

Deep-Tissue DNA Scanner: Instead of using handprint identification, or DNA from skin cells, this scanner (from your friends at Hartigal Combine) uses a long, thin, needle to take a DNA sample from the persons chest (needle has coagulant, sterile bandage, and healing nanites to prevent any infection/long-term damage). This is to prevent people using skin-gloves and other similar items to fool scanners and identification devices. Those being 'scanned' take 1d4 damage (cause yer getting a fricken needle shoved halfway through yer body), but heals within 3d4 minutes. Cost is 30,000 credits for the computer, comes with a self-sterilizing M.D.C. needle (good for several hundred thousand uses, on squishy or MDC targets), and has a database of employees/users/criminals/etc. Power can be from a wall-plug, an E-clip, or a tiny battery (good for three weeks operation before needing a recharge).

AI-Buddy: An item that is fast becoming a rage amongst those who are out of touch with others for extended periods of time and Full-Conversion ‘Borgs. This little bit of cyber ware and silicone represents a breakthrough in Artificial Intelligences and microprocessors, and has been proven to reduce loneliness and feelings of loosing ones humanity by nearly 35%. The chip is put into a computer system (scanner, helmet, vehicle systems, etc) or the Borgs head, and it acts as a friend, companion, and sometimes mentor to their fleshy partners. While the AI beings are not able to actually interact with the real world, the cyborgs are able to feel them as if they (and their metal bodies) where flesh due to the chip making the AI 'real' to their senses (can't pick them up or move them, but can give you a punch in the kisser or peck on the cheek if they think you need it).
The AI starts out as a generic, androgynous human (or whatever the owners race is), and over the course of months/years (depending on how much the user interacts with them) the AI slowly begins to change into a companion and counterpart to their fleshy friend. Their voice alters from the Macintalk type of voice to one that is as varied and real as any normal person; taken with everything else, these AI beings have been literal lifesavers for many scouts and Borgs, giving them ties to humanity and family they might have otherwise lost. Cost is 15,000 credits (a small, but very sophisticated and complex chip) and takes 4 hours to install correctly. Only has 5 years of data in its onboard hard drive, but extra memory and personality backups can be bought separately (One and Two-thousand credits respectively).
The downside of this was that the 'Bogs sometimes talked to and laughed at things that weren't there in the original trial runs; so now they have a micro-projector built into their eyes/sensors/speaker to project a hologram and sounds of the AI to prevent others from freaking out. It was rather disturbing to see a drunken 'Borg wildly gesticulating and raving to thin air while his Crazy friend following behind him, nodding at everything like it was gospel truth from the Gods. Some of the 'Borgs got so attactched to their little friends that they went berserk when they were deactivated (or destroyed by an EMP/electrical weapon, no shielding), so even though the AI isn't a 'real person' in the sense of being a flesh and blood person, they are plenty real to those with them.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Roscoe Del'Tane wrote:Had another ambush of ideas this morning, but it took unti now for the darned things to coalesce into a form that could be written out. Hope you enjoy them, I'm particularly proud of the last one.

Contraceptive patch: Similar to the Nicotine Patch used before the coming of the rifts, this patch is used to prevent something, only instead of the shakes and dependency on tobacco, its those evil, creepy little soul-suckers known as...children. It comes is both male and female versions, making the user sterile for up to one month (sticks anywhere on their body, really good glue). While not perfect, the clear patch does prevent 98% of any potential lap-goblins; when it fails (with the women at least), the patch will read the changes in her body chemistry, and change to a black color, after a few months it will either turn a deep blue (for a boy/male dominant multiples) or hot pink (girl/female dominant multiples). You can buy a years worth of patches for 1,200 credits, each pack is roughly the size of a pack of cigarettes.

Solar-Lights: A recent invention from the Thaelinites, a new take on brining light into the darkness. Essentially the same in size and form to the pocket-sized Maglite, this doo-dad uses captured sunlight to illuminate instead of electricity. The Solar-Light is set out in a window/area where it will be in the sun, and absorbs the natural energy. When the switch/button is activated, actual sunlight comes out from the lens, going twice as far as normal flashlights, and doing damage to vampires. One full day of soaking in the sun (roughly 8 hours) will provide 36 hours of sun-light, can be stored for up to two weeks before loosing its charge. Each Solar-Light costs 850 credits, can be bought one at a time, in orders of 5-10, or massive orders 100-1000 from Arzno (Rifts Earth) or anywhere the Thaelinites are (though they did give the Hartigal Combine the schematics and permission to use this design).

Deep-Tissue DNA Scanner: Instead of using handprint identification, or DNA from skin cells, this scanner (from your friends at Hartigal Combine) uses a long, thin, needle to take a DNA sample from the persons chest (needle has coagulant, sterile bandage, and healing nanites to prevent any infection/long-term damage). This is to prevent people using skin-gloves and other similar items to fool scanners and identification devices. Those being 'scanned' take 1d4 damage (cause yer getting a fricken needle shoved halfway through yer body), but heals within 3d4 minutes. Cost is 30,000 credits for the computer, comes with a self-sterilizing M.D.C. needle (good for several hundred thousand uses, on squishy or MDC targets), and has a database of employees/users/criminals/etc. Power can be from a wall-plug, an E-clip, or a tiny battery (good for three weeks operation before needing a recharge).

AI-Buddy: An item that is fast becoming a rage amongst those who are out of touch with others for extended periods of time and Full-Conversion ‘Borgs. This little bit of cyber ware and silicone represents a breakthrough in Artificial Intelligences and microprocessors, and has been proven to reduce loneliness and feelings of loosing ones humanity by nearly 35%. The chip is put into a computer system (scanner, helmet, vehicle systems, etc) or the Borgs head, and it acts as a friend, companion, and sometimes mentor to their fleshy partners. While the AI beings are not able to actually interact with the real world, the cyborgs are able to feel them as if they (and their metal bodies) where flesh due to the chip making the AI 'real' to their senses (can't pick them up or move them, but can give you a punch in the kisser or peck on the cheek if they think you need it).
The AI starts out as a generic, androgynous human (or whatever the owners race is), and over the course of months/years (depending on how much the user interacts with them) the AI slowly begins to change into a companion and counterpart to their fleshy friend. Their voice alters from the Macintalk type of voice to one that is as varied and real as any normal person; taken with everything else, these AI beings have been literal lifesavers for many scouts and Borgs, giving them ties to humanity and family they might have otherwise lost. Cost is 15,000 credits (a small, but very sophisticated and complex chip) and takes 4 hours to install correctly. Only has 5 years of data in its onboard hard drive, but extra memory and personality backups can be bought separately (One and Two-thousand credits respectively).
The downside of this was that the 'Bogs sometimes talked to and laughed at things that weren't there in the original trial runs; so now they have a micro-projector built into their eyes/sensors/speaker to project a hologram and sounds of the AI to prevent others from freaking out. It was rather disturbing to see a drunken 'Borg wildly gesticulating and raving to thin air while his Crazy friend following behind him, nodding at everything like it was gospel truth from the Gods. Some of the 'Borgs got so attactched to their little friends that they went berserk when they were deactivated (or destroyed by an EMP/electrical weapon, no shielding), so even though the AI isn't a 'real person' in the sense of being a flesh and blood person, they are plenty real to those with them.

Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Tools of the trade

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I LIKE the cyborg 'Invisible Friend'...reminds me of a few encounters with people talking on BlueTooth....
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

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“Move along, move’ve had enough fightin’ for one night in Center!”
“You lemme outta dis bubble, uffizzha, and yul’ll shee Iyain’t begum to fight yet!”

This staff weapon looks like a traditional ‘mancatcher’; a polearm with two hinged arms designed to trap a person’s torso and either lock around them to pin them for capture, or else stick them in place for the fatal stab of a center blade. The ForcePoler, though, once it locks around its target it generates a powerful localized forcefield around them. This forcefield typically has 2-4 inches of ‘give’ around the prisoner(allowing them to walk, albeit slowly, for example), but effectively traps them inside, severely restricting their movements(the forcefield can be set ‘loose’ enough to allow a prisoner to walk, albeit slowly, at the speed of the person holding the ForcePoler, presumably to confinement. The prisoner can try fighting their way out against the forcefield’s MDC rating, but 25% of the damage they do is reflected back at them inside the close confines of the field.
The ForcePoler is powered by an e-clip in its haft, but is typically powered by a link to a larger power source through a cable in its handle to a heavy backpack battery, or a robot, power armor, or vehicular powerplant.
Weight: 40 lbs
Range: Melee---The pole is typically 6-10 ft long
Damage: Generates a 100 MDC forcefield that regenerates at 1 MD per melee round. On a successful strike, the target is trapped inside the forcefield.
The prisoner can try fighting their way out against the forcefield’s MDC rating, but 25% of the damage they do is reflected back at them inside the close confines of the field.
Payload: Standard E-clip is good for about 2 hours of continual use
Cost: 80,000 credits
Models capable of heavier forcefield generation, with more MDC(up to 300 MDC), are available, but cost more.

“Ironic, huh? You made your career as a mystic jewel thief, and now you’re wearing nothing BUT mystic jewels, and they ain’t doing a thing for you!”
“Hah-hah, very funny...just take me to my cell, officer...”

Crystraints are restraint devices made of an alien crystal material that absorbs paranormal energies, making them ideal for restraining magic users, psychics, and supernatural beings.
Available as limb shackles, collars, and body-harnesses, crystraints wil drain away the PPE and ISP of anybody they’re in physical contact with.
If the wearer of crystraints attempts to use paranormal abilities, such as magic or psionics, the crystalline structure of the restraints will absorb the power, and actually grow both in toughness and in volume; 1 MDC per 2 PPE/4 ISP, and 10% per point of MDC. Magically-embued super-strength will cause the crystal to grow equivalent to the amount of potential damage being inflicted. Attempts to transform(say, into a mist or an animal form) will be neutralized. Likewise, attempts to use magic and psionics from OUTSIDE will face a similar problem; the paranormal energies get absorbed! The perfect handcuffs for creatures of magic!
If shackles or cuffs increase in volume by 50% or more, it’s a good bet that whatever limbs the crystraints were on are now immobilized by the heavy crystalline growth; arms will be effectively covered and locked, legs will loose any free play the restraints gave for walking and movement. If 100% of the wearer is covered, the prisoner is effectively immobilized, and if the crystalline covering grows to over 50% of that, the prisoner will have only 2d6 minutes of air left; a persistant escapee may actually suffocate themselves in the attempt!
Crystraints take HALF damage from laser cutters, DOUBLE damage from sonic weapons and vibroblades, and normal megadamage tools/weapons like plasma torches, bionic strength, and power tools.
Fortunately, Crystraints are exceedingly rare(despite the Splugorths’ best efforts to find where the material they’re made of comes from). It’s suspected that they are produced by the J!Ng or the Crysallians, but neither has been confirmed as behind the devices.
MDC: 30 for a collar, 40 for shackles, 75 for a body harness
Cost: 10,000 credits for a collar, 30,0000 credits for a pair of ‘cuffs/shackles, 60,000 credits for a body harness.
Note: Crystraints will NOT grow from ambient PPE/ISP, so the material will NOT grow out of control at a nexus point. However, if a mage wearing a set of them should try to tap the local ambient PPE to attempt an escape, or another paranormal being tried to break the restraints, the crystraints will absorb that energy and start growing.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

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Gem Analyzer: A must have for those who enjoy diamonds and the like, and are a bit gunshy about getting the short end of the stick. Essentially a laser scanner, attactched to a wrist-mount, allowing them to verify any and all jewels and gems before buying them. Another great item from your Hartigal Combine friends, keeping their loyal customers and friends from being scammed and cheated on their purchases. Light weight and easily concealable, can be hid underneath most sleaves, or can come hidden in bracelets and rings, has a base skill at apprasiing gems and jewels at 85%. Cost is 10,000 credits for basic model, and 12,000 credirts for hidden model.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Stress-Lesser---A biomonitor system, worn in contact with the flesh, and calibrated by a physician, that uses the wearer's bio-signs(heartbeat, respiration, skin tension, etc.) to monitor levels of personal stress. This can be recorded for diagnosis, or used to trigger injections of various medications to ward off imminent cardiac arrest, panic attacks, or stress breakdowns, Typically has enough medication for 3 weeks before needing refill(more or less, depending on how much stress the wearer is under). Gives the following bonuses: +2 save versus Horror Factor and Insanity, +2 versus Pain, but -5% to skill rolls, and -1 to strike, dodge, and roll.
Cost: Generally costs anywhere between 800 credits for a simple monitor to 3,000 or more credits for a Juicer-like harness system(some health insurance policies may cover the cost of these systems). Medication refills cost extra.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Tools of the trade

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taalismn wrote:Stress-Lesser---A biomonitor system, worn in contact with the flesh, and calibrated by a physician, that uses the wearer's bio-signs(heartbeat, respiration, skin tension, etc.) to monitor levels of personal stress. This can be recorded for diagnosis, or used to trigger injections of various medications to ward off imminent cardiac arrest, panic attacks, or stress breakdowns, Typically has enough medication for 3 weeks before needing refill(more or less, depending on how much stress the wearer is under). Gives the following bonuses: +2 save versus Horror Factor and Insanity, +2 versus Pain, but -5% to skill rolls, and -1 to strike, dodge, and roll.
Cost: Generally costs anywhere between 800 credits for a simple monitor to 3,000 or more credits for a Juicer-like harness system(some health insurance policies may cover the cost of these systems). Medication refills cost extra.

Could use one of these IRL right now :P
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Rude-Bot---Actually a software system that can be added to a voice message/telecommunications answering machine. It will, if you're home, answer the telecomm and greet the person on the other end, then engage them in light conversation, parsing their conversation for telltale phrases and key words that indicate that this is a telemarketing call or unwanted solicitation. Then, after determining the sort of solicitation, the low-level AI will select an appropriate counter response, varying in intensity from 'Not Interested, Goodbye!' to 'I will devour your soul for bothering me!'.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

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Stasis Technology
Stasis Field technology is an advanced ‘supertech’ that arguably blurs the lines between temporal magic, phase tech, and gravitic technology. While many races and galactic powers are looking into the field, only a few have achieved anything with it, and fewer still market the technology openly. One such retailer, ChronoDynamic Solutions Untimed, has recently opened a small outlet in Center, to sell stasis technology.

This is a cybernetic implant, typically implanted in the skull or chest, that will activate when the implantee’s lifesigns dip below a certain value, or cease altogether, instantly triggering the generation of a small stasis field enveloping the head or body(or what’s left of either). The stasis field is a roughly spherical(or can be conformal) perfectly reflective smooth ‘shell’ around the en-stasised person. Being out of temporal phase with the rest of the time/space continiuum, the stasis field is effectively immune to ALL damage, technological or magic. Inside the field, the person(or remians) experience NO time passage, and are kept fresh and perfectly preserved (ideally for emergency medical assistance or revival).
The stasis field can be set to deactivate to after a predetermined time, when the generation power runs out(estimated good for 25 years), or when with the use of a stasis unlocker(a device roughly the size of a semi truck trailer that first analyzes the stasis field’s resonance, then matches it, and powers it down.
The stasis field also blocks all magic, psionic, and technological probes. However, Temporal Magic spells like Sense Temporal Anomaly will detect the stasis field. Likewise, spells like Time Barrier and Time Maelstrom will bring down a stasis field. Time Warp: Fast Forward can be used to ‘bleed off’ the stasis field as well, hastening its deactivation time.
Duration: 25 years standard.
Cost: 3 million credits for a skull-only stasis implant, 9 million for a full body implant. Extra power duration can be added to the implant at the cost of a million credits per 5 years.
An emergency beacon feature can be added that sends out an encoded distress call(by modulating the gravitic part of the stasis field) for an extra 3 million credits.

Stasis Bag
This is a foldable field bodybag with a small stasis generator attached, meant to be used to stasis-lock perishable organics, terminally wounded, or corpses. It can even be used to ‘lifeboat’ a single person in an emergency. It isn’t meant for long term storage; only long enough to get the body/samples to a better equipped facility, so it has a shorter duration and lower cost. The stasis bag comes with an enveloping mesh outer bag with handholds for easier transport.
Duration: 5 years maximum.
Cost: 300,000 credits
Extra power duration can be added to the bag at the cost of a million credits per 5 years.

Stasis Locker
This is essentially a static stasis device the size of a walk-in closet, used for storing large amounts of items aboard a ship on in a groundside facility. The stasis locker is the size of a Class 2 Standard Cargo Can.
Stasis Lockers have two modes; Constant and Pre-set. Constant Stasis Mode is a low power mode that is externally controlled; the stasis field can be turned off and on at the flip of a control, allowing for easy access to the stasis-committed items/lifeforms. If the external structure of the vault and its controls are destroyed, stasis is lost. Pre-Set is the equivalent of a time-locked bank vault; the stasis field is set to come down at a predetermined time, and cannot be prematurely unlocked(except perhaps by Temporal Magic). Even if the external vault and controls are destroyed, the stasis field(s) will remain in effect until the timed duration expires. Some stasis lockers are programmed to default into Pre-Set mode instantly once a certain amount of damage is done to their external structure or if their controls are damaged(a spoiler, to prevent thieves or vandals from accessing their contents).
Larger stasis vaults/lockers are possible, at correspondingly greater expense.
MDC of Standard Stasis Locker External Structure: 250
Duration: 25 years standard.
Cost: 15 million credits for a Class 2 Stasis Locker
Extra power duration can be added to the vault at the cost of a million credits per 5 years.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

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Privacy Field Generator
In a universe where information is both blood and money, surveillance technologies are rife, and securing one's privacy can be a matter of life or death. Privacy Fields sprang up as an offshoot of forcefield technology; modulated EM fields meant to thwart electronic surveillance devices at first, but later improved to shut out even simple accoustic listening equipment(like laser-mikes).
The market standard privacy field(the Naruni PFG-01278 'Talk-Safe' is statted here and is considered the benchmark for the tech-category) is a compact device the size and weight of an old-tech cellphone or VHS cartridge, and can easily fit inside a briefcase. Powered by a rechargeable battery or attached e-clip, the device generates a visual spherical distortion field roughly 1o ft in diameter---large enough to encompass a small meeting room and its occupants. The field appears as an opaque grey-silvery sphere or surface when viewed from outside; those inside will see it as a gey mist/distortion, but will otherwise be able to see via ambient light.The field cuts off all EM and auditory transmissions from inside itself. Even landlines are affected with severe distortion, and the opaque field prevents anybody outside from viewing those inside the field. People can freely walk through the field without problems(a good thing, since the field also interferes with communications signals coming IN, so most users station a guard or two outside the field's effect to look out for trouble and notify those inside of possible danger), and it offers no protective qualities aside from interfering with sighting and laser targeting.
Prifacy Fields are common among travelling businessmen, corporate officers, and criminals eager to prevent eavesdropping.
Note: Privacy Fields do NOT block magic or psionic eavesdropping. Nor will they scramble the brains of small surveillance 'bots; simply prevent them from recieving commands and transmitting anything they see/hear until they can clear the field.
Power Charge: 1 hour per battery charge or e-clip.
Cost: 65,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Re:

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Darkechilde wrote:
KLM wrote:Or - just to be funny - someone else's fingerprints

"We understand that it couldn't possibly be true, Emperor Prosek, but they ARE your fingerprints on the knife, just the same. So, where were you again on the night of..."

"I COULDN'T have killed him! I was too busy having (insert name of ChiTown scholar here) killed!!!...wait...I just said that out loud, didn't I?..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Synaptov Electro-Neural Anesthetizer

(aka ‘Synapt-OFF’, ‘Electro-cosh’)
The Synaptov is a spinoff of Neural Mace technology and was an effort to produce a drug-less medical anesthesia effect without fears of chemical abreactions or overdosing.
The Synaptov resembles a softball-sized emission ball on the end of a flashlight-handle. Held in contact with, or close to, a person’s head or spine, the device generates a powerful, but short-range, neural-electrical field that effectively temporarily scrambles a person’s higher order brain functions, inducing almost instantaneous unconsciousness. The device also has the added bonus of inducing short term amnesia, the person losing memory of the 3d6 minutes prior to being stunned.
Originally slated for medical use, the Synaptov unfortunately soon found its way into the hands of criminals, where it became known as the ‘electrocosh’, used in various robberies and kidnappings. Though inarguably more effective at inducing a deeper state of unconsciousness than the standard Neural Mace, and less expensive to boot, the Synaptov didn’t catch on with police organizations, owing to the moe specific application (the head or spine) needed to generate its effect.
Weight: 1 lb
Range: Touch or 1-2 inches
Damage/Effect: Save at 16 or higher or be rendered unconscious for 2d6 minutes
Held on or near the spine, unconsciousness is less likely, but on a failed save, the person will be paralyzed and benumbed from below the point of contact. Even on a save, the person will -8 to initiative, strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 2d4 melees. Does NOT work through body armor.
Touched or used anywhere else on a target’s body, the Synaptov is ineffective
Save: Standard; 16 or higher
Cost: 5,000 credits
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Sarios Medical Group SSMR-01 Medas Medical Robot
“Elegance, efficiency, and on call always; the next best thing to having your own real life personal physician.”
----Ad for the SSMR-01

“You’re trying to tell me the ambulatory disco-ball is the equivalent of a brain surgeon?”
“General practitioner, actually. Or at least it was programmed by some of the best in the business! And its CogniCog Zero-Eight nano-arrays allow it to learn some techniques of its own!”
“It still looks like a decorative lamp trying to play doctor.”

“I am alarmed, Mister Jarsimn, by your behavior. This is the seventh time this week you have attempted to subvert my drug regimen programming.”
“I’m in pain! I need something!!!”
“Sensors and bio-sample analysis detect agitation, but no signs consistent with your previously-diagnosed chronic pain.”
“I’m telling you, I’m in a lot of pain! I’m not making this up! Now give me something, you stupid machine! I didn’t pay out good money just to be told that I’m not suffering when I AM!”
“Your agitation and behavior is consistent with substance-dependence and abuse behavior. My programming compels me to contact your regular physician Doctor Grahas and update him as to your actions and condition.”
“Doctor Grahas is the one who TOOK me off the painkillers, you idiot! He’s a conceited hack!!! Get me Doctor Boran! He’ll tell you what to do!”
“Doctor Boran is not your regular attending physician. Doctor Boran has been banned by family request and mandated court order from seeing you.”
“You are increasingly agitated. Would you like some warm midjas-juice, some music, some light therapy while I contact Doctor Grahas?”

The SSMR-01 Medas is a high-quality medical robot manufactured by the Sarios Medical Group, a medical research group founded by renegade(I.E. free) Shaydor Spherians. Besides its core group of ex-Splugorth slave Spherians, the SMG has attracted a number of other medical noteworthies, including members of the Iborian species, to serve among its staff. The Sarios Medical Group brainstorms on new medical technology and techniques, coming up with new procedures and tools for treating the sick and wounded. While many of these developments are freely given to the Three Galaxies’ medical community, many others are sold or licensed to various 3G companies in order to pay the SMG’s expenses. The SSMR-01 Medas is just the latest of SMG’s marketed medical products, and is part of a line of robot and border-line AI systems meant as physicians’ aides.
Because of Human Alliance-promoted restrictions on AI in the CCW, the Sarios Medical Group has had to base its operations in the Independent Worlds, including production of the SSMR-01. The current main production facility of the SSMR-01 is a Machine Person-owned factory just outside the CCW(and far removed from the TGE). This hasn’t hurt sales of SMG’s AI products any, though.
The SSMR-01 is physically configured to resemble a Shaydorian Spherian, even to the iridescent skin(SMG supposedly commissioned talent from the Nu Tiffany franchise in the Paradise Federation to design the exterior casing). All the tentacular limbs of the Spherian are represented, although replaced with medical nstrument equivalents; the two two-fingered ‘hands’ double as thermometers and surgical clamps, the sensor clusters are replaced with medical sensors, the barb-tail with a vibro-scalpel, and the ‘beak’ is a hypo-injector. The Spherians’ psionics have even been replicated to a degree in that the SSMR-01 incorporates ultra-sensitive electro-magnetic sensors that can ‘read’ nervous system activity, and short-range EM effectors that can use directed electromagnetic pulses to temporarily alter behavior, especially pain reception.
The SSMR-01 is also built tough, able to handle a good deal of abuse, be it from hysterical patients , exotic environs, or disaster conditions(a burning building, flooding boat, crumpled aircar, etc.). Despite its pretty and fragile looks, the Medas is a durable ‘bot and a loyal caretaker.
Compared to the more common H-7 Hippocrates, the Medas would appear to be less versatile for greater cost, but the SSMR-01 is more intelligent and intuitive, and less prone to medical errors. Though not a true nueral intelligence, the Medas CAN learn to a limited degree(and far more than the H-7) with regards to the changing needs of regular patients and developments in medicine. Its ‘personality’ is polite and deferential, if a little cool and clinical, in contrast to some of its other ‘psych-therapy’ features, such as a calming light show and internal music. The SSMR-01 is programmed to extacting ethical standards; it will not go beyond certain treatment guidelines unless a certified medical professional is supervising and grants it permission; the SSMR-01 is NOT intended as a primary caregiver, but as a medical assistant and nurse/responder.
The SSMR-01 currently sells primarily to upper-class clientele, high-end clinics/rehab facilities, and more prosperous hospitals and medical businesses(a conscious move on the part of SMR, as a portion of the profits from the sale of the Medas are rumored to go towards liberation efforts against the Splugorth). However, through estate sales or theft, a few examples have shown up on the open market.
Type: SSMR-01 Medas
Class: Medical Robot
Crew: Robot Intelligence(I.Q. 20)
MDC/Armor by Location:
Main Body 80
Legs(2) 25 each
Tentacle Clamp-Arms(2) 10 each
Tentacle Scalpel Tail(1) 10
Tentacle Sensor Arms(2) 10 each
Height: 8.5 ft
Width: 2.5 ft
Length: 2.5 ft
Weight: 200 lbs
Cargo: Instrument and sample cases can be slung on belts from the Medas’ tall frame.
Physical Strength: (Tentacles) 18
Attributes: I.Q. 20, P.P. 18, P.S. 18, Spd: 25 MPH
Powerplant: 5 year micro-fusion bottle
(Running) 25 MPH
The SSMR-01 is fully waterproof and vacuum-proof and is thus able to walk underwater(if monitoring a patient in hydrotherapy or rescuing a client from drowning in the swimming pool is necessary) or walking outside a spacecraft.
Market Cost: 120,000 credits
Systems of Note:
*Basic Robot Audio and Optical.
*Radio/Cell Phone Connection w/ Wireless Modem---Has an effective transmission range of 10 miles(can be upgraded for longer range) and is typically pre-programmed with local mergency services on ‘speed-dial’ .
*Thermal Optics---Good for checking body temperature at a distance
*Micro-Optics---x120 magnification
*Bio-Sensor System---Contact sensors for registering cardio-vascular activity, respiratry activity, temperature, and brain wave/bodily electrical fields
*Medical Recorder---Stores medical records and procedural data on a stack of six mini-discs, each with 24 hours of capacity.

*Environmental Sensors---The SSMR-01 constantly monitors local environmental conditions for proper light, temperature, humidity, and atmospheric composition, and can detect the presence of pathogens and airborne toxins.

*Electromagnetic Detectors----The equivalent of a short-range(12 inche) MRI, these sensors not only read magentic resonance in a person’s physical structure, they can also pick up on a person’s mental activity as well. By measuring the electromagnetic activity, a person’s mental state(whether they’re agitated, relaxed, sleep, dreaming, etc.) can be determined. The system can also be used as a lie detector with 80% effectiveness(provided the ‘bot has a baseline for ‘truth’ in both the particular species being tested and the individual).
The EM sensors are more commonly used for mapping and detecting the presence of foreign bodies inside a patient, including shrapnel and cybernetic or bionic implants.

*Cyberscanner---This is essentially the medic’s version of a Tech-Scanner, only calibrated to interface with cybernetics and bionics. Working in concert with the onboard A.I., the system’s probes can check the power flow and power coming off implants and verify if they are damaged, interfacing correctly, or otherwise acting abnormally. This system can also be used to check if a piece of neural-ware is boosted beyond approved limits. Can effectively diagnose common cyberware at 95%, while more recent designs can only be effectively diagnosed at 75%. Experimental designs based on species the ‘bot is already familiar with can be diagnosed at 50-65%, while truly alien systems are only able to be identified and diagnosed with 30% effectiveness(largely working from comparison to more conventional/better-documented systems).

*Electromagnetic Effectors---These are short range( 12 inches) EMP generators that while not powerful enough to knock out electronics, can be used to induce muscle twitches and control pain. Applied regularly, they can be used to ease chronic discomfort and reduce reliance on chemical pain killers. With some species, the EMP can also be used to generate mild feelings of pleasure(or, in the case of Power Leeches, INTENSE feelings of pleasure) and well-being if used to stimulate the appropriate nerve endings.
At the high end of the scale the E-Effectors can actually stun or induce short term memory loss;
Range: Touch or 1-2 inches
Damage/Effect: Save at 16 or higher or be rendered unconscious for 2d6 minutes
Held on or near the spine, unconsciousness is less likely, but on a failed save, the person will be paralyzed and benumbed from below the point of contact. Even on a save, the person will -8 to initiative, strike, parry, dodge, and roll for 2d4 melees. Does NOT work through body armor.
Save: Standard; 16 or higher
(Memory Loss)
In addition to the above, people hit with a stun shot can make a second roll to see if they suffer short term memory loss, succeeding at 16 or better. Failure means that the patient loses 1d4 minutes of memory of what happened around the time the stun was applied.

*Kirillian Sensor---The SSMR-01 is fitted with PPE sensors that can detect and display a person’s PPE aura

*Moledular Analyzer/Chem-Scanner-----Essentially an automated and highly-compact biochemical lab capable of performing blood typing, simple pregnancy and tissue-typing, and quick sampling of blood and tissue for common compatibility and rejection factors(especially important when working with multiple species services and communities). This allows the medic a better chance of administering the proper drugs and blood substitute solutions.

*Illumination Light---The SSMR-01’s multi-colored skin can actually be set to glow, radiating a pleasant illumination in a 10 ft area. The light can also be set to pulse gently in a fashion that can be soothing and hypnotic(GM’s option: fatigued or characters at rest/boredom might want to roll a 10 or better or dooze off). Useful for calming agitated patients.

*’Jukebox’ Sound System---The SSMR-01 can broadcast low, soothing music(or Muzak, for the more cynical readers) for the benefit of patients and others. Has a selection of over 3000 selections to choose from.

Math: Basic 98%
Radio: Basic 98%
Read Sensory Instruments 98%
Computer Operation 96%
Biology 90%
Chemistry: Basic 96%
Pathology 84%
Paramedic 90%
Field Surgery 75%
Medical Doctor 85%/79%
Xenology(Special)---The SSMR-01 is programmed with a thorough medical and physiological knowledge of six different species, and a basic xenology skill of 40%, which means that the ‘bot will only have a -15% penalty working on species outside those six (rather than the normal -20% penalty). Additional speceis can be added to the database(see Options, below).
Cooking 90%
Language---Language Translator can understand up to 20 different languages, starting with Trades One, Three, Four, Five, and Six , at a base 90%
Literacy---Can read and write ten different languages, at a base 80%
Actions/Attacks per Melee: 6
Though not programmed for combat or aggressive action, the ‘bot IS designed with self-preservation(unless avoiding danger would endanger its patient) and subduing self-destructive or convulsing patients in mind. Thus, it can androitly sidestep a thrown tray and disarm a deranged mental patient. Its arms and legs are NOT designed for punching or kicking, so damage is not listed.
Disarm +3
Entangle +3
Weapons Systems: None Standard; however, many of its medical instruments can inflict damage or be used as weapons in a pinch.
a) Vibro-Scalpels/Bone Saws(handheld tools): Vary from 1 SDC to 1 MD
b) Laser-Cutters/Drills/Flesh-Welders(handheld tools): Vary from 1 SDC to 1d4 MD
c) Hypodermic Injector(1)---Carries a magazine-fed hypodermic in its ‘beak’ as standard. The injection needles are discarded after each use, and the tubing flushed with a steam-pulse afterwards. If dealing with soft-skinned patients, air-hypos can be substituted instead.
Range: Contact
Damage: Pinprick(or 1 SDC, 1 MD for vibroneedles) + Drug effects
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 60 doses of up to 10 different chemicals/drugs
d) Aerosol Sprayers---These are used to deliver aerosol medications, sedation, sanitizing chemicals, and even pesticides
Range: 50 ft, and can fill a 10 ft area
Damage: Varies by chemical type
Rate of Fire: ECHH
Payload: 50 applications of up to 6 different chemicals/drugs

Minor customizations can be made to the SSMR-01, mainly in databases(language, music selection, light patterns, etc.):
*Species Databases---Up to ten additional species can be added to the medical database; these extra databases require a CPU expansion investment of 20,000 credits, plus the cost of the species database. Depending on the species and how well it has been documented, the databases can cost from 9,000 to 50,000 credits (or more).

Depending on the buyer, some wealthy clients are known to have had their personal Medas modified with special security programs to keep their personal medical files secret and secure. In the event unauthorized persons try to access the internal files, the Medas is programmed to erase its CPU and memory, and even self-destruct its onboard medication supply.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling

Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

Galactic Armaments Survivalist E-charger
Nice :D That would be excellent for a camping trip, I can also see military uses too. Sensors can detect fusion power generators. But solar power is passive, so there is nothing to detect.

Does it play chess? And could I add it to my space ship?
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Re: Tools of the trade

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bigwhitehound wrote:Galactic Armaments Survivalist E-charger

Does it play chess? And could I add it to my space ship?

If it doesn't, it's time to put your Programming and Electrical Engineer skills to use on some house-modding! Maybe even A.I. skills and Hacking.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling

Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

Something I came up with a minute ago.

PSI-Masker: A device based on the Triax Psionic Electro-Magnetic Dampers. About the size of a deck of cards, weight 8ozs, powered by a mini-e-clip for 2 hours, has 5 MDC. Effect: Masked the psychic “sent” of a psychic. With the masker turned on no one can tell you are a minor psychic, major psychics will read as a minor psychic, useless to a master psychic. Down side if the psychic uses any power he will be sensed. Cost: 20,000 credits
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Re: Tools of the trade

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bigwhitehound wrote:Something I came up with a minute ago.

PSI-Masker: A device based on the Triax Psionic Electro-Magnetic Dampers. About the size of a deck of cards, weight 8ozs, powered by a mini-e-clip for 2 hours, has 5 MDC. Effect: Masked the psychic “sent” of a psychic. With the masker turned on no one can tell you are a minor psychic, major psychics will read as a minor psychic, useless to a master psychic. Down side if the psychic uses any power he will be sensed. Cost: 20,000 credits

"Deck of cards, eh? Seems to me you're hidding either an Ace or a joker, dude." :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling

Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by bigwhitehound »

taalismn wrote:
bigwhitehound wrote:Something I came up with a minute ago.

PSI-Masker: A device based on the Triax Psionic Electro-Magnetic Dampers. About the size of a deck of cards, weight 8ozs, powered by a mini-e-clip for 2 hours, has 5 MDC. Effect: Masked the psychic “sent” of a psychic. With the masker turned on no one can tell you are a minor psychic, major psychics will read as a minor psychic, useless to a master psychic. Down side if the psychic uses any power he will be sensed. Cost: 20,000 credits

"Deck of cards, eh? Seems to me you're hidding either an Ace or a joker, dude." :D

Maybe both. In any case this would be useful, in some places, especially if your psychic and a psychic bounty hunter is after you or on rifts earth.
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I like the new gear. I need to come up with some to add here too. I'm working on it.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Aramanthus wrote:Very nice. I like the new gear. I need to come up with some to add here too. I'm working on it.

Pointy-Haired Boss: "Don't work harder, work smarter!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL I've got one of those!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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This is a long(3-7 ft), lightweight, flexible cable-’snake’ of articulated bucky-cabling implanted at the base of the neck or behind the ear(s) as part of a cyberjack system. The cable, about the thickness of a standard USB link cable, uses micro-actuators to act as a fully articulated and powered prehensile appendage that deploys from a small cable reel at its base, and which ends in an interface plug. This allows the implantee to hands-free plug into computers and equipment without having to manually pull out and attach the cable-jack.
Too weak and fragile, and lacking a proper manipulator-hand to be used as an extra limb for picking up items, the most the Cybertendril can do is spear loose paper or small light articles of clothing(hankerchief, pair of panties/underwear, necktie, etc.). In combat its only possible use is as a distraction, or in a poking attack on vulnerable tissues like an open eye(does 1 SD on a poke). The cable itself is quite fragile(only has 10 SDC) and is designed to break off/released with a thought at the base if grabbed by an enemy in an attempt to incapitate the implantee.
Up to SIX Cybertendrils can be added to a person’s head(two each side of the head, two in the neck).
Bonuses: +1 Action(regardless of how many are implanted)
Cost: 18,000 credits. Replacement cables are 3,000 credits each.

This is a modification of the Cybertendril, only the prehensile mini-tentacle is sleeved around a fiber optic conduit which is jacked into an optic nerve implant HUD system. The business end of the Snake-Eye is a mini-lense and small pen-light with a three foot optical range and field. Perfect for looking down drains, inside machinery, and around corners. Like the Cybertendril, it is not intended for combat; the best it can do is a 1 SD poke.
Cost: 21,000 credits. Replacement cables are 3,000 credits each.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Wow!!! Those are cool. I'm glad to see new tech.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Bionic Sense of Humor :fool:
“Hey, look, science has made an incredible breakthrough! They can implant a humor enhancement in you!”
“I find no humor in your statement.”
“You will. I ordered one for you.”

A creation of Bakalaponnan cybernetics research(those crazy ex-Golgan mental cases who went and formed their own society!), meant for those individuals who have problems socializing and recognizing humor. This is a headset implant that jacks into a Headjack and is actually a very compact psuedo-A.I. system that parses overheard conversations for phrases and behavior associated with jokes and humor, and will flash a visual prompt to the wearer’s optical implants(or sound an audio cue to their cybernetic hearing) to laugh. If the user has cybernetic vocal cords and a particularly poorly developed sense of humor, the AI may sound a pre-programmed laugh for them, the exact tone and duration of the laugh varying depending on the perceived hilarity of the joke. The BSH can be programmed to recognize jokes in up to eight different languages, making this device very useful for people mingling with other cultures and not wanting to be left out of the witty banter.
Though the BSH can serve quite ably as a prosthetic sense of humor in most cases, and especially in circumstances when the individual is socializing with speakers of unfamiliar languages, the BSH is limited by its programming and may need to be frequently updated to keep up with the latest trends in humor. The BSH also can’t always pick up on the context, so it may not recognize a joke or accidentally trigger an inappropriate response because it misidentified a cue word or phrase. The BSH also has problems with certain types of punning, and with distinguishing between irony and sarcasm. Under such circumstances, the mis-prompting of the BSH may lead to the user appearing slow or socially awkward, so care is advised when operating the BSH. This has dampened sales of the BSH system somewhat, as has the general reluctance of people to plug into their brains a device developed by the descendants of an abandoned planetary psychiatric asylum, but for some therapy programs, diplomatic functions, and extreme cases of humor dysfunction, the BSH may be the only thing preventing total social meltdown for an individual.
Joke Recognition Profficiency: 80% for well-known jokes and wordplay, -10% for puns, and -30% for sarcasm/irony.
Cost: 150,000 credits. Depending on the complexity(and thoroughness of its study) of the languages and associated cultures in its database, upgrades can cost anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000 credits.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Tools of the trade

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Clone-A-Matic: A new release from the Hartigal Combine, that is essentially a twisting of T'zee weapons and food-based tech. It is a large vat of medical grade nanites, with a very powerful micro computer built into the casing. While it's not able to make entirely new people in it (at least at once) this has a very narrow range of applications, but can be an absolute godsend to have. It makes new organs, limbs, and blood out of organic material. With enough raw matierial, time, and power, you could concievably make a Frankenstein-esque clone of a person, going one limb and organ at a time.

Essentially, you select the parts needed, give a genetic scan of the person to recieve it, and toss in the raw matter for conversion. If you are converting an already existing organ, you need an additonal 20% of organic matter, as the framework is already there and just needs redefining and tweaking. Re-purposing an organ/limb in this fasion takes roughly an hour to comlete, so all you have to do is keep the repient alive long enough to get implanted with their new dingus. To create an entirely new organ/limb requires at least twice as much mass and 3-4 hours to create as you are essentially not only having to start over from scratch, but tear down the previous items.

This process will purge any scientific based disease or malady (cancer, aids, diebetes, etc) within the tissue used as a donor, but magically induced diseases and the like will still persist. If your not careful, you can end up spreading deadly magical plagues wherever you go. Items produced by the tank are removed from a tray on the side, and can only be removed after the item is finished being assembled; attempting to open the door beforehand triggers a complete lock-down, and the door and lid CANNOT be open minus force until a complete reboot is done (takes 2-3 hours to do properly).

Cost: 2.5 million credits from the Hartigal Combine, but on the black market they can go for easily 5 times that minimum, as any halfway competent doctor with one can become a near miracle worker and save tens of thousands of lives.
Size: Each is roughly the size of a a large ice-chest, 4 ft long, 2 ft wide, and 3 ft tall. Weighs 600 pounds, comes with its own onboard micro-nuclear reactor good for ten years of use. Hospitals and military units within the HC (and or have the extended warranty service) can get replacemnt reactors for essentially base cost and travel expenses, as they are the primary beneficiaries. The nanites will occasionly need to be replaced, while they are made out of MDC materials, they will wear out or break. Cost for that is 10,000 credits per pound of nanites (roughly a one foot square area).
MDC: While built to be rather tough, the CAM is not intended to be mishandled or used as a shield, possessing only 45 mdc, and if more than 10 damage is done, you spring a random leak and begin hemmoraging nanites that will dissolve ALL organic matter in their path (if that matter is alive or not makes no difference).
Damage: If by some quirk of luck, accident, combat pragmatism, or attempted murder, any living being made of flesh and blood that enters the tank, will be broken down and used as parts for the next cloned item. Damage is done at 5d6 damage for every melee action the victem remains in the vat untill they die or are removed. Damage done in this fashion is so thorough and yet random, that magical and psychic healing only functions at half efficiency. It would probably be better (if somewhat ironic) to simply clone then new parts using their old parts.

Biological Montoring System: Hartigal Combine has come out with this spin off of Juicer technology, already being used extensively by most of their security and miltary members, as well as a large number of rich and paranoid private citizens. Essentially, it takes the Bio-comp and uses it to gauge a baseline of their owners health, and a running diagnostic database of their health and systems. It facters in things like elevated blood pressure, heartbeat, pulse rate, breathing, stress levels, etc. but also the chemical makeup of their dietary intake and output, as well as any injections, rashes, bites, and so forth (as well as the area it was introduced at and progression of the disease/poison).

The main control unit is kept in the cranium, or wherever is normal for other species (hey if your brain is placed in your pelvic girdle, I'm not gonna argue with the placement), and has several score of micro-sensors and relays spread out across the entire body. This is a fairly easy, if long prcedure, and the patient can leave within two hours with only the odd bit of soreness and twinge of pain. Despite the number of sensors and amount of nano-cabeling and whatsits inserted into the patient, it only counts as one implant. The BMS comes with an electronic jack for doctors to read/project the information, but for an additional fee it can be made to make a backup offsite on other electronic devices, or to transmit an alarm and a homing beacon if the vitals/vocals hit a certain condition/codeword. Very usefull for diplomats and the like, being able to summon their security forces/police with a bit of every-day seeming dialog.
Cost: 2,500 credits for the basic model, 500 for the offsite backup, and 1,500 for the cyber-sitter package.

Water Purification Device: Basically a backpack sized device that can be worn by a cyborg character or carried on a vehicle. The device will allow contaminated or bad water to be drunk after being filtered and purified. Each WPD can hold 5 gallons of water, and will purify it within 20 minutes ( so long as there is no magical contagions, poisons, and similar). The WPD can run off a standard E-Clip (comes with a nano-enhanced connector, so anything that isn't rediculsly exotic will work), a cyborgs/vehicles power cells/generator, off of an included solar panel (takes 10 times as long) or even a wall-mounted electrical socket. Comes with a valve to pour the water out, and an easily removable cap to remove the gunk that was extracted from the water (about one third of the units come with a hose-spigot instead of a valve, and are intended for houses/command centers/bunkers). After about 500 gallons, the unit starts to break down, and will start to 'miss' bits and bobs of stuff that could be dangerous to humans.
Cost: 4,500 credits per unit.
Weight: 5 pounds dry.
M.D.C.: Technically 3, but is made out of SDC materials, so if used as a shield, or handeled too roughly, it WILL break down or spring leaks.

bigwhitehound wrote:AI-Buddy
Does it play chess? And could I add it to my space ship?

Chess? No problem, anyone with even a decent M.E. should be able to imagine a board a pieces. It would just take a while to teach the AI-Buddy all the rules and have them get good at it. Heck, with enough time and effort, they could get good at Go. The AI-Buddy is something that is intended to develop over months, if not YEARS.
Ship? That seems a bit more problematic; the system would have to be much bigger, more powerfull, and therefore more expensive. It would also take considerably longer for the AI-Buddy to learn the systems of the ship and the people ON it. The most effective way would probably to have several of them working together, but monitoring separate individuals and systems, otherwise the single unit would most likely get overloaded and go psychotic.

Sorry I've been so quite lately, hadn't had anything worth posting. Been reading what you've been posting, but didn't have anything to say other than "cool! I want one!" or similar, and I hate doing that. I've been in a bit of a doldrums lately, and because of that my muse seems to have either flown off or died on me. Hope to have more stuff later guys.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

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The Clone-a-Matic?
Rosco, I am SO using that to mislead my enemies with. Accident, assassination...let my enemies sweat even after DNA testing of the remains...
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Those are some very cool new items. I'm glad to see new tools of the trade.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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taalismn wrote:The Clone-a-Matic?
Rosco, I am SO using that to mislead my enemies with. Accident, assassination...let my enemies sweat even after DNA testing of the remains...

Thanks guys, nice to be back! Just remember, that while you have the organs, you will still need surgery to install them. So unless you have a bunch of espers and mages to speed up the recovery process, you ain't going nowhere for a while. One of my family friends had a coronary bypass, and the better part of two years later he was still not back up to full steam. Obviously, with galactic level medical care that would be reduced, but still take a while for the recipient to fully recover.

Great way for the 'big guy' to be put on the sidelines for a while, force some caracter growth. Have the big dumb bruiser stuck inside the ship and recuperating after a partially botched mission, and have to defend the ship from invaders while stuck in med-labs or the bridge.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

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zedjagder wrote:Has anyone stated out anything like R2-C4? :twisted: :lol: :twisted:

You could probably stuff any of the Triax 2 domestic robots with explosives and use them as carrier-kamikazes, but I'm pretty sure that voids the warranty.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Just add some k-hex to them and a remote and the enemy will never know what was that sound was.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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Heads Up Game System: A few years ago, a lady engineer from the Hartigal Combine was on vacation and bumped into a member of the Megaversal Legion during an extensive bar crawl. During the many drunken conversations that followed, the engineer managed to finangle a peek at the personal cyberware recreation systems that was built into her new boytoy. A few weeks later, when she got back to work, she told her boss what she had seen. He was intigued, and wondered if she could replicate the tech; turns out she couldn't, but she managed to get a decent close second.

Instead of providing full body sensory illusions, this H.U.G.S. allows the user to play any video-game they have on their Heads Up Display, with only minor infringement of their visual and audio clarity. This is hugely benificial for soldiers and the like on long term deployments, as it allows them to bring their entertainment with them without needing to weigh themselves down with the actual games. There is a downside, as the user not only gets a bit cross-eyed, but BLANK eyed as well, in full/heavy cyborgs, their eyes tend to glow as well.

Cost is 5,000 credits to install, takes about 6 hours and comes with five games installed(can be any of the Real Life current released). You can get a memory booster that will allow the user to have up to an additional 10 games at one time.

Just a little something I wish I had in real life, I'm working a job with 12 hour shifts, and NOTHING ever happens! :x
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a great one! I know I would love to get one Roscoe!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Tools of the trade

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The 04-ECHI borg body.This body comes with a hair implant that will change to any color or length.That the customer wants.Do to nano-technology.The implant batteries have a 6 month life but can be charged by e-clip.(Warning if the head is shaved or suffers major damage the nanites will cease to funjuction.The borg body also comes with custom measurements.

Main body-200 M.D.C
cost:1,400,000 credits

P.S:tell me what ya think.
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Re: Tools of the trade

Unread post by taalismn »

batlchip wrote:The 04-ECHI borg body.This body comes with a hair implant that will change to any color or length.That the customer wants.Do to nano-technology.The implant batteries have a 6 month life but can be charged by e-clip.(Warning if the head is shaved or suffers major damage the nanites will cease to funjuction.The borg body also comes with custom measurements.

Main body-200 M.D.C
cost:1,400,000 credits

P.S:tell me what ya think.

Needs more detail if you're expecting anybody to shell out a million point four smackers for it. Is it supposed to be a cyberhumanoid(human looks), or an obvious metalman with really cool hair? What options does it pack? What standard featyures? Sensory, weapons, movement built-ins?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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